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Prayer of Prayer of Petitions Intercessions

(Personal Prayer (Prayer Requests for

Expectancy Examen Requests) Others)
The Prayer of Expectancy is a
The Prayer of Examen is an
prayer lifted up first thing in the
examination of our lives - a way of
morning. This prayer focuses specifically
honestly assessing our lives in the light
on the day that lies ahead of you -
of God’s mercy and grace. This prayer
expectant that this will be a day that full
focuses primarily on events that
of spiritual opportunities. It is a time to
occurred previously during the day. It is
begin the day properly, with a vertical
not intended to be a tallying of failures
focus on God rather than a horizontal
and successes but an assessment of
focus on ourselves.
how we have lived in union with God.
Because of the nature of the
Because of the nature of the
prayer, the Prayer of Expectancy is best
prayer, the Prayer of Examen is best
practiced in the quiet of the morning.
practiced in the quiet of the evening. Six
Six basic points form the prayer:
basic points form the prayer: celebration
celebration for a new day and all it has
and thanks for the day and all it
to offer; offering your life to God –
contained; asking God to show you how
every thought, word, and action; asking
you lived in union with Him during the
God to reveal possible trials that may
day; examining failures of the day and
arise during the day; praying for
confessing sin; sifting through the joys,
strength over temptation; asking God
sorrows, struggles, and delights of the
for your needs of the day; and resting in
day; asking God for your needs; and
God’s love while joyful for the wonderful
resting in God’s grace while living in
day God has blessed you with and all of
hope for the new day to come.
it’s wonderful possibilities.

Try the Prayer of Expectancy now: Try the Prayer of Examen now:

1. Thank you God for… 1. Thank you God for…

2. Will you surrender your life to 2. What did I do today that brought
God this day? Lord, I give you…. me near to God?
3. What trials may occur this day? 3. I failed you Lord, by…
4. When tempted to sin this day, I 4. What has touched my heart with
will…. joy or sorrow, fear, or pain
5. Loving God, this is what I need today?
from you today… 5. Loving God, this is what I need
6. Loving God, I know you are with from you today…
me today…thank You. Amen. 6. Consoling God, I know you are
with me this day…thank You.

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