Research Questions

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Participants: University Students Research Questions How do combined honours students experience their workload?

load? How do they balance deadlines? How do they feel the subjects interact with each other? What feelings do they have towards timetable structure? How did they find the experience of dealing with two different departments

Interview Schedule

Can you describe how your choice of subjects has affected the amount of work you do?

(How did you choose them?/ what are your feelings towards each subject?/ do you experience university differently to single honours students?/ do you have a preference in your subject choices.....why? why not?/how much work do you do on average of each subject?/ do you feel you have found a balance/ how do you experience choosing your modules?/how was your experience with timetabling or conflicts?/how do you experience deadlines for the two subjects?/do you feel there is communication between two departments?)

What did you notice about your thoughts and feelings during your first year of university?

(Did you find balancing everything easy....hard?/did it improve over time or get increasingly difficult?/ did you have a system in place for organizing your tasks, thoughts and feelings?/ did you find them useful or unhelpful?/ how did you experience the exam period?/ was it more stressful that youve previously experienced or less.....why?...why not?/ how did you react to the stress or lack of stress?/ did you have a module which was less or more stressful than others?/ did you feel that it was the right choice for you?/ would recommend it to anyone?)

Do you feel you have learned from your experience of combined honours?
(Learned about yourself as a person?....student? do you think you could have do things differently? Would you have done things differently?)

Do you have any questions or comments? Thank you for participating.

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