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Soliloquy - \s-li-l-kw\ - noun - 1. the act of talking to oneself

2. a dramatic monologue that represents a series of unspoken reflections - e.g. Have you ever experienced of doing soliloquy in your drama lessons?

Vizier - \v-zir\ - noun - a high executive officer of various Muslim

countries and especially of the Ottoman Empire - e.g. His father is a vizier in Saudi Arabia. Connoisseur - \k-n-sr \ - noun - one with expert knowledge of something and the ability to tell what is bad from what is good. - e.g. She is a connoisseur of African art.

Fuchsia - \fy-sh\ - noun - 1. any of a genus (Fuchsia) of ornamental

shrubs of the evening-primrose family having showy nodding flowers usually in deep pinks, reds, and purples 2. a vivid reddish purple - e.g. Have you ever experienced of doing soliloquy in your drama lessons? Regurgitate -

Chateau - \sha-t\ - noun - a French castle or country house - e.g. He lives in a chateau. Phrenology - \fri-n-l-j\ - noun - the belief that a persons intelligence and abilities may be judged from the shape of his skull.


- verb
- to become thrown or poured back - The bird regurgitates food to feed its young.

Statuesque \sta-ch-wesk\ - adjective - resembling a statue especially



shapeliness, or stillness; especially : having a tall and shapely form

- e.g. She was a statuesque brunette. Gauche - \gsh\ - adjective - 1. lacking social experience or grace; also : not

2. crudely made or done - e.g. Were all a bit gauche when were young. Ricochet - \ri-k-sh\ - verb - the motion of an object that rebounds or skips one or more times. - e.g. The ricochet of the bullet off the wall.

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