Trig P.3 Notes

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3 Linear Equations and Inequalities Equation A statement of equality between two expressions Properties of equality Reflexive u=u Symmetric If u = v, then v = u Transitive If u = v and v = w, then u = w Addition If u = v and w = z, then u + w = v + z Multiplication If u = v and w = z, then uw = vz Solution of an equation A value for which the equation is true Solve an equation in x Find all values of x for which the equation is true; Find all solutions of the equation Linear Equation in x One that can be written in the form, ax + b = 0 Equivalent (Equations) Have the same solutions Linear Inequality in x One that can be written in the form, ax + b < 0, ax + b > 0, ax + b 0 , ax + b 0 Properties of Inequalities Transitive If u < v and v < w, then u < w Addition If u < v, then u + w < v + w If u < v and w < z, then u + w < v + z Multiplication If u < v and c > 0, then uc < vc If u < v and c < 0, then uc > vc Equivalent (Inequalities) Have the same set of solutions Double Inequality (Compound) Two inequalities combined, whose solution set is a double inequality with x isolated as the middle term Homework Assignment P.29 1 57 odds

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