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CC1003C/N CC1F03C/N Workshop 5

1. Submit your interim submission to WebLearn.

2. Please implement tutorial question 2 in a HTML Web page, and test it. Feel free to use any text you want. Please implement the style as embedded CSS in the <head> part of the web page. <style type="text/css"> a {text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: blue} a:hover {background: red; color: white} H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 { color: red } BODY { background-color: #cccccc; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif } P { line-height: 200% } UL LI { font-size: 70% } .red { color: red } .green { color: green } #big { font-size: 120% } #upper { text-transform:uppercase } </style> 3. Implement the tutorial question 3:

Have a look at the following page layout, discuss how to implement it using <Div> together with internal CSS style

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