Alumni Network Meeting March 12 PDF

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Alumni Network Meeting March 12, 2013

Present: Vass (chair), Andre, Mia, Beth, Jacob, Kaleb Regrets: Jon, Rex, Aline Introductions and Context Setting Purpose of the AGM Confirm and formalize the governance structure A draft Constitution document was shared a few months ago may consider reviewing that in light of what we have learned in last 6 months Elect 3 Governance Executive Positions Welcome the new class of graduates Discussion: What can the School do to ensure that the people contributing to the alumni network are recognized? How do we add prestige to the Executive Positions? For example: involve them in hiring decisions, invite them to special lunches, participate in advisory panels etc. Not a bad idea for what we had envisioned. Most of the work will happen at the Committee level. The Executive roles are primarely administrative and coordination so participating in other School related activities might be a good incentive, a good way to round out the role School might need to provide a more clear vision for what they see the role of the Alumni being: providing insight into what is happening in the field, recognizing the role that Alumni play in supporting the School etc. Clarify how the Network is related and associated with the School. Mark has played that role by participating in events but we might need to find someone else until Mark returns Planning the AGM: Want to give people enough time to plan - at least 6 weeks Need to give it justice: generate enough excitement, get people to nominate themselves Who from the School should be invited? Faculty? AGM is just for the membership - if we are making it more official, and formalizing the structure and the relationship with the School Faculty might distract people from actions that we want people to focus on Maybe we can invite faculty, staff and currrent students to the "social side" of it People should receive a mail out -not just email. We might not have the $ for that...

Logistics and mechanics will drive what we can do on the night Reminder of process we had talked about when we planned AGM last time: Send docs on Constitution in advance Provide mechanism for people to provide feedback on draft (teleconference or email or survey) At the AGM: People would nominate for positions at the AGM Background on the network and what we are all about and invite people to participate and engage "Join Us!" Roles should be well defined and clear, focused Succession Planning for informal committee that have been working Constitution is centre-piece School rep or a speaker - Keynote like Karim Bardeesy Voting online following AGM Social event to confirm positions Have a dedicated point person for taking questions or feedback from each year Timeline: Set Up AGM Steering Committee (to plan and deliver AGM): Beth, Kaleb, Andre, Jacob, Vass Beth will set up the next meeting Presentation: Andre Logistics: Reps for each year: Keynote: Nominations and Election Process: someone to define the roles, figure out how to solicit nominations and start recruiting people to nominate themselves Feedback Process on the Constitution: AGM Advisors: Viola and Mia Social Event: Want to plan another Fundraising event Could be incorporated into the AGM - as the social event If there will be a formal reception after the AGM, School should fund it. Then, the fundraiser will be down the road Should start doing things that are a bit over our heads Fundraising in September --Seek Sponsorship from Partners

Should we be tapping into alumni for money or should we organize a more formal event that other people want to attend and then get money that way? Maybe can leverage the SPPG fellows that way? There are 8 - 9 fellows Maybe breakfast somewhere else Important to note what we are fundraising for: We are llooking to raise $1,000-2,000 to support student internships or exchanges Also support running of the network which would cost about $1,000 to put on events Could also be a material gift to the School Book Club: End of Men and Damned Nations are scheduled Have done some experimenting different formats A core group of people have been meeting over time Mark likes to host at his house It works when the author can participate Mentoring (launched in the fall) Rolling along well Survey planned at the end of the year to learn and improve for next year The forma end to the process is in May although people can continue their relationships after that Might compliment it with interviews with some people to learn more Have identified some elements that can improve next year AGM process can be a good way to leverage volunteers to run it next year UTAA Update Make it one specific role to have someone attend meetings and bring back to the group Should be an executive role Newsletter and Communications Most information would be AGM related Maybe a message from Mark Save the Date for September Social events between now and the AGM Something to honor Mel Cappe "Night Cappe" Could be a roast - get two or three people who have worked with him to roast him Cash bar Some venues: Massey Library, MPI new space Add a donations box at the entrance for donations to the Network Vass will take the lead - let Mel know and get back to the group about

venue options Other Business: - send pictures of your class to Vass

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