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D r . Shanker Thapa. Professor


Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, N epal.

N ame D at e of Birt h D esignat ion

Shanker Thapa, Ph. D. 10 N ov. 1957 Professor (Tribhuvan U niversity), D EAN , (L umbini Buddhist University)

Addr ess of Residence

Katunje 4, Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, N epal, Tel: + 977-1- 661 1470 / 9841495721 Email: dr sthapa5721@ dr st hapa5721@

M ailing Address

Central D epartment of H istory, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, N epal. Tel: 611470 / 9841495721

Academic Q ualificat ions M .A., L L. B., P.G. D ip. in Buddhism [TU ], Korean L anguage Training [Vishwa Bhasa Campus, TU ], Ph. D. [Patna U niversity, India], Post-D octoral research The Academy of Korean Studies.

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

Schools At t ended D egr ees D octor of Philosophy P. G. D iploma (Buddhist Studies) B. L . M . A. B. A. H igh School Editor ial Exper ience: U niversity/ I nstitut ion Patna U niv. T.U. T.U. T.U. N epal. T.U. N epal Govt. Board D ate obt ained 1991-94 2000. 1990 1980 1977 1973

Executive Editor, Voice of H istory - Journal of Central D epartment of H istory, Tribhuvan University, since 2000. Assistant Editor, The Great Compassion - an I nternational Buddhist Review (Kathmandu). Editor, L BU N ewsletter, Vol. I, N o. 1, N ov. 2010, / Vol. 2, N o. 1 2011., Vol. 3, N o. 1, 2012, Kathmandu. M ember of the Editorial Board, The I nternational Journal of I ndic Studies, Dr. PM S
I nstitute of I ndic Studies (DRPM SI I S), Dr P. M . Shastri Education and Charitable Trust, Vadodara, Gujarat, I ndia, Sice 2012.

Resear ch and Ot her Pr ofessional Assignment s 1. M ember of the H istory Subject Committee, Tribhuvan U niversity, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, N epal. 2. M ember of the S ubject Committee, Central Department of Buddhist Studies, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, N epal. 2010-2012 3. Coordinator, research team to pursue research on N epalese Youths, Government of N epal, University Grant Commission, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. June 2005. Research Report submitted 2065 Ashwin entitled: Yuva Sambandhi Anusandhan Prativedan M ember ship: 1. M ember, H istory Subject Committee, Tribhuvan University, 2043-2045 VS 4. M ember, Subject Committee, Buddhist Studies, Tribhuvan University, (2010-2012), 5. M ember, S ubject Committee - H istory Tribhuvan U niversity, Kirtipur, N epal 1st Chaitra 2068- 30th Falgun 2070. 6. M ember of the Senate of Lumbini Buddhist University, Feb. 2009 Feb 2013. 7. M ember Secretary, A cademic Council of L umbini Buddhist U niversity, Feb. 2009 Feb 2013. 8. Chair Research Committee of L umbini Buddhist University, Feb. 2009 Feb 2013. Pr ofessional Exper ience 1. 2. Assist ant L ect ur er 1981-82, M ahendra M iltiple Campus, T. U ., Dharan, N epal. Chair man, Post Graduate D ept. of H istory, Thakur Ram Campus, T.U, Birganj, N epal.

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Assist ant L ect ur er , 1982-85, P.G. Department of H istory, Thakur Ram M ultiple Campus, Birganj. L ect ur er 1985-87, Thakur Ram M ultiple Campus, Birganj. L ect ur er 1987-1998, Central Department of H istory, T. U. Kirtipur. Associat e Professor 1998 April 2009, Central D epartment of H istory, Tribhuvan U niversity, Kirtipur. Pr ofessor April 2009 contd. . . , Central D epartment of H istory, Tribhuvan U niversity, Kirtipur. D ean, Feb 2009 - Feb 2013, L umbini Buddhist U niversity, Rupandehi D ist, Lumbini, N epal For Regist r ar , 20 M arga 2068 22 Chaitra (D ec 6, 2011- 5 M arch. 2012), Lumbini Buddhist University, Rupandehi D istrict, L umbini, N epal.

10. Guest Professor July 2012 - L umbini College of Buddhism and H imalayan Studies, L BU , Chabahil, Kathmandu. 11. Guest Pr ofessor Aug. 2012 M ay 2013 , L BU , Bouddha M ultiple College, Buddhism and Peace Studies Programme. 12. Guest speaker Feb 2012Buddhism. Visit ing Resear ch Fellowship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1987, Sept-N ov: Visiting Research Fellow, The Academy of Korean Studies, S ongnamsi, Korea. 1989 April - Sept. : Long-term Visiting Research Fellow, I nternational Cultural Society of Korea, Seoul, Korea. 1997 July- Sept.: Visiting Research Fellow, The Academy of Korean Studies, SongnamSi, Korea. 1998 June-D ec.: Visiting Research Fellow, The Korea Foundation, Seoul, Korea. 1991-1994: Faculty D evelopment Research Fellow (Ph. D .), Patna U niversity, Patna, I ndia. l999: Research Fellow: Sumitomo Foundation, Tokyo, Japan. 2005 M ay~ N ov. 2005: Field Research fellow, Korea Foundation, Seoul, Korea. , L BU , L otus Academic College, Programme in Applied

Tit les of M. A., P G D and Ph. D . Theses 1 2. M . A.: Parliamentary Rule in N epal 1959, D epartment of H istory, Tribhuvan U niversity, Kathmandu, 1980. S upervisor: D r. Tri Ratna M anandhar Ph. D :H istorical Study of Agrarian Relations in N epal: Owners Cultivators in a Traditional Agriculture (1846-1951), Patna U niversity, I ndia, 1994. (Viva date 1998, Supervisor Dr. Birendra Verma). PGD Buddhism: ryamahpratisar Stra and I ts Significance in the Buddhist Society of N epal, Central Department of Buddhist Studies, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu 2002. Supervisor: D r N aresh M an Bajracharya.


M edals awar ded:

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

M ahendra Vidya Bhusan - B 2037 B. S . Wor kshop at t ended: Workshop on Scholarly Journal Editors 8-11 D ec. 2004, Organized by I N ASP, The U nited Kingdom and T.U. Central L ibrary in collaboration with D AN I D A I nt er nat ional Seminar s At t ended: 1. Tit le of The Paper Pr esent ed: Buddhist M onastic I nstitutions in Korea: Changes And D evelopment, a paper presented at the international seminar jointly organized by The Academy Of Korean Studies and Samsung Foundation of Science and Culture - Dated 24-26 1996, Seoul, Korea. 2. I nternational Seminar on M uslims I n East Asia organized by The Korea Muslim Federation and Korean Association of I slamic Studies In Seoul O n 22-24 Sept. 1997. Participated as a commentator on the papers of -

Paper of Prof. Kim Jong Wee of H ankuk U niversity of Foreign Studies, Seoul entitled uslims in Korea: H istory and Present Situation M . O n the paper of Prof. Khalid Kimio Kiba of I slamic Center Japan, paper entitled awah I slamiyah in Japan D
3. 4. I nternational Academic Conference, 5~7 1998, H ilton H otel, Kyongju, organized by the I AC O rganizing Committee, Kyongsangbuk-do, South Korea. I nternational Youth Camp of '98, Kyongju World Cultural Expo 'O ur Gathering for N ew M illennium Smile' 1998 N ov., organized by ' 98 World Culture Expo O rganizing Committee, the Provincial Government of Kyongsangbuk-do, The Korea Foundation and Korea N ational Commission for U N ESCO , South Korea. Sixth World Korean Studies Congress 27-29 O ct 2006, Chejudo, Korea. organized by The Academy of Korean Studies and International Society of Korean Studies held at Cheju N ational University, the Republic of Korea Paper entitled - Transmission of I ndian Buddhist Thought in East Asian H istoriography: M aster Dhyanabhadra (ChiGong) and Buddhism in 14th Century Korea. Session: Religion (Oct. 26th to 29th 2006). An international seminar organized by the D epartment of East Asian Studies, University of D elhi, India - TAI WAN TO D AY (a two days international Conference) 19 - 20 January 2007. Paper entitled: Chinese Origin of H umanistic Buddhism and M aster H sing Yun Contribution in the Contemporary H umanistic Buddhist M ovement in Taiwan s . Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal and Expansion of M ahyna Buddhism in the N orth with Special Reference to China Paper Presented at the Seminar on Buddhist , L ight: Symposium on Buddhism and Sino N epal Cultural L inkage organized by the I nstitute for Chindian Studies, Jinan U niversity, Guangzhou, China, 26~28 Dec. 2009. iterary Resources of I ndo - N ewr Buddhism in Japan: Contribution of Japanese L Buddhist Scholars in the Collection, Study and Preservation of Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal Paper presented at the international conference on Buddhism in , East Asia: Traditions, Changes and Challenges organized by D epartment of East Asian Studies, D elhi U niversity. N ew Delhi, India, 12~13 Feb, 2010. Catalogues of Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal paper presented at the I nternational seminar on - Preservation of Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts organized by the N agarjuna Foundation, Gorakhpur, U P. India, 18-20 Feb. 2011.






C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a 10.

Theravada Buddhism in N epal H istory, Significance and Problems of the M ovement paper presented at the I ndo-N epal International seminar Buddhism: Traditional Practices and Pluralistic I nnovations organized by I CCR N ew D elhi, Embassy of I ndia and , CN AS, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, 27-29 M arch 2011.


Buddhism as an Actor in I ndo - N epal Relation: Expansion of N alanda Buddhism in the H imalaya and D evelopment of Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts in N epal , International Seminar, Before Emergence of N ation States: Indo-N epal Relations through U ttarakhand, June 13-15, 2011 D ehradun, Uttarakhand, I ndia.
Buddhism, Ethical Economy and D evelopment: Buddhism in the M odern World and I nvolvement in the D evelopment Process, I nternational Conference on Buddhism Peace and D evelopment organized by China - N epal Peace and D evelopment Forum, Beijing, , China, Aug 8-9, 2011. M aking of the H istory of Chan Buddhism: Contribution of Ven. Buddhabhadra in Textual Translation and Popularizing Kashmiri Meditation Tradition in Fifth Century China, The I nternational Conference on Buddhism in Kashmir jointly organized by the I ndian Council of Cultural Relations and University of Kashmir, L eh, L addakh, , 4~7 Sept. 2011. Repositories of Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal paper presented at the , international conference - Buddhist L inkages in South and South East Asia: Perspective and Challenges, 7-9 O ct, 2011, Department of Buddhist Studies, University of D elhi, Contribution of M aster Buddhabhadra in Textual Translation and Teaching Sarvastivda M editation in Fifth Century China Institute of Chindian Studies, Jinan University, 24, 26 Oct., 2011, Guangzhou, China. Cac Songs and N ewr Buddhists: Ritual Singing in Vajrayna Buddhism of N epal : The Role of D oha & Caryag in the Cultural Indo-Tibetan Interface, 4th I ntl. CBS i Workshop, Centre for Buddhist Studies, Visva - Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal, 1214 Feb, 2012. Research M ethodology seminar organized by the Central D epartment of H istory, Tribhuvan U niversity, N epal from 20th - 21st M ay 2007, paper entitled Some N otes on Thesis Writing in H istory . Commentator on the paper of Bhadra Ratna Bajracharya entitled: Relevance of Buddhism in the 21st Century organized by the istory Association of N epal from 8th to 9th June H 2007. Buddhism and Peace: N eed for Community Participation and Contribution Workshop , on Buddhism and Peace Studies Programme: Scope and Cooperation O rganized jointly , by Bouddha N ath area D evelopment Committee and Bouddha M ultiple Campus, 13th M ay, 2012, Bouddha, Kathmandu. Thapa, Shanker, M arriage among the Muslims: A Case Study of Birganj Based M uslims, D ean's Office Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University, 1985. Thapa, Shanker, Population Structure and Family Planning in an Urban Settlement in Birganj, Research D ivision, Tribhuvan U niversity, 1986. Thapa, Shanker, I slamization Process in Korea, The Academy of Korean Studies, Songnam- Si, Bundang Ku, Kyeonggi- do, Korea, 1987.






N at i on al Sem i n ar




Resear ch Repor t s Complet ed 1 2 3

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4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.

Thapa, Shanker, M onasticism in Korean Buddhism: A H istorical and Anthropological Perspective, Seoul, I CSK, 1989. Thapa, Shanker, Peasant M ovements in N epal, B. P. Koirala I ndia N epal Foundation, Kathmandu, 1992. Thapa, Shanker, Some Aspects of Buddhist Temples in Korea, Songnam-si, The Academy of Korean Studies, Songnam- Si, Bundang Ku, Kyeonggi-do, Korea, 1997. Thapa, Shanker, Some Aspects of M uslim M inority in N epal, Kathmandu, Research D ivision Tribhuvan U niversity, 1997. Thapa, Shanker, Theory of Religious I dentity and Comparison between M uslim M inority in N epal and Korea, Seoul, The Korea Foundation, 1999. Thapa, Shanker, Japanese N ew Religious M ovements and I ts I mpact on M aking of a N ew Social O rder in N epal, Tokyo, The Sumitomo Foundation, 2000. Thapa, Shanker, ewr Buddhist Scholarship and Proliferation of Buddhist Sanskrit N L iterature in N epal Kirtipur: CN AS, 2002. , Thapa, Shanker, Social O rigin and I deological Connotation of Peasant Radicalism A Comparative Study of Peasant Politics in Korea and N epal since the Thirties The Korea , Foundation, Seoul, Korea, 2005. Thapa, Shanker, H istorical and Religious Significance of Buddhist Sanskrit L iterature of N epal: N epal Role in the D evelopment of Buddhism Through Preservation and s Proliferation of Literary Tradition of Sanskrit Buddhist M anuscripts Faculty Research, , The University Grant Commission, N epal, 2010.


Talks and L ect ur es D eliver ed 1. D egradation of Buddhist Scholarship of N epal Siddhartha U niversity (Deemed , Buddhist), N ala, Banepa, 2009 M arch 27. 2. Characteristic Features of N ewar Buddhism, at the 13th Annual M eeting of The H eritage Council of Bhaktapur, Bhaktapur, 24th Jan. 2010. 3. Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of Nepal: The Glory of N ewar Bddhism I ts N ature, Contexts and Proliferation, Organized by Dharmacakra Academic Circle, L alitpur, 31st Jan. 2010. 4. N ewar Buddhism, I ntellectual Tradition and Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts, L otus Academic College, Khwya Bahi, L alitpur, 26 July 2012. 5. N ewar Buddhism: Scholarly Tradition and Formal Buddhist Education in Nepal, M artin Chautari, Kathmandu, 23 Dec, 2012. Resear ch M onogr aph:

1. Peoples War: the M aoist I nsurgency in N epal, (A M onograph submitted to > M SF: M EDECI N S SAN S FRON TI ERES PARI S (D octors without Frontiers), Country O ffice N epal), D ecember, 2003, Kathmandu.
Encyclopaedia ent r ies: 1. Shanker Thapa, Ajita Keakambali , npnasati , Prateka-buddha, and Syncretism, Springer Encyclopaedia of I ndian Religions, N ew Delhi: Springer Publication, 2012/ 13. Publicat ion: Books:

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

1. Thapa, S hanker, Buddhist M onasticism in Theory and Practice, Kathmandu: Walden Books, 1995. 2. Thapa, Shanker, Agrarian Relations in N epal, N ew D elhi, Adroit Publications, 2000. 3. Thapa, Shanker, Peasant I nsurgence in Nepal 1951-1960, Bhaktapur, N irmala K.C., 2001. 4. Thapa, S hanker and Indra Kumari Bajracharya, Ratnkar M ahvihra: A Vajrayna Buddhist M onastery of Patan, N ew Delhi, Adroit Publisher, 2005 (Co-author with Indra Kumari Bajracharya) 5. Thapa, Shanker, Buddhist Sanskrit L iterature of Nepal, Seoul: M injoksa Publishing Co., 2005. 6. Thapa, Shanker, N ewr Buddhism: H istory, Scholarship and L iterature, L alitpur: N agarjuna Publications, 2005. 7. Thapa, Shanker, H istorical Contexts of N ewr Buddhism: The Vajrayna Tradition of N epal (Editor and contributor), L alitpur: N agarjuna Publications, 2005. 8. Thapa, Shanker, Scholastic Development in Vajrayna Buddhism of N epal, Bhaktapaur: H eritage Publication, 2006. 9. Thapa, Shanker, N orthern Buddhism in H istory (Editor and Contributor), Kathmandu: Vajra Publication, 2008. 10. Thapa, Shanker and Prem Kumari Pant (ed.), Buddhism: The I con of Cultural L inkage with China, Kathmandu: N epal China society, 2010. 11. Chinese Translation of - Buddhism: The I con of Cultural L inkage with China
For t hcoming Books

1 Thapa, Shanker, Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal: Catalogues and Researches, pp.
XXVI I + 242 (Processing).

2 yfkf, z+s/ , Aff}4bz{g laj]rgf , (M ss completed). 3 Thapa, Shanker, ryamahpratisar: The Buddhist D eity of Protection, XI V + 232 (M SS

4 Thapa, Shanker, Ven. Dhynabhadra and Buddhism in the Koryo Kingdom, pp. XI I + 122
(M SS completed). completed).

5 Thapa, Shanker, Vajrayna Buddhism of N epal Selected Essays, pp. 12 + 318 (M SS 6 Thapa, Shanker, I dentity of a Religious M inority: The M uslims of N epal, pp. XVI I + 258
(M SS completed).

7 Thapa, Shanker, M uslim M inority: H istory, I nstitutionalization and I dentity of Muslims

of N epal and Korea Compared, pp. XI I +247 (MSS completed).

8 Thapa, Shanker, The M ask, pp. XV+270 (M SS completed). 9 Thapa, Shanker, Peasant Radicalism: A Study of Peasant Community in Korea and Nepal,
pp. XI I I +338, (M SS completed). Book Chapt er s 1. Thapa, Shanker, 'Buddhist M onastic I nstitution in Korea Changes and D evelopment in , Choung H ae Chang (ed.) 100 Years of M odernization in Korea: Towards The 21st Century, Seoul: The Academy of Korean Studies, 1996, pp. 191-210.

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2. Thapa, S hanker, Traces of Buddhism in H istory of N epal I n Shanker Thapa (ed.), , H istorical Contexts of N ewar Buddhism: The Vajrayna Tradition of N epal, L alitpur: N agarjuna Publications, 2005. 3. Thapa, Shanker, ari Ram Joshi: H is Contribution in the Study of N epalese H istory and H Culture In: Badri L al Shrestha (ed.), Prajnik Vyaktittva: H ariram Joshi, n. p., Kumari , Prakashan, 2062 V.S. 4. Thapa, Shanker, ewr Buddhism: The Vajrayna Tradition of N epal in Shanker Thapa N , (ed.), N orthern Buddhism in H istory (Editor and Contributor), Kathmandu, Vajra Books, 2008, pp. 261-308. 5. Thapa, S hanker, aster H sing Yun of Fo Guang Shan and the D evelopment of M H umanistic Buddhism in Anita Sharma and Sreemati Chakrabarti (eds.), Taiwan Today, , N ew Delhi: Anthem Press, 2007, pp. 205-217. 6. Thapa, Shanker, ' N ewr Bauddha Samudyam Vidvat Paramparko Pragati ra Rhas' In Praj D arpa: A Collection of Proceedings of the Symposium, N l : Siddhartha U niversity, 2065 V.S., pp. 32-40. 7. Thapa, Shanker, Transmission of I ndian Buddhist Thought in East Asian H istoriography: Ven. D hynabhadra (Chi-Gong) and Buddhism in 14th Century Korea , in Proceedings of the 8th I SKS I nternational Conference on Korean Studies, Vol. 2, I nternational Society of Korean Studies, The Third World Congress of Korean Studies: Cheju, Korea, O ct. 2006, pp. I II 51- I II 81. 8. Thapa, Shanker, Ritual of ryamahratisar: Principal D eity in the Stra of Fivefold Protection In: Ven. Rangama Chandawimala and Chandima Wijebandara (ed.), , nappabh: a Felicitation Volume in H onour of Venerable D r. Pategama Gnanarama M ah Thera, Singapore: Ti-Sarana Buddhist Association, 2011. 9. Thapa, Shanker, epalese Sanskrit M anuscripts and Expansion of Buddhism in China N , Shanker Thapa and Prem Kumari Pant (ed.), Buddhism: The I con of Cultural L inkage with China, Kathmandu: N epal China society, 2011. 10. Thapa, Shanker, Buddhist Sanskrit L iterature of N epal and Expansion of M ahyna Buddhism in the N orth with Special Reference to China I n: Jia H aitao and Shi D ayuan , Zhu Bian (ed.), Fo Jiao Yu Zong N i Wen H ua Jiao Liu: Guo Ji Xue Shu Yan Tao H ui L un Wen Ji (Buddhism and Cultural Exchange Between China and N epal: Collection of Seminar Papers), Guangzhou: Fo Jiao Yu Wen H ua Chu Ban She, 2011, pp. 356-361. 11. Thapa, S hanker, aking of the H istory of Ch Buddhism: Contribution of Ven. M an Buddhabhadra [359-429] in Translating Sanskrit Texts and Popularizing Sarvastivada M editation in Fifth Century China I n: N irmala Sharma (ed.), Buddhism in Kashmir, , Sata-pitaka Series 639, N ew D elhi: Aditya Prakashan, 2012, pp. 141-161. Journal Ar ticles in English: 1. Thapa, Shanker, ' N epal and East I ndia Company- The Years of Frustration and Challenges' , H imal, Vol. 1, Thakur Ram M ultiple Campus, 2041 B. S. 2. Thapa, Shanker, 'Conceptualization of M arriage in I slam' , Voice of H istory, Vol. I X-XI , N o. 1, D ec. 1986. 3. Thapa, Shanker, ' Caste and Social D omination', Ancient N epal, N o. 105, Apr-M ay 1988. journals/ ancientnepal/ index. php?selection=105. 4. Thapa, Shanker, 'Caste H ierarchy- I nter Ethnic Stratification in the M uslim Society of N epal', Tribhuvan U niversity Journal, Vol. XVI II , Kathmandu, June 1995.

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5. Thapa, Shanker, ' An Approach to Peasant M ovements', H istory: Past and Present N 0. 3, June 1996, Patna, I ndia. 6. Thapa, S hanker, 'Beginning of Peasant Movements in N epal' , Tribhuvan U niversity Journal, Vol. XI X N o. 2, D ec 1996 7. Thapa, Shanker, ' An Approach to the Peasant M ovements in N epal', Tribhuvan U niversity Journal, Vol. I X, June 1996, 8. Thapa, Shanker, 'M odernization of M onasticism n Korea' , Voice of H istory, Vol. XI I , N o. 1, July 1997, pp. 67-78. 9. ' Colonial L egacy and Japanese Attitude', Korea Times, Wednesday August 20, 1997, Seoul, Korea. 10. Thapa, Shanker, 'Theory of D ependent O rigination: The Explanation of H uman Values in Buddhism', Asian Culture, Vol. XXVI , N o. 4, Asia-Pacific Cultural Center - Taipei, Winter 1998. 11. Thapa, Shanker, 'Pratityasamutpda: The Buddhist Theory of D ependent O rigination', Voice of H istory, Vol. XI I I N o. 1, July 1998. 12. Thapa, Shanker, Religious M inorities and Identity Crisis, H imalayan Culture, Vol. IV, N o. 1, M ay-August 1998, pp. 41-50. 13. Thapa, Shanker, 'Peasant Discontent, Consciousness and D emand for Change', Voice of H istory, Vol. VI I - XI V N o 1, June 1999. 14. ' Index of Articles Published in the Voice of H istory', Voice of H istory Vol. XI V, 2, D ec. 1999. 15. Thapa, Shanker, 'I dentity and I nstitutionalization of M uslim M inority in Korea', Asian Culture, Vol. XXVI I , N o. 3-4, winter 1999, Taipei, Taiwan. 16. Thapa, Shanker, 'Cultural I dentity of N epali Muslim', Rolamba, Vol. 20, N o. 1 & 2, June - July. 2000. 17. Thapa, Shanker, ' Ethnic Variation of N epal's M uslim M inority', I SI M Newsletter. N 0.6, 2000, L eiden University, The N etherlands. 18. Thapa, Shanker, 'Identity of Muslims as a Religious Minority in Korea: A Preliminary Report', The Review of Korean Studies, Vol. 3, N o. 2, The Academy of Korean Studies, Korea, Dec. 2000. 19. ' Textual H istory of 'Pa carak Stra in N epal', Voice of H istory, Vol. XV, N o. 2, D ec. 2000. 20. Thapa, Shanker, 'H istory of N epalese Buddhism: From M ythological Tradition to the L icchavi Period', Voice of H istory, Vol. XVI , N o. 2, 2001 D ec. 21. Thapa, Shanker, 'Ritual Aspect of M ahpratisar, Voice of H istory, Vol. XVI , N o. 1, 2001. 22. Thapa, Shanker, ' Development of Japanese N ew Religious M ovements and I ts I mpact in N epal', The Journal of N epal-Japan Studies, Vol. II I N o. 1, 2002, Sakai L ions Club and I manishi M emorial Fellowship Trust N epal. 23. Thapa, Shanker, 'H istorical Aspects of Rural I ndebtedness and Credit Supply in N epal' , Kalash, Year 1 N o. 2, 2002. 24. Thapa, Shanker, 'I conography of M ahpratisar' , Tri-Bodhi, Vol. 2, N o. 2, 2002.

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

25. Thapa, Shanker, 'D evelopment of Buddhist Scholarship of N epal', Rolamba, Vol. 22 no. 3, 4 and Vol. 23, nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 July 2002 D ec. 2003. 26. Thapa, Shanker, 'Fivefold Protection in N epalese Buddhist Tradition', Nepal Traveler, Vol. XV, N o. 5, M arch-April 2003, pp. 39-41. 27. Thapa, Shanker, I ntroductory Remark on 'Pa carak Stra in M hayna 'Buddhism' An Rolamba, Vol. 22 no. 3, 4 and Vol. 23, nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, July 2002 D ec. 2003. 28. Thapa, Shanker, ' Degradation of Buddhist Scholarship of N epal, Samaklin M tribhm , Vol. 2, N o. 2, 2060 B. S. 29. Thapa, Shanker, 'I conography and I mages of 'Pa carak Stra in N ewr Buddhism', The Great Compassion An I nternational Buddhist Review, Winter 2004, Kathmandu. 30. Thapa, Shanker, alitpur A City of Buddhist Pantheons, The Great Compassion an L I nternational Buddhist Review, winter 2004, Kathmandu. 31. Introduction to the 'Pa carak Stra in M ahayana Buddhism', Aayan (The Path), N o. 1, Year 1 , 2061, Kathmandu. 32. Thapa, Shanker, 'Buddhism and N epal Japan Academic Relations: A N ative Perspective', Journal of N epal - Japan Studies, Vol. I V, N o. 1, 2004, Sakai L ions Club and I manishi M emorial Fellowship Trust N epal. 33. Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal, Rolamba Vol. 24, N o. 3 & 4, July-D ec. 2004. 34. Thapa, Shanker, 'Conceptual Analysis of Religion and Religious Pluralism', Anweshan (The Research), P G Campus Biratnagar, 2061 V.S. 35. Theoretical Framework to Study of Peasant Society and Economy Voice of H istory , Vol. XVII -XX, Dec. 2005. nepal/ indexphp/ VOH / article/ view/ 84/ 77 36. Thapa, Shanker, ' Pancaraka in N epalese Buddhism', L oka K M ahvihra M atay rti Souvenir, L alitpur, 2061. 37. Thapa, Shanker, 'Recognition of M ahpratisar in D ifferent Buddhist Traditions', Khopring, N o. 12, Year 13, 2004-2005, Kathmandu. 38. Thapa, Shanker, 'The Conceptual Paradigm of I dentity and Study of Religious M inorities', Rolamba, Vol. 24, N o. 1 & 2, January-June 2004. 39. Thapa, Shanker, 'U nnoticed Vihras of Ptn', N epal Travel Trade Reporter, Vol. VI I I, I ssue no. 16 N ovember D ecember 2004, Kathmandu. 40. Thapa, Shanker, ewr Scholars and Tibetan Buddhists: Contribution in the N D evelopment of Scholastic Buddhism in Tibet Journal of D aesoon Thought, Vol. 19, 2005, D aejin University, Korea. 41. Thapa, Shanker, an and M asks: H istory, Phenomenology and the Art of Expression M Rolamba, Vol. XV, N os. 1-2, L alitpur, 2006. 42. Thapa, Shanker, Depiction of Stories and Thematic Elaboration ryamahpratisar Stra The L ight of Wisdom, Vol. 1, N o. 1, 2010. , in the

43. Thapa, Shanker, Contribution of I ndian M onk Dhynabhadra nydiya (Zhi Kong) in the D evelopment of Buddhism in 14th Century Korea Buddhist H imalaya, Vol. XI I , , 2008. 44. Thapa, Shanker, Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal and D evelopment of M ahayana Buddhism in China The Weekly M irror, Vol. 39, N o. 39, Friday 22, Jan. 2010. ,
http:/ / pics/ pdf/ mirror_39.pdf

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

45. Thapa, Shanker, The Context of Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal The Weekly M irror, Vol. 39, N o. 41, Feb. 5, 2010. http:/ / pics/ pdf/ mirror_41.pdf 46. Thapa, Shanker, Ven. Dhyanabhadra and Buddhism in the Koryo Kingdom, The Weekly M irror, Vol. 39, N o. 43, Feb. 19, 2010. http:/ / pics/ pdf/ mirror_43.pdf 47. Thapa, Shanker, Contribution of D hyanabhadra in Fourteenth Century Yunan and Koryo, Rolamba, Vol. 30-31, nos. 1-4, Jan 2010 Dec. 2011, pp. 46-53. 48. Thapa, Shanker, overview of N epal's Sanskrit Buddhist M anuscripts in Japan The An Weekly M irror, Vol. 39, N o. 45, M arch 5, 2010. http:/ / pics/ pdf/

49. Thapa, Shanker, Contribution of Buddhabhadra (Jue-xien) and Fa-hsien in the L iterary D evelopment of Sanskrit Buddhism in China I tihas Pravah Annual Journal of , N epalese Studies, Vol. 4, N o. 1, 2010, pp. 28-32. 50. Thapa, Shanker, Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts - Glory of N ewar Buddhism: I ts N ature, Contexts and Proliferation , Sodhamala Journal of M agar Study Center, Year 4, N o.1, 2067 VS. pp. 52-67. 51. Thapa, Shanker, Buddhism in Ancient and M edieval N epal tr. into Chinese by Tong , Wang-ru, D harmaghosa The Voice of D harma [Chinese language Journal], Vol. 320, April 2011, pp. 12-20. 52. Thapa, Shanker, Buddhism, Ethical Economy and D evelopment Shikshya ra Sanskriti , (Education and Culture), Vol. 3, Year 1, Baisakh~Ashad 2068 VS pp. 31-34. , 53. Thapa, Shanker, Caca Songs from N epal: Ritual Singing of Buddhist N ewars of Kathmandu Valley Proceedings of I nternational Sahaja: The Role of D oha and Caryagiti , in the Cultural I ndo-Tibetan I nterface, Center for Buddhist Studies, Visva Bharati, Shantiniketan, Feb. 2012, pp. 27-32. 54. Thapa, Shanker, Buddhism, Ethical Economy and D evelopment The L ight of Asia, Vol. , 1, no 2, Feb. 1912, pp. 20-21. 55. Thapa, Shanker, iterary Resources of I ndo-N ewar Buddhism in Japan Abhilekh L , Journal of N ational Archives, Vol. 29, 2068 VS, pp. 81-89. 56. Thapa, Shanker, Catalogues of Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal Shramanavidya , A Research Journal, Year 1, no. 1, Valmiki Vidyapeeth Kathmandu, 2069 VS, pp. 127135. 57. Thapa, Shanker, Buddhism Ethical Economy and D evelopment Weekly M irror, Vol. 42, , N o. 25, 21 Sept., 2012. http:/ / pics/ pdf/ vol_42-25.pdf 58. Thapa, Shanker, Songs and N ew r Buddhists: Ritual Singing in Vajray na Cac Buddhism of N epal Voice of H istory, Vol. 21-27, N o. 1, Aug. 2012. , 59. Thapa, Shanker, epalese M aster Buddhabhadra and Buddhism in 5th C. China Weekly N , M irror, 42/ 28, 12 Oct. 2012. http:/ / pics/ pdf/ vol_42-28.pdf 60. Thapa, Shanker, L iuzu H ui-neng Si: Temple of the Sixth Patriarch in Zhen Shan,

Weekly M irror,42:29, 19 O ct. 2012 http:/ / pics/ pdf/ vol_42-29.pdf


61. Thapa, Shanker, Cultural and Folk M asks of N epal ,http:/ / deity62. Thapa, Shanker, Contributions of N epalese Buddhist scholars in the D evelopment of Scholastic Buddhism in Tibet, M animahesh: A Journal of H imalayan Studies, Vol. 1, Sept. 2012, H imachal State M useum Shimla.

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

63. Thapa, Shanker, Repositories of Buddhist Sanskrit M anuscripts of N epal, Benaras Seminar proceeding. 64. Vasundhara Sadhana 65. Conceptual Analysis of Religion and Religious Pluralism (PhD Sangh) Book Reviews 1. Schumann, H . W. 2004, The H istorical Buddha: L ife and Teachings of the Founder of Buddhism, Translated by M . O 'C Walshe. D elhi: M otilal Banarsi D ass Publisher (First I ndian Edition), Contribution to Nepalese Studies, Volume 32, N umber 1, January 2005. 2. Khadgaman Shrestha, Buddhism in N epal with Special Reference to Vajrayana Buddhism', I tihas Pravaha Annual Journal of N epalese Studies, Vol. 4, N o. 1, 2010. 3. Kedar N ath Bastola Taxation in N epal Voice of H istory, , 4. Yogesh Raj. 2010. H istory as M indscapes: A M emory of the Peasant s M ovement

of N epal , Studies in N epalese H istory and Society, 17-2, Dec 2012.

Resear ch Ar t icles in N epali L anguage:

1. Thapa, Shanker, T R Vaidya, Girvan Yuddha Vikram Shah ko Palako Tamrapatra, N epal Past and Present, Vol. 1, N o. 1, Saraswati Campus, 20 . . 2. Thapa, Shanker, Bazarka Thekedarley M udda H erney Bareko 1993 Salko Aprakashit Sanad, Ancient N epal. N o. 101, Bhadra - Ashwin 2044 V. S., (in N epali). 3. Thapa, Shanker, Gaunstarmai Muddamamila H erney Karyalai Sansthagat Garneybareko B.S 1999 ko Aprakashit Sanad ra I stihar, Rolamba, Vol. 21, N o. 1-3, Jan-Sept. 2001, (in . N epali). 4. Thapa, Shanker, Jang Bahadurko Belayat Yatra- Ek Aitihasik Bishleshan, Vivechana, a Journal of Thakur Ram M ultiple Campus, 2042 V. S (in N epali). . 5. Thapa, Shanker, N epali Bouddha Samudayama Prachalit Paritrana, Ananda Bhumi, Year 29, N o. 1. Ananda Kuti Vihara, (in N epali). 6. Thapa, Shanker, Prime M inister Jang Bahadurko Rajinama ra Sambat 1856 ko Sanad, Ruprekha, Year 23, N o. 255, I ssue no. 3, Shravan 2039, (in N epali). 7. Thapa, Shanker, Rauteyharuko Adhyayanma Ek N aya Ayam, Ruprekha, Year 24, N o. 271, I ssue no. 7, M angshir 2040 VS Kathmandu, (in N epali). , 8. Thapa, Shanker, Sandarbha Grantha S uchi, Akar, Year 7, N o. 40, 2040 VS, Birganj, (in N epali).
9. Thapa, Shanker, Tamang D harma: H iki, M aney, Tambakaiten ka Buddha Ra Ghyang' . N epali Sanskriti, Year 4, N o, 2 2056 B.S., Kathmandu. 10. Thapa, Shanker, Vij navda (Yogcra) D aran Parichaya (An I ntroduction of M indonly (Yogachara-Vijnanavada) Philosophy), Buddha Jayanti Golden Jubilee Souvenir V.S. 2550, N yakhachuk: Bhaskarvarna M ahavihara, 2006, pp. 71-78. 11. Thapa, Shanker, Tri-L akaa: Anitya, D ukha and Antm (The Three Features I mpermanence, Sufferings and Soullessness), Dhamma Vani - Buddhist Bulletin, Year 1, N o. 6, M ay 2006, Bouddha Sangha Bhaktapur, pp. 15-16. 12. Thapa, Shanker, Sautrantrika M atko Parichaya (An I ntroduction of Sautantrika Philosophy), D hamma Vani-Buddhist Bulletin, Year 2 N o. 7, July 2006, Bouddha Sangha Bhaktapur, pp. 6-9.

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

13. Thapa, Shanker, adhyamika Darshan Parichaya H istorical Journal, Vol. 1. N o. 2, M , department of H istory and Buddhist studies, patan M ultiplt Campus, lalitpur, Ashwin 2067 (Sept-O ct. 2010).
Research report s examined as t he Panel expert 1. 2. 3. Sundarijal jangi Megzin, Dr. Bhaveswore Pangeni, CN AS, 2011 Participation of Buddhist Newars of the Kathmandu valley in H imalayan Buddhism, Dr. Basanta Pd. Rijal, CN AS, 2012. PhD L iterature Review of N arayan Pd. Adhikari, Associate Professor, PN Campus, submitted to L umbini Buddhist University, L umbini, 2012.

Ph.D. Dissert at ions Supervised Ph.D. researcher 1 2 3 4 Bhagawan Khadka Tribhuvan University Balaram Kayastha Tribhuvan University Uddhab Raj Puri N epal Sanskrit Univ Dr. Ankur Barua L umbini Bud. Univ. Shambhu Gole 5 6 Sarada Poudyal Durga Bdr Subedi July 2010 2011 Dat e 2007 2009 2010 July 2010 St at us TU/ Co-Supervisor TU/ Supervisor N SU / Co-supervisor L BU/ Supervisor Supervisor L BU/ Supervisor Supervisor Ph. D Dissert at ion ent itled H istory of Chamber of Commerce of N epal. A Study of Vishwa Yatra <Bisket Jatra> of Bhaktapur A Study of Religious and Cultural Syncretism in N epal Buddhism and Environment Buddhist Jurisprudence Kamalasila krita Prajnaparamita Vajrachhedika Tika ko Vishlesanatmak Buddhism in Japan

Ph. D . Disser t ation examined as t he int er nal expert

1 2 3 Ph.D. researcher M rs. I ndira Joshi Tribhuvan University N risimha K. Khatry Tribhuvan University Shanker K. Upadhyaya Tribhuvan University Dat e 2004 2005 2006 Ph. D Dissert at ion ent itled Bada Kazi Amar Singh Thapa (in N epali) Biodiversity in Nepal: H istorical & L egal Context H istory of S imroungarh 1096-1327.

For eign Ph. D. Examined

Ph.D. researcher M r. S. S. Ramajayam 1 Annamal ai University, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, I ndia M s R. L akshmi 2 Annamal ai University, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, 2011 Dr. M. C. Raja 2010 Dat e Supervisor Dr. K Sankari Ph. D Dissert at ion ent itled Periyar E.V. Ramasamy and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: A Study of Social Thoughts of the Two Major Revolutionaries Socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects of Scheduled Tribes in Kolli H ills A H istorical Study (1947-2007)

C u r r i cu l u m V i t a e o f D r . Sh a n k er T h a p a

I ndia R. Balaji 3 Annamal ai University, Annamalainagar, Tamilnadu, I ndia 2011 Dr. K Sankari Salt Satyagraha .

M ast er Thesis Super vised: N ame of St udent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Amar N ath Shrestha Janardan Poudyal M inakshi Shah Saudaryavati Shakya Rituvarna Basnet Sri Ranjan N epal M egh Raj Dahal Punam Shrest ha Gopi K. Shrestha Pawan B. Pandey Ambika Timila Sumitra Shrestha L akshmi Tamang

D at e
1986 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008


Tit le of t he Thesis
Tharu Marriage Custom of Bara Tharus The Culture of M usahar Caste Sri 5 ko Vayu Devata Buddhist M onasteries of Palpa Sikkim Under M onarchy H istorical Study of Sajha Yatayat - Nepal. H istory of Agricultural Developmnt Bank. Domestic Violence in Nepal The Civil Code Terrorism as a Strategy Student Politics in Pokhara in 2046 Women M ovement in Nepal s A Study of Tamang Culture

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