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Created by Richard.

Liu on 21-Jul-2010


Oracle Alert Event Demo

Step1>Define alert;

For internal use only

Created by Richard.Liu on 21-Jul-2010


Step2>Enable Alert Event;

For internal use only

Created by Richard.Liu on 21-Jul-2010


Note that: Two triggers will be created after enabled and saved;

Step3>Logout and re-login, an erros will occurs as below;

It is possible for these users to login using the core forms direct login URL http://host.domain:port/dev60cgi/f60cgi but they can't access EBS via the normal login pages After restarting Apache, users are able to login intermittently

An event alert had been activated on the FND_USER table

As discussed in Note 353602.1 "Event Alerts on FND_USER, or FND login/user type tables Not Allowed" it is not recomended to enable event alerts on FND_USER table before ATG RUP4 patchset level

The issue is resolved by disabling this alert. For internal use only

Created by Richard.Liu on 21-Jul-2010


As you are not able to login, you cannot use the normal way to disable this event

Of course, you can delete two trigger first too, then login to disable this event alert; SQL>Drop trigger ALR_FND_USER_0_108_IAR; --for insert SQL>Drop trigger ALR_FND_USER_0_108_UAR; --for update

Other issue:
Notification Mailer will be deactived after enable this alert event, when you try to start this, you cant active Notification Mailer too;

For internal use only

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