Assalamualaikum, WR - WB: Preface

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Assalamualaikum, Wr.Wb
Thank and pray to Allah SWT, from his grace and his light we still
continue to be useful to study, prayers and greetings we devote to the presence of
the Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.
Follow up my lecture on STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan, Educational
Studies Program Information and Communication Technology, in English II
course, I am writing a paper with the title "Land Pollution" in order to deepen
knowledge the pollution especially the land pollution so with that understanding I
can make an effort prevention measures land pollution. The sources of knowledge
about land pollution i get from the books that I read, real events and articles in the
field a bit, I set up in this paper.
I say thank you profusely to the teacher course, Muchlisin, M.Pd.I who
have guided me and gave the spirit to continue to learn about the aspects of the
environment, including pollution.
Finally, I realized the paper is far from perfect, but we hope to provide an
overview of land contamination for future reference.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Kuningan, December 2012


PREFACE ..................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1
A. Background ..................................................................................... 1
B. Problem Identification ...................................................................... 2
C. Writing Purpose ............................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II MATERIALS EXPOSURE .................................................. 3
A. Definition and Characteristics of Land Pollution............................. 3
B. Sources and Causes of Pollution ...................................................... 3
C. Impact of Land Pollution ................................................................. 6
D. Handling Land Pollution ................................................................. 7
E. Prevention of Land Pollution .......................................................... 8
CHAPTER III CLOSING .......................................................................... 10
A. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 10
B. Suggestion ...................................................................................... 10
REFERENCES........................................................................................... 11


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