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In the name of Allah the most Compassionate and Merciful In the name of Allah the most Compassionate, the most Merciful. "I have warned all,of the danger posed by the usurper Israel for fifteen years, and have repeatedly reminded *rab governments and nations of this unquestionable fact. The colonial peace- plot between Egypt and Israel has made this threat more eminent now. By signing the treaty,Sadat has publicly declared his association with the colonialist U.S. administration. This is not an unexpected measure emanating from the close affi_ liate of the ex-shah of Iran. Iran supports all her muslim brethren in Arab countries and recognizes herself a participant in their decision-making process. Iran considers Sadat's peace with Israel a treason committed against Islam,Muslims and all Arabs;and supports the political position of the opponents of this treaty." Imam Khomeini 25/3/1979 A HISTORY OF EGYPT IN SHORT: The 6 thousand year old history of Egypt began with the domination of pharaohs and continues with the rule of the present day pharaohs such as Sadat and Mubarak despite the will of the oppressed Egyptian nation. The Egyptian history of struggles, failures, and wars reflects the rules of pharaohs, Irano-Egyptian conflicts, their wars with ancient Rome,the Ottoman domination and the aggression by Napeleon,etc. Egypt's foreign debts, and her civil wars resulted in the domination of britain over this arab nation in 1802. England engaged herself in plundering Egypt until 1922, and then although it apparently recognized an independent Egypt, yet in reality it imposed puppet kings on the Egyptian nation. The year 1953 was the beginning of a new era in the Egyptian history, it marked and end to monarchical rule,and a birth to the Republic of Egypt. The young officers of the Egyptian army elected General Nadjeeb as president, Prime Minister and Head of the Revolution's command Council;Djamal Abdol Nasser was also appointed as Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of state. In 1954, General Nadjeeb was ousted on charges of his co- operation with Ikhwan-ol-Muslemin ( the muslim brotherhood ) in an assassination attempt against Nasser.Nasser's presidency, based on Arab nationalism and socialism, began with a disasso_. ciation from the west but a dependence on Russia and the Eastern block countries, Bilateral visits of the Egyptian and Russian leaders and the signing of military and economic agreements established strong ties between the two countries. Sadat and Egypt: The Israeli-Egyptian war in 1967 and the ensuing defeat of Egypt imposed a drak period over that country and the rest of the Arab world. Later in 1970,the Arab world suffered a bitter blow as the result of Nasser's death and coming to power of Sadat. (2)

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