HOWTO - Go From HASPHL2007 To Multikey For Windows 7 64 Bit - Reverse Engineering Team Board

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HOWTO: Go from HASPHL2007 to Multikey for Windows 7 64 bit

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Thread Tools 11-13-2010, 10:07 AM

Display Modes #1 Join Date: Nov 2010 Posts: 4

Member HOWTO: Go from HASPHL2007 to Multikey for Windows 7 64 bit

Forum has tons of great info. Just missing a good FAQ/Wiki/Guide section. I guess its being run by ultra-smart people who are not smart enough to help the masses quickly. Pricks. For others like me, How to go from HASPHL2007 -> Multikey 64 Credit: gnerogeem (hate your methodology though) Assumption: - you've been using HASPHL2007 for emulation on a 32-bit system - you already have .dng file - assuming you're using HASP HL

ON A 32-bit SYSTEM 1. Run HASPHL2007.exe 2. Click on 'Driver' tab. Ensure driver is already installed. 3. Click on 'Emulator' tab. Click on 'Start Service'. 4. Click on 'Dongles' tab. Click on 'Load Dump'. 5. Find the .dng file and click OK. Now you should have dongle emulation running. 6. Use TORO donlge monitor to get your dongle password. 7. Using the passwords, dump it with h5dmp. 8. Solve the dump using UniDmp2Reg, select (vUSB HASP HL) and get reg file. 9. Edit the reg file. Add the following line "DongleType"=dword:00000001 under the "Created" field. ON 64-bit system 1. Copy the reg file over. 2. Install Multikey, restart PC. To do this correctly, add these lines to the beginning of 'install.cmd'

@setlocal enableextensions @cd /d "%~dp0"

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15/02/2013 17:38

HOWTO: Go from HASPHL2007 to Multikey for Windows 7 64 bit -...

Then, right click on 'install.cmd' and click on 'Run as Admin' 3. Install reg file, restart emulator using restart.cmd. 4. Verify you have the USB dongle in device manager. 5. Enjoice. Note: part of the instructions above copied from here Ask me to upload files if you need em.

11-13-2010, 10:13 AM

#2 Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Kalimdor Posts: 551

Senior Member

Bravo, bravo __________________ Pink is the new black.

11-13-2010, 11:20 AM

#3 Join Date: Nov 2010 Posts: 5


Same here..I copied my Hasp4 dongle here which was done by one of the forum members (thanks again), but still I have the unpleasant feeling that I did not understand what he did with the regfile. I really want to understand what he did so I can write a guide to copy a HASP4 dongle. @person who helped me out: No offence

11-13-2010, 11:42 AM

#4 Join Date: Oct 2007 Location: Torino Posts: 1,673

Super Moderator

The thought of somebody who does not understand a subject writing a guide on it makes me shudder. Have you not heard the expression "the blind leading the blind"?. Why don't you ask the person who did the job for you, firstly if a guide is actually needed, and if it is ask him to do it. No disrespect meant, but if you'd just been treated in hospital would you want to write a medical book? Git

11-13-2010, 11:46 AM

#5 Join Date: May 2009 Posts: 527

Senior Member

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15/02/2013 17:38

HOWTO: Go from HASPHL2007 to Multikey for Windows 7 64 bit -...

@Appien thats the only reason everybody asks to search and read the forum good work though... __________________ "Don't backstab me, i have two eyes on my back..." saint DABANGG

11-13-2010, 03:43 PM

#6 Join Date: Nov 2010 Posts: 5


[Please DO NOT quote whole messages] Maybe 'guide' isn't the correct word, but a HOWTO for my case (HASP4) and similar cases would be handy; just like this topic. I posted on this forum to actually learn how to emulate this type of dongle and not to be treated with a complete solution. I do reallly appriciate though. I've got a high affinity with IT (work related) so I'm not completly blind on this topic and should/will be able to understand. [Please DO NOT quote whole messages] I did search the forum, all 50 pages of topics. However I still was not able to find the correct solution.
Last edited by Git : 11-13-2010 at 05:58 PM.

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15/02/2013 17:38

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