Water Distribution System Maintenance Software Solution4657

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Water Distribution System Maintenance Software Solution

Request for Proposal

City of Anaheim Public Utilities Department Water Field Operations 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 601 Anaheim, CA 92805



1.0 General Information ...................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Request for Proposals .................................................................................................... 1 3.0 Project Scope................................................................................................................... 1 4.0 Water Distribution System Maintenance Software Solution Requirements .......... 2 4.1 Functional Objectives ........................................................................................ 2 4.2 Software Requirements ...................................................................................... 2 5.0 Quality Control ............................................................................................................... 4 6.0 Software Training and Manuals .................................................................................... 4 7.0 Description of Bid Items............................................................................................... 4 8.0 Selection Criteria and Process....................................................................................... 8 9.0 Proposal Requirements .................................................................................................. 9


SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 General Information City of Anaheim Water System A. City of Anaheim Water System. The City of Anaheim Public Utilities Department (Department) is a Municipal Utility with approximately 346,000 customers, and a service area of over fifty square miles. The Department operates and maintains the Citys water transmission and distribution systems. The Department has installed an extensive fiber optic cables that connects a number of water production facilities, such as wells, pump stations, reservoirs etc. The water system is operated twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. B. The Departments GIS is an integral part of its asset and maintenance management programs. The proposed maintenance and management software package should take full advantage of the current GIS without putting any restrictions on its current or future usage. Therefore, the proposed software shall be GIS-centric and shall be compatible with the Departments existing system. It is also critical that the software integrate into other business systems to facilitate additional analysis, software integration, work order management, etc. 2.0 Request for Proposals The Department is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified software Suppliers that are properly licensed to do business in the State of California and the City of Anaheim to furnish and implement a turnkey software solution, including all labor, materials, and services as described herein. The Department encourages all prospective companies to examine the RFP carefully. Qualified companies, as defined below, are requested to submit proposals to provide software and services as defined in this RFP. 3.0 Project Scope The scope of work is summarized as follows: A. The supply of all necessary software required for the proper functioning of the Water Distribution System Maintenance Software Solution as outlined in this RFP. B. The Supplier shall be responsible for the configuration, testing, and implementation of the Water Distribution System Maintenance Software Solution through final acceptance by Department. C. The Supplier shall install all required software as outlined and warranty the full operation of the software for a period of twelve months after final acceptance of the project.

D. The Supplier shall provide all training, user, technical, and other documentation as outlined in this RFP. Training shall also be provided to enable Department staff to configure and maintain software as applicable. E. The Supplier shall program and complete all forms, reports, and other displays to be used immediately by the Department. F. The Supplier shall also be responsible for the following: i. Project management

ii. Project meetings and progress reporting iii. Implementation planning and project schedule iv. Recommendations for hardware, software and documentation v. Technical support for implementation vi. Documentation for use of application vii. Training sessions for end users and for technical staff supporting application. viii. Future software maintenance and support 4.0 Water Distribution System Maintenance Software Solution Requirements 4.1 Functional Objectives A. The supplier shall provide a software package that allows the user to input, update, delete, and recall geodatabase features from the field and is capable of automated synchronization between field computers and the master SDE geodatabase. 4.2 Software Requirements A. GIS centric. Shall not restrict usage of current GIS to work with proposed software. B. Graphical, pen-based interface for displaying and tracking assets on tablet style PCs in the field. C. The Department currently owns and uses PT-25 and TM-7 valve machines as manufactured by PacifcTek Inc (Santa Ana, CA, 714-835-3088) and E.H. Wachs Company (1-847-537-8800), respectively. Software shall be capable of capturing and storing information from either of these machines. D. Software application must function in both the office (connected) and mobile (disconnected) environment. E. Able to view facility attributes and associated customer information. F. Software shall store and display asset maintenance history in the office or the field.

G. Automated synchronization between field computers and master SDE geodatabase. Software shall also provide for automated daily map updates via wired or wireless network connection. H. Software shall include digital forms for inputting and displaying information for specific maintenance or inspection tasks. Tasks shall include, but not be limited to, fire hydrant maintenance, system valve exercising, and water meter testing/replacement. Forms shall be configurable to accommodate the Departments specific needs. I. Capable of future integration with Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management System (formerly SPL Enterprise Asset and Work Order Management System). Specifically related to work orders and service requests. J. Provide ability to perform basic calculations and field specific quality control (required fields, correct number of turns for gate valves, etc.). Field specific quality control functions shall be configurable to accommodate the Departments specific needs. K. Software shall include a redline functionality that automates the process of digital markups (sketches, annotation, symbols, text notes, etc) of features in the field, sends the changes to other mobile devices and appropriate GIS personnel for data maintenance in an enterprise GIS. An administrative tool shall administer the redline functionality, process, and sketches in the GIS environment. Software shall also allow for the emailing of electronic markups by field personnel. L. Software shall include a pipeline tracing function to determine impacted sections of pipes and customers due to a simulated shutdown. Must be able to perform valve isolation, trace source, trace end, and trace upstream. M. Capable of managing and displaying USA Underground Tickets as part of the core application or through a third party application. N. Software shall include search and basic report functionality with export capability as well as open query capability. Search scenarios and basic reports shall be configurable to accommodate the Departments specific needs. O. GPS compatibility. Software shall leverage GPS technology to aide in locating Department assets. P. Provide for password protected access to the software application. Q. Compatible with ArcGIS 9.2. R. Capable of integrating with other ESRI programs and extensions. S. Data Model must be non-proprietary. T. All applications shall be compatible with Microsoft Windows XP and Vista operating system and use standard client applications.

U. Provide for central management of application, configuration, redline, and inspection data. V. Provide options for an administrator to extend the product with customization using common software languages. 5.0 Quality Control A. Must be a working, field tested application used in a field environment for at least 3 years. B. Must provide at least 5 municipality customer references each that are presently successfully utilizing the proposed solution in the field. 6.0 Software Training and Manuals A. The Supplier shall provide two separate training courses for Department staff: one course shall be designed to satisfy the Departments requirements for a self-sufficient software support and maintenance team and the other shall be designed for field staff. All courses shall provide the course participants with hands on experience using the actual software being supplied. B. The Supplier shall prepare training manuals (i.e. technical, user, and administrator) and submit them to the Department for review at least two (2) weeks before the start of classroom instruction. The training manual shall be prepared specifically for the use as training aids. Reference manuals, maintenance manuals, and users manuals may be used as supplementary training material but not as the primary training manual. C. Principle documents used for training shall be tailored to reflect all Department software and specific user requirements. D. Each course participant shall receive individual copies of training manuals and other pertinent material before the commencement of each course. The Department shall retain the master and three (3) additional copies of all training manuals and material as reference documentation. A complete set of instructors manuals and training aids shall be provided. All training manuals, materials, instructors manuals, and training aids shall also be provided to the Department on electronic media. 7.0 Description of Bid Items A. Water System Maintenance Software i. Bid Item 1 - Configuration and Startup. Bid item shall include all labor, materials, and services required for software/database configuration, customization, and optimization; startup; troubleshooting; and training. Specifically, this bid item shall also include all labor, materials, and services required to configure and/or customize maintenance/inspection forms for fire hydrant maintenance, valve exercising, and water meter testing/replacement, based on the

Departments specific needs. ii. Bid Item 2 - Nine (9) Software Licenses (read/write). Cost for this bid item shall also include all labor, materials, and services required to install software on nine separate computers. If applicable, three of the read/write licenses included in this bid items shall be considered administrative licenses. iii. Bid Item 3 - Three (3) Software Licenses (read only). Cost for this bid item shall also include all labor, materials, and services required to install software on three (3) separate computers. iv. In addition to the breakdown of costs described above, the Supplier shall also provide a quoted hourly rate for professional services that may be required to complete the project, but were not anticipated and included in this RFP. The quoted rate(s) should be applied for the duration of the project. They should include, but are not limited to: project management, programmer/analyst, and technical support analyst. B. Underground Service Alert (OPTION) i. Five (5) Software Licenses (read/write) for the management and display of USA Underground Service Alert Tickets. This optional bid item shall include all labor, materials, and services required to install software on five separate computers. This bid item shall also include any required extensions, customization, optimization; troubleshooting; and training associated with the USA Underground Ticket Management software. C. Software Maintenance Outside Warranty Period (OPTION) i. Under a maintenance/license agreement with the Supplier, all new software releases, revisions, and fixes (patches), shall be supplied to the Department when the mentioned software is made available. The maintenance contract shall be on an annual basis beginning after the completion of the twelve (12) month warranty period. ii. If the new software updates, patches, fixes, etc. adds new, previously unknown functions, processes, tasks, etc., the Supplier shall, at no cost to the Department, provide on-site or web-based training and documentation for the new software capabilities. D. Site/Network License (OPTION) i. This package will have the potential of being integrated into multiple areas of operation and maintenance including Public Utilities Electric Services and Public Works Maintenance. Therefore, the proposal should also include an evaluation and cost of a City Wide site license option. Cost for this optional bid item shall include all labor, materials, and services required to install software on up to twenty (20) additional separate computers.


Selection Criteria and Process A. A Department appointed Review Committee will evaluate the proposals. The decision of the Department shall be final and conclusive. B. The Review Committee will evaluate the proposals based on how well the Supplier fulfills the requirements described in this RFP. The proposals will be evaluated on, but not limited to, the following criteria (listed in their relative order of importance): Functionality - (Ability to provide a solution that satisfies the functional objectives and requirements contained in Section 4) Ease of Use Service and Technical Support Resources History of Use/References Cost Interoperability C. The Departments Purchasing Agent may contact a company for clarifying assistance. Such request for clarification will be addressed to the company whose proposal is in question. The company official who signed the proposal shall answer in writing. This response will be attached to the official proposal and will become a part of the public record following award and execution of the resulting agreement. The Review Committee may conduct oral interviews with selected companies. The companies will be asked to provide a real-time product demo during the interview. In addition, the project team and support staff will be asked to attend the interview. At a minimum, attendees should include the Project Manager, Technical Support Lead, Implementation Lead, and Programming/Analyst Lead. During the interview, the Committee may question a company for additional clarification. The response will be noted on the official proposal and shall become a part of the public record. It is the intent of the Department to select one company to serve as Water Distribution System Maintenance Software Supplier for the Department. The selected Supplier must agree to execute the resulting agreement within ten (10) days following receipt of written notification of their selection. In the event of nonperformance, the Department may award to the next most qualified company or may call for new proposals at its option. The Department reserves the right to reject any and all proposals prior to the execution of an acceptable contract. This RFP may not be construed as a contract or commitment of any kind.




Proposal Requirements A. Proposals in response to this RFP must be submitted in the order specified below. Proposals shall include the following: i. Cover Letter - Signed by company official. ii. Table of Contents.


iii. Executive Summary: An overview of the proposal and strategy. iv. Supplier Profile. Name and address of legal entity submitting the proposal. Legal status of proposer organization, i.e., corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship. Description of proposing organization including but not limited to: size, years of operation, areas of specialization, current credit rating and name of the rating service, and any other pertinent and/or distinguishing information. Supplier shall disclose any and all judgments, pending or expected litigation, or other real or potential financial reversals which might materially affect the viability or stability of the proposing organization; or warrant that no such condition is known to exist. v. Contract Performance. If the Supplier has had a contract terminated during the past five years, all such incidents must be described. Submit full details of all terminations experienced by the Supplier during the last five years including the terminating partys name, address, and telephone number. Present the Suppliers position on the matter. If no such terminations for default have been experienced by the Supplier in the past five years, the Supplier must warrant such. vi. References and Related Experience. The Supplier must submit a minimum of five government references presently using the proposed system for at least ninety days prior to the release of this RFP (See Section 5 Quality Control). Include the following for each reference: Customer name, business address, name of contact, title of contact, telephone number of contact, description of installation and services provided, and date installed/implemented. vii. Project team. This section should identify the project team members who will be assigned to this project. Include the following detailed information for each project team member. At a minimum this should include the Project Manager, Technical Lead Trainer, Technical Support Lead, and Implementation Lead: a. Specific area of responsibility or role on this project; b. Resume (brief version) including number of years with the company; c. Specific experience related to the subject material; d. Also identify any subcontractors who will be assigned to this project in the delivery of products or services. Attach any subcontractor agreement for each subcontractor who will perform any work on this project. viii. Product Descriptions. Describe how your company meets the elements as described in this RFP. The proposal should describe, in detail, the proposed products, features, and components. The use of standard product documentation, including user manuals and technical maintenance manuals, is acceptable. Demonstration software, screenshots, and sample help files may be included. System capabilities should be described with specificity, and illustrated with examples and/or crossRFP #7052 SPECIFICATION #1 7

referenced to user and technical manuals where appropriate. However, reliance on generic or superficial brochures is not satisfactory. The Supplier shall describe in detail the hardware and operating system software configuration requirements for successful operation of the proposed software product at the Department. ix. Implementation Approach. Supplier shall provide a recommended breakdown of tasks, phases, and milestones during the implementation of the software system. The implementation approach should include but not be limited to meetings, documentation, configuration, installation, testing, and troubleshooting. x. Configurations and Costs. Submit the itemized unit and extended price for each product and service proposed as part of the proposed solution. Refer to Description of Bid Items in Section 7 of this RFP. This section must include a breakdown of all costs associated with the proposal, including all software, data migration, services, configuration, customization, training, and maintenance. Costs analysis should contain sufficient detail so as to make clear the costs of options that may or may not include in the final purchase. xi. Contract, License Terms, and Time-line. Supplier must identify any objections it has to the Departments proposed contract, any terms it desires included in the contract, software licenses, installation and implementation time-line, and ongoing support. By submitting a proposal and by not objecting to terms of the Departments contract, Supplier offers to sign the contract as is, and this offer shall be binding and Supplier will execute such an agreement without further addition of costs or terms. The Department reserves the right to negotiate the terms of any proposed agreement. xii. Support. a. Describe your ongoing user support, including whether you provide a service call desk, procedures for handling different types of calls, ability to prioritize critical calls, and ability to respond to calls within a reasonable time period. The Department prefers a response from the service desk to non-emergency calls within four hours and a response to critical calls (delay in work or loss of data due to system failure) within 1 hour. Provide validation of this capacity. Describe how information will be provided to keep your clients informed of outstanding problems and fixes for the proposed system. Describe your process for receiving, evaluating, and implementing requests for enhancements or including custom applications/workflows to the proposed system, after it is installed and in use. b. Technical Support Resources. This section should identify the Suppliers support and development staff. Include the following detailed information for each individual: Specific area of responsibility or role in the company;

Resume (brief version); including number of years with the company Specific experience related to the subject material; Also identify any subcontractors who will be utilized in the operation, maintenance, configuration, and/or customization of products or services. Attach any subcontractor agreement for each subcontractor who will perform any work on this project. xiii. Response to Requirements. Suppliers should provide a written response for each of the functional, technical, and performance requirements contained in Section 4.0 of the RFP. Supplier's responses must be in the same order in which the requirements appear in this RFP. If a feature, function, product, or service is not available, an explanation of how the specification might otherwise be met using alternative features, functions, products, or services available from the Supplier is encouraged. The Suppliers should indicate if their solution can: completely meet a specific requirement with no custom code and no additional expense, meet a specific requirement with minor code modifications but with no impact on future releases, not meet a specific requirement without system/software modifications, or not meet a specific requirement. In addition, the Suppliers shall indicate uses of third party software, ad-hoc query tools, creative use of exiting features, or custom modifications. xiv. Security. Discuss levels of security for the system: whether security is system, table, function, or field level. Also if security can be set up at an individual and group level. xv. Documentation. Identify all documentation included with the proposed system. Refer to Section 6 Software Training and Manuals of this RFP. This includes online help, user manuals, installation procedures, configuration and maintenance procedures, and operations manuals for all elements within the proposed system. xvi. Hardware Recommendations. Provide hardware recommendations for field and office staff. This section shall also include minimum hardware specifications required for the proposed software system. A cost proposal for this section is not necessary. xvii. Other Information. Suppliers are encouraged to provide additional descriptive information on the proposed system software, services, etc., following these required sections. B. Suppliers should submit (1) one original proposal and (5) five copies.


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