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Disclaimer All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles and reviews. This book is intended as a reference material, not as a medical manual to replace the advice of your physician or to substitute for any treatment prescribed by your physician. If you are ill or suspect that you have a medical problem, we strongly encourage you to consult your medical, health, or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it. If you are taking prescription medication, you should never change your diet (for better or worse) without consulting your physician, as any dietary change may affect the metabolism of that prescription drug. This book and the authors opinions are solely for informational and educational purposes. The author specifically disclaims all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book.

Tabel Of Contents
Principle #1 - Prepare For Success
Body Measurements


Principle #2 Out With The Old, In With The New

Part 1 - Natural Food Diet (2 weeks) Part 2 - Master Cleanse (3 to 10 days)
Herbal Laxative Tea Saltwater Flush Ingredients For The Lemonade Master Cleanse Summary Cleansing Side Effects

12 14
14 14 15 15 16

Principle #2 Success Tips


Principle #3 Lifestyle-Un-Diet
Liver Function
Liver Cleaning Foods


DIET - A Four-Letter Word

Simple Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates Glycemic Index

23 23 24

Fiber 40 For Life

Functions And Benefits Of Insoluble Fiber Benefits Of Insoluble Fiber Food Sources Of Insoluble Fiber

24 25 25

Functions Of Soluble Fiber Benefits Of Soluble Fiber Food Sources Of Soluble Fiber

25 25 26

Good Protein Sources Bad Protein Sources

27 27

The Skinny On Fats

Fats To Use Fats To Reduce And Avoid

28 28

Fat Loss Factors 15 Foods For Maximum Weight Loss

1. Almonds, Walnuts 2. Beans, Sprouts 3. Green Vegetables 4. Lean Beef, Buffalo, Chicken, Turkey 5. Oatmeal 6. Eggs 7. Nut Butters 8. Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Fish Oil 9. Jasmine, Basmati, Brown Rice, Whole Grains 10. Vegetable Juices 11. Colored Fruits, Berries And Vegetables 12. Hemp 13. Whey Protein Powder 14. Wild Caught Salmon 15. Raw Or Lightly Pasteurized Organic Whole Milk, Cheese, Kefir, Yogurt

29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 35

Fat Loss Factors 17 Foods For Guaranteed Weight Gain

1. Doughnuts, Pastries 2. French Fries, Potato Chips 4. Store-Bought Juice, Fruit Drinks

36 36 36

5. Decaffeinated Coffee 6. Fried Fish, Fried Seafood 7. Raw Clams, Oysters 8. Lunch Meat, Smoked Meat, Hot Dogs, Bacon, Sausage 9. Alcohol 10. Soda 11. Diet Pop, Diet Drinks 12. Deep Dish Pizza 14. Ice Cream 15. White Bread, Pasta 16. Sugary Breakfast Cereals, Candy 17. Vegetable Oil, Shortening, Margarine

36 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 40 40

Dont Deprive Yourself Of These Eat These Foods Together To Pack On The Pounds Smoothie It Up
The Smoothie Plan Base For The Shake

40 41 41
41 42

Fat Loss Factors 5 Axioms Of Success

Axiom 1: The Pyramid Principle Axiom #2: Be A Grazer, Not A Gorger Axiom #3: Holiday Principle Axiom #4: Eat Something Raw At Every Meal Axiom #5: Read Your Food Labels!!

43 45 46 47 47

Food Companies Fatten You Up And Make You Sick

Whole Grain Is A Marketing Lie High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Trans Fats Additives, Colorings, Flavorings, And Preservatives

48 49 49 49

Sugar Substitutes MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) Added Salt

50 50 50

What You Dont Want To See On A Food Label

Is It Man-Made Rule


Lets Put This All Together For You In A Nice Tidy Package


Principle #4 Wash Away Fat With Water

Benefits of Drinking Water
Water Success Tips


Principle #5 Good Healthy Supplementation

Top 10 Supplements for Healthy Weight Loss
1. A Good Whole Food Multi-Vitamin/Mineral 2. Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules/Liquid 3. Extra B Vitamins: 4. Greens Powder 5. Probiotics 6. Fiber Supplement: 7. Protein Powder 8. Cayenne Pepper Pills 9. Glutamine 10. Chamomile, Yerba Mate, Green Tea, Oolong Tea

55 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 59

Principle #6 - Rebuild Your Body & Melt Fat All Day Long
Six Work Out Excuses
1. Takes Too Much Time 2. Too Boring 3. Too Painful

60 60 61

4. Lack Of Motivation 5. No Commitment 6. Too Intimidating

61 62 62

Reasons Why You Should Exercise Lingo: The Language Of Working Out Proper Posture Defined The Law Of Adaptation Best Time To Exercise
Exercise: Suck Your Belly Button To Your Spine

62 64 65 65 67

Suggested Workouts / Times

Changing It Up


Principle #7 Sculpt Muscle And Trim Fat!

The Dreaded Cardio High Intensity Interval Training
Sample Workout #1:

70 70

Ultimate Fat Blaster Principle #7 Success Tips

72 72

Principle #8 Its All A Mind Game...Relax

Stress And Weight Gain How To De-Stress.
Fat Loss Factors Five Mindgrowth Keys:

73 74

Elements Of A Healthy Mindset


3 Forms Of Exercise That Can De-stress Your Mind

Yoga Tai-Chi Pilates

76 76 76

Principle #9 No Breathe, No Life

Deep Breathing Routine


Principle #10 Rest Management

Top 7 Reasons To Get A Good Nights Sleep 12 Ways To Relax

79 80

Principle #11 Look Your Best To Feel Your Best

Top Ten Makeover Tips


Principle #12 Turning Your Program Into A Lifestyle

Lifestyle Tips Motivation Tips Depression/Self Esteem Issues Belly Fat Tips Addressing Hypothyroidism Binge Eating, Emotional Food Cravings, And Portion Control

84 85 85 86 87 87

Tools For A Fat Loss Factor Kitchen Fat Loss Factor Home Gym Equipment

89 90

Principle #1 - Prepare For Success

The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world wont work - if you wont. Zig Ziglar

o achieve success in all that you do, you must plan correctly. Adequate planning lays the foundation for this program. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

You will use a journal and a stat sheet to help you record and monitor your progress throughout the program. These tools will allow you to track your progress and accomplishments. You need to be aware of both your micro-accomplishments and your major ones. This is important to keep you motivated and consistent on the Fat Loss Factor Program. In presenting this program, I will not waste much time discussing theory and principles; rather, I will concentrate on those techniques and methods that are proven to work. Sotake a deep breath and get ready... Your life is about to change... Here we go!

Body Measurements
To accurately assess your progress through the Fat Loss Factor program, you will record your body measurements at the beginning and as you progress through the program. Take these measurements once weekly. Pick a day and record the measurements each week on that same day (for example, every Friday). To take your measurements, you will need the following items: Seamstress measuring tape

Journal Digital camera Calipers (optional) Scale Seamstress Measuring Tape A seamstress measuring tape works best. Measure the following areas each week and record the data in your journal: Measure Measure Measure Measure Measure Journal Use a journal to track your progress. Buy a binder and binder paper so you can add new sheets as required. Check your journal each day in the morning and evening, updating as required. Track the following information: Meals, planned and actual (weekly / daily) Plan for the week (weekly) Body measurements (weekly) Weight (weekly) Thoughts (daily) Goals (weekly) Digital Camera Take before and after pictures of your body. Here are some tips for taking these pictures: Use the same background. Hold a newspaper showing the date you started. Take the picture from the same distance each time. Tan for your after picture. the middle of your right arm (highest point in your bicep without flexing). chest (underneath arms). waist (around the smallest part). your hips (the widest part). your right thigh (middle).


Smile for your after picture. Calipers Calipers will allow you to measure your percentage of body fat. Have experts take your body fat measurements. They will be more accurate. Inquire at your gym. Scale Weigh in once a week. Weight is the least important of the four measurements because weight loss doesnt necessarily mean fat loss has occurred. Most people, upon checking their weight, hope to see the number decrease each time; however, it is important to lose fat but not muscle. If your weight is decreasing, but you are losing muscle, that is not a good result. So shake off the old ways of thinking and get ready to learn about and use additional methods to test and measure your progress. Another way to get motivated is to check your clothing periodically. Throughout this program, observe how your clothes are fitting. You should find they are getting looser. This can serve as evidence that you are making progress.


Principle #2 Out With The Old, In With The New

Man is what he eats. Goethe

he techniques presented in this section are designed to reset your metabolism and lower stress on your digestive system. By implementing these techniques, you will improve the function of your digestive tract, making it more efficient. You will feel healthier, have more energy, and ultimately lose weight.

Ten benefits you will gain from Principle #2

1. Lose excess weight. 2. Eliminate harmful toxins causing your fat cells to shrink. 3. Strengthen your immune system. 4. Gain energy. 5. Sharpen your mind. 6. Increase your endurance. 7. Accomplish more. 8. Sleep better. 9. Improve your overall health and well being. 10. Break down emotional ties that you have with food.

Part 1 - Natural Food Diet (2 weeks)

To rid your body of fat permanently, you need to cleanse your body of toxins. Over the years, your body has accumulated toxins from processed foods, pollution, and chemicals in the environment. These toxins are now stored in your fat cells. If you remove the fat cells, you can remove the toxins. This natural food diet last 2-weeks and will reset your body and prime it to become a fat burning machine. The components of the diet are as follows:


You may eat these natural foods: Fruit (organic is preferred) Vegetables (organic is preferred) Raw nuts Raw seeds Legumes (beans) Spring water (or reverse-osmosis water with a pinch of sea salt) Coconut oil (for cooking) Extra virgin olive oil with lemon juice (for salad dressing) You may not eat: Dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt) Meat Bread Pastries Sugar or artificial sweeteners Eggs Canned fruit or vegetables Anything with white flour Grains or rice During these two weeks, walk every day for a minimum of 30 minutes and up to an hour. Walk outside if possible and keep a brisk pace such that you break into a slight sweat. What separates this program from other programs is you will break your mind and body down, and then build it back up. In the process, you will change your lifestyle.


Part 2 - Master Cleanse (3 to 10 days)

The Master Cleanse takes 3 to 10 days and provides the following benefits: Dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion. Reduce body fat by two to eight ounces per day. Cleanse the kidneys and digestive system. Purify the glands and cells. Eliminate waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles. Relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels. Build a healthy bloodstream.

Herbal Laxative Tea

To aid in the digestive system flush, purchase herbal laxative tea. Most health food stores and some grocery stores carry them. Drink one serving the evening before you start the cleanse. Here is one that works (but you can use another one) Smooth Move by Traditional Medicinals. If you drink this tea and you are still having trouble with bowel movements, take another herbal laxative first thing in the morning, before you start the saltwater flush.

Saltwater Flush
The saltwater flush is a cheap, easy, controlled laxative that will cleanse your colon. 1. Prepare a full quart (4 cups) of medium-to-hot water, and add two level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt (iodized salt will not work properly). 2. Drink the entire quart preparation within 10 to 20 minutes. This will begin the process of thoroughly washing the entire digestive tract. 3. Do this as soon as you get up in the morning every day of the Master Cleanse. The breaking up, loosening, and purging of encrusted debris from the small and large intestinal walls is the most important part of the Master Cleanse. You will need to use the bathroom throughout the flush. You should have two to three bowel movements a day.


For those readers who are concerned about blood pressure deviation due to salt ingestion, the uniodized salt and water have the same specific gravity as the blood; therefore, the kidneys cannot absorb the water, and the blood cannot absorb the salt. Hence, there is no salt retention. This saltwater flush may be performed as often as needed for proper washing of the entire digestive tract. Perform this saltwater flush every day in the morning while you are on the cleanse, and remember that you will be saltwater flushing for the first hour of the day. After the saltwater flush, begin taking the lemonade drink. During waking hours, drink six to eight ounces of lemonade daily along with six to twelve cups of room temperature water for a continuous purging of impurities from the digestive tract.

Ingredients For The Lemonade

(Drink six to eight times a day ) Juice of lemon or lime (preferably fresh squeezed and organic). Never use lemon juice from the bottle or frozen juice concentrate. 1 tablespoon genuine grade organic A, B, or C dark amber maple syrup (preferably grade B). Do not use maple-flavored syrup. 1/10-teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) natural or organic. Buy the flakes or powder in the spice isle of the grocery store. If you can tolerate it, keep adding more. Red pepper has great thermogenic effects. 8 oz Water (spring or distilled)

Master Cleanse Summary

1) The night before you start the Master Cleanse, take a laxative tea such as smooth move, or get Regular Tea by Yogi Tea. It can be found at Kroger or Whole Foods. 2) Perform the saltwater flush early the next morning. Add 2 teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to 4 cups of lukewarm water. Drink all within 20 minutes.



4) 5)


So this flush in the morning every day of the cleanse. Drink Lemonade 6 to 8 times a day Squeeze lemon into 1 cup of spring water Add 1-2 tablespoons grade B pure maple syrup Add a pinch of cayenne pepper powder Repeat Master Cleanse daily for up to 10 days. I personally recommend three days on the cleanse then take three days off and three more days on the cleanse. If you must eat, the following foods contain lots of water and will be OK. Use restraint, however, because eating slows down the cleansing process. Cucumber Watermelon Oranges Grapefruit Celery Tomatoes Seedless grapes Any type of fresh fruit or vegetable juice You can also drink organic herbal teas throughout the day

Cleansing Side Effects

During the cleanse, you may experience detoxification symptoms such as headaches, nausea, acne, low energy, bad odor, bad breath, or white tongue. This is actually good news. It means you are purging toxins from your body. You are getting better! Use peppermint oil or drink mint tea to combat detoxification symptoms.

Principle #2 Success Tips

1) Performing the Master Cleanse will be painful mentally because we are emotionally linked to food and we have been trained all our lives to eat meat and carbohydrates at every meal. Eating non-organic, store-bought meat is very hard on your body and is linked to many health problems. You can get plenty of protein without meat.


2) Your goal during this phase is to gorge your body with whole food nutrients so it can rebuild and repair itself. You will lose fat naturally, detoxify your body, and prepare yourself for the next phases of Fat Loss Factor. Eat as much of these foods as you want!! If you are hungry, then eat! 3) If you happen to cheat on the natural foods diet, dont give up. Pick up where you left off and keep going! 4) If you cheat on the cleanse. Thats OK, try again later. This program is designed to lose large amounts of weight in small steps. 5) There is no such thing as failure, just feedback. Dont be afraid to fail. Accept it, move on and persevere. Remember: BABY STEPS! 6) Stay strong and remember that you will eventually have your favorite foods again. You do have the will power to wait two to three weeks.


Principle #3 Lifestyle-Un-Diet

giant portion of your belly fat (and body fat for that matter) is due to three things: (1) incorrect diet, poorly functioning liver, and (3) a clogged up Colon.

If you find yourself eating a large amount of processed foods, dairy products, red meat, preservatives, etc., you are ingesting an enormous amount of toxins. These toxins overwhelm your two main detoxification organsthats right, you guessed it: your liver and your colon. Since this happens over a long period of time, your liver and colon become sluggish, slowing your metabolism. Guess what they also do? Shuttle excess toxins into fat cells. In most people, this fat is shuttled to the belly, butt, hips, or thighs. The areas close to those 2 organs.

Liver Function
The liver is like a complicated filter. Its purpose is to breakdown fat and filter out harmful substances via bile. Bile is the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood The liver re-circulates bile acids through the system such that the entire bile pool recycles through the entero-hepatic system six to eight times a day. If this re-circulated fluid is high in fat and/or toxins, the process leads to excessive weight gain, making it almost impossible to lose weight permanently. Now, if the liver does not regulate fat metabolism efficiently, weight gain tends to occur around the belly area and a protuberant abdomen (also know as a pot belly) will develop. Another sign of an unhealthy liver can be a roll of fat around the upper abdomen. This is a sure sign of a clogged up, slowly functioning liver. If the liver filter is damaged, blocked or clogged up with toxins and excess waste, it cant remove the small fat globules that circulate in the blood stream. These extra globules then build up


in other organs and in fatty deposits under the skin, which can lead to cellulite in your butt, thighs, arms, and belly. Until the liver function is improved, it is almost impossible to lose this abdominal fat. Thats one of the major reasons we get fatter as we age. Basically, when your liver is clogged with junk, you become fat, no matter how much dieting and exercise you do. Ever wonder why whenever you would diet and stop, youd gain the weight right back? Clean out your liver properly and it will turn right back into the fat burning, metabolismboosting organ it once was. Imagine starting a good weight loss program with a healthy liver thats burning fat for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even while youre sleeping! This is what Fat Loss Factor will help you achieve.

Liver Cleaning Foods

(From Dr. Edward Group) To give your liver a boost, make sure you include these foods in your daily diet. Try to add at least 2-4 servings a day. 1. Garlic Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing. 2. Grapefruit High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increases the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.


3. Beets and Carrots Both of these vegetables are high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene. Eating beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function. 4. Green Tea This liver-loving beverage is chock-full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a constituent that assists the livers overall functions. Green tea is not only delicious, but its also a great way to improve your diet. 5. Leafy Green Vegetables Leafy greens can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced. They are extremely high in plant chlorophylls and absorb environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver. Try bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens, and chicory into your diet. These will increase the creation and flow of bile. 6. Avocados This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, which is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins. Recent studies indicate improved liver health when avocados are ingested regularly. 7. Apples High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents needed for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process. 8. Olive Oil Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp, and flax-seed are great for the liver, when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can suck up harmful toxins. In this way, it takes some of the burden off the liver.


9. Whole Grains Grains, such as brown rice, are rich in B-complex vitamins, nutrients known to improve overall fat metabolization, liver function, and liver decongestion. If possible, do not eat foods with white flour; instead, try eating whole-wheat alternatives. 10. Cruciferous Vegetables Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase the glucosinolate in your system, adding to enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush carcinogens and other toxins from the body, which significantly lowers our risk of cancer. 11. Lemons & Limes These citrus fruits contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which aids the body in synthesizing toxic material into a substance that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice in the morning helps stimulate the liver. 12. Walnuts Holding high amount of the amino acid arginine, walnuts aid the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which support normal liver cleansing actions. Make sure you chew the nuts well (until they are liquefied) before swallowing.


13. Cabbage Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps stimulate the activation of two crucial liver detoxifying enzymes. Try eating more kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage soup, and sauerkraut. 14. Turmeric The livers favorite spice. Try adding some of this detoxifying goodness into your next lentil stew or veggie dish for an instant liver pick-me-up. Turmeric helps boost liver detoxification by assisting enzymes that actively flush out known dietary carcinogens. Other liver cleanse foods not listed above are artichoke, asparagus, kale and Brussels sprouts. Special Thanks to Dr. Group for that exhaustive list. Now, we will be integrating those in our meals, and you should also be working those into your diet, anywhere you can.

DIET - A Four-Letter Word

The first three letters of DIET, spellDIE. That is what happens to your metabolism as you yo-yo on and off the many popular diet plans. Each time you fall off the diet band wagon, it becomes harder to get back on. Heres why: When you drastically cut calories, your body goes into starvation mode. Your metabolism slows to a snails pace because it anticipates a period of famine, and it is trying to conserve. This natural response makes it difficult to lose the fat you desire. To compound this problem, your body then dumps the most energetically expensive tissue muscle! So you end up losing muscle and storing fat, the complete opposite of what you need to do to lose weight. In this section, we will focus on eating foods with high thermic effects (to boost metabolism). These food groups are proteins and fibers containing complex carbohydrates.


Your digestive tract needs exercise, and it expends energy just like you do. When you eat whole foods, or foods that are in their natural state, your digestive tract has to burn calories to break down the food, which in turn increases your metabolism. Proteins have the highest thermic effect of all foods. In this phase of the program, we will focus on eating lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, fish, and wild game. Red meat should be eaten one to two times per week because of its high saturated fat content. Complex carbohydrates come in a close second for metabolism boosters. These include fibrous vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, yams, beans, and oatmeal. Carbohydrates (carbs) are simple and complex sugars that the body uses as energy. They also hold water in your tissues.

Simple Carbohydrates
Also called simple sugars. Simple sugars are typically sweet-tasting (glucose derives from the Greek word for sweet) and are rapidly metabolized by the body and converted into energy. Simple sugars need almost no digesting. They can enter the bloodstream immediately. Examples are: table sugar, fruit juice, candy, fruit, syrups, etc. Simple carbs (except fructose) are typically high on the glycemic index, so they tend to cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. They are ideal for energy but not so good for appetite and blood glucose control.

Complex Carbohydrates
Also called complex sugars. These are many sugars put together. Because the molecular structure of complex carbohydrates is more complicated, the body cannot metabolize them (convert them) into energy as quickly as simple carbs. This means complex carbs raise blood glucose levels more slowly. The most common form of polysaccharide complex carb is starch, which is found in plants. Common plant-based starchy foods include breakfast cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta and rice.


Good Carbohydrates: The more natural, the better. Fruit (limited amount due to high sugar content), vegetables (as much as you want), potatoes, and whole grains, such as oats, are all great carbs to eat. Bad Carbohydrates: White flour, enriched products, pasta, and anything that has refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

Word of Caution: Consumption of too many carbs will send your blood sugar hormones through the roof! Too much insulin leads to fat storage and subsequently to type II diabetes. The best way to prevent this disease is by not overloading yourself with sugar, especially processed, unnatural sugars like the bad carbs listed above.

Glycemic Index
This is a ranking system that tells how carbohydrates affect your blood sugar levels. It measures how much your blood glucose increases two to three hours after eating. The best authority on this is David Mendosa. Go here for more information:

Fiber 40 For Life

This will be one of the most important changes you will add to your lifestyle un-diet: Take 40 grams of fiber per day for LIFE! Fiber is good for clearing your digestive tract of toxins and it also keeps your bowels moving. There are 2 types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Here are the differences:

Functions And Benefits Of Insoluble Fiber

Moves bulk through the intestines Controls and balance the pH (acidity) in the intestines


Benefits Of Insoluble Fiber

Promotes regular bowel movement and prevent constipation Moves toxic waste through the colon in less time Helps prevent colon cancer by keeping an optimal pH in intestines to prevent microbes from producing cancerous substances Keeps unwanted pounds off

Food Sources Of Insoluble Fiber

Vegetables such as green beans and dark green leafy vegetables Fruit skins and root vegetable skins Whole-grain products Wheat oat Corn bran Seeds & nuts

Functions Of Soluble Fiber

Forms a gelatinous substance when mixed with water Binds with fatty acids Prolongs stomach emptying time so sugar is released and absorbed more slowly, which means your body wont get blood sugar spikes Binds with toxic substances in the bowel and draws it out of your system

Benefits Of Soluble Fiber

Lowers your total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), therefore reducing the risk of heart disease Regulates blood sugar Expands in your stomach, giving the feeling of fullness Clears heavy metals, heavy chemicals, parasites, and other toxic substances from the body Keeps unwanted pounds off


Food Sources Of Soluble Fiber

Oats, oat bran, oatmeal Dried beans and peas Nuts Barley Flax seed Fruits such as citrus and apples Vegetables such as carrots Psyllium husk powder

Fat Loss Factors Top 10 Fiber Foods

1) 2) 3) 4) Beans - These nutritional staples are packed with fiber. Bran - Bran cereal is great, but bran muffins are fun and tasty! Yams - 1 medium cooked gives you 6.8 grams of fiber. Lentils - A genuine nutritional superstar, packing a powerful dose of 15 grams of high fiber in just one cup. 5) Berries - A cup of delicious strawberries will get you about three grams of fiber. 6) Potatoes - Eat the skin to get the high fiber count of 5 grams. 7) Figs - Natural flavor with 10.5 grams of fiber in just 3 dried figs. 8) Broccoli - 3/4 of a cup of cooked broccoli has 7 grams of fiber. 9) Pears - One luscious medium fruit yields 4 grams of fiber. 10) Apple - One medium apple a day will fulfill 4 grams of fiber. My personal favorite fiber food is hemp protein. You can purchase this online or at health food stores. One serving of hemp protein contains 14 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein. Perfect for a smoothie.


Proteins are basic components needed to build strong muscles, ligaments, and bone. They are the second most abundant substance next to water and are used by the body to heal, repair, and grow. Animal meat is the best source of protein because it contains the complete line of amino acids as well as Vitamin B-12. Protein consumption does not change your blood sugar levels.

Good Protein Sources

Good protein sources are: Free-Range Organic Chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, and red meats such as buffalo, beef and deer (lean, hormone-free, grass-fed).

Bad Protein Sources

Bad protein sources are: lunch meat, hot dogs, store-bought chicken, turkey beef, farmraised salmon and tuna. All of these are grain fed, (too many omega 6 fats that we ingest and that turn into saturated fats in our body), full of growth hormone and antibiotics. They are very unhealthy animals due to the way they are raised.

The Skinny On Fats

Here is the skinny on fats: (1) your body uses fat for the brain, (2) your cells need fat for healthy function, and (3) your glands need fat for balanced hormone production. Fats do the following: Supplies insulation and protection for the organs Helps store and transport fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) Assists in mineral absorption Causes fat mobilization Slows the absorption of carbs (to manage blood sugar levels) Reduces hunger signals, making you feel more full


Fats To Use
Omega-3 fatty acids (found in cold-water fish) Naturally raised grass and vegetable-fed animals Flaxseed, almonds, and walnuts. Extra virgin olive oil (cook with at low heat) Coconut oil (cook with at high heat) Butter (cook with at medium heat)
Note: Oils from vegetables, nuts, and seeds are very unstable and break down into substances that are harmful to the body. They become damaged and go rancid when cooked, causing destructive effects to the body upon intake. Cook only with olive oil and coconut oil, because they are stable under heat.

Fats To Reduce And Avoid

Omega-6 fats Hydrogenated oils Trans fats Cooking oils (vegetable, nut, seed) Saturated fats: commercially raised animal products, palm oil Trans-fats: hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils

Fat Loss Factors 15 Foods For Maximum Weight Loss

Include three of the below 15 foods in every meal, and you will not only maximize your fat loss, but you will maximize your good health. Each entry includes the following information:


Maximum Weight Loss Foods Legend What They Do: This tells you some of the most important benefits for you and your body. Nutrition: This tells you the main nutrients that will propel your fat loss to new levels. Friends: This tells you about alternatives to the food. Impostors: This tells you which foods you cannot use as replacements.

1. Almonds, Walnuts
All nuts are high in protein and monounsaturated fat (good fats). Almonds and walnuts are the kings of nuts. Eating nuts does not result in the high caloric intake that youd expect, because 5% to 15% of their calories are not absorbed by the body. Some factors that will influence your digestion are the skin of the nut and how well you chew them. In addition, the slow release of calories will give you a longer feeling of fullness. You can introduce them into your diet by adding chopped nuts to your oatmeal, ice cream, cereal, or yogurt.

What They Do:

Build muscle. In addition to having protein, almonds have an adequate amount of magnesium, which is crucial to building muscle. Fight cravings by eating 24 almonds for a snack or before a meal, and then drink eight ounces of water to suppress your appetite. The water will cause the fiber of the nuts to expand in your stomach, making you feel fuller. Nutrition: Fiber, potassium, vitamin E, fiber magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron. Friends: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, avocados. Impostors: Smoked nuts, peanuts, salted nuts.


2. Beans, Sprouts
Beans are good for your heart, just like the song says. They also provide protection against cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. The most nutritious bean is the black bean. On a side note, Qdoba and Chipotle both serve black beans, which have been shown to have the most antioxidants, on their burritos. Beans, in general, are so balanced with protein and fat that you can replace a meat dish with a bean dish without worrying about the saturated fat. The best beans are soy, pinto, garbanzo, navy, black, white, kidney, lima, red.

What They Do: Build muscle, help to burn fat, regulate digestion. Nutrition: Fiber, protein, iron, folate, bioflavanoids. Friends: Lentils, bean dips, hummus, edamame. Impostors: Refried beans that are high in saturated fats, baked beans that are
high in sugar.

3. Green Vegetables
As you know, vegetables are densely packed with important nutrients and are also a critical part of your body-transforming diet. They protect the body from diseases of lifestyle, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimers. Some options for introducing them into your diet: (1) Stir fry with a little fresh garlic and olive oil, (2) Juice fresh vegetables, (3) Puree them and add them to marinara sauce, or (4) Steam them.

What They Do: Neutralize free radicals, which are molecules that cause you to

age rapidly and develop disease. Nutrition: You name it, they have it vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fiber, bioflavanoids. Friends: Brightly colored vegetables, such as red, yellow, and orange peppers, and orange squash due to their high antioxidant content. Impostors: None, just dont smother them with cheese or fry them.


4. Lean Beef, Buffalo, Chicken, Turkey

Protein is the base of any solid diet plan. It takes more energy for your body to digest the protein in meat than it does to digest carbs and fat, so the more protein you eat, the more calories you will burn!

What They Do: Build muscle, improve the immune system. Nutrition: Protein, iron, zinc, creatine, vitamins B-6 and
potassium. Friends: None. Impostors: Sausage, bacon, cured meats, ham.

B-12, phosphorus,

5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is your everything-to-everyone food. It will get you through mornings when you are dragging. Have a serving a couple of hours before a workout to feel energized or at night to stop a late-night binge. Be sure that you buy the unsweetened, unflavored variety and use other power foods such as berries to enhance the taste. Fiber should be a staple of your diet. Doctors recommend about 25-35 grams a day because of the health benefits. Benefits include: (1) Expands in your stomach to curb your appetite, (2) Attaches to digestive acids in your stomach to lower cholesterol, (3) Protects you from heart disease, and (4) Protects you from colon cancer by sweeping cancer-causing agents out of the intestines quickly.

What They Do: Boost energy and sex drive, reduce cholesterol, maintain healthy
blood sugar levels. Nutrition: Complex carbohydrates and fiber. Friends: High-fiber cereals like Grape Nuts, All Bran, Fiber One, some Kashi brands. Impostors: Cereals with added sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.

6. Eggs
The egg has received a bad rap over the years for its high cholesterol content. Just two eggs contain enough cholesterol to put you over the recommended daily allowance. However, research is finding that cholesterol levels do not rise as a result of eating


dietary cholesterol; they rise by eating dietary fat. The egg should be your best friend. The protein found in eggs has the highest biological value of any other food, making it is more effective for the body to use in building muscle.

What They Do: Build muscle, burn fat. Nutrition: Protein, vitamin B-12, vitamin A. Friends: None. Impostors: Egg Beaters.
7. Nut Butters
Nut butters made our list because of their versatility. Use on apples or celery, in smoothies, and in oatmeal. Be careful how much you eat, because it does contain a lot of monounsaturated fat. No more than three tablespoons a day. Nut butters contain the same properties and benefits as the nuts themselves, so we will not repeat here.

Best Friend: Almond butter. Friend: Cashew butter, all natural organic peanut butter. Impostors: Sugary, trans-fat filled peanut butters such as Jif or Skippy.
8. Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Fish Oil
Olive oil is the key ingredient in Mediterranean diets. It is known for its health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and having the ability to curb food cravings. Do not cook with olive oil at high temperatures. It is a monounsaturated fat, which becomes rancid when heated at high temperatures. Your best cooking alternative is coconut oil.

What They Do: Lower cholesterol, curb food cravings, boost immune system. Nutrition: Monounsaturated fat (olive oil), vitamin E, vitamin A, chlorophyll,
squalene, and lots more cardio protective nutrients. Friends: Coconut, flax seed, fish oil, canola oil in moderation. Impostors: Vegetable oil, margarine, Crisco.


9. Jasmine, Basmati, Brown Rice, Whole Grains

When eaten in their natural state and not refined, whole grains and rice are excellent carbohydrate food sources. Food manufacturers throw out the two most nutritious parts of grain, the bran and the germ. The part that is used has the least nutrition, and all of the vitamins, fiber, and minerals are refined away. Stay away from these types of food, Eat whole grains and rice that have not been processed.

What They Do: Give the body energy and prevent the body from storing fat. Friends: Whole-wheat pretzels, rice, pasta. Nutrition: Fiber, protein thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium,
niacin, pyridoxine, zinc and iron. Friends: Barley, quinoa, millet. Impostors: Processed bakery products, white bread, bagels, and doughnuts.

10. Vegetable Juices

Nowadays, the soil is so depleted of nutrients that a peach taken from a tree 50 years ago has 10 times the nutrition of a peach today. Juicing gives you a super load of antioxidants, minerals, and phytonutrients to fight off cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. It is a great way to get in lots of nutrients in a small amount of time, and sometimes the only way to meet the recommendations of 9 to 13 servings of fresh fruit or vegetables per day.

What They Do: Provide a complete network of antioxidants to fight against cancer,
heart disease, and the aging process, and aids in weight loss. Nutrition: All of your antioxidants, minerals, phytochemicals. Friends: Raw fruit or vegetables. Impostors: Adding cheese or salad dressing.

11. Colored Fruits, Berries And Vegetables

These should also be a staple of your diet. The brighter the color of the fruit or vegetable, the more potent the antioxidants they provide. The more raw fruit and vegetables you eat, the healthier you will be. Yams are a great low-glycemic food that are released


slowly into your system and will not spike your blood-sugar levels. Yams and sweet potatoes are chock full of antioxidants. They are also low-calorie and very filling.


They Do: Improve eyesight, improve balance, improve coordination, increase short-term memory, prevent cravings. Nutrition: Antioxidants, fiber. Friends: Apples, grapefruit. Impostors: Jellies that have added sugar.

12. Hemp
Hempseed is considered by medical doctors and health professionals to be one of the most nutritious food sources on the planet. Two scoops of hemp protein contain 14 grams of fiber, 11 grams of protein, and 3 grams of fat.

What They Do: Build muscle, burn fat, clear digestive system. Nutrition: Complete amino acid profile, protein, fiber, iron, calcium, vitamin E,
Omega-3 fatty acids. Friends: Flax seed, fish oil, quinoa. Impostors: Soy.

13. Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein powder will give you the most protein for the fewest number of calories. It is a very versatile food that should be included in every diet. You can add it to oatmeal, smoothies, cereal, and healthy breads, cookies, and muffins.

What They Do: Build muscle and fat. Nutrition: All essential amino acids, protein, glutathione, cysteine. Friends: Ricotta cheese. Impostors: Soy protein.
14. Wild Caught Salmon
I cant emphasize enough the value of wild caught salmon and tuna. These cold-water fish contain Omega-3 fatty acids, instead of saturated fat. Omega-3 fatty acids decrease a hormone called leptin, which is responsible for storing body fat. The lower your leptin


levels, the easier it is to burn fat. Only eat wild caught fish. Fish like Atlantic salmon are bred in pens in the open ocean on farms. Not only are they destroying our oceans, but these fish are fed an unnatural diet, causing them to have very little Omega-3 in their fat. Instead, they have Omega-6 fatty acids, which in large quantities can harm you.

What They Do: Build muscle and fat. Nutrition: Protein, Omega-3 fatty acids. Friends: krill, sardines, wild game meat, free-range beef. Impostors: Fried fish, Atlantic salmon, farm-raised fish.
15. Raw Or Lightly Pasteurized Organic Whole Milk, Cheese, Kefir, Yogurt
Dairy barely makes this list, as many people are lactose intolerant and allergic to it. This group of foods should be used sparingly if you are trying to lose weight. In the process of pasteurization, dairy companies use super-heat to kill bacteria and other potentially harmful organisms; however, this process makes the final product devoid of nutrients, for the most part. Another problem is that regular milk contains growth hormone and antibiotic residues that are left over from the farmers attempt at getting the cow to produce more milk. I have chosen kefir and yogurt for their probiotic properties. Probiotics are good bacteria, found in the gut, that help with digestion. Consume dairy products that are as lightly pasteurized as possible.

What They Do: Build strong bones, fire up weight loss. Nutrition: Calcium, protein, vitamins A, D, B-12,
potassium, CLA. Friends: Almond milk, hemp milk or rice milk. Impostors: Skim milk, frozen yogurt.

riboflavin, phosphorus,

Fat Loss Factors 17 Foods For Guaranteed Weight Gain

Limit these weight-gain foods to three servings or less per week.


1. Doughnuts, Pastries
These are some of the worst foods you can eat. They are deep-fried, made with refined sugar, and full of saturated fats/trans fats. They have a negative nutritional value and not only make you fat but also destroy your health. No wonder donuts have a hole in the middle; they are a big nutritional zero.

2. French Fries, Potato Chips

These are sodium-loaded, enzyme-dead foods. In addition, the latest research shows they are high in acrilimide, a known cancercausing agent. French fries from fast food restaurants have 300 times the acrilimide content allowed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for one glass of water. This means they are highly toxic to your body, as well as fatty, with a medium order of fast-food fries containing more than 500 calories.

4. Store-Bought Juice, Fruit Drinks

Store-bought fruit drinks contain 10% or less real fruit juice and mainly consist of artificial flavoring and sugar (sucrose). If they contain sugar, corn syrup, or high fructose corn syrup, run the opposite way; these will surely rot your teeth!

5. Decaffeinated Coffee
The caffeine in decaffeinated coffee is replaced by formaldehyde. Yep, you read that right: formaldehyde. The stuff they put in dead people. Stay away at all costs.


6. Fried Fish, Fried Seafood

Fish made the list, because the majority of the fish in the ocean now have traces of mercury in them. Shellfish are also scavengers that scour the ground for anything and everything. They are full of toxins. When we eat them, what happens to all the toxins? Your body shuttles the toxins to your fat cells. Remember: If your fat cells are holding onto toxins, the fat becomes extremely difficult to get rid of. Frying adds insult to injury, making these foods full of trans fats and not a great combination for healthy weight loss.

7. Raw Clams, Oysters

Similar to above. Eating them raw also means you are exposing yourself to potentially harmful bacteria.

8. Lunch Meat, Smoked Meat, Hot Dogs, Bacon, Sausage

These are all processed meats and not quality meat. They are a mixture of fillers, sodium, and nitrites used to cure meats and preserve them. A strip of bacon contains 130 calories and 13 grams of fat. That is too much! Nitrites have been shown to be carcinogens. Too much sodium leads to heart disease, and the fillers are synthetic chemicals that are hard on the digestive system.

9. Alcohol
Alcohol actually suppresses fat burning. When you drink alcohol, your liver has to detoxify it immediately. This takes priority over carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Since fat is the hardest to metabolize and break down, it gets pushed down the chain. When most people drink alcohol, they usually do so with a meal, taking in the excess calories. Alcohol has the second highest calorie content next to fat, with seven calories per gram versus nine calories per gram, respectively. When alcohol is in your system, your body will convert more of the foods you eat into fat.


10. Soda
Pop is a major contributor to obesity in this country. Studies show that drinking soda increases the risks of diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, tooth decay, caffeine dependency, and nutritional deficiencies. The major ingredients in soda are: Phosphoric Acid: Mixes with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach and interferes with digestion. It is also responsible for leeching minerals out of the bones. Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup: Sugar in liquid form is dangerous because so much can be consumed in so little time, sending the body into a blood sugar frenzy. When insulin levels spike, fat burning ability plummets. This leads to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, premature aging, heart disease, and, of course, weight gain. Tap Water: Contains various chemicals, such as chlorine, trihalomethanes, lead, and cadmium, which are very detrimental to your health. Studies show that people who drink sodas do not cut back on the regular foods they eat. This adds at least 200 calories a day, or 1,400 calories per week, to their intake!

11. Diet Pop, Diet Drinks

Diet drinks give you all of the drawbacks of drinking pop, plus artificial sweeteners, which have been shown to alter brain chemistry, increase cravings, and cause cancer. The main artificial sweetener used is aspartame. It has over 92 related health effects to it including: Brain tumors Birth defects Diabetes Emotional disorders Epilepsy/Seizures Anything with this many life-altering side effects is worth staying away from. There have been entire books written on the dangers of aspartame. If your search the Internet, you can find hundreds of research articles on this subject. Diet pop will cause you to crave


more food, even though it contains no calories. In the end, you will poison your body and still not lose weight.

12. Deep Dish Pizza

Pizza is one of my favorite indulgences. Unfortunately, it is far from healthy, especially if you order the meat lovers version, which is a smorgasbord of processed meats: sausage, pepperoni, ham, Canadian bacon, and bacon. In addition, pizza is full of sodium, fat, and refined flour dough. This makes for a high-calorific meal that you might as well just pack straight onto your thighs.

14. Ice Cream

Ice cream is loaded with calories, fat, sugar, and dairy, which contains lots of hormones and antibiotics. Ice cream is close to the top when it comes to being the most unhealthy food. It also contains artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers and stabilizers. All of these make ice cream one of the most fattening foods on the planet.

15. White Bread, Pasta

White bread and pasta react in the body like white sugar, which is refined and processed, with no nutritional value. Bread gets a bad rap for putting weight on people. It really isnt the bread, however, it is the type of bread. White bread is made from white flour, which is a refined carbohydrate, just like corn syrup and white sugar. This contains NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE AND EMPTY CALORIES. Whole grain breads are fine. Sprouted grain breads are the best, such as Ezekiel brand bread or Genesis


brand bread. Stay away from breads that are enriched, bleached, or white in color. Eat more whole grain.

16. Sugary Breakfast Cereals, Candy

These cereals are a great way to poison Americas youth and have them start out their day with barely any nutrition at all. Cereal is mostly white sugar in a box, but it has vitamins! That is the joke, and equally great advertising. The truth is that the quality of the vitamins listed on the cereal box is poor. Basically, any major brand of sweetened cereal is simply vitamin-fortified sugar. If you buy cereal, look on the ingredients label for whole grain and avoid white flour or highfructose corn syrup. Buy brands, such as Kashi since they tend to be on the healthier side and contain more fiber. Candy is straight sugar and some fat. This will go right into your bloodstream, mess up your hormone levels, and sabotage your fat-burning capability for a few hours.

17. Vegetable Oil, Shortening, Margarine

These arent substances you would actually eat alone. They are used in fried foods and baked goodies and contain trans fats. Trans fats will not only cause you to gain massive amounts of weight, but they also lead to rapid aging, cause joint inflammation, followed by arthritis, and predispose you to heart disease, cancer, and other diseases of lifestyle (self induced diseases).

Dont Deprive Yourself Of These

If you are stressing because you want to eat something that is listed above, then go ahead and have it. Just dont overindulge. Eat something raw beforehand. These tiny steps will make a difference. Take your time and wean yourself at your own pace. Sweets and refined carbohydrates are literally like a drug. Your body craves them, and when you deprive yourself for a long period of time, your body goes through withdrawal-type symptoms: irritability, nausea, anxiety, headaches, shakes, etc.


Eat These Foods Together To Pack On The Pounds

Eating a hamburger on a white bun with French fries and a milkshake would be a coronary waiting to happen. This combination of high sugar, high fat, and high calories puts your body into a chaotic state, causing your insulin levels to go through the roof. Your fat-storing enzymes increase, and your fat-burning enzymes go down, causing you to pack that food right onto your thighs, butt, and belly.

Smoothie It Up
Drink smoothies or power shakes regularly. With our hectic schedules, it is hard to find the time to cook whole food meals. Smoothies, made with a mixture of the Fat Loss Factor 15, can act as meal replacements or snacks and are recommended for a variety of reasons: They require little time to make. They literally taste like a dessert, which will satisfy your sweet cravings. Their thickness takes up a lot of room in your stomach. You dont need to be a chef to make a great shake. They have a great balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. They will help you restrict your calories so you dont overeat. Research shows that you stay fuller longer when you drink thick shakes rather than thin ones. Portion Size: 8-10 ounces. Dont overdo it. They are delicious and nutritious but too much of a good thing is always bad. Your body will store this as fat if you eat too much!

The Smoothie Plan

1) Eat a shake for breakfast. 2) Have a mid-morning snack. 3) Eat a healthy lunch with 50% of your plate carbs, 30% protein, and 20% healthy fat. Have a mid-afternoon snack.


4) Eat a shake for dinner (most important step). 5) If you are hungry, eat a small snack after dinner consisting primarily of protein and vegetables or 5% healthy fats.

Base For The Shake

The key to a great shake is to make it thick and creamy. Here are some ideas you can use. Do not use all of these at once. You can combine two at most from each group. If you use more than two, be sure to count the calories. Making a great smoothie is about balancing the protein, carb and fat content of the shake. 1) Add protein. Hemp Whey (usually the best) Egg Rice 2) Add something to make it creamy. Banana Avocado Organic Milk - Not Recommended - very high in calories Sour Cream Almond Butter or Peanut Butter 3) Add thickeners. Cereals such as FiberOne, kashi vive Raw oats Natural fiber that you can buy at stores Carrot pulp from juicing carrots 4) Add fruit (frozen fruit works well). Small handful of blue berries Five strawberries Mango Peach Raspberries Other


5) Add Healthy Fats. Flax seed oil Omega-3 fish oil Raw shredded coconut - small handful Coconut oil Almonds 6) Add fruit or vegetable powder for extra anti-oxidants. 7) Add six to nine ice cubes and a small amount of water. 8) Blend all ingredients and serve. Smoothies are a great control food for your diet. They allow you to regulate your caloric intake. They require little time to make, and they satisfy a sweet tooth. Smoothies are healthiest without milk. If you do choose to use milk, use only organic dairy products because their non-organic counterparts contain growth hormones and antibiotic remnants from the cow, which are all toxic to the body and contribute to weight gain!

Fat Loss Factors 5 Axioms Of Success

Add one of these Axioms per week to your program.

Axiom 1: The Pyramid Principle

Have you ever heard the phrase: You are what you eat? Well, that is only part of the story. You are when you eat also! In other words, if your meal strategy is upside down, your figure will be also. What is food? It is simply energy for the body. If food = energy, when do we need the most energy: before we go to bed or when we get up to start the day? Of course, when we get up. When should we eat our biggest meal based on energy requirements? Breakfast, lunch, then dinner. So we are completely upside down!


What is the typical American diet? How about a Pop-Tart for breakfast, a burger and fries for lunch, spaghetti and meatballs with sauce, garlic bread, milk and dessert for dinner. So we start the day with a small meal and end it with a large one, when ideally you should do just the opposite. Your daily meal plan should be an upside-down triangle, with the least amount of calories at the end of the day, and the most at the beginning of the day. That gives you all day to burn them off.
For Example:

Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner:

Oatmeal, eggs and some fresh fruit A chicken Caesar wrap with a side of raw carrots and hummus Kabobs for dinner with a tossed salad

Notice how the calorie count got smaller with each meal? You always want to eat the least amount of calories before you go to sleep. While you are sleeping, you are not expending energy moving around, so your body stores extra calories in your fat cells for leaner times. If you want to consume bad unhealthy foods or large amounts of calories, do it in the mornings and at lunchtime. You will have more time to burn it off. If you do splurge, make sure to take a half hour walk afterwards, especially in the evenings, to help process the food. If you dont follow this rule, your body shape will look like a triangle, with a huge bottom half! When this rule becomes a habit, your body will take the shape of an upside-down triangleor an hourglass! Another way to think about this is: Breakfast like a KING Lunch like a QUEEN Dinner like a PAUPER


The second part of this rule is to make sure that you give yourself two hours after your last meal before you go to bed. During these final two hours of the day, your body is winding down into a rest-and-repair mode, so you are more likely to store your food as fat.

Axiom #2: Be A Grazer, Not A Gorger

The Grazer Axiom is a rule common to all successful diet plans. It means we should eat smaller portions five to six times a day. This includes meals and snacks. There are three reasons why eating five to six times a day is so important: 1) We are being congruent with our genetics. Our ancestors did not eat three square meals. They ate all the time because they were hunter/gatherers and they ate what they found when they found it. There were no refrigerators to keep things from spoiling. 2) Your body turns into a fat burning machine because your metabolism is constantly running to break down food. This raises your metabolism, and a higher metabolism means more fat loss, Think of your metabolism as a fire inside your body. When the fire is burning, calories are used up. When the fire goes out, calories are stored. Make sense so far? Think of food as wood for your fire. Is it better to consistently put wood on the fire or every once in awhile put a log on? In this analogy, it is much better to put wood on the fire consistently. This will give you a bigger, faster burning fire. This will give you a faster metabolism and you will burn more fat. On a side note, your digestive system cannot handle large amounts of food and the result is (1) loss of energy and (2) fat storage. Plus, food overload messes up your hormones. 3) Grazing suppresses your appetite. Thus, you avoid the intense hunger signals that result from putting your body on a diet.


Axiom #3: Holiday Principle

Everyone loves a holiday. Everyone needs a holiday. Im not just talking about Christmas and Easter. Im talking about being on a strict diet. There is nothing worse than depriving yourself of those things you love. It really affects your psyche (emotions) and is one of the best ways to sabotage your weight loss. I say this because when you crave something bad enough, it raises your stress levels, which in turn raises your cortisol levels. Cortisol is responsible for weight gain. Skipping out entirely on Cherry Garcia flavored Ben and Jerrys ice cream will have a detrimental effect on your weight loss plan, but Im not giving you permission to eat the whole 1,000-calorie tub of Ben and Jerrys. What I am saying is that you dont have to deprive yourself of it entirely if you follow the habits properly. Part two of this axiom states that the best holidays are planned. Pick one day out of a week and make this your cheat day or your holiday. I am not giving you permission to gorge yourself with every possible dessert and fried food that you can think of on this holiday. Holidays are there to keep your emotional connections to food at rest so your body will work for you and not against you. Also, this sudden burst of calories has been shown to keep you from going into starvation mode due to calorie restriction and to actually give your metabolism a boost. You will also notice when taking a holiday meal how disgusting you feel after eating gobs of fat and refined carbohydrates. You will feel sleepy an hour after your meal, and


you wont have nearly the energy you had while eating healthy. Also, make sure you eat something raw before you have your ice cream and to not eat it after 7p.m.

Axiom #4: Eat Something Raw At Every Meal

This is also known as the addition rule. When eating, add a raw fruit or vegetable to every single meal. This has four specific benefits: 1) Raw fruits and vegetables have digestive enzymes to help you break down the rest of the food you are eating. 2) The fiber in the fruit or vegetables expands in your stomach and fills you up so you dont eat as much. 3) The fiber in the fruit or vegetable helps to push food, waste and toxins through your digestive tract. 4) It provides the body with much-needed vitamins and minerals. The second part of the axiom is to eat my fiber first. This will clear a path and prepare your digestive tract for the rest of your meal. Raw fruits and vegetables are full of fiber, and when eaten with other carbohydrates, they cleanse your colon and create a path for the rest of the food. For example, if you are eating pizza, eat a salad first. If you are eating ice cream, eat an apple first. This will fill your belly so you wont be able to eat as much. Fiber is a very important part of your diet. I recommend at least 40 grams per day. Studies have shown that people who changed nothing in their diet other than adding more fiber lost weight. Remember: Fiber 40 for Life!

Axiom #5: Read Your Food Labels!!

It is not difficult to read a label to find the calorie content or the amount of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. What I want you to look at are the ingredients below those items to determine what the food is really made of.


A general rule for you: The farther the food is from its natural state, the more harmful it is for you, and the more weight you will gain. Your body will take the toxins you ingest and store them in your fat cells. When looking at food labels, the more ingredients on the back and the more words you cannot pronounce, the more you should stay away from the product! These are highly processed foods that are far removed from their natural state. For example, Doritos chips or hot dogs.

Food Companies Fatten You Up And Make You Sick

Fat Free isnt good for fat loss. According to Dr. Ronette Briefel, P.H., R.D., Senior Research Epidemiologist and Nutrition Policy Advisor at the National Center for Health Statistics, Between the 1970s and the 1990s, Americans decreased their intake of total fat from about 37 percent of calories to about 34 percent of calories. Yet, during this same time period, average adult calorie intake increased by approximately 300 calories. This increase in caloric consumption explains why the decline in percent of total calories from fat can be confusing. Despite the fact that Americans are cutting fat from their diets by consuming fat-free foods, they are getting fatter and fatter. This is because more carbs and sugar have been packed into those foods. Fat regulates your blood sugar, and when your blood sugar is high, you need more insulin to force the sugar into your cells. Insulin is a fatstoring hormone. More insulin = more fat stored.

Whole Grain Is A Marketing Lie

Whenever you see whole grain, in the title of a product, be sure to check the label. If the first ingredient is enriched wheat flour, then it really isnt whole grain. It needs to say 100% whole grain on the package. Whole-wheat should be in the top three ingredients and there should be a higher fiber content in the label. Look for more than three grams of fiber per slice.


High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

This is a man-made sweetener that is cheaper and sweeter than sugar. It was developed recently and didnt exist in the food chain in the 1970s. It is packed with calories, and the food manufacturers love it because it is cheaper to produce and therefore adds more money to their bottom line. The problem is that HFCS shuts off the bodys natural appetite control switches, so you can eat way beyond what your bodys natural impulses would call for. It is found in various cereals, ketchup, soda, pasta sauce, cookies, and meal replacement bars. This is the No. 1 ingredient to look for on food labels. Avoid them like the plague.

Trans Fats
The term trans fats has become a buzzword, but what exactly are trans fats? They are fats that contain trans-fatty acids, and they are formed when certain types of oils are heated at high temperatures. They are cheaper and last longer than butter, which is why restaurants use them to increase their bottom line. They are difficult to digest. Examples of trans fats are hydrogenated oils. When reading food labels, even if it says no trans fats, be sure to check for hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Avoid these like the plague!

Additives, Colorings, Flavorings, And Preservatives

These are pure chemical compounds, whose effects over time cause serious damage to your digestive system. Sulfites, nitrites, salicylates, propylene, and glycol are some of the main culprits. Since they are synthetic, your body has a difficult time breaking them down. When they linger in your system, they can poison your body and cause damage to organs, blocking the absorption of nutrients and making you fatter.


Sugar Substitutes
Saccharin (SweetN Low), aspartame (NutraSweet), sucralose (Splenda), sorbitol, maltodextrin, dextrose, and several other synthetic alternatives are responsible for fattening up America. These artificial sweeteners are so dangerous that if they are added to a product, manufacturers must place a warning label on the package to alert consumers. They are known to be toxic to your brain cells and to cause cancer.

Natural Sugar Alternatives

1. 2. 3. 4. Stevia Honey Maple Syrup Brown Rice Syrup

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)

MSG is used as a flavoring in foods. This one is hard to find on package labels because it may be disguised under different names, such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed plant extract, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, yeast extract, texturized protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed oat flour, and calcium caseinate. One of the most addictive substances known to man, MSG is referred to as an excitotoxin because it excites certain receptors in the brain and causes you to crave more and more. In fact, your brain cells can become so excited that they dienot a very good thing for a brain cell to doleading to severe neurological diseases.

Added Salt
Salt, or sodium, is another ingredient that is important to look for on food labels. Sodium causes you to become bloated and retain water in your body. So keep your sodium intake levels as low as possible.


What You Dont Want To See On A Food Label

Food labels list ingredients in order, beginning with the substance that comprises the greatest amount down to the least amount. So if you are trying to lower your consumption of corn syrup, make sure it is not among the first three ingredients on the label. Watch out for the following in the first 3 ingredients of any food label: Simple sugars. Enriched, bleached, or refined flour (these have been stripped of their nutrients). High fructose corn syrup or corn syrup.

Is It Man-Made Rule
This rule is really powerful in helping you decide if you should eat a food or not. When looking at ingredients, ask yourself, Is this food made by man? Anything that is made by man is hard for your body to digest and use. Therefore, the more you stay away from these types of foods, the better. An example would be processed foods like white bread, or sugar alternatives like aspartame. You have to be careful when you shop for foods! A lot of these chemicals are designed to sabotage your weight loss efforts. Can you see the importance of reading labels now?

Lets Put This All Together For You In A Nice Tidy Package
Get 40 grams of fiber per day. Eat five to six meals a day including smoothies and/or snacks. Remember: the most calorific meal is breakfast ,and meals get smaller from there. Eat only foods on the list. Eat something raw at every meal. Have a Cheat-Day once a week. Success Tip: Its OK to mess up. This program is built around slip-ups. Trust me, Ive had plenty of them myself. Just jump back on the Fat Loss Factor right where you left off.


Principle #4 Wash Away Fat With Water

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. Loran Eisley

WATER: Our bodies are 70% water, which is the most vital nutrient in our system. While you can survive for only about seven days without water, you can live at least 17 days without food. Every physiological process in your body uses water. It is required to transport nutrients, regulate temperature, and build tissues. Probably the most powerful weight loss tool is water because it suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase. Why does this happen?


It happens because if your kidneys arent functioning properly due to dehydration, then their workload is shifted to the liver. Your liver is responsible for metabolizing your stored fat. If your liver has to do some of the kidneys work, it cant operate at its best. As a result, it metabolizes less fat, and more fat remains stored in the body, stopping your ability to lose fat naturally. As for water weight gain, drinking enough water is the best treatment to rid your body of excess fluid. When the body gets less water, it perceives this reduction as a threat to survival and begins holding on to every drop. Water is stored in extra cellular spaces outside the cells. This shows up as swollen feet, legs and hands. Diuretics offer a temporary solution at best. Diuretics force out stored water along with some essential nutrients. Again, the body perceives this as a threat and will replace the water at the first opportunity. The best way to overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs: plenty of water. Only then will stored water be released. Any good weight loss program will consider the effectiveness of drinking enough water. Obese people need to drink more water because they have larger metabolic loads on average than a normal sized person. So how much water should you drink? The average intake should be at least eight glasses per day. If you are overweight, drink 10 to 11 glasses per day. Obviously this is just a general rule of thumb, and if you are extremely obese drink more. Water is the essential component to good fat metabolism in the body and is designed to flush fat from the body. MYTH: Drinking too much water causes fluid retention. FACT: Dehydration causes fluid retention.


When your body thinks that you have a water shortage, it retains as much fluid as it can, leaving you bloated. Alternatively, when you are properly hydrated, your kidneys flush any excess fluid from your system.

Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking water has many benefits. Here are some of them:

Lubricates joints to prevent injury. Increases strength by up to 10%. Increases endurance by 15%. Increases fat loss by flushing toxins out of body. Regulates digestion, excretion. Regulates respiration, circulation.
Water Success Tips
Here are some tips for improving your water usage: Carry a container of water with you everywhere you go and drink all the time. Make sure it is hard plastic that doesnt leach, or stainless steel that doesnt have aluminum in it. These are toxic for you. Water should be your primary beverage. Add lemon to your water. This has a cleansing effect on your liver and gallbladder, helping them to function better. If you feel thirsty, you are dehydrated. Drink immediately. If you are hungry, water can control your hunger cravings. If your goal is weight loss, drink 12-16 8-ounce glasses of water a day.


Principle #5 Good Healthy Supplementation

here are very few supplements you really should take. Americans spend $35 billion a year on weight-loss products and supplements. Diet pills are definitely not something you should put into your body. They supposedly speed up your metabolism, or block cortisol, or suppress your appetite. Lets pretend the manufacturers claims are true. When you stop using them, are you going to gain back the fat, and if so, will you continue taking those pills forever? That is an expensive endeavor, but more important would be the detrimental effects on your metabolism resulting from long-term use. This is because your body will be unable to determine its actual set point. None of the supplements I will be listing will be diet pills.

Top 10 Supplements for Healthy Weight Loss

1. A Good Whole Food Multi-Vitamin/Mineral
The use of a good, quality multi-vitamin will not make you lose weight all by itself, but it will make your bodys systems more efficient to burn fat. When you feed your body the proper building blocks, your fat loss will increase ten fold. The more active you are, the more fuel your body demands, and this increases your need to supplement. Good Multi-vitamin Sources: Source Naturals Solar Ray Drucker Labs New Chapter Organics Garden Of Life


Men: Women:

Click here to order my #1 recommended mens multi vitamin: Click here to order my #1 recommended womens multi vitamin:

2. Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules/Liquid

A good quality fish oil is critical. This might be the most important supplement you need, since we are so deficient in Omega-3. It is a natural anti-inflammatory, it helps suppress cortisol, it increases fat burning, and it enhances weight loss. Krill Oil is the best on the market right now. It is a very pure source from the cold waters in Norway. The fish oil is taken from smaller fish that do not bio-acccumulate as many toxins as some of the bigger fish. It doesnt taste bad and is essential to your health and weight loss goals. Click here to order Omega-3 Krill Oil:

3. Extra B Vitamins:
We just cant get enough of these. B vitamins have a variety of functions in your body: Support and increase metabolism. Maintain healthy skin and muscle tone. Enhance immune system and nervous system function. Promote cell growth and division, Combat stress, depression, and cardiovascular disease. There are several good sublingual (dissolve under the tongue) B vitamins available in the marketplace. You can search the Internet to find them and compare prices.


4. Greens Powder
This is made of wheat grass, barley grass, etc. You can add a little bit of this to your water each day to balance your body, taking it from an acidic to an alkaline state, and thus enhance your weight loss. Go to Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or any health food store or even There are a variety of different brands. The Perfect Food, by Garden of Life, is my favorite: You can also purchase this from our shop:

5. Probiotics
These are healthy bacteria that help with food digestion and maintaining proper gut health. They boost your immune system and help you assimilate food better, which leads to improved nutrient absorption. Healthy bacteria should be available from the soil, from the veggies and fruit grown in it. Unfortunately, most of the worlds soil is now so depleted of nutrients that nothing can grow in it properly, not even bacteria. You can search the Internet to find a good source of probiotics.

6. Fiber Supplement:
You cannot have enough fiber, especially if you are trying to lose fat. Fiber clears the digestive system and levels out the insulin spikes that can occur when you eat too many carbs. There are plenty of good fiber supplements on the market. I like Garden Of Lifes organic fiber blend or Whole Foods has a great fiber powder. Remember: Fiber 40 for Life! (40 grams of fiber a day)


7. Protein Powder
Whey protein contains all the essential amino acids. Plus it boasts the highest protein quality rating among all proteins. Thus, it is a complete protein. Whey protein is a by-product of the cheese manufacturing process. At one time it was discarded or used for animal feed, but researchers later realized whey protein has incredible benefits for humans. High-quality whey protein can have dramatic effects. Benefits include: Supports your immune health. Boosts your energy. Supports beneficial gut bacteria. Promotes muscle strength, endurance, and recovery. Protects all your cells via its antioxidant properties. Provides critical amino acids and proteins. Supports your bodys optimal metabolic rate and fat burning level.

8. Cayenne Pepper Pills

You should already be familiar with cayenne pepper from the cleanse phase of Fat Loss Factor. Cayenne peppers active ingredient is capsaicin, which helps to create a slight thermogenic effect and actually helps with appetite suppression. Pick up some capsules at any health food store. Id suggest two capsules for three meals a day for optimal results.

9. Glutamine
Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that has been overlooked. It is a very cost effective and valuable supplement that can give you an edge on your fat burning program. Here are the benefits: Prevents muscle catabolism, which is basically the tearing down of muscle. Promotes muscle anabolism, which is basically muscle growth.


Enhances the immune system. Enhances glycogen storage, which keeps you from getting tired easily when you exercise.

10. Chamomile, Yerba Mate, Green Tea, Oolong Tea

Chamomile - Chamomile has no caffeine so it is not a stimulant. It is a relaxant, but the pytochemicals and anti-oxidants in this tea give it a powerful punch. We are bombarded daily by estrogenic compounds found in pesticides, plastics, household cleaners, our water supply, air pollution, soy products, beer, and lots of other foods. These estrogenic compounds are toxic to the body and will upset hormones and cause your body to hold on to stubborn fat, especially in your belly. Chamomile tea helps protect you from the effects of these Xenoestrogens, which will keep you from losing stubborn body fat. Drink a cup an hour before bedtime to relax you and prepare you for a good nights sleep. Yerba Mate, Green Tea, White tea, And Oolong Tea - All four of these teas have unique poly phenols, anti-oxidants, and phyto chemicals that will boost your immune system and give your body an edge on fat burning. You can drink them hot or cold. If you need to sweeten your tea, use Stevia as a natural sweetener. This can be found at any grocery store.


Principle #6 - Rebuild Your Body & Melt Fat All Day Long

Unless you change how you are, you will always have what youve got. Jim Rohn

or many people, exercise is a rare event. They make a new years resolution to lose 20 pounds of jiggle, and then make it through two workout sessions. Then its over before they know it and forgotten about until next year.

I find that many people make excuses why they dont exercise. We dont want to do that anymore, right? Why? Because we are action takers now.

Six Work Out Excuses

Below are some of the reasons people quit too soon.

1. Takes Too Much Time

The workouts I will share with you are designed for those individuals who dont have a lot of time on their handspeople who work 40-plus hours a week and are so tired when they get home that the last thing they want to do is work out. If this sounds like you, then keep reading.

2. Too Boring
There are many ways to work out and not be bored. Joining a local sports league, such as basketball or volleyball, is a great way to get some exercise. Taking the family for a walk or a bike ride after dinner is another great way to fit in a workout. The type of workout that we will be outlining is not boring. It is designed to keep your muscles


guessing, which will in turn give you the results you desireand a lot faster. Every workout is different.

3. Too Painful
If you are sick or have injured yourself badly, then the best way to get in a workout is to break it down into baby steps. Each day you will do just 1% more than the day before. If you are suffering from back trouble, find a good chiropractor in your area. If you are suffering from a sickness, then do the cleanse I mentioned. If that doesnt help, seek advice from a naturopath or other health care professional. Remember: least invasive to most invasive when you are trying to heal your body. That means you should: Stop activities that are harming you. Change your nutrition. Start exercising. Visit a natural healthcare provider such as a naturopath, chiropractor, homeopath, or massage therapist. Visit your medical doctor, who will order tests and most likely give you a drug prescription. Surgery is always your last option as it is the most invasive, permanent thing that you can ever do. Think really hard before you go under a knife to ensure you have no other alternatives. In my practice, Ive seen too many people who have been messed up by surgery. Im not saying it is bad; it just needs to be reserved for the right situation.

4. Lack Of Motivation
One of the best things you can do is listen to motivational CDs in your car or on your iPodmotivational speakers such as Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, etc., someone who can keep you focused on the end goal.


5. No Commitment
Our society suffers from commitment phobia. This is evident when you consider the divorce rate, which is 60%; and also when you consider the obesity rate, which is 70%. We are being raised in a fast-food society where were trained to want everything RIGHT NOW. The problem is that if we dont lose weight or see results right away, we give up. This program will help you to get over this barrier.

6. Too Intimidating
I dont know how to get started. My goal is for you to become an action taker. We are bombarded with so much information that our minds are always going a mile a minute. What happens? Paralysis by AnalysisAKA we think too darn much! Be an action-taker: one small step at a time is all that it takes. Question for you: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time.... BABY STEPS! The first step will always be the hardestthat first action, whether it be your first day of dieting or your first day of exercising. But guess what? It gets better each day. The results will come with consistency over a period of time.

Reasons Why You Should Exercise

Exercising has the following benefits:


1) Increases weight loss by 1,000 %. 2) Can change your DNA: If you are blaming your family for you being overweight, research shows that you can change this. (Watch the TV Show Biggest Loser) 3) Builds and tones muscle. 4) Turbo charges your metabolism so it can burn fat all day long. 5) Boosts your immune system so you can fight disease. 6) Improves every aspect of your health: Lowers your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers, and more. 7) Boosts your energy by 300%. 8) Decreases stress levels: lower cortisol levels. 9) Improves brain function: increases your memory, attention span, and your learning ability. 10) Reverses the aging process. 11) Prevents and reverse osteoporosis. Improves your self esteem and self confidence, and lowers your depression. The All-Day Fat-Burning Machine: Muscle When we think about muscles, we think about Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggers powerful pecs, Matthew McConougheys perfect abs, or Jessica Albas tight glutes. What do these guys have in common? They are all movie stars. Yes, but they all worked really hard to build their amazing bodies. The chances of you having a perfect 10 body like theirs is slim and none. Unless you want to work out two to three times a day as they did. The reason they have that body is that it was literally their job. That is a different topic for a different day. This program is not designed for them; it is designed for you. In this program, we are shooting for a 7, 8 or a 9 body. While muscles give us the metabolic ability to burn calories every time we move, their real advantage is that they constantly feed on calories, even when you are sitting at your desk typing up that last-minute report for your boss.


Fact: Every pound of muscle burns 40 to 120 calories a day just to sustain itself. Fact: Every pound of fat feeds on only one to three calories a day. Does it make sense that the more muscle you have, the less fat you have? It is all about that lean muscle mass. Muscle serves as a primary energy consumer for your body. Think of it like a raging fire. Toss a log into it, and the piece of wood will burn up fairly quickly. Think of your fat like you would a lit match. It would take forever and a day for the match to burn up the log. Lets put this in food terms: Eat a piece of pizza and your muscle can fry it up a lot faster than fat, thus reducing the amount of fat you will store. When focusing on the right muscles and following the right plan, you wont add bulk; youll firm up, and youll stimulate the amount of growth needed to help burn those extra calories.

Lingo: The Language Of Working Out

The world of exercise, especially weight training, has its own vocabulary that you should learn. Not only is this vocabulary a must to get you through the exercises, it will also keep you from sounding like an idiot in the gym. Repetitions: This is the number of times you perform the specified exercise. If you lift a weight 10 times in a row, that is 10 repetitions or reps. Sets: A set is the number of times you perform the repetitions of the exercise. For example, three sets of 10 repetitions is performing 10 reps three separate times for a total of 30 repetitions. Super Set: Doing 2 sets of 2 different exercises back to back (no rest in between the sets). For example: 10 pushups + 10 pushdowns.


Rest: This is time between sets. The less time you give yourself, the more intense the workout. We will be floating around a minute rest between sets. Failure: Doing an exercise to failure means doing a set until you cannot perform even one more rep. Intensity: How challenging your exercises are. This is easily modified by adding more weight, adding more reps, adding more sets, and the easiest way to increase intensity is to shorten time between sets. The more intense your workouts are, the faster you will see results.

Proper Posture Defined

Poor posture leads to muscle imbalances and these will ultimately result in injury.

Proper Posture

The head is up and back so the ears line up over the

shoulders. Shoulders are rolled back in their joint sockets. Upper back is flat and not arched or humped. Belly button is sucked in towards spine. Hips back so you have an arc in your low back Knees are slightly bent to provide shock absorption.

Keep this posture in everything you do: exercise, work, and play.

The Law Of Adaptation

This law states that over time, your body will adapt to the stress placed on it by whatever environment it is in or whatever situations it is regularly encountering. For example, people who live in desert cultures are regularly exposed to sunlight, so they have


adapted by developing darker skin. The darker the pigmentation in the body, the better the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Part 2 of the law states that as you adapt to certain stresses, you become un-adapted to opposing stresses. For instance, people who are used to warm climates are not prepared for cold weather. Part 3 of the law states that you either use it or lose it. This rule can be applied to any aspect of your life. In this case we are talking about exercise. If you dont move it, you will lose it.

The Law of Use It or Lose It

If you dont exercise, you will lose your health. If you dont exercise, you will lose your attractiveness. If you dont exercise, you will lose your focus. If you dont exercise, you will lose your muscle. If you dont exercise, you will lose your energy supply. If you dont exercise, you will lose your youthful looks. If you dont exercise, your joints will break down. If you dont exercise, your bones will break down.

This should give you more than enough reasons to use it or lose it. Your body responds to whatever stress you place on it. If you are a marathon runner and, your muscles are designed to run long distances, and you decide to become a sprinter and only run short distances, guess what? Your muscles will convert over time to become shorter and more powerful. If you have never worked out and you ride a bike for two miles, your body will be under high stress, but your body will adapt to that stress, and you will feel less stress the next time you ride for two miles.


Just the opposite is true also. If you are an Olympic athlete and you chose to sit around all day, watch TV, drink soda, and eat chili cheese dogs, your body will adapt to this sedentary lifestyle and drop the extra muscle you are carrying because it is not being used. In order to be as efficient as possible, your body sheds the most metabolically expensive tissue, which is muscle. Now, lets take the law of adaptation a step further. If you do the same thing over and over, your body adapts to it. When it has adapted to the demands placed on it, it stops changing. This is a key principle throughout this whole program. Do not let your body get used to the same boring foods or the same old workout. In our two-week diet plan, we change up your diet so you must adapt to something new and healthy. This forces you to lose weight. In our exercise plan, we force your body to keep adapting and changing because every workout is a different workout! You never get bored, and you will always make progress. There are no plateaus because your body has to break through them naturally.

Best Time To Exercise

The best time to exercise is anytime! It is always better to do it than not to do it. So when you drive, park in the farthest spot from your building and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. These little things really do add up. The healthiest time to exercise is two to three hours following a meal because your body has had time to digest your food. The best time for fat burning and quickly transforming your body is in the morning, before you have eaten any carbohydrates. This is because your body is coming out of a fasting state and it will have a lot of stored sugars and fats for energy. When you work out after consuming carbs, your body will use those carbohydrates for energy instead of using the stored fat or sugars.


Exercise: Suck Your Belly Button To Your Spine

This is a simple exercise you can do while you are sitting at your desk at work, or driving somewhere. This is working your transverse abdominis muscle. When done consistently, you will not only strengthen your abs, but you will also keep your abs tight and pulled in to your body instead of just hanging out like a pooch belly. If you are a recent mother, this is one of the most important exercises you can do. When you are pregnant, your abdominal muscles become stretched. If you have gained too much weight or have become pregnant again too soon, the body has a much harder time regaining its previous state and doesnt go back. This exercise will tighten up your abs, and will speed the recovery process after pregnancy. Heres how you do it: 1) Sit up straight. 2) Suck your stomach in as far as you can, like you are trying to suck it to your spine. (If your ribs are sticking out more than usual, then you are doing it right) 3) Hold it in and breath normally. 4) Hold it for 20 seconds, then release. 5) Do three sets of 10 repetitions. Try to hold it as long as you can. Exercises: See Attached Sheets The exercises you will be performing will be a lot of full-body exercises. The more muscles you can exercise at once, the more fat you can burn and the higher you can boost your metabolism. This means you will burn fat ALL DAY LONG. Dont be intimidated or afraid. They are easier than they sound. Remember: baby steps. We are action takers and we are going to take that first step! These workouts will take 35 to 60 minutes to perform each session. When you look at them, you will notice that different days require different repetitions and sets. This is to confuse your body and get more out of your workout. You will also notice that


these workouts have cardio intermingled between exercises. This is to maximize fat burning in your body. You will start working out three times per week. Do not add more workouts or cardio just yet. Once you are accustomed to these workouts, then you can do a different workout every day for fantastic results. But forget about that now... lets steps... success happens one small step at a time in the right direction.

Suggested Workouts / Times

(See Attached Sheet)

1 2 3 4

Approx 30 minutes Approx 30 minutes Approx 35 minutes Approx 40 minutes

Approx 50 minutes Approx 45 minutes Approx 45 minutes Approx 45 minutes

Approx 45 minutes Approx 40 minutes Approx 50 minutes Approx 45 minutes

Amount of rest between sets: Anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds.

Changing It Up
Pilates, Yoga, Bootcamps, cardio kickboxing, Tai-Chi, dance classes, martial arts classes, leagues, clubs or any type of fitness classes are a great change up. They usually have eight-week classes, and they are a way to give your fitness some functional variety. Make it part of your lifestyle!


Principle #7 Sculpt Muscle And Trim Fat!

Seventy percent of success in life is showing up. Woody Allen

The Dreaded Cardio

Cardioyou either love it or you hate it. Most people hate it, but the fact is that it works to burn fat. The inefficient way to perform cardio is at a moderate rate for a long period of time. Day in and day out. For example, if you are running five miles a day every other day, you will burn calories and fat. However, you will also burn up a lot of time. These long, boring cardio sessions are not the best way to burn fat. Your metabolism remains elevated for one to two hours after this long workout, so your body continues to burn fat at a higher rate for one to two hours after your cardio session.

High Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a better, faster way to burn fat. HIIT will elevate your metabolism one to two days after your workout and skyrocket your metabolism. This principle is in line with the Law of Adaptation: constantly changing your pace so that your body has to think and adapt. Here is the problem: our bodies werent designed to run long distances. In fact, we are the only animals on the planet that run five miles or more at a time. Doing so actually goes against our genetics. Humans were designed for more stop-go activities, involving short bursts of exertion. Most competitive sports are based on this. Consistent, steady-state aerobic exercise will eventually destroy your joints and your immune system. Anaerobic, or stop-go exercise, will actually strengthen your immune


system, improve your joints, and increase your energy. This is because you are being congruent with your genetics rather than working against them. HIIT takes only 20 minutes two to four times a week. Depending on which part of the fat loss factor workout you are doing. Here are samples of two different HIIT workouts (each takes roughly 20 minutes):

Sample Workout #1:

Warm-up for 3 to 4 minutes at a fast walk or light jog Interval 1 - run at level 8 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 2 - walk at level 4 for 1.5 minutes Interval 3 - run at level 10 for 1 minute Interval 4 - walk at level 4 for 1.5 minutes Repeat these 4 intervals 4 times for a very intense 20-minute workout. Warm-up for 3-4 minutes at a fast walk or light jog Interval 1 - run at level 5 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 2 - run at level 6 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 3 - run at level 7 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 4 - run at level 8 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 5 - run at level 9 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 1 - run at level 6 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 2 - run at level 7 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 3 - run at level 8 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 4 - run at level 9 on a treadmill for 1 minute Repeat this interval set again Interval 1 - run at level 10 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 2 - run at level 5 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 3 - run at level 5 on a treadmill for 1 minute Back down to a light jog or walk for 1 minute

Sample Workout #2:


Interval 1 - run at level 6 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 2 - run at level 7 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 3 - run at level 8 on a treadmill for 1 minute Interval 4 - jog for 2 min to cool down
Ultimate Fat Blaster
As for cardiovascular interval training, there is nothing that tops hill sprints of 30 to 50 yards. This is the ultimate fat blaster. Find a hill, run up it, and then walk down. Do this for 10 to 15 minutes, and that is all that you have to do. What a simple little secret.

Principle #7 Success Tips

If these levels are too high for you, then drop them all down one or two levels. Remember: baby steps. It is also good to change the exercises you do: Some weeks, instead of running, use the bike; on others use the elliptical, and on others, use the stair climber, etc. If you have a watch that calculates miles per hour and distance, run outside. If it is sunny outside, go for a run or a bike ride. You can take a moderate run/ride with no intervals (remember we want to change it up). Add more time when you do this, 30 minutes if you normally go 20 minutes. Other great exercises are jump rope, rowing, box jumping, plyometrics with a medicine ball, or circuit training. Be sure to pace your breathing: in through the nose and out through the mouth. This will give you more endurance during the training. We will touch on this more later. The combination of full body resistance training, the law of adaptation, and HIIT will put your fat-burning hormones into overdrive. Now lets combine this with a healthy, Fat Loss Factor meal plan.


Principle #8 Its All A Mind Game...Relax

e live in a very high-stress society. Everyday, it seems like it is go, go, go, rush, rush, rush. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you rush to get ready, rush to get the kids off to school, feeding them Pop Tarts and sugar cereal, so they have something to eat; then you sit in rush hour traffic; deadlines at work press your time; then you rush to get home, rush to get the kids to and from practice, rush to fix dinner (a lot of times I bet you are too tired to cook so you resort to your local pizza delivery for your nutritious meal), rush to do homework; then you spend maybe a half an hour watching your favorite TV show; then its time to get everyone to bed and you get to get up the next morning and do it all over again! Now, not only is this stressful at the time you are performing these activities, but when you follow this routine consistently for years, your body starts to age at an incredible rate, and you gain weight.

Stress And Weight Gain

Research indicates the link between stress and weight gain is much stronger than originally believed. A recent study from Georgetown Medical Center showed that mice under stress gain extra weight even if their calorie intake doesnt increase. Scientists also report that after three months, these same mice became two times as obese as mice without stress, even though they were eating the same amount! When you experience stress, you release cortisol, which is a powerful fat-gaining stress hormone. This little hormone makes it virtually impossible for your body to get rid of fat. So if you are stressing and dieting, or stressing and working out, you work completely against yourself, which could be another reason why you arent getting the results you desire.


How To De-Stress.
Lets start with reprogramming your mindset to a success mindset. Ive listed 5 key steps below.

Fat Loss Factors Five Mindgrowth Keys:

1) Success leaves clues: Dont try to reinvent the wheel. Talk to people who have been successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Pay attention to their mindset and their attitude. 2) There is no failure, only feedback: This is where to start changing your mindset. Nothing you do can be a failure if you learn from it. Remember, if you know better, then you do better. Look at Thomas Edison. He failed 10,000 before he created the light bulb. But when asked how he persevered, he said that he discovered 10,000 ways to not make a light bulb. He never failed. 3) People have all the ability they need to succeed: You have success within you; I promise. What you dont have are the skill sets needed to change. This is what I am giving to you. You have to use it and apply it. Knowledge by itself isnt power. Knowledge plus action equals power. The real part that people miss is the doing portion. Nothing happens until something moves. 4) The people with the greatest flexibility are the ones who will most successfully navigate problem situations to achieve desired change: You have to be adaptable in losing weight. It is virtually impossible for anyone to stay on the straight and narrow. Life always happens. Do your best, and if you start to stray, go back and read key number 3 listed above. 5) The highest priority emotional requirement for everyone is the innate desire to feel loved and appreciated: This is what drives our actions. This is why everyone always tries to look good for everyone else. Dont believe me? Step back for a second and think about why you do the things you do... and also look around you. Youll get the picture. Well, I hope you enjoyed this lesson. Now here is your homework assignment: I want you to make a top-10 list of what you think a healthy mindset should be.


I will give you mine. Change it around the best you can so that it will apply to you. Read it every day for a month. Some people say a daily habit is created in 21 days. Lets be safe and give it a month!

Elements Of A Healthy Mindset

This is an example of what you want your mindset to look like. Have an increased awareness and appreciation of yourself and your body. Set aside time each day to perform rituals or to relax and meditate. Do yoga or Tai-Chi (amazing for stress reduction), read the bible, pray, and be thankful. Keep in touch with close relationships. The ability to adapt to ever-changing conditions. Always crave physical activity and healthy food; exercise, eat right, and take good nutritional supplements. Laugh a lot. A great comedy can make you feel better. You can also force a smile (believe me this works wonders and is contagious). Have fun and do things. Dont be anti-social! Always see the glass as half-full. Have an optimistic attitude and be hopeful. Always care about how you look and about your body, not letting it go downhill. Your outside is a reflection of your inside. Never let worry bother you; reject worry. Dont ever sweat the small stuff!


3 Forms Of Exercise That Can De-stress Your Mind

There are three forms of exercise that are different from the typical gym exercises and can help you in many ways. These are yoga, Tai-Chi and Pilates.

For a mind-body exercise, try the eastern practice of yoga. However, there are some things to remember before you take up yoga. On its own, yoga will help tone your body and muscles, but it may not offer great cardiovascular benefits. Yoga is a great disciplinary teacher for the mind and may help you stay with your diet. Also, newer forms of yoga like Ashthanga yoga, Hot yoga, and Power yoga offer vigorous exercise practices. If you are a beginner, find a class with an experienced instructor to guide you. With the practice of yogas stretching exercises, you will attain more flexibility, and if cardio or aerobic routines are added you will benefit even more. The more you exercise, the more you will have a fast fat-burning body.

Tai-Chi is also from the east and uses a series of slow controlled movements in its routine. Like yoga, it disciplines the mind and body. These slow movements tone the muscle through low-impact exercising. However, Tai-Chi should be combined with more vigorous exercise that will yield faster results. Tai-Chi is suitable for people with health problems because it helps restore balance in the body and also boosts the immune system.

Pilates is another form of gentle exercise that strengthens and tones your core muscles and the trunk of your body. Pilates is a disciplines routine that progresses through levels as your body adjusts. It works the body as a whole using balance to increase muscle


strength. Unlike yoga and Tai-Chi, at advanced levels, Pilates uses resistance equipment and even free weights at higher levels to give your body a better workout method. To reap the most benefits from an exercise routine, both in weight loss and muscle development, vary the types of exercising you do. Youll lose weight fast the more your body works. Regular exercise and a healthy, nutritious diet will keep you fit. Both exercise and diet are necessary not only to lose weight but also keep it off. What you think and how you think will determine if you are successful or not. Please, take this advice seriously and start applying it today. Remember: we are action takers.


Principle #9 No Breathe, No Life

As Mr. Miyagi would say: No breathe, no life, Daniel Son.

eep breathing is an essential part of this program. Research shows that when you take deep diaphragmatic breaths, your lymph flow is increased by 15-fold, ridding your body of toxins faster and giving you a slimmer waistline! When you awake every morning, for the rest of your life, take five to ten deep breaths.

Deep Breathing Routine

1) Breathe in from your belly. Do this by pushing your belly out, while breathing in, filling your lungs all the way up from the bottom. 2) Breathe in through your nose for a count of five. 3) Hold your breath for a count of 20 to allow oxygen to circulate in your blood. This gives you energy. 4) Breathe out through your mouth for a count of ten. 5) Once at the bottom, when you seem to have no air left, force more air out. Repeat this two times to completely cleanse your body. 6) Repeat Steps 1 through 5. Do five to ten times each morning. You will be amazed at how much better you feel and how much energy you have! When doing resistance training and running, learn to pace your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathe from your belly and not from your chest. Think about how a baby breathes. Adding proper breathing to your workouts will give you that extra endurance to make your workout the best possible.


Principle #10 Rest Management

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

leep is something none of us seem to get enough of. But it is the most crucial thing you can do for your body. When you sleep, you allow your body to repair and recover. If you dont get enough sleep, you induce stress, and you will not get the results you desire.

Top 7 Reasons To Get A Good Nights Sleep

Allows your body to heal and repair itself. Boosts your energy, making you more alert. Boosts your immune system, resulting in less sickness and disease. Reduces stress levels in your body, giving you a more positive outlook on life. Helps you lose weight. The hormones ghrelin and leptin, important for the regulation of appetite, have been found to be disrupted by lack of sleep. So if you are interested in controlling or losing weight, dont forget to get a good nights sleep. 6) Balances hormones in your body, making you less vulnerable to depression. 7) Gives your memory a boost. Researchers do not fully understand why we sleep and dream, but a process called memory consolidation occurs during sleep. While your body may be resting, your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings and memories. Your dreams and deep sleep are an important time for your brain to make memories and links. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better. What is the optimal amount to sleep? Researchers suggest seven to eight hours a night for the average adult. Since you are working out hard in this program, you should split the difference and shoot for 7.5 hours of sleep a night. This gives you plenty of time to reap the benefits listed above. Naps... My favorite!! I looooovvvveeee naps. If you can squeeze in a 20-minute power nap every day, you will recharge your batteries and boost your energy levels.


Relax. Yes, your body requires you to relax and do nothing with thinking or physical activity. If you are stressed to the max, take a vacation and do nothing. Come back and start the program. Below, Ive listed 12 of my favorite ways to relax. I suggest making your own list and posting it on the fridge.

12 Ways To Relax
1) Take a walk outsidewalk the dog and appreciate nature. 2) Spend time with friends and family. 3) Watch movies. 4) Listen to positive, uplifting music. 5) Play video games. 6) Take a vacation. 7) Read a book/go hang out at the book store or local cafe. 8) Clean/organize the house. 9) Lay out at the pool. 10) Meditate/pray/take alone time, giving thanks for good things in life and just enjoying the silence. 11) Get a massage/facial. 12) Daydream.

Other Relaxing Activities

Gardening Cooking Knitting Playing music Any hobby you have
Whats your list look like? A good nights sleep is a cornerstone to your workout program. Be sure to get the right amount, otherwise you will be fighting against yourself. 80

Principle #11 Look Your Best To Feel Your Best

ook your best to feel your best: There is a lot of truth in this. Take the time to groom yourself properly and maintain your health from the inside to the outside.

The below list of makeover tips by Ericka English, KBTVs Weekend Anchor, not only apply to women: men, pay particular attention to this also. Every woman loves a well-groomed man. Whether they tell you or not. On a side note, women love to be pampered, so men, keep this list handy for some type of romantic, spontaneous treat your significant other will love and appreciate.

Top Ten Makeover Tips

When thinking about a new look, women mostly think of starting from the top, which means changing your hair. Thats actually last on my list. I believe a true makeover starts from within. Thats also the best way to be sure you dont fall back into the same slump. If you take good care of your mind, body and soul, your inner beauty will shine through. 1. Have Faith Believe that you cant make all of these changes on your own. There is a higher being that knows you better than you know yourself. Find your purpose in life, and Im not talking about a career. 2. Work Out Whether youre trying to lose weight or love your size, working out will boost your self-confidence. Certain exercises will even improve your posture, which will make you look years younger. Working out is also a great stress reliever. If you can, try to work out at the start of your day. It symbolizes that you are putting yourself first. 3. Eat Healthy Im not just talking about fruits and veggies. Eating six small meals a day will boost your metabolism. You will feel younger, because you will have more


energy. Also, dont limit yourself to what you cant eat. Treat yourself in moderation, and drink the daily amount of water recommended by your doctor. 4. Get a Massage A good massage is worth the money. Most massage therapists will tell you a nice rubdown will release toxins from your body. 5. Get Pampered Soft feet and hands never hurt anyone. A pedicure will give you the confidence to put your best foot forward (pun intended). While soft hands will wow anyone to whom you extend the right hand of fellowship (shaking hands). 6. Go Shopping The two words most women love to hear. Try on every piece of clothing you find appealing. Sometimes, what looks good on the hanger doesnt fit your body type. On the other hand, the clothes that look shapeless on the hanger may look great on your body. Dont be afraid to go up a size if you love the piece. Some designers make their clothes smaller. If it makes you feel better, buy the larger size, then rip the size tag off when you get home. Try different colors that flatter your skin tone. Choose items that accentuate your assets. Know what looks good on your body type and make sure YOU wear the clothes; dont let the clothes wear you. 7. Clear It Up Instead of covering up your flaws with makeup, fix them. If you have acne, shop around for a natural product that works best for YOU. It doesnt always take a phone call to an infomercial to get great skin. Zap acne scars with products that even out skin tone. Invest in anti-aging products that meet your needs. 8. Wax On Wax Off Get rid of unwanted hair on your face and body (enough said). 9. Make-Up Visit your favorite make-up counter and ask the professionals to choose colors for you that bring out your best features. Make sure you are wearing the correct foundation or powder shade. Lines of demarcation are not cute. Thats why I love mineral make-up. 10. Cut and Color Just like your make-up, your haircut should compliment your best features. The same goes for your new hair color. Also be sure your highlights look natural, as if the sun kissed your hair.


To add to this list, what you wear will accentuate the best parts of your body. Be sure to ask the opinions of honest friends (not just people who say you look good in anything), professionals, or sales clerks at the store (use your judgment to see if they are just trying to sell you the clothing). Women: Help your man out and be honest with him. Personally, I like my significant other to buy clothes for me, take me shopping, and make me try on stuff she thinks I look good in. Its something you can do together that will build up confidence. Men: Unless you have a good eye for fashion, just give your honest opinion. Now go and take the time for your after pictures and then...go pamper yourself for a job well done by following the ten tips above. You deserve it!


Principle #12 Turning Your Program Into A Lifestyle

ow that youve finished your 12-week program and have pampered yourself, lets talk about making this a lifestyle. Weight loss and weight management are two different monsters in themselves. Youve done the hard work; now its time for a little upkeep, which is much easier to do.

Lifestyle Tips

The law of adaptation will come into play if you stop this (or any weight loss)

program cold turkey and go back to your nasty old habits. Guaranteed, you will revert back to the way you were before. Remember this quote: Do what youve always done, and you will get what you have always gotten. Fat Loss Factor is designed with lifestyle maintenance in mind. To stay healthy, continue to do Fat Loss Factor principles #3, #4, #6, #7, and #8. Pay particular attention to the lifestyle un-diet. By now, you should have learned to bring balance to your life. If you want to have some deliciously bad-for-you foods, your body can handle it every once in a while. Dont make it a habit! Use Fat Loss Factor #2 a few times a year, just to keep your body in tip-top shape; purge out toxins that are stored in your liver, kidneys and fat cells; It will give you an edge on any extra weight that youd like to get rid of. If you have reached your goal, great job. Go back through principles #3, #4, #6, #7, and #8. If you have not reached your goal, its OK. Remember, there is no such thing as failure, just feedback. Reassess the last 12 weeks; find your weak points and start from Principle #1 again. It should be a lot easier this time since youve been through the program once already.


Motivation Tips
If you need to be motivated here are some ways:

Set goals. Ive provided you with in-depth goal setting sheets. Get a workout partner. Its always good to partner with someone who is going

through the same struggles. Find an accountability partner: a friend,coworker, (I dont recommend spouses just because it might be a sensitive issueuse your best judgement on this one), sister, mother, etc. Write out a big list of the positives of going through this program. Then write a list of what would happen if you dont go through this program (look into the future). Get emotional about it. Say affirmations every morning...and always be positive: I choose to make today a good day.... I am motivated to give 100% to my program today.... I am beautiful and I deserve the best in life... I am strong and confident and can do anything I set my mind to.... I choose to work out today because I will have the body of my dreams...just be creative. Stare at yourself naked while you eat junk food. Now stare at the parts of your body that you hate the most. Burn this image into your mind. Take some photos if you have to. Make a vow to look better and burn the pictures in a ceremony. If your spouse doesnt support you and still wants to eat junk food in front of you, then you need to find another support system. There are plenty of online communities that can help, or go to friends, family, church. If your spouse belittles you and tempts you, then its time to re-assess your relationship. It might be one of the reasons you are having a hard time losing weight. (relationship stress is 2nd only to financial stress). Go to counseling or have a deep heart-to-heart talk with them.

Depression/Self Esteem Issues

If you are depressed, here are some realizations and solutions to consider:

Avoid anti-depressants. They are never a long-term answer and will make you

gain weight. Buy yourself a light box. A lot of research supports that they work. I use one and


I swear by them. They are reasonable in price also. Realize that you are loved. If you do not feel loved, then start giving love by helping your neighbors, the poor, etc. Volunteer and get involved with your community. You can make a difference! Get a pet. Nothing like a cat jumping on your lap after a hard days work , or a dog greeting you at the door. This will always put a smile on your face. Practice with affirmations every morning. Believe it or not, these work. Use only positive words. For example: I choose to be happy and full of life today instead of I choose not to be depressed today. See the difference? Avoid words like NOT or Dont or Cant when doing affirmations. Actually, rid those words from your vocabulary altogether. Have faith. Time to have a heart to heart with your creator. Go to church for example. Start giving thanks every single morning while you are in the shower. Be thankful for the little things. Its a great way to start your day. For example: I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, I am thankful that my car works, I am thankful that I have good health, etc. Always focus on the positive, never the negative. Your brain has created negative pathways (thought patterns) that you always revert to when faced with stress or adversity. You can change these with repetition of positive practices like doing affirmations and giving thanks. Take a walk and experience nature. Exercise. It creates positive brain patterns.

Belly Fat Tips

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately it is impossible to spot-reduce specific areas of your body naturally. With that being said, here are some tips that will push you in the right direction:

Suck your belly button to your spine exercise. This was covered earlier and will
strengthen your transverse abdominis muscle (muscle underneath your 6-pack) helping you to keep your belly from sticking out. More cardio! Start doing more forms of cardio: hill sprints, long distance, and


interval training. Do 10-day cleanses quarterly (covered in principle 2). Strengthen and tone your core: either join a class or buy a DVD of yoga, and Pilates. Start a class in boxing, jui-jitsu, kickboxing, cardio kick boxing, Do more full-body exercises such as squats, cleans, deadlifts, snatches and combination lifts like eliminators, man-makers, etc. (advanced).

Addressing Hypothyroidism
Here are some guidelines for addressing hypothyroidism:

Your hormones are imbalanced and this is a major cause of weight gain. Follow the lifestyle-undiet. Cleanse quarterly (Principle #2). Drink a lot of Chamomille Tea. Stay away of Xenoestrogenic substances found

in plastics, cleaning supplies, tap water, air pollution, soy, beer, pesticides, etc. Go to an alternative-care practitioner such as a naturopath to find out how to balance your hormones naturally. Go to an MD as a last resort because getting on sythetic, man-made hormones is not good to solve a long-term problem. The law of adaptation will always kick in (remember least invasive to most invasive). Get plenty of exercise. Get plenty of rest. Eat organic foods. Do your own research, and dont be a victim. Check your options for alternative medicine and conventional.

Binge Eating, Emotional Food Cravings, And Portion Control

This is a tough problem that EVERYONE deals with. So how in the world do we overcome it? Here are some guidelines to follow:

Go back and read the mindset principle (#8) again. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique): there has been a lot of success using this

technique to control food cravings. Google it for more information. Make sure you drink at least ten 8-ounce glasses of water per day. For portion control, put your food on a small plate and dont go back for seconds. A portion is the size of the palm of your hand for each food group... NO MORE Sit in front of the mirror naked and eat your favorite fattening food. Stare at the parts you hate most about your body and think you are just adding to that fat. If you really want to eat a fattening food, practice the two-bite principle: Take two large bites and give the rest away. Or just eat a small portion to get the taste of it. Do a 10-day cleanse quarterly (possibly the best thing to break emotional eating habits and change your diet). Of course, you can fall back into old patterns, so that is why I suggest quarterly, just in case. Eat 10 to15 raw almonds, and drink a glass of water before your meals (these will expand in your stomach and fill you up faster). Eat a raw fruit or vegetable/salad (no cheese or heavy dressing) before you eat your meal. The fiber will expand in your stomach and fill you up. If you are sad, worried, etc., and you start to get an emotional food craving, do affirmations while you look at yourself in the mirror.

That ends the program. Great job making it through! We will be introducing a maintenance course in the near future so stay tuned! If you have any questions, you can email us at and one of our trainers will help you! Remember: When you are down and depressed, just stay in the boat. Dont jump ship. Things will get better. If you fall off the boat, get back on and keep pushing forward. These are traits of action-takers and people who persevere. You can do it... I have faith in you. You need to have faith and dont underestimate yourself. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Ancient Chinese proverb. All The Best In Successful Weight Loss,

Dr. Charles


Tools For A Fat Loss Factor Kitchen

These are the kitchen appliances needed to prepare the Fat Loss Factor meals and snacks. Here are seven tools needed for your kitchen.
1. Blender A good blender is necessary for making smoothies. If you want to go all out, the best on the market is the Vitamix. This blender has the horsepower of a small lawnmower! Otherwise, get a blender with at least 400 watts so it can crush ice. If you are on the go a lot, then purchase a hand blender. These are fast and work just as well... plus they are easy to clean!! 2. Food Processor A small one is fine, unless you plan on cooking for the whole family! 3. Juicer A great juicer is the Omega 8005. It costs about $250 and can also make sorbet, baby food, pasta, and nut butters. Most department stores have the Jack LeLanne Juicer for $90. It works OK but is a little harder to clean. 4. George Foreman Grill Any version is fine. I use the Next Grilleration G5 that has interchangeable plates. It also has waffle plates that actually work really well and it runs around $110. You can make some killer whole grain waffles! A basic Foreman Grill costs about $30. 5. Steamer Most department stores sell a steamer for $20 that is great for steaming veggies. 6. Rice Cooker Most department stores will carry a $30 rice cooker. Most rice cookers also steam vegetables. 7. Toaster Oven Use a convection oven or the Aroma Turbo Oven to heat up your food. You can use anything but a microwave (no one is really sure if microwaves are safe). I recommend you do your own research and also make sure to read about both sides of the argument. I believe that a microwave is a very unnatural way to cook


food, and I will only use it sparingly to warm up food for no longer than two minutes. Convection ovens range in price from $30 to $100.

Fat Loss Factor Home Gym Equipment

Every item on this list is not necessary. I will bold those items I believe are necessary. I am giving you a variety of options, because it is better to work your body in a variety of ways. Im also writing this list as if you have unlimited money.

Good pair of running shoes Exercise ball/swiss ball (anti burst) A couple of medicine balls Yoga mat Bosu ball Kettle bells Dumb bell sets (power blocks would be your best option if you can afford them) Training bands Workout bench that changes height Mirror Stopwatch Rebounder Olympic barbell set Step up boxes (plyometric boxes) Cable machine Squat rack Treadmill Weight lifting gloves


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