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Group 6

Members: Jason Albao Jireh Click to edit Master subtitle style Rodriguez Leih Malabrigo Jonathan Bo 3/12/13 Jolly Gerona

If the Housekeeping Department has an intensive program and are giving prize points for housekeeper, the Attendant point function will help to tract points. It can also be used for hotels that pay housekeepers based on the number of rooms cleaned.

When the Application Settings>Rooms Management>Attendant Points function is set to Y, you can select the Rooms Management>Housekeeping>Attendant Points menu option to award points to each of your room attendants on a daily basis. This can be used as a special incentive if attendants work extra rooms on certain days or for a general room attendant bonus scheme. You will only be able to use this option if the room attendants at your property have been defined in Systems. Configuration>Reservations>Codes>Housekeeping Attendants.

Attendant Points



Search Criteria Options Perform this query to view previously awarded attendant points. Start Date. Select the button to display the calendar box to choose the appropriate start date. End Date. Select the button to display the calendar box to chose the appropriate end date for this points accrual period. Attendant. Select the down arrow to display the list of attendants. If you want to display or modify the points for a particular room attendant, enter the attendant's Code in this field. Leave the field blank to display a list with all the room attendants that were assigned points for the selected day or date range.


Available Options Select New to create a new record to assign points to an attendant, Edit to modify an existing record to adjust any information for an attendant, Delete highlight the entry located in the query grid to remove the record, and Search to display the information requested from the search criteria entered.


Assign Attendant Points Grid

Date. Select the button to display the calendar box to choose the appropriate start date. This is the date for which the room attendant has been rewarded points. Attendant ID. The code of the selected room attendant. You cannot change this code. If the property works with many temporary room attendants, there will probably be a number of codes, such as TM1, TM2, etc., for the temps. Select the 3/12/13 down arrow to display the list of values for

Points. Here you enter the number of points that you want to record for the room attendant for this day. What you need to enter here depends on the way the property uses this function. If all cleaned rooms are recorded for each room attendant, you will probably enter a number for each cleaned room here, i.e., "11" for eleven cleaned rooms.


Task Assignment
When the Rooms Management>Task Assignment application function is set to Y, the Task Assignment menu option is visible and allows you to generate daily task assignment reports for one or more Housekeeping employees. But, if a housekeeping attendant is not included in any current date task sheet, they can be inactivated. The report includes information on assigned rooms, detailed task instructions, and employee identification. This report can then be distributed in hard copy to the individual employees on a daily basis.


Note: For a simplified version of the Task Assignment feature, set the Rooms Management>Task Assignment application function to N, and set the Rooms Management> Simple Task Assignment application function is set to Y. The Expanded button from the Housekeeping Management screen allows you to automatically generate daily task 3/12/13

To access the Task Assignment screen, select Rooms Management>Housekeepi ng>Task Assignment. The Task Assignment screen appears.


Use the Housekeeping Task Assignment process to generate task sheets for an individual attendant, a group of attendants, or all available attendants on a daily basis. The sheets may be generated automatically in which case the rooms may be evenly distributed to the available attendants or distributed based on a maximum number of credits per attendant.


Alternatively, new task assignment sheets can be created manually by selecting attendants and individual rooms. To access the Task Assignment screen, select Rooms Management>Housekeeping>Task Assignment. The Task Assignment screen appears.

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