Tariff: Specifies Different Rates of Import Duties Applicable To Different Countries

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DEFINITION ~ A scale of duties imposed by a government on goods imported or exported ~ A tax that adds to the cost of imported goods. KINDS 1. As to Purpose a. For Revenue ~ tariff is a particular type of taxation b. For Protection Reasons: i. Protecting Consumers origin b. Double Schedule ~ ~ provides for two different rates of duties applicable on every particular imported good; one rate sets the minimum and the other the maximum c. Multiple Schedule ~ ~ specifies different rates of import TYPES 1. Specific ~ Fixed fee levied on one unit of imported

duties applicable to different countries.


Infant Industries

This tariff can vary according to the type of imported good 2. Ad Valorem ~ Levied based on the percentage of the



goods value

2. As to Manner of Imposing Rates a. Autonomous ~ rates of customs duties are established by legislative actions. ~ changes in rates are subject to the auction of the law-making body b. Conventional ~ the results of convention or agreement 3. As to Schedule a. Single Schedule ~ ~ imposes the same rates on imported goods of the same nature and kind regardless of countries of

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