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Presenter: hello, youre listening to OCR, Im Jonathan heavecoat the headlines for today are; First, the Shocking event of the death of an elderly woman, in her 80s caused by a tram accident in fails worth, Greater Manchester on Wednesday evening. The woman died about
160 yards from the station on the Oldham side.

Do you trust the safety of trams? Thats what we spoke to our environmental correspondent Habiba Bibi, to explain by interviewing the stake holder and communications manager for metro link, we arranged a phone interview with Neil Harrison, and gathered his views on the story. We have collected a perception into Tescos comment on their view of the horse meat scandal. Have you ever been so hungry that you couldve eaten a horse, or are you among the thousands that have been unknowingly deceived; we have revealed the truth behind the horse meat enquiries, as our news reporter Oliver Rogers Interviewed one of the Tesco managers to find out his opinions on the epidemic. Oldham colleges new-fangled refurbishment project, improves facilities for staff and students. Our reporter Clive Donald took a trip to Oldham College to gather the thoughts of the students and teachers on their new refurbishment project, the projects budget is being paid by 7million from the skills funding agency and are hoping to get another 3million funding from other sources, we also gathered the opinions of the opposition, who are the students from Oldham Sixth Form College, Here is what they had to say.

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