DAA Internal Test 1

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INTERNAL ASSESSMENT -I CS 2251- DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) Date: 19.02.

2013 Maximum: 50 marks Time: 01 Hr 30 mins

Part-A: 1. What is Algorithm?

(Answer All Questions)


2. Properties of Big Oh Notation? 3. What is meant by Linear Search? 4. What is Recurrence Equation? 5. What is binary search algorithm list out the drawbacks? 6. Difference between Quick sort and Merge sort algorithm? 7. What is Greedy algorithm?

Part B:

(Answer Any Three Questions)


1. Explain Asymptotic Notation with example? 2. Explain performance analysis? 3. Write an algorithm to sort a given list of elements using merge sort, show the operation of the algorithm on the list 18,29,68,32,43,37,87,24,47,50 4. Write an algorithm for min-max and finding the minimum and maximum of the given list 50, 40,-9,-5, 45, 90,65,25,75

*******ALL THE BEST *******

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