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Shared Inquiry Discussion Inquiry Log INSERT TITLE OF READING SELECTION The Veldt

PART 1: PREREADING Prereading question: How would you feel if your family banned television from your home?

Joshua Peavey 1 3/4/13

I would be angry because I watch TV every day and I also watch many sires for a couple seasons. I also have a phone and Im on for all day after school if they banned that I would throw out some of their stuff. More than likely this will not happing because my parents watch a ton of TV. Your answer: (3+ complete sentences with specific details and explanations)

PART 2: FIRST READING 3+ Questions you have after the first reading: (High level questions i.e Why? How?) Why did they make the room more expensive than the house? How come they bought the room if they are slightly sacred? Why is the room changing their life so much?

PART 3: SHARING QUESTIONS Interpretative questions get at the texts deeper meaning and themes. They have more than one good answer that can be supported with evidence from the text. Ex: Why does the girl squash Gaston? (Gaston) Speculative questions ask about information that exists outside the text, but readers must guess at or invent the answer using their imagination. Ex: Are the girls parents divorced? (Gaston) Evaluative questions go beyond the text and call for the readers personal opinions. Such questions often ask for a judgment of events or characters actions. Ex: Is the father a good parent? (Gaston) The interpretative question that interests you the most: Why did children kill their parents?

The speculative or evaluative question that interest you the most:

Joshua Peavey 1 3/4/13 Is the father a good father for getting the room?

PART 4: SECOND READING Note 3-5 parts of the text that interested you during the second reading (include word-for-word quotes and page numbers) George Hadley and his wife whirled and ran back to the door.

"Open the door!" cried George Hadley, trying the knob. "Why, they've locked it from the outside! Peter!" He beat at the door. "Open up!" He heard Peter's voice outside, against the door. "Don't let them switch off the nursery and the house," he was saying. Mr. and Mrs. George Hadley beat at the door. "Now, don't be ridiculous, children. It's time to go. Mr. McClean'll be here in a minute and..." Pg. 8 But Wendy was back. "It's not Africa," she said breathlessly. "We'll see about this," said George Hadley, and they all walked down the hall together and opened the nursery door. There was a green, lovely forest, a lovely river, a purple mountain, high voices singing, and Rima, lovely and mysterious, lurking in the trees with colorful flights of butterflies, like animated bouquets, lingering in her long hair. The African veldtland was gone. The lions were gone. Only Rima. Pg. 4 They did not go. He knew the principle of the room exactly. You sent out your thoughts. Whatever you thought would appear. "Let's have Aladdin and his lamp," he snapped. The veldtland remained; the lions remained. "Come on, room! I demand Aladin!" he said. Nothing happened. The lions mumbled in their baked pelts. "Aladin!" Pg.3 "I'm afraid so. One of the original uses of these nurseries was so that we could study the patterns left on the walls by the child's mind, study at our leisure, and help the child. In this case, however, the room has become a channel toward-destructive thoughts, instead of a release away from them." Pg.6


Joshua Peavey 1 3/4/13 1.) Bold your goal for the discussion --Idea: Give an answer to the focus question before being called on. --Evidence: Find two pieces of evidence to support your answer --Response: Ask another student a question about his or her answer 2.) Copy the focus question: Why do Peter and Wendy choose the nursery over their parents?

3.) Your answer before the discussion written in PEEER format with a direct quote from the text and page number as Evidence. Peter and Wendy choose the nursery, because care of them.. The house is fully automatic and doses every thing for humans that we are too lazy to do in normal life. This shows that the children love the house more then there parents The two children were in hysterics. They screamed and pranced and threw things. They yelled and sobbed and swore and jumped at the furniture. "You can't do that to the nursery, you can't!'' If people in future do this in the end people will love machine instead of mankind. This is why Peter & Wendy choose the house instead of there parents.

PART 6: DISCUSSION REFLECTION 1.) Your answer after the discussion (change or add to your answer to make it more complex) Peter and Wendy choose the nursery, because the house is there caretaker and provider. The house is fully automatic and doses every thing for humans that we are too lazy to do in normal life. This shows that the children love the house more then there parents The two children were in hysterics. They screamed and pranced and threw things. They yelled and sobbed and swore and jumped at the furniture. "You can't do that to the nursery, you can't!'' If people in future do this in the end people will love machine instead of mankind. This is why Peter & Wendy choose the house instead of there parents 2.) Explain what caused you to change or add to your answer (for example, new evidence or a classmates idea) I changed my because some idea were to short so I expanded mine. 2.) Explain how you did or did not meet your goal for this discussion. I did make my goal I got talk a lot more and got my ideas out there. 3.) What part of the Shared Inquiry Discussion is easiest for you in contrast to the early discussions (for example, offering ideas, finding evidence, responding to classmates) The easiest thing for was asking question of other people.

Joshua Peavey 1 3/4/13 4.) What do you want to improve on for next time? Talking a lot more and ask deeper questions of other

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