Inter-Av Equipment: Attention: Important Bocle Information

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Please note there has been a proliferation of misinformation distributed by a competitor trying to put forth an Automated BOCLE . Microprocessors automate most of the test parameters on the Inter Av Model BOC-100 . Parameters that are not microprocessor controlled are typically adjusted once per day and left that way for the entire day unless there is an extreme change in ambient room temperature conditions. As of June-30-2004 the Inter Av Model BOC-100 is the only instrument that has undergone ASTM Round Robin Testing and put forth test data to ASTM to qualify their instrument per ASTM-D5001 Turbine Fuel Lubricity Test Method . The primary advantage of the Inter Av BOC-100 is besides just performing the ASTM-D5001 Test Method it can also be utilized as a research device because the researcher can adjust the microprocessors that control Temperature, Humidity, Test Duration , Air Flows, Pretreatment Duration . All the researcher has to do is punch in the desired variable and the microprocessor does the rest. The same basic unit is also used to perform the ASTM-D6078 Diesel Scuff Test Method and has also been utilized to test Turbine Fuel Lubricants ( GOST Test Method ) at elevated temperatures. The Inter Av Model BOC-100 is automated to the extent : Test Duration Microprocessor Controlled . Initiated by turning one switch ON. Arm lowers Ball automatically at beginning of Test Duration. Arm lifts Ball automatically at end of Test Duration. Duration can be changed if doing research or other Test Methods. Temperature Microprocessor Controlled. User inputs desired temperature one time. High Temperature research can be performed with optional heated Test Tank if testing oils or hydraulic fluids. Humidity Digital Display. Easily adjusted 0 100 % RH. Usually only adjusted once per day. Pretreatment Manual preset by twisting a knob to desired pretreatment time. Horn sounds when pretreatment finished. Cylinder RPM Microprocessor Controlled w/ Optical Encoder . User input desired RPM.

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