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Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media Student Name: Joyce Reid Semester/Year: Spring 2013

Title Portfolio Matrix and Reflections Description Portfolio Matrix to be completed while candidates are taking MEDT 7487 Practicum Portfolio Matrix Program Outcomes 1. Candidates demonstrat e content, pedagogica l, and professiona l knowledge and skills AASL Standards
1.1 Knowledge of Learners and Learning 3.1 Efficient and Ethical InformationSeeking Behavior 3.4 Research and Knowledge Creation

PSC/NCATE Standards PSC 1.e Knowledge and Skills 3.c Help All Students Learn 7.d Integration of Instructional Technology 7.e Georgia P-12 Curriculum NCATE 1.e Knowledge and Skills

Roles of SLMS Artifacts

Connecting Outcomes, Standards, and Artifacts Reflections


ADVOCATE Principals Powerpoint
1. The media specialist position is crucial to the school curriculum. Why do you need a media specialist at your school? This powerpoint details why my position is integral to providing an enhanced, well-balanced curriculum, and producing desired results. I am a firm believer in advocating for quality materials and using those materials to integrate information literacy skills into the curriculum. These things, however, cannot be accomplished without a proper understanding of the media specialist's role and support for that role. 2. The media center collectively markets to all student groups. 3. Global access is provided to all media center resources while information is organized and streamlined so it can be quickly found. A good media program must be dynamic, immediately visible, and readily accessible to all patrons. This website-

4.4 Advocacy 5.1 Collections 5.3 Personnel, Funding, and Facilities


Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media 3.c Help All Students Learn blog is just one avenue of promotion to make that happen. Since technology varies from school to school and is constantly in flux, the media specialist will adapt in order to promote the media center through whatever technology is most used by patrons. This may take the form of a class elearn site for teachers and students, a media center webpage on the school website for the school community, and/or an educationally sound social networking site such as edublogs for Accelerated Reader promotions.

MANAGER Policies and Procedures Manual

4. The media specialist handles personnel, funding, and facility issues efficiently based on long-range goals to ensure program growth and productivity. 5. Ethical concerns are made a priority, including information about copyright and cybersafety. A media specialist must have a clear plan of action for day to day and specialized operations in addition to excellent managerial skills. The vision of the media center must be outlined and aligned with local school and district policies. I have developed this policies and procedures manual throughout my coursework and field experience in order to balance idealism and theory with reality and practicality. This manual covers everything from my vision and philosophy for the media center, local policies, daily and specialized procedures, management of personnel, and resources for the media program. Completing this project has prepared me to take on the challenges of running a media center because it gives both myself, co-workers, and all stakeholders a clear idea of what is expected, how to accomplish daily tasks, and has a written list of policies which can always be referred to, revisited, and revised when discrepancies arise.

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media

VISIONARY Budget and Long Range Planning

6. Finances are handled appropriately with long term goals in mind for targeted support for the curriculum and program growth/participation In order to run a library, the media specialist must know how to plan and manage money effectively to meet program goals. When goals are set for the media center, there is a clear justification and direction for funds. It also provides opportunities for documentation which highlight the value of the media center and keeps its goals aligned with the those of the local school and district. This specific project shows the proficient handling of personnel, funding, and facility issues so that long range goals can be met to ensure program growth and productivity.

2. Candidates develop, implement, and evaluate learning opportuniti es for all students

1.2 Effective and Knowledgeable Teacher 1.3 Instructional Partner 2.1 Literature 2.2 Reading Promotion 3.2 Access to Information (all)

PSC 1.f Student Learning 3.c Help All Students Learn 4.a Curriculum and Experiences 4.d Working with Diverse Students in P12 Schools

ROLE: Teacher and Leader

1. LIBRARY SKILLS INSTRUCTOR OPAC Instruction: Destiny Quest Tutorial Library Skills Instruction: Dewey Decimal PPT (Do The Dew) The media specialist is effective in communicating rules of media center and essential research skills. As a librarian, it is crucial to not only provide the necessary resources, but instruct students in their access, care, and use. Students who do not know how to use the library will not appreciate all it has to offer them. So skills must be consistently taught and reinforced through formal and informal instruction. These are formal examples of instruction to guide students in the initial use of the library. As students progress through grade levels, my goal is to make students independent users of the library. This will be done via the use of posted online tutorials (such as the Destiny Quest tutorial), as well as step by step instructions which will reinforce what has already been taught and help students think about the end result before immediately asking for help.

Portfolio Matrix
3.3 Information Technology (all)

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media 7.c Children with Special Needs 7.d Integration of Instructional Technology

EVENT PROMOTER Two Year Plan and Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Pictures

2. The media center exhibits high levels of student participation and interaction. In order to market the media program to students and faculty, there will be a series of ongoing events throughout the year. These events are curriculum centered and revolve around Accelerated Reader, Information Literacy Instruction, Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, Book Week Promotions, and Media Center Awareness Week. 3. The media specialist uses various technology-based approaches to instill an interest in reading. 4. The media specialist uses novel ways to market instructional resources to teachers. The most important thing that a media specialist can do with the resources he or she purchases for their program is to "sell" them to students and teachers. This is initially done by starting conversations and building trust with patrons: learning about student interests, and building on specific teacher strengths and ideas used in the classroom. These projects demonstrate an interactive reading experience tied directly into the curriculum. 5. The media specialist aligns the media programs goals and lessons with the curriculum, and shows how different genres and types of literature can provide different types of access. In order to help students and teachers make connections between marketed resources, Georgia Performance standards and the required curriculum, lesson plans and extension activities will be developed for one material a month. This specific project focuses on producing concrete

NCATE 1.f Student Learning 3.c Help All Students Learn 4.a Curriculum and Experiences 4.d Working with Diverse Students in P12 Schools

INSTRUCTIONAL READING GUIDE Poetry Book Talk Video and Book Blog (For Students) Annotated Bibliography and Comparison Chart (For Teachers

RESOURCE INTEGRATOR Poetry Lesson Plan for Book Talk

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media poetry and can be used in collaboration with language arts and art classes in order to provide a personalized and balanced approach for learning. Students will examine different poetry techniques in order to write their own poems. They will then turn their poems into concrete (or visual) poems which will give voice to their own experiences and help them make a personal connection to learning.

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATOR Power of Podcasting Blog

6. Global access to the media center resources is made with connections to classroom. Technology will be integrated into the information literacy curriculum when ever possible. Different types of technology will be examined through the use of this blog, and ideas and/or examples will be posted for use in the classroom. Technology extensions will be included with each monthly lesson plan. All resources will be posted to the library website or e-learn site. The ultimate goal is to help teachers integrate technology standards through the use of collaborative research projects and instruction. Using such an approach will appeal to different learning styles and levels while giving students summative ways to evaluate themselves and their learning.

3. Candidates demonstrat e professiona l disposition s and ethics

1.4 Integration of Twenty-First Century Skills and Learning Standards 2.4 Literacy Strategies

PSC 1.g Professional Dispositions 3.c Help All Students Learn 7.f Ethical

ROLE: Information Specialist

LITERACY STRATEGIST 1. Technology (ISTE) standards, information literacy (AASL) standards, and state (Georgia Performance) Standards are integrated with the information literacy curriculum. Teaching information literacy skills is most effective when there is a clear, easy method to learn from. This handout

Trends and Issues Handout (Big 6)

Portfolio Matrix
3.1 Efficient and Ethical InformationSeeking Behavior 4.1. Networking with the Library Community 4.2 Professional Development 4.3 Leadership

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media Standards NCATE 1.g Professional Dispositions 3.c Help All Students Learn RESEARCH SKILLS INSTRUCTOR Writing Workshop Pathfinder details information about the BIG 6 model which can be integrated into any media program (you only pay the fees if you wish to integrate it school wide). Other models which I like to incorporate are the FLIP IT research model (Focus Topic, Input Information, Implement Information, and Present). Modifications of the acronym can be used with elementary aged and middle aged students to get the research process across and help it stick. The Accelerated Reader, STAR testing, and LEXILE program are also tools which the media specialist will use to encourage reading and enhance reading scores.

2. Technology is integrated in effective and creative ways to cater to the needs of differing student abilities, comfort levels, and teaching styles. Research is becoming primarily electronic. For this reason, information literacy instruction has to evolve. This sample writing workshop pathfinder gives information and links on technical writing, library research, creative writing, and professional writing. It was inspired based on common questions and complaints that I constantly hear from my students. This pathfinder is intended for a high school (and college-ready) audience, and has been written with the student's point of view in mind. The witty humor, easy referencing, quick tutorials, and development of interests helps me "keep it real" for my students (or so they tell me) while also giving them opportunities to grow.. This approach, when used in the right way, can be incredibly beneficial for at-risk students and students with lower learning capabilities.

5.2 Professional Ethics

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media


The media specialist cannot teach information literacy skills independent of the curriculum. Students must connect classroom learning with the research process in order to understand the value of it in their daily lives. They must be able to take what they have learned and wrestle with it in order to find meaning. They must be able to discern that meaning for themselves and share it to benefit others. This sample Pathfinder gives students additional resources and extension activities for learning about the various standards covered in class. They have a place to explore and make personal connections with the material. In addition, the pathfinder can be coordinated for use with various research projects. Pathfinders can be made for any standard or any unit by request, and reused through subsequent years. 3. Networking displays positive successes which provide support and justification for the program. 4. Responsible, effective, and innovative use of instructional and collaborative resources is demonstrated through the use of teacher in-services. Use is promoted and encouraged. As a collaborator, it is my job to provide information to staff on the library can help them make the most of the curriculum. So many of the library's resources are underutilized because teachers really don't have the time to explore and plan creatively in addition to increasing responsibilities. Therefore, the media center must come to them. By sharing the stress, my goal as a media specialist is to come up with ideas to execute and implement with willing teachers in collaboration with curriculum standards and required projects. The plan is to foster creative approaches to teaching by building positive relationships based on the strengths and interests of individual teachers.

PROFESSIONAL LEARNING INSTRUCTOR Sample In-Service Module (Virtual Libraries)

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media


5. Help is provided for many common problems and troubleshooting needs so that faculty feels comfortable using the technology provided. The hardest problem with technology integration is coping with it when it doesn't want to work. Ideally, a technology committee would be formed to address technology issues within the school, and the media specialist would serve on it as a member. Still, teachers need something instantaneous and simple that they can use to troubleshoot with before resorting to tracking someone down for help. This sample Technology Tips page (for VoiceThread which is a free online application for educators) is just one example of many. Technology Tip pages can be created for existing software, checking hardware and internet connections, new applications, and online resources. It just depends on where the need is greatest.

4. Candidates demonstrat e ability to serve needs of diverse populations including special needs

1.1 Knowledge of Learners and Learning 1.2 Effective and Knowledgeable Teacher 2.3 Respect for Diversity

PSC 1.f Student Learning 3.c Help All Students Learn 4.a Curriculum and Experiences

ROLE: Instructional partner

SPECIAL EDUCATION Brochure for Parents Disabilities Organizer Assistive Technology


Media Specialist displays a working knowledge of the various exceptionalities and specific needs of different student groups in the school.

2. Collection development caters to all reading levels, motivational interests, and physical/language needs. After five years of working in Special Education, I have a huge amount of appreciation and respect for the teachers in this field. I feel it is critical that students are both integrated

Portfolio Matrix
3.2 Access to Information

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media 4.d Working with Diverse Students in P12 Schools 7.c Children with Special Needs 7.d Integration of Technology NCATE 4.a Curriculum and Experiences 4.d Working with Diverse Students in P12 Schools GIFTED EDUCATION Impact of Work Inspiration Plot Curves and instructionally accounted for without being singled out. Thus, I am very familiar with tiering lessons to meet a variety of learning levels. Also, because many special needs students are so often defined as at risk, I ultimately would like to use assistive reading technology to work with both students and the special education department as a whole help them meet modified Accelerated Reader goals and be able to participate in school-wide events.

5.4 Strategic Planning and Assessment

3. Media Specialist tiers lessons and offers adapted equipment to meet the needs of multiple types of exceptionalities in a single classroom. Not only have I worked with special needs, but I am learning a lot about the needs of gifted learners as well. These students need extra challenges to keep their attention and focus their efforts into positive outlets. The research lesson that I have created and implemented can be seen on the "See My Work With Students" page as well as their student work samples. Attached is my Impact of Work Reflection paper in which I describe my methods and analyze the learners and the end result to modify and improve the lessons for further instruction. 4. Media specialist collaborates with different classes/subject areas to create research projects using various types of technology which create memorable learning experiences and educational connections for all student groups. I believe that extracurricular classes can be of great value in making learning personal. Classes which help a student develop their skill sets and interests are best utilized when students understand their connection to the common core curriculum. It is also easier to integrate technology when class time is not wasted on product design vs.

*ESOL (To be added)

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION WITH CONNECTIONS CLASSES Technology Integration Concept Map: A Tool for every Class.

Portfolio Matrix

M.Ed./Add-On/Initial Certification in School Library Media implementation. Students should have ample time to work on projects and experiment with the various facets of technology. And I believe this can be done most effectively by collaborating with extracurricular teachers and classes.

College of Education Conceptual Framework: Professional Excellence; Field Based Inquiry; Betterment of Society support all four outcomes

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