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Contributed for use on by TD Maloney Director of Research Cambria Media & Research www.digitalcambria.

com Transcribed from the Indiana Democrat May 7, 1862

The 55th Regiment A recent letter published in the Harrisburg Telegraph gives the particulars of the skirmish on Edisto Island, South Carolina, in which the gallant 55th Regiment, commanded by Colonel Richard White, composed almost entirely of Indiana, Cambria, and Bedford county men, were engaged. The following is the list of casualities, to wit: Killed--Wm. Cunningham, Co. F. Wounded-- John Steffe, Co. F, and prisoner. Prisoner--Co. F, Lieut. M'Illheny, Corporal Samuel Moorehead; privates, Abram Coy, Robert H. Kritzer, Samuel Campbell, Nicholas Cameron, Wesley Cameron, John L. Taylor, Andrew Farren, Noah Fisher and L. L. Thompson. Company K--John Saupp and Jonas Ritchey. Company H-- Sergeant Silas Gollipher, Walter E. Garlinger, Isaac Ream, Christian Whtaker, John Mars, Thomas Lockard and John Waring. Twentyone prisoners and one killed. We are well acquainted with Messrs Saupp, (who has since been found dead.) Gollipher, Garlinger, Richey and Ream, all Bedford county men. They were noble young men, and we are sorry to hear of their sad fate.

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