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STAGES: Activity 1: Warm-up ( 4 min ) Teacher's activity: T enters the classroom, greets the Ss, and asks them

how they are, if there are any Ss missing. T checks homework and asks Ss to revise it quickly to make sure there were no problems with solving it at home. Students' activity: Ss greet the teacher, answer the questions and in turns read the exercise. Class management: whole-class activity Skills involved: speaking, reading Activity 2: Lead-in (3 min) Teacher's activity: T asks Ss to remember the characters in the textbook and their story. T lets Ss know they are going to continue to find out the story of those characters. She asks Ss to open their books on page 94 and look at the picture. Students' activity: Ss answer the questions, look at the picture. Class management: whole-class activity Skills: speaking Activity 3: Pre-listening: prediction (3 min) Teacher's activity: T asks Ss questions about the characters in the picture, their location, state of mind etc. and without reading the text asks them to imagine what their story is about. Students' activity: Ss try to predict the story based on the image. Class management: whole-class activity Skills: speaking Activity 4: While- listening (6 min) Teacher's activity: T makes groups and gives each a card with a question concerning the text Ss are about to hear. T asks Ss to find the answer in the text while listening to the tape and focus on the unknown words, if any. T plays the tape. Students' activity: Ss pay attention and listen to the tape. In groups Ss solve their task. Class management: group-work Skills: listening, writing Activity 5: Post- listening (8 min) Teacher's activity: T asks Ss questions to check understanding and puts down whatever unknown words Ss may have difficulties comprehending. T gives Ss a worksheet ( Complete the sentences).

Students' activity: Ss answer T's questions and solve the task in pairs. Class management: whole-class activity; pair-work Skills: writing, speaking Activity 6: Introducing new language: presentation ( 5 min ) Teacher's activity: T presents the context: Anton was a millionaire but now he is in prison. She then shows Ss pictures trying to elicit"He used to drive a Ferrari" , drills on pronunciation and presents how this construction is formed. Students' activity: Ss repeat the questions and put down the rules. Class management: whole-class activity Skills: speaking, writing Activity 7: Practice (9 min) Teacher's activity: T practices other examples, using more pictures, correcting Ss whenever necessary. Students' activity: Ss now make sentences using the prompts, paying attention to negative and interrogative forms. Class management: whole-class activity Skills: speaking, writing Activity 8: Production (7 min) Teacher's activity: T gives Ss worksheets and instructs them to circle the correct answer. Students' activity: Ss do the task in pairs and then correct one another's mistakes. Class management: pair-work Skills: writing, speaking Feed-back (3 min ) Teacher's activity: T revises with the Ss the main points of the lesson, asks if they have any questions or doubts. Students' activity: Ss go with the T through the lesson, ask their questions and clear their doubts. Class management: whole-class activity Skills: speaking Assigning homework (2 min) Teacher's activity: T asks Ss to put down ex. 10/pg.95 concerning their parents'or grandparents' habits in the past.

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