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About the template backdrop files

This folder contains template files for creating your own Combinator backdrops. The "Template Backdrop.psd" file is a template in Adobe Photoshop format. If you open it, you will find that it contains a number of layers - you can quickly change the appearance of the backdrop by hiding and showing layers. Of course, you can also add your own elements, plate colors or labels to the backdrop. After designing your backdrop, you should save the file in jpeg format, so that it can be imported into Reason. Notes: The "Place Holders" layer contains the elements that are drawn by Reason. You cannot replace these in the backdrop. We recommend that you hide these before saving as jpeg. The "Original Text" layer contains the fixed text labels from the original Combi backdrop. You can keep them, hide them or replace them with your own texts as you like. The "Rotary" and "Button" layers are the text labels for the rotary controls and labels. These are normally drawn by Reason, but you can choose to add fixed labels to your backdrop (e.g. if you want other fonts or colors). If you include such custom labels in the backdrop you cannot change the label texts from within Reason! Also, you need to remove the label texts from the Combinator in Reason before you save the Combi patch - otherwise you will get double label texts (one label from the backdrop and one from Reason). If you don't want to include custom labels in the backdrop, make sure the "Rotary" and "Button" layers are hidden before you save as jpeg. That way, you can edit the label texts in Reason as usual.

The "Template Backdrop.jpg" file is useful if you don't have a program that can read Adobe Photoshop files. Simply open the jpg file in any bitmap editor and draw/paint what you want. The template gives you the correct backdrop dimensions and help you see where each element goes.

Good Luck! The Propellerhead Software team

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