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implied contract duration of employment whether they have received a promotion or other forms of affirmation that they are

doing a good job (other accommodations) What do handbooks generally establish? Company policy. The only written indication of company policy. - we expect you to follow these policies once you publish them - if the handbook changes what can the company say? they have the right to change their policy (even without a disclaimer), but must provide adequate notice. o exception to changes made in the handbook: you can change with adequate notice BUT you cant make a change in bad faith ex. policy: if you work here for 10 years you get a $20K bonus the company wants to change it because they have 20 employees coming up on 10 years, they make a change and provide adequate notice but this is invalid because they are acting in bad faith because they are making this change just to avoid paying bonuses - if you show up for work on X day, you are accepting the terms set fourth in the handbook, example of a unilateral contract promissory estoppel easier to winviable claim, harder to establish damages (severely limited) another exception to the at will doctrine... If you live in Montana, you have to give a legitimate business reason for termination. No other state has this type of statute. good faith and fair dealing must be done in conjunction with breach of contract Common Law and Statutory Remedies - Warn Act requires that when a plant has a 100 more employees pending mass layoff requires a 60 day warning o exception for unforeseen business circumstance, something the employer in good faith couldnt have anticipated a plant closing or mass lay off, has no control over o also the faltering company exception, which is when the company is trying to obtain capital to stay in business and cant expose their dire financial situation because then they cant get their capital and if the deal falls through that is an exception to the Warn Act - gives you 60 days so you can find a new job otherwise there will be a million people looking for similar jobs at the same time - Fair Labor Standards Act: guarantees minimum wage, overtime, child labor o professional, outside sales, administrative, etc.,

if you see hours on the exam, it may trigger... +40 may trigger FLSA

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