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In Myself

A fulfilment in my study, I will share some changes that affects myself during the Liceo Mission, Vision, and Core values study. It changes a lot in my behaviour and also my attitude. Once discipline is concern, there is no escape. But i like the way it is. It is just simply affects myself in order to change the adaption of the aptitude surroundings in me. I was so very, very thankful and well-being of having a Social Orientation subject that orients us to the way and leads us to the main journey. What the like? Isnt it? But such different, what I learned now is what will I used in the future. My future family, my future whatever, anything that connects to my future will be my lead and major aim to produce values oriented person in my entire being.

As a future Tourism Manager someday, the factors that the Liceo Mission, Vision, and Core Values affected me will be used in my Thesis and other works because it really affects now my interest in exploring the world and identifying all the satisfaction that I need in my life someday, I will be one of what the Philosophy Statement says, to developed them into fully integrated persons and realized their own individual potentials and also what the Vision says that prepares men and women with minds and hearts true to the Filipino heritage, imbued with a sense of responsible leadership in the various professions, and anchored on total human formation.

The Liceo Mission, Vision and Core Values do not only change myself but also my ability to cope up and deal with other people so as to enhance my quality in the quality of work life. As an individual person, being, or whatever should it called, I am willing to do any task to fulfil the required activity. But as soon as I find myself weak on some parts, the question in my mind goes like this, whats the use of enrolling this subject if I am this weak in this particular activity? What is my real purpose in enrolling it knowing that i am so weak?. But then no one will stop me in doing such things. The Liceo Mission, Vision and Core values helps me a lot in becoming very strong, very active and above all, my unique potentials as a real and unique individual person is being used for the best if my ability. This kind if affection helps me realize that not all people in this world are weak. We have that area if specialization in particular activity or tasks. But it seems that nobody is perfect. Yes, nobody is perfect at all times. We have weakness and strength. But let us put to our minds that no one should be unfair. We should admit that nobody is perfect. Now, the subject I enrolled helped me a lot in developing myself and developing all my talents that was been hidden for a long period of time.

Now, with reflection paper, I would like to express more about changes and development of myself during my past few months in the Social Orientation subject added by the Liceo de Cagayan University with its IQuAME accreditation. What a blessing I received during that days. I was fully developed and my ability to do such jobs enhanced more and more with each passing days. My life is completely changed. My college life was full of excitement and fun regarding that we had enrolled this Social Orientation Liceo Mission Vision and Culture and personal development. This is a very memorable subject that will really miss in my whole lifetime and by the end of this semester, I would use the development that the Liceo Mission Vision and core values gave to me. I am so proud because this subject changes me a lot. It really expresses me a lot on doing such jobs that before I am afraid to do so. Now, because of the development affected in myself, I was been confident in doing anything with courage. Well, Im so thankful, knowing that the development of Liceo Mission Vision and core values helped me so much that I can truly interact with other people I used to know. This is the most important I should Remember, Be strong enough to do your job and dont mind your weaknesses for it will lead you to failure of success!

In My Family

The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values also affected my family. Most I used is the Core Values. I am currently using it now in regards of my communication with my family. It helps a lot to fully understand my family. I am using the excellence, for teaching my siblings of the values in life that currently occurring right now. Awareness is oneof my contributions to my siblings. I was very thankful that I learned the embedded Values of The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values. I am now currently teaching this to my family so that in the near future, when my siblings would follow my steps soon, they were aware now and have the benefits of having a background on it because I already teach them some of my knowledge about these values. They will then continue to produce values-oriented student. The said statement gave me the opportunity to change the way I communicate with my family. As I am starting doing it, I believe I have my contributions with my family, especially to my siblings.

After all the first months of staying here at Liceo de Cagayan University, my contribution to my family grows. I loved to be with them now. Thanks for the The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values. In regards with this development, I learned to respect more my family every now and then. I was been able to respect them in a way I used to know. The more I am in my family; more respect was developed throughout the way. The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values helped me a lot in developing my relationship in my family that before, it is an utter. The most important value that the subject taught me in becoming strong in my relation to my family is love. I learned to accept the fact that even we are in one family; we are still a unique individual that has unique potentials to each other. I become a good daughter because i learned something in the so called subject. Thus, all of the oriental values that The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values made me capable in helping my family in their needs. I learned to help also my siblings in doing their assignments and helped them understand the real context of their assigned home works. The fact that the Social Orientation subject is a very useful subject ever implemented by the Liceo de Cagayan University, I had my ideas in making my family happy every day. Somewhat, I would like to be with them always. As one of my inspiration in aiming to finish my studies very soon, I will not let myself to discourage them in such ways that would make them disappoint with me. I love my family so much that I cant seem to face them if I fail to reach the standards they had given to me. In my very soon career, I would like to thank those who inspired me to do such values in my family. I learned to be a good daughter and good individual to my family not because it was taught by the The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values, but the subject made me realized that our family is our guide next to God. Also, our family is our superior inspiration in releasing our sweat in every struggle in school and yet we are able then to comply and finish all our studies. My family doesnt mean enormous. I would even tell that sometimes, our family can be so boring and enormous, but the fact that they are the first to develop us into a fully integrated person, Im so thankful with them. Without them, I think I would be lost in my career. I am not here for whenever I am now and I am not in my school now. Our family also serves as our blessing in disguise. Without them, we are also nothing. Let us Love our family. Learn to value them. Well, I already did that to my family now. I was so blessed to have my family, my family is my inspiration. My family gives me strength to carry on and they are also helping me in achieving my goals before my friends. I want to develop more in relationship with my family. The family that prays together stays together.

In my country

Well for me, I just dont know the effect of the Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values of LDCU in my country. This is just only my opinion for me, the effect of the statement in my country are the following. It helps the country to fully develop integrity. It helps the country to become more active. It helps the country to prevent the number of corruption. It helps the country for the people on it to become aware if what is happening today. The trim on it is a significant one. The country will become fully developed in very high community with the students, especially me, who will go to contribute to my country as what I have learned in my Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values. It helps us to be more active in shaping our own country into corruption-free government so that we will lessen the problems of the poverty and corruption. Today our government suffers from deep corruption but then I believe that I could contribute to my country soon. I believe that shaping our own country to corruption-free government will make the country free from pollution of government today. As if now, I am currently on my way of doing such things. As a freewill concern in my country, The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values affect the country by making it as a number one in Economy service. I should have contributed to my dear country, the Philippines. This is a difficult question to answer of how my country was affected by the The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Value. But I will go to based it on my observation. For me, In the near future, the contribution that the Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values will going to give will going to be bring by the Licean who will became future Professionals. With the Values-Oriented students that provides a prolong discipline in keeping our country in a certain place, the country for sure will become better soon as the corruption will lessen its burden. These professional students soon will bring the country into its high level of economy. The Philippines will surely at its peak. The Philippines will also be a high class standard country. The influence of the Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values will go to be useful. Because of its keystone of strength and capability, for sure Philippines will reach its aim of becoming one of the richest countries in the whole wide world. This is also one of my aims. For sure, I am one of those professionals soon will be able to help the Philippines to become better and yet, the best country in the world. I am very proud to say that I had this social oriented subject who will help me in shaping the Philippines to its better place. But as an ordinary student in this current situation if LDCU, I should study well and take a look forward to the upcoming future that my country, the Philippines is awaiting for me. Now in this day forward, I should accept the challenge of tomorrow. The Philippines is waiting for me to help her become the highest standard country in the whole wide world. And that its economy will build better persons someday. And also become responsive and high technology country. And that is one of my plans to shape and built the real nature and the real shape of my very own country, the Philippines. The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values is the very best weapon for the Philippines to become and responsive and to produce values oriented people and above all to produce fully integrated Filipino in the near future.

In my country

Just like in my statement in our school, the community affects a lot. The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values affect the environment in our community because also helps us being actively participating in every community extensions. But even without the instructions of our instructors, we are willing to participate in every community extensions. Our social orientation subjects mildly relay us on community services. We are willing to help. I am willing to help. The community was really affected by making it Clean and Green and observing the surroundings properly. Not that strict but it really contributed to the community. The community then is now officially clean otherwise it is safe to us students of LDCU. The effects of The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values to community help me to understand the value of environment and real meaning of mommunity extensions. It was just like i want ti serve the community by giving it the best community extensions I have. As a student of LDCU, I will help my community to become cleaner and greener either, To Fully furnish it to the high level of cleanliness and orderliness. Being a Freshman BSTM student of LDCU, the community has been affected by The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values by means of cleanliness. The social orientation also implemented community extensions that our subject, NSTP (National Service Training Program) also implementing. Regarding with this extra ordinary tandem of the two, we are so very proud that our school is very active in making our community clean and green. Orderly, the community is very much changed than i observed it before. On the other side, the community is very different than before. It is so nice that the social orientation is very much concern also with the community. But, on the other hand, another community was been influenced by our Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values. With this one element in the core values, the community extensions as individual, I implemented some common activities in our barangay regarding community extensions and help. As you can see, The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values influenced me to help my community and to clean my very own surroundings. The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values affect the community in such reasons. It affects the relationship between the students, person and the environment and even our environmental communication with each other. Just like ordinary citizen, I am very much concern of the cleanliness and orderliness of the community every now and then because I am a proud Licean and community extensions is one of my priority. This is then will affect the community by means of cleanliness and orderliness, the maintenance of the surroundings and the people especially the students who are involed in keeping the community in order. It will affect us because we are in one community. I am in one community because I am Licean. But to tell the truth, The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values affected the community in many countless reasons such as environment and the students. Because of the Social Orientation, the community works very well. As the months passed by, the community became more active and better, and yet it became the best community ever. I had contributed a lot in my community with the use of my learned values in S.O. Thanks to this subject because I enhanced my skill in keeping the community in its clean and green portion. The community is well better now and if there is pollution, I can handle maybe the situations. But as the months passed and summer vacation is coming my way, I am pretty sure I will miss my S.O class. This is very interesting subject; I learned to keep the community clean and green. I learned how to deal with the community. And also, I learned to become responsible in my community. But above all, it contributed a lot to my community. It really influences the status and the highlights of community in every well being succeeded. The community builds a better Liceo Cagayan University with the help of its mission, Vision and core values. It will remain and obtained forever.

To God
This is the biggest contribution ever. Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values in God made me satisfied all along. It helps me strengthen my relationship to my creator and of course, my best friend. Along with the past few months, my relationship to God becomes so far away that I could not attend to church every Sunday to serve him. I was really busy on the time that it needs to serve him. I know I have lots of sins to Him but I beg him to forgive me at all times. Not forever but I am still trying my best to attend church. But my busy work in life forced me to be far away from him. I lost my way to him and abandoned him. But when the time comes that I enrolled myself to LDCU as a BSTM student, freshmen it changed a little bit. But when I enrolled myself to the S.O, which has all the contents of Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values, my relationship with God was back. Our instructor doesnt mention anything but I knew that he is encouraging us to serve God as well. As I am trying myself back with God, trials and temptations occurred with me, but I fight it. I would really like to encourage myself to return to the presence of my God Almighty for I knew that I have lots of confessions to tell him. I was really sorry; I am now trying my best to return to Church. I was so happy to be back with God. Thanks to the influence of my S.O subject and the Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values. I am really thankful to have these opportunities to serve him best. That big opportunity saved ne from my sins and to be loved by my creator and Father. Thanks to the Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values. I am so very thankful to the Social Orientation as one of my minor subject on college because it leads me to God. It helps me to be with him again and again also to help me understand that he truly exists. I know that he exist thats why I am praying with him because he is the most powerful of all mankind. The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values will lead me to understand why i have to be with God. Now i understand why. It is because I, as an ordinary student of LDCU, will help me produce my individual potential with the essence of the power of God. The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values taught me how to become a good child of God that I need to be with him always for me to be guided with my studies. I am so thankful that Social Orientation, containing the Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values helped me to develop my relationship to God to become stronger and stronger than before. It also helped me doing my initial service to him. God is there with me in every trial situations that are coming in my way as a student of today. The said statement is a very useful guideline in guiding a person to God. Just like me, I was really lost in my way to God because of some interruptions that will lead me to him. All of those caused me to be dropped and lost in the presence of God. But the angel, Social Orientation guided me to be with him again. I was so lucky then to have this subject like this because it helps me again to be with God and my creator. The Liceo Mission Vision and Core Values does not only affect the relation to myself, my family, my community, in my school, in my country but also with God as he is serving me in my daily living. Thanks a lot to Social Orientation you made me realized how important God is to my life. You also made me realized that God loves me even though i have so many sins I had done to him but still he forgives me for I am also one of his children. As long as I am with God I am forever at peace in my life and forever happy. Now its time to say Goodbye now. One more thanks you for my Social Orientation subject. I just want to leave a passage entry. Be peaceful everyday And I would like to give thanks to our instructor, Prof. Cayetano W. Paderangga III, MPE/DTE (CAR) in making us realize that we are not that dull and there is no such genius in his class. That means all of us are in fair brain for him. Thanks for letting us know about that Sir. God bless us all!

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