Dynamics of Cam

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CAM DYNAMICS Mechanism provides a non-linear I/O relationship.

Different mechanism like single or multidegrees of freedom, intermittent motion mechanisms and linkages etc. have different I/O relationship. When we can not obtain a certain functions from the well known mechanisms, we use a cam mechanism. It is a one degree of freedom mechanism of two moving links. One is cam and the other is follower.

y=f(x) mass

There are limitations of its use. After some critical speed the nett acceleration of the follower system may


Cam profile x

be in a direction to separate it from the cam surface. So the follower does not follow the surface profile any more. We have to be able to calculate this critical speed and must not operate the mechanism beyond it.

Sliding cam

Critical speed depends on the profile of the cam, the stiffness and pretension of any restoring spring if exist at all or the mass of the follower. So, a differential analysis requires for each widely used cam profile. One example will be done here concerning an eccentric cam. An eccentric cam has a circular profile, but rotates about an axis which is displaced from the cam center by e amount, called the "eccentricity".

y k e m
Follower displacement becomes;
y = e e cos


m mg NB


where = t , cam is rotating with constant angular velocity, . taking first and second time derivative of follower displacement equation we will get velocity and acceleration, respectively;

y = e sin t And y = 2 e cos t

There will be inertia forces acting onto the follower proportional to this acceleration. Differential motion equation for the follower is;

F = m y

From the free body diagram of the follower, nett force in y direction becomes;

F = F

Fs = Fc k ( y + )

Where, Fc is contact force

is spring pre-compression

Substituting, y , y and

into differential equation of motion yields;

Fc = e(m 2 k ) cos t + k (e + )

Fc = 0 is the critical condition. It must always have positive value. When Fc = 0 , contact is lost and hence cam and follower are no longer touching each other. It means that follower is no more following the profile of the cam. It is free and floating in the air.

Example An uniform steel bar shown in the figure is used as an oscillating cam follower and

its mass moment of inertia is I CG as 0.65 kg.m. The cam follower is driven by an eccentric cam to give a rise of 4 cm. Assuming that cam system is working on the horizontal plane and there is no friction between the cam and follower.

y 2 cm

25 cm

50 cm

25 cm

O k=2kN/m

x 5 cm

a) Draw the freebody diagram of the follower, showing all the forces,

l/4 z F =kz


l/4 CG ma .. y,y,y F
c n





b) Drive the cam contact force equation,

y = e e cos t , y = e sin t , and y = e 2 cos t



Tangential acceleration at cam contact point is equal to the y , then

at = y *


l 2e 2 cos t = e 2 cos t = l 2

Equation of motion of follower is;


= I o

= Fc *

l l k*z* 2 4

Substituting angular acceleration, mass moment of inertia and moment equation into EQM,
2 * e * 2 * cos t * l

7l 2 + 4w 2 l l Fc * k * z * = m * 2 4 48

In this equation we need a relationship between y and z. This comes from similar triangles. So,

l 4 = 2 z = y z = e e cos t , z y 2 2

m 7l 2 + 4w 2 Fc = * l 24

2 * e * 2 * cos t k * + (e e cos t ) l l

c) Sketch a displacement diagram showing the follower motion for the entire 360  of the cam rotation without computing the numerical values, superimpose graph of cam contact force onto the same axis. Show where jump is most likely to begin,




Jump is most likely occurs here

d) Calculate the jump speed, When t = and Fc = 0


m 7l 2 + 4w 2 * 24 l

2 * e * 2 * l

2*e*k + l

k *l 24 2 2 m 7l + 3w

e) List the things that can be done to increase the critical speed of this system. In order to increase the speed; k can be increased. Harder spring can be used. m can be reduced. Smaller mass means smaller dimensions.

Example The cam-and-follower

system shown in figure has k = 2 kN/m, m = 1 kg,

y = 15 15 cos t mm, and = 50

k A B

rad/sec. The retaining spring is assembled with a preload of 5 N.

a) Draw the freebody diagram of the follower.

y = 15 15 cos t D y = 15 * * sin t

Fs=k(y+ )


b)What is the acceleration of the follower, when t = 1 sec.

DD = 15 * 2 * cos t = 15 * 50 * cos( 50 * 1 ) = 36186 .22 mm / sec 2 = 36 .186 m / sec 2 y

c) Drive conctact force equation between the cam and follower.


y y

= mDD y = k ( y + ) + FC

mDD = k ( y + ) mDD + k ( y + ) = FC y y

15 (15 15 cos t ) + = FC * 2 * cos t ) + k 1000 1000

d) Compute the maximum and minimum values of the contact force.

15 (15 15 cos t ) d m( * 2 * cos t ) + k + 1000 1000 dFC =0 = dt d ( t )

0 = m * 0 .015 * 2 sin t k * 0 .015 * * sin t = 0 .015 * ( k + m 2 ) sin t 0 = 0 .015 * ( k + m 2 ) sin t sin t = 0 t = n where n = 0 ,1,2

FC is maximum when t = 0 or t = 2 and FC is minimum when t = .So, FC max = 1* ( 0 .015 * 50 2 * cos 0 ) + 2000 * 0 .015 ( 1 cos 0 ) + 5 = 42 .5 N FC min = 1* ( 0 .015 * 50 2 * cos + 2000 * 0 .015 * ( 1 cos ) + 5 = 27 .5 N e) If the follower is found to jump off the cam, compute the angle t corresponding to the very beginning of jump.

it is seen from previous answer FC min >0,so there is no jump.

Example A cam of linear displacement

profile is moving leftward with a constant velocity to actuate the spring-mass system shown. a) Draw the freebody diagrams (mass and spring) b) Drive differential equation of motion of the follower. c) Determine the natural frequency of the system in rad/sec d) Determine the amplitude of the rise motion

a) Draw the freebody diagrams

x m F=k(x-y) F=k(x-y) x

y F=k(x-y)

b) Drive differential equation of motion of the body

= mDD x

= k ( x y ) Then equation of motion becomes;

b t a

mDD + kx = ky where y = x

c) Determine the natural frequency of the system in rad/sec Solution of this equation of motion is;

mDD + kx = ky DD + x x

k k x= y m m

n =

k = m

2000 = 44 .72 rad / sec . 1

d) Determine the amplitude of the motion Complementary part of this equation of motion is; xc = A cos n t + B sin n t Particular part of this equation of motion is;
xp = b nt a

Overall solution is
b xc = A cos n t + B sin n t + n t a

X amp =

A2 + B 2

A and B is to be found from initial conditions.

t = 0 , x = xo = 0 m b b x = A cos n t + B sin n t + n t 0 = A cos n 0 + B sin n 0 + n 0 a a A=0

D t = 0, x = 0

b b D x = A n sin n t + B n cos n t + n 0 = A n sin n 0 + B n cos n 0 + n a a b B= a

X amp =

b A 2 + B 2 = + 0 2 = 0 .66 m a

Example The mass m is driven up and down by the eccentric

cam as shown in figure. The eccentricity is 3 cm. Assume no friction a) Derive the equation for the contact force. b) Find the cam velocity w corresponding to the beginning of the jump.

y = e e cos t
D y = e sin t

DD = e 2 cos t y

FBD of the follower;

F = mDyD F = F mg

Fc mg = mDD Fc = mDD mg y y


F c = me

cos t + mg


Jump most probably occurs when Fc = 0

To obtain where Fc is minimum;

dFc = 0 = me 2 sin t d ( t ) sin t = 0 , where t = n * , n = 0 ,1,2 ,3 ,4 ,.......

obviously when t = , Fc is minimum. So, subsituting this into (1); 0 = me 2 cos + mg = 9 .81 g = = 18 .083 rad / sec 0 .03 e

Q-5 (20%) The cam-and-follower system shown in figure has k = 2 kN / m , m = 2 kg , y = e e cos t , e = 15 mm and = 50 rad / sec .
Mechanism is working on vertical plane. Assume that friction of the rollers at A and Bs are negligible small. a) Draw the freebody diagram of the follower.

k B y A


b) What is the acceleration of the follower, when


y = 15 15 cos t D y = 15 * * sin t

t = 1 sec.

DD = 15 * 2 * cos t = 15 * 50 * cos( 50 * 1 ) = 36186 .22 mm / sec 2 = 36 .186 m / sec 2 y

c) Drive contact force equation between the cam and follower.


y y

y = mDD = ky mg + FC

mDD = ky mg mDD + ky + mg = FC y y

15 (15 15 cos t ) * 2 * cos t ) + k + mg = FC 1000 1000

d) Compute the maximum and minimum values of the contact force.

15 (15 15 cos t ) d m( * 2 * cos t ) + k + mg 1000 1000 dFC =0 = dt d ( t )

0 = m * 0 .015 * 2 sin t + k * 0 .015 * * sin t = 0 .015 * ( k m 2 ) sin t 0 = 0 .015 * ( k m 2 ) sin t sin t = 0 t = n where n = 0 ,1,2 FC is maximum when t = 0 or t = 2 and FC is minimum when t = .So,

FC max = 1* ( 0 .015 * 50 2 * cos 0 ) + 2000 * 0 .015 ( 1 cos 0 ) + 2 * 9 .81 = 57 .12 N FC min = 1* ( 0 .015 * 50 2 * cos + 2000 * 0 .015 * ( 1 cos ) + 2 * 9 .81 = 42 .12 N
e) If the follower is found to jump off the cam, compute the angle jump.

t corresponding to the very beginning of

it is seen from previous answer FC min >0,so there is no jump.

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