Colleen Quinlan Unit Plan - Grade 12 Biology - Molecular Genetics

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Unit Plan: Grade 12 Biology (SBI 4U1) Molecular Genetics Course Description: This course provides students with

the opportunity for in- depth study of the concepts and processes that occur in biological systems. Students will study theory and conduct investigations in the areas of biochemistry, molecular processes, molecular genetics, homeostasis, and population dynamics. Emphasis will be placed on the achievement of detailed knowledge and the refinement of skills needed for further study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields. (Grade 12 Biology, University Prep- Ontario Curriculum Documents). Prerequisite: Grade 11 Biology, University Preparation Overview of Unit: Throughout the Molecular Genetics unit, students will investigate the structure and function of DNA through experimental processes and theoretical analysis. A guest speaker has been invited to visit our class so that students will have an opportunity to learn about the various laboratory techniques and equipment that are, currently, being used to study DNA in labs across the nation. An in-depth analysis of DNA replication and protein synthesis will be at the forefront of our learning goals for the unit, along with a critical analysis of some of the environmental, ethical, and social impacts of genetics research. This unit will prove to be riveting and as hands on as possible. Review of Prior Knowledge: Students will continue to build on their knowledge from the grade 11 course that provides them with a solid foundation in genetic processes. They have a good base of knowledge pertaining to Mendelian Genetics and the use of punnet squares in determining heredity of traits. Students have, already, touched upon the social and ethical issues surrounding genetics research- primarily around the ethics of cloning. Students, also, understand the process of meiosis in terms of cell division and the crossing over of genetic material.

Overall Expectations Covered: D1. Analyse some of the social, ethical, and legal issues associated with genetic research and biotechnology. D2. Investigate, through laboratory activities, the structures of cell components and their roles in processes that occur within the cell. D3. Demonstrate an understanding of concepts related to molecular genetics, and how genetic modification is applied in industry and agriculture. Specific Expectations Covered: Each of the following are going to be touched upon: D1.1, D1.2, D2.1, D2.1, D2.2, D2.3, D2.4, D3.1, D3.2, D3.3, D3.4 Additional Resources for Students and Teachers: The American Society for Cell Biology: DNA Learning Centre: Gizmos (from Harvest of Fear: Exploring the Growing Fight over Genetically Modified Food (from Explore more Genetic Engineering (from ) Science Outreach- Washington University:

Bibliography: Cold spring harbour laboratory: Dna learning centre. (2012). Retrieved from Ottawa-Carleton District School Board: Assessment Plan Handout PED 3131: Class notes, 2012 The Ministry of Education , (2008). The ontario curriculum: Grade 11 and 12 science. Retrieved from website: Waterloo catholic district school board: Class net. (2012). Retrieved from Molecular Genetics/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Molecular Genetics Unit- Assessment Plan: Overall Expectations Achievement Chart Criteria Knowledge & Understanding X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Thinking & Inquiry

Assessment Task






1. Clicker Quiz #1 2. Online Research Assignment 3. Clicker Quiz #2 4. Clicker Quiz #3 5. DNA Extraction Lab Write up 6. Unit Test



Day 1 2

Outline of Teaching and Learning Strategies Introduce the complex social, ethical, and legal dilemmas that surround genetics research. Movie clip from the Island (a Hollywood movie that depicts some of the issues in a slightly exaggerated, but impactful way) Have a discussion and group activity- assign each group to take a topic and research some main arguments for the pros and cons of the topic. Prepared research presented to class in a very informal, yet informative way. Spark an authentic discussion about the various topics researched from the previous day. Brief history of Molecular Genetics and some of the key players involved. Work on Palindromic Sequences Independent worksheet after lesson Introduce the structure and function of DNA (smart- board lecture) DNA Learning Centre for Visuals: Group DNA structure- model activity. Groups create the double helix model using Popsicle sticks and marshmallows. Colour coding and labelling of nucleotide sequences required. Clicker Quiz after activity. (5 multiple choice questions) YouTube (3 min) clip of structure and function. Guest Speaker- Genetics researchers from the Samuel Lunefeld Research Institute (Mount Sinai Hospital- Youth Outreach Program) Electrophoreses Lab with students- Current Mechanism used in Genetics Research Use Computer Lab Research Assignment- Using the online Box- Maker Program

Assessment and Evaluation Assessment FOR learning- questions throughout class.

Curriculum Expectations D1.1, D1.2

Assessment FOR and AS learning (informal) Assessment AS learning (worksheet) Assessment AS learning (Clicker Quiz at end of classinstant feedback)

D1.1, D1.2

D2.1, D2.2


6 -

Assessment AS learning (Use of technology and questions asked) Assessment OF Learning (Online Box Assignment)


D3. 7

7 8

Research a scientist who has made a significant contribution to Genetics. Without this scientists contributions, speculate where genetics research might be at the present. In Class time to work on research assignment. Processes of DNA replication (Smart- Board Lecture) Use as a resource for images and animations. Clicker Quiz 5 Questions with prizes (dollar store) DNA replication- Review questions Introduction to the Central Dogma (liken it to baking cookies) Processes involved in Protein Synthesis (Transcription) YouTube Clip and Diagram on whiteboard (Draw diagram with class) Review of Transcription Processes involved in Translation into amino acid sequences and, eventual, proteins that carry out cellular processes. Video clip of the central dogma Student worksheet activity Homework Questions from textbook- due tomorrow Take up homework in small groups An analysis of Protein synthesis and the differences between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes. Clicker Questions at end- 5 Questions DNA Extraction Lab- directions in the Textbook Banana and sandwich baggie for each student DNA Extraction Lab- Write Up Independent completion of booklet of questions pertaining to the extraction. Extended thinking questions (Critical analysis and Thinking required) Assessment AS learning Clicker Quiz Assessment FOR and AS learning Review Questions at start of class Assessment FOR and AS learningreview questions and homework questions Assessment AS learning Clicker Quiz D3.1

D3.2, D3.3


D3.2, D3.3


D3.2, D3.3

12 13

Assessment OF learning





Smart- board lecture on the Control mechanisms and possible mutations that occur during DNA replication. Slide show of photos of mutations and how they occur. Discussion about the process really depends on luck and how these little errors cause so many defects/ disorders Review Day Activities Group activities- work on chart paper and present findings to class. Time for independent preparation Split class into groups of 5 and play review- day monopoly UNIT Test day

Assessment AS learning- verbal feedback Assessment of learning (informal)


Assessment OF learning (K/U, T/I, C, and A)

Targets all that was learned throughout the unit

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