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A multi-dimensional framework of the ICT Innovation system:

An agent based approach for policy making

Project Aim The purpose of this thesis is to identify research gaps within the Systems of Innovation literature over the past 33 years. This was to identify gaps and formulate research questions. It was then synthesised into a comprehensible framework of the ICT Innovation System. Agent-based modelling was chosen as it is an underutilised methodological approach. Three case studies were subsequently mooted from the relationships of the framework in order to help policy makers make decisions using this systemic perspective.

Benefits of a Systemic Approach: The ICT industry is a complex phenomenon with multiple variables and relationships between them, and numerous feedbacks within it. Problems must be analysed as a whole rather than individual parts. Systems thinking allows policy makers to make better informed decisions when integrating new policies into the environment.

Relationships between different Innovation Systems:

Historical context of Innovation Systems

ICT Innovation System

Relationship 1: Networked element providers and network operators i.e. Suppliers doing R&D and operators provide investment and user feedback Relationship 2: Network operators and content and application providers i.e. Net neutrality debate Relationship 3: Content application providers and consumers and creators i.e. Provides services for consumers and consumers can engage in content creation Relationship 4: Network element providers and consumer and creators i.e. New designs and feedback regarding it Relationship 5: Network element providers and content and applications providers i.e. Provides an innovation platform.

Relationship 6: Network operators and consumers and creators i.e. Provide things such as wireless LAN and digital broadcast and get feedback on services

Abstract Model: Case study 1 An abstract model between Regulators, Consumers, Creators and firms. This model can be specifically adapted to different relationships within the ICT Innovation System

Media Publishing: Case study 2

Net Neutrality: Case study 3

Christopher Hughes

Dr Lorraine Warren

Dr Jason Noble

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