Power Generation Aviation Oil & Gas Training Providers

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lndustrial safety is a field to whioh all aspeots of soientifio & teohnioal knowledge
pertaining to the safety are linked. lt provides the oore oonoepts of safety
awareness in the industrial workplaoe & an appropriate breadth of knowledge for
non-speoialists in oooupational health and safety to enable them to disoharge
their duties more effeotively with respeot to workplaoe health and safety
Environment, health and safety
Promoting a positive safety culture
Risk assessment
Monitoring, review and audit
Incident investigation and reporting
Manual and mechanical handling hazards
Electrical hazards and control
Fire hazards and control
Construction hazards and control
Power Generation Aviation Oil & Gas Training Providers
Turbo lnstitute of lndustrial Technology (Turbo Turbo lnstitute of lndustrial Technology (Turbo Turbo lnstitute of lndustrial Technology (Turbo Turbo lnstitute of lndustrial Technology (Turbo- -- -llT) llT) llT) llT) 3
Floor, Shreeuukh uilding, hiuayathnagar, hyderabad, lN0lA
0irect Line. 91 - 10 - 232159, Mobile Fh . 91 - 738 - 20293 training@turboiit.cou, www.turboiit.cou

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