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Submitted in Partial fulfilment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program: 2011-13


Prof.( Dr.) D.N. Kakkar Singh HOD MBA Department IET, Lucknow

Dhananjay Prasad MBA 3rd Sem Roll No. 1105270016



Any fruitful work is incomplete without a word of thanks to those involved directly or indirectly in its completion. With my sincere gratitude I would like to thanks everyone who has supported me in my project. I am extremely grateful to Head of Department Prof. (Dr.) D.N.Kakkar Sir and my Project Guide Mr. Ram Singh faculty of MBA DEPARTMENT, I.E.T LUCKNOW who insight encouraged me to go beyond the scope of the project and this broadened me learning on this project. At the very outset I would express my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to personnel who helped me during the collection of data and gave me rare and valuable guidance for the preparation of this report. I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude and appreciation to my project guide MR. SUDIP CHAKRABORTY (Divisional Head of Eureka Forbes). For giving me the opportunity to do the project work under this prestigious company, and guiding me for assistance, motivation, valuable advice, worthwhile discussion, technical ideas, and important suggestions throughout the project.

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I hereby declare that the project report entitled customer satisfaction of water

purifiers system for Eureka Forbes in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree
of masters of business administration to Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow is my original work and not submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship or any other similar title or prizes.

Dhananjay Prasad Singh (1105270016) LUCKNOW

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Executive Summary
It is obvious that to remain competitive the corporate marketing strategy must aim to create and retain a satisfied customer. This is possible only when the firm adds value to the customer should perceive this customer. The customer should perceive this value to be distinctively more than the firms rivals. When this happens, the firm gets a premium on its product on emerges as a market leader. This is true for all the products. Even though it is more visible in industrial products, in the form of customer training, updating technology, at a low cost for the customer, on site servicing to ensure zero down time in the customer manufacturing facilities etc in consumer goods too, value in perceived when the product service the needs for which it is brought. I am trying to the study the Customer Satisfaction of Water Purifiers of Eureka Forbes in the project. I hope my study will help Eureka Forbes.

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(A Constituent College of G.B.T.U.)

This is certified that Mr. Dhananjay Prasad Singh Roll No. 1105270016 of MBA IIIrd (2011-13) sem. has completed his Summer Training Project Report on Customer Satisfaction of Water Purifiers System requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Date: 18-11-2012

Prof. (Dr.) D.N. Kakkar


M.B.A. Department I.E.T., Lucknow

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Prefatory items Acknowledgement Declaration Executive Summary Institute Certificate Company certificate 1 2 3 4 5

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Table of Content

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INTRODUCTION Usually it is said that if marketing would be a train, than market research would be the locomotive. In other words, market research should ideally be the starting point on any marketing exercise. Conducting any marketing exercise- is it related to pricing, promotion or distribution of a product or service. Without researching the potential market is as sensible as setting out sell sand in the Sahara Desert. Market research provides the answers to all the questions that generally occupy the minds of marketers, at every stage of the marketing process.

Growth Trends in Market Research

India, fastest growing market research industry in the world, with growth rates at around 31 % (2009-10). China is a distant second growing at20%. The size of the industry if of 595 crore, but the industry is growing rapidly with a lot of business coming from overseas. The business coming from overseas from overseas involves lot of outsourcing as cost advantages are enormous; the processing of data is almost 50% cheaper in India than in developed countries. The outsourcing business amounts to almost for the 8% industry and this figure is doubling in value every year. KEY PLAYERS IN MARKET RESEARCH Dun Bradstreet Information Resources Incorporation NPD Group Information
A.C Nielson India Pvt. Ltd.

Martiz Research NFO Research Incorporation

ICMR ( India Council of Market Research)`

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IMRB ( India Market Research Bureau)

SCOPE OF MARKET RESEARCH Many people think that market research is just a consumer survey, asking consumer about certain product or services. Though consumer research is an integral part of marketing research, the latters quite a pervasive activity, conveying the various types of marketing problems that confront the marketing manager. There are various discussion confined to the market research which are as follows Product Research Sales Research Customer Research Pricing Research Advertising Research

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Service Quality
Service quality is not easy to measure in a precise manner.The nature and characteristics of services can have an impact on quality issues: There are many definitions of Service quality. The customers overall judgment of service quality can be an evaluation of both the process and the outcome, compared with the customers own expectations and desired benefits. This leads to an important idea in assessing quality from a services marketing perspective: perceived service quality. Perceived service quality represents the customers judgment of an organizations service based on their overall experience of the service. Understanding how customers arrive at this judgment - that is to say, how they decide whether or not they are satisfied with Eureka Forbes service - is very important for services quality management.

Determinate of Service Quality

1. Reliability: The ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.

2. Responsiveness: The willingness to help customer and to provide prompt service.

3. Assurance: The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey

trust and confidence.

4. Empathy: The provision of caring, individualized attention to customers.

5. Tangibles: The appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and

communication material.

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Service Quality Model

Personal needs Expected Service Perceived service Past experience

Word of Mouth Communica



Service delivery (including pre- and post-contacts)

External Communication to consumer

Service Quality specifications

Management perceptions of consumer

Various studies have shown that well managed service companies share the following common practices a strategic concept, a history of top management commitment to quality, high standards, self-service technologies, systems, for monitoring service performence and customer complaints, and an emphasis on customer satisfaction.

New Service Development

Those products that are designed and introduce via the step in a structured planning framework have a greater likelihood of ultimate success than those not developed within a framework, the fact that services are intangible makes it even more imperative for a new service development system to have four basic characteristic 1. It must be objective, not subjective.
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2. It must be precise, not vague. 3. It must be fact driven, not opinion driven. 4. It must be methodological, not philosophical.

Customer Focus Quality begins with customer and also ends with them. Days when organization and customers were treated as two different entities. The marketplace has become very competitive, and it is no longer possible to run a business without strong focus on the customer. Show this relationship.

Custo mer

Eureka Forbes Ltd.

Eureka Forbes Ltd.

Identification of Customer Group

A customer is one who purchases a product or service. There are two types of customers internal and external. An external customer exists outside the organization and buys its product and services. Employees in the organization must know how their jobs enhance the total

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satisfaction of the external customer. An internal customer is important as external customer. External customers are people who ultimately consume the final product like the common people. Internal customers include each employee working in the organization.

Customer Perception of Quality

One of the basic concepts of the service quality is continuous process improvement. The concept implies that there is no acceptable quality level because the customers needs, values and expectation are constantly changing and becoming more dependent. These are: Performance Feature Service Warranty Price Reputation

Customer Feedback
Is not a one time effort. It is an ongoing and active prbing of customer. Feedback enables the organization to: 1) Discover customer dissatisfaction 2) Discover the relative priorities of quality 3) Compare its performance with competition 4) Identify customer needs. 5) Determine opportunities for improvement.
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Comment Cards
A low cost method of obtaining customer feedback involves a comment card, is attached to the warranty card and include with the time of purchase. The intent of the card is to get simple information such as name, address, age, occupation and the factors

This tool is in the form of a questionnaire where the customer is asked to furnish answer relating to the quality of product and services. To make survey more useful must be remember the following: 1. Customer are not the same 2. Survey raise the customer expectation 3. The more specific the question
4. Before the data is collected, you know how you want to analysis and use it.

Focus Groups
A focus groups is a research method use to find out what the customer are really thinking. A group of customer is assembled in ameeting room to answer a series of question. The moderator, understands clearly the type of information that must be elicited and a plain to obtain it. Meetings are designed tofocus on the current, proposed and future product and services.

Toll Free Telephone Number

Toll Free service Phone number 3988 3333 are an effective technique for receiving complaints. Organisations can respond faster to the complaint without incurring a lot of expenses. Such a number does not, however, reach those who decide not to buy the product or thosee who discover some likeable features in a

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competitors product. Toll free number are used by, at least, 50 percent organisation with sales of at least $10 million.


Customer Visits
Visit to a customers place of business provides another way of gathering information. An organization can pro-actively monitor the performance of its product while it is in use. It can, thereby identify any specific problems. Senior managers should be involved in these visits and not delegate them to someone else. However it is a good idea to take along operating personnel so that they can see first and how the product is performing.

Report Card
Another very effective tool is the report card. It is usually sent to each customer on a quality basis. Data is analyzed to determine areas for improvement.

QCC Operation model

Problem Identification

Problem Selection

Problem Analysis

Generate Alternative Solution

Review and follow up Present solution to management

Implement ation

Prepare plan of action

Select best solution

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1. Problem Identification. 2. Problem Selection. 3. Problem Analysis. 4. Generate Alternative Solution. 5. Select Best Solution. 6. Prepare Plan of action. 7. Present Solution of Management. 8. Implementation. 9. Review and follo- up.
CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR In todays challenging and competitive world of fast changing technology, consumer tastes are also characterized by fast changes. So to survive in the market the firms have to be in touch with the changing consumer preferences. Marketers have to understand consumer behaviour and factors influencing in the buying behaviour of the customers in order to be successful in this dynamic and competitive environment.

Meaning of consumer behaviour:

Consumer behaviour is the behaviour that the consumer display while searching for, evaluating, purchasing and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs. Consumer behaviours are the study of how consumer makes their decisions to spend their resources on consumption related items i.e. time, efforts and money. Study of consumer behaviour proves the marketers an insight regarding the consumer preferences and helps them in effective market segmentation and targeting. The importance of consumer behaviour lies in the fact that behaviour can be understood and influenced to ensure a positive purchase decision. So around understanding of consumer behaviour is necessary for long run success of any marketing program. Thats why the marketing managers interest lies exactly in understanding consumer behaviour to ensure that his marketing strategy results in purchase of product.
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The study of consumer behaviour is quite complex, because of many variables involved and their tendency to interest with and influences each other. The main determinants of consumer behaviour are: 1. External Variables
2. Individual determinants of Consumer Behaviour 1. External Variables : The external environment is made up of various influences

such as: Culture Sub culture Social class Family Reference groups Personal factors such as age and life cycle, education, occupation, life style, personality, etc. These all are major determinants of consumer behaviour.
2. Individual Determinants of Consumer Behaviour: The individual determinants

of consumer behaviour are: Personality and Self Concept Motivation and involvement Learning Memory Attitude

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Marketing Strategies Analysis

EUREKA FORBES is now looking to strengthen its position through a slew of new launches. According to Mr. S.k. palekar, senior vice-president, marketing, Eureka Forbes Ltdalthough Eureka Forbes is the market leader in both the categories (with a market share of over 80 percent in both the air purifier and vacuum cleaner segment), the companys new products will be targeted at different segments of people. For instance, the new aqua guard nova priced at Rs. 7600 will be targeted at people who have already had an aqua guard in their house for more than a year (that is approximately a million people). The product has electronic features such as an indicator which will indicate when it is time to get the servicing done. Other launches on the anvil include a softener model (for area which get hard water), an arsenice removal model, an iron removal model, a fluoride removing model (for up and Gujarat) and aqua power, which can run without electricity. A similar strategy is being put in place for vacuum cleaner as well. However the company will not be venturing into new product segments. Currently it has products in water and air purifier, vacuum cleaner and security system segment. Says Mr. palekar, we would like to focus on the segment we are present in an strengthen our position their. For the communication strategy, the company is working on an online model through which it will be able to interact with customers on the internet.

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The Organization

Companys Vision

Companys Mission

Companys Values

Symbol Of Quality

Euro Smile

Unmatched Certification

Board Of Directors

Companys Products

Strategic Direction

Euro Helpline



Eureka Forbes-Relationship
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Eureka Family

Aqua check

New avenues

Companys Dreams

Future Plan

Press centre

Company Analysis
EUREKA FORBES LIMITEDThe Organization Eureka Forbes is Rs billion multi- product multi- Channel Corporation which is a part of the Shapoorji-Palings Group which was set up in 1982, to market health and hygiene products to Indian consumers. It has evolved as a leader in domestic and industrial water purification system, vacuum cleaners, air purifiers and security solution. Eureka Forbes were the first to introduce domestic Water Purification System (1984)- the Aqua guard model-as well as it revolutionized the Indian market by introducing products like Home Cleaning System (1982), and Air Purification System (1994). In order to introduce these previously unknown products too societal in which nationwide commercial campaign were impossibility, the company had to pioneer another innovation- directing sealing. The crops of suit- clad Eureka Forbes salesman were the first such in the country and were tremendous success. They are now- Asias largest direct selling organization with a 5000 strong direct sales force touching 1.25 million Indian homes and adding 1,500 customers daily. Such was the success of Eureka Forbes that

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Aquaguard has now become a synonym for water purifier in India, like Xerox for photocopying The promise was clear: To create a company that wouldnt be about bricks, mortar or sales graphs, but driven by something for more potent. Something that would stand would stand the test of time: relationships

Eureka Forbes followed the globally tried and tested direct selling route for marketing its products in India, thus becoming one of the first direct selling companies in India. Vacuum cleaners for water purifiers were rather new concepts for India consumer, who had till then followed only the traditional methods of cleaning and filtering. Therefore, Eureka Forbes had to first establish the concept of vacuum cleaners and water

purifiers in India before it could sell Eureka is a brand. The company believed that its core strength was its people. It employed dynamic, highly motivated individuals, called Euro champs who projected the image of the friendly man from Eureka Forbes. Thus, for the average Indian consumer, Eureka Forbes become synonymous with the smartly dressed salesman who come to their houses and cleaned up things in a jiffy or showed how air/water purifier were indispensable. Euro champs initially targeted the metros but soon began visiting smaller cities and towns also commenting on the decision to diversity into bottled water company sources said that it was only to strong then the core products by capitalizing on their brand image. Goklaney said In the water category, I will conduct activities which strengthen my core products. How I do that and what I do is a matter of strategy. According to company sources, Eureka Forbes not only had the financial strength, but also a strong network to sales executives to push its new products into the market. The companys decision to enter the retail business was primarily the result of its launch of Tronada vacuum cleaners and Aquaflo water purifier in 1995. Eureka Forbes had utilized the retail route for this range, mainly to cater to the industrial segment. Over
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the years, the retail business assumed greater significance and by 1999, around 5% of the companys sales came from the 2500- strong dealer network in1999. Eureka Forbes ltd. The leading vacuum cleaner and water/air purifier equipment company announced a major policy change that came as a surprise to the Indian corporate world. The company, regarded as the pioneer of direct marketing in India, was planning to focus more on the retailing business in the future. Commenting on this decision, & Goklaney, Marketing Director, Eureka Forbes, Said Direct sales permits us to exploit only the top end of the market. This move was in accordance with the companys plans to increase the validity of its products. The company planned to make its products available in retail outlets through its dealer network, spread across 2,600 dealers.

Eureka Forbes Friend for Life

Customers have always been the Centre of business for ELF; they strive to be in close and constant touch with having also taken initiative to educate their customers to change their perceptions and practices. According to the ELF officials A sale is only the beginning of the relationship , however company makes specials efforts to let the bonds of friendship endure through there service. Everyone at EFL strive hard to make a customer there Friend for life. Eureka Forbes have rechristened there offices to CRS (Customer Response Centre making them the hub of all customer centric efforts. A significant part of their revenues comes from relationship marketing including service contracts, spares and accessories sales, products up gradation and new references. As more channels to reach out to customers were introduced, organization was restructured to harmonize these multiple avenues of interaction and present a single face to the customer is every ones customer under this process of convergence

A 5 billion multi-product, multi-channel corporation.

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Operating in over 92 cities, with over 6000 employees. Pioneers & leaders in water purification systems, vacuum cleaners & air purifiers.

Pioneers in direct selling - Asia's largest direct selling organization - 5,000 strong direct sales force touches 1.25 million Indian homes, adding 1,500 customers daily.

Customer family now numbers over 5 million - enduring relationships as 'Friends for Life'.

Expanded channels that reach out to customers to include o 3,800 strong dealer sales network; o 58 distributor strong institutional sales network; o A security systems division;

A strong service network backs up sales efforts - 3,200 company-trained

technicians make 10,000 kitchen visits daily, supported by call centres, customer care representatives & mobile service vans.

The customer has always been at the centre of our business

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Service at your doorstep Indias largest after-sales service network - over 650 Service Centres 3,000 trained technicians make 10,000 calls a day

Single number access - 24 hours in 8 major cities - 3988 33 33 Only genuine spare parts Free routine check-ups and free service camps Annual Maintenance Contracts - the largest in the country Mobile service vans

A special service by Eureka Forbes to provide all the information about Eureka Forbes products and services at one single number available 24 hrs.*365days.

The Euro Help Line provides the following: G ives complete information about products and services Locations of Customer Response Centre or Sales offices, timings, contact persons, etc. Solutions to simple problems on the spot A single point solution to customer queries or calls Information on status of complaints and requirements

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Factories ISO 14000 and 9000 certified Tested and certified by over 100 laboratories in India, US, UK and South Africa.

Certifications include those from the highly reputed Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), University of Minnesota; University of Pretoria, South Africa; Water Quality Certificate USA; WQC - Thames Water Centre - USA; University of Sunderland - England. ISI (Indian Standards Institute) certification IMA (Indian Medical Association endorsement) Incorporates prestigious International Water Quality Association (WQA) certified carbon block that removes pesticides CE certification for the unmatched safety of products

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Shapoor. P. Mistry Mr. K.C. Mehra Mr. S.L. Goklaney Mr. D.E Udwadia Mr. J.C Chopra Mr. N.D Khurody Mr. C.G Shah Mr. Ashok Bharat
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It is a young and unique institute that was started in the year 2000. To gain quick visibility it was launch through TV. The main agenda behind starting this institute was to give knowledge about the various benefits that exceeds cost on the issue related to pollution watch. As every journey has its destination, the ultimate destination of eureka Forbes institute of environments to be an institution that has a life of its own, its own vision, mission and philosophy: its own set of committed core team workers and donor friends. By own face and recognition; it means to gain medias and public credibility by aligning its activities mainly to its cause, distance itself from commercial work and other related causes and to build a strong track record of social contribution and activities related to such cause alignment. The institute has built a strong mission, which says; to promote an awareness of the benefits of conserving and maintaining the quality of our natural water and air resources.

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Eureka forbs Business Policies

The customer is the sole focus of our business.

We constantly endeavour towards customer satisfaction by delivering products and services of the best value and quality.

We strive to honour our commitments, implied, to both, our internal and external customer.

We stress on integrity, transparency and consistency in all our dealings.

We always strive to have a trusting, mutually beneficial and long-lasting relationship with our business associates.

We seek to maintain a warm, positive and friendly work.

We empower people at appropriate level to achieve their goal.

We recognize and reward merit and performance. We strive to make the organization a responsible corporate citizen.

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Eureka Forbes Limited has been the pioneer in the field of Water Purifications Systems, Home Cleaning Systems and Air Purification systems in India. Eureka Forbes Ltd. revolutionized the Indian market by introducing products like Home Cleaning System (1982), Water Purification System (1984) and Air Purification System (1994). The following are the basic products of Eureka Forbes Ltd., which has always promised to provide safe and healthy living. 1. Water Purification System. 2. Air Purification System. 3. Home Cleaning System (Vacuum Cleaners) 4. Home Security System.
5. Industrial Solutions (Industrial Water Purifiers)

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Water Purification System

Specialists in 5 water technologies Over 20 products available and million units sold Addressing 17 diverse water conditions World's largest manufacturer of Ultra Violet based water purification systems Over 71 million litres of Aquaguard water is consumed daily.

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Home Cleaning System (Vacuum Cleaners)

Dusting, sweeping & swabbing does not get rid of fine dust Floats in the air & settles on pillows, mattresses, furniture, durries & even soft toys Dust mites cause allergies like fatigue, runny noses, itches and even severe asthma Ordinary cleaning does not get rid of dust mites - only powerful, thorough cleaning

with a vacuum cleaner can Infinitely superior than conventional cleaning methods and easy-to-use.

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Air Purification System

Indoor air more polluted than the air outside Causes maladies like allergies headaches, nausea, physical aches Asthma and

allergy sufferers worst affected

Pollutants include cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, fibres, soot, airborne

fungal &

bacterial particles, indoor allergy stimuli odours

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Euro vigil from Eureka Forbes provides complete safety for your loved ones & business. Solutions customized for homes, institutions & corporate, each solution from Euro vigil is tailormade for unique requirement An array of products - intrusion detection, access control, surveillance & fire detection, the Euro vigil solutions are state-of-the-art security solutions providing you total safety. The strategic tie-ups with world's leading companies in security solutions like Notified, Honeywell, Bosch and many others make the Euro vigil systems the ideal solution for your homes and business.

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INDUSTRIAL SOLUTION (Industrial Water Purifier)

Comprehensive cleaning & water purification solutions Contract cleaning service that effectively combines our products and cleaning

chemicals Numerous prestigious, satisfied customers including some of the countrys premier corporations.

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Unique E-Boiling + 2-in-1 compact cartridges. EMS.


Auto Shut off.

Voltage Stabilizer. P a g e | 42



Auto-shut off. Voltage Stabilizer.


MCS. IQA & EMS. Auto Shut-off. Smart flow. Melodious Tunes. Auto Flush. Decalcifier. Convenient Water Tray. Dual Fitting Options Unique E-Boiling +

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No Electricity required.
Advanced Ultra filtrations System.

Ideal for TDS levels; up to 500mg/ltr. Works with loft tank. High storage capacity.






Purification. 6-stage purification. 8-liter capacity. Reduce hardness, TDS, Heavy Metal Contaminants. AG-Reviva Automatic controller. Pressure regulating valve. Auto Pump Shut-off. storage tank level

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Special in-built pressure pump Unique E-Boiling + EMS


Auto Shut-off. Voltage Stabilizer.

Elegant on-line water filter-cumpurifier. Can be placed conveniently on the counter or mounted on the wall. 3 stage purification system. Special dual filter cartridge which removes suspended impurities, odors, bacteria and viruses. World destroys viruses. proven UV technology bacteria and


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Turbo Nozzle with 1300W of Deep Cleaning+.

Eliminates microscopic dust mites.

Designed according to international standards.


Rotary Vario Power, to clean delicate electronic gadgets. Dust Bag "full" indicator. An on-board storage space to store accessories.

Controls on the handle make cleaning more easily.

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Mite Buster: 100% protection against dreaded dust mites

Mite Guard: Superior 5 stage air filtration process

The widest array of accessories for all cleaning needs

EuroClean Ace

Storing the Euro clean lot more easier - automatic cord winder

Save on electricity - Variable power option

Durable - Mild steel body with a scratch resistant covering

Backed by nation - wide service Two-year warranty.

Compact Powerful and efficient suction 1200 watt motor power


4-stage filtration Unique in-built accessory tray facility Dust bag 'full' indicator Automatic cord winder Large wheels for easy movement
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balance Sturdy handle for comfortable grip

Powerful suction - 2000 mm water column

Auto cord winder Dust bag full indicator

Unique 3-in-1 Home

wash system Ultima Washes Vacuums Steam Sanitizes Keep allergies at bay Thorough cleaning

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Thorough wet & dry cleaning Mite Extractor: 1000 watts of deep cleaning

Mite Guard: Superior air filtration process

Range of accessories for superior wet & dry cleaning


Storing the Euro clean lot more easier - automatic cord winder

Save on electricity - 2 power option

International styling - light weight and sturdy ABS plastic body

Backed by nation - wide service One year warranty

Mite Extractor: 1300 watts of deep

Cleaning Mite Watch: lets you

know when the dust bag is full Mite Buster: 100%

protection against dreaded dust mites Bullet Mite Guard: Superior 5

stage air filtration process

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The widest array of

accessories for all cleaning needs Storing the Euroclean lot

more easier - automatic cord winder Save on electricity-

Variable power option

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Two optional filters to suit

Users choice. Electrostatic filter. Three fan speeds. 4 stage purification system.

Euroair Smart Sensors (SS) gauge the Level and kind of pollution in your room purifying it.


UV Lamp that effectively kills Bacteria and germs present in the air.

International looks. A micro controllerbased logic circuit that controls its operation.


Higher air flow and more stages of filtration for faster and better cleaning rate.

Bigger filter area, hence longer filter life.

Pa Rugged induction motor.g e | 52

Both tabletop and wall-mountable.


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5-stage online water purification Round-the-clock safe drinking water Bubble-top attachment option Cold water Hot water Normal water


Retains natural quality of water Effective 3-stage purification process International technology Special power-saving feature High volume. Low cost Built-in voltage stabilizer Built-in safety mechanism User-friendly features Sleek design and tough body Water control sensor Unique flow of water Efficient after sales service at your doorstep

Naturally wholesome water. Advanced 3-stage purification process. Last point purification. International Technology.
P a g e | 54 Aqua guards 2 money-saving features.


Instant cooling. Choice of room temperature water.


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Water resistant, high security, high durabili and low identification error rate.

Can be mounted directly on metal

Without affecting its reading Performance

SYRIS proximity reader is able to Interface with all existing access Systems by WiegandTM formats, RS485 formats etc.


Max 6000 card holders Control up to 4 doors with

in/out reader

Small and compact in size

SMD technology Standalone system with group


anti pass back

Multiple group anti-pass back

function with PC




access level within

Standard size Proximity Reader. Operates indoors or outdoors. Beige color

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Intrusion Alarm System & Different Detectors

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*Save your kitchen, warehouse, hotel rooms, and valuable properties from gas leak, short circuit, fire and excessive heat. *Responses within seconds. LPG Leak Detector /Smoke Detector/Fire Detector /Glass Break Detector / Magnetic Door Contact / Motion Detector Etc. *Facility of Central Monitoring System (CMS) exclusively provides by Eureka Forbes in India. It monitors 24X7 and informs police, fire brigade, and ambulance if needed. If you are out of station, it keeps your property safe. *Totally wireless. * Control Panel / detectors /Hooters ..
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Closed Circuit Camera and TV

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Through this technically advanced system you can monitor, supervise, control and secure all of your hotels and other organizations 24X7.

With the help of Global Static Internet Protocol (GPIS) system, you can monitor

each and every moment of all the hotels and other organizations at a time from a single place.
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This system is fully vandal proof and can perform in very low light or no-light situation.

Inbuilt hard disk (up to 2000GB) keeps record of day to day activities.

Security Access Control System

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*Protect trespassing. *Keep daily attendance.

Finger Print Reader *Fully automatic.

*Makes work culture faster and advanced.

This system consists of: 1.Electromagnetic Lock: 2. Door controller: 4. Access Management Software:

3.Access Management System: 5. Access Card:

Video Door Phone (b/w & color)

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You can see and talk to the visitor without opening the door.

Just press a button and unlock the door without moving from your couch.

Emergency security alarm.

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Strategic Direction

One stop shop for health and home care products.

Becoming a preferred partner for the best in the world Euro champs.

Build on our core competency of direct sales.

Flanking strategy on retail shelf.

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Leverage on customer database.

Total cleaning approach for industrial and institutional customer.

The intention of the institute is not to play role of an activist; but to concentrate on two of the most important environmental factors namely Water and Air, to leverage the expertise of its parent company, i.e., Eureka Forbes Ltd. For doing social good towards society, to have noncommercial interaction with leading social bodies in achieving its goal and put maximum efforts in conserving the root of my living existence, i.e., Water and Air.

In a short span of its inception, Eureka Forbes Institute of Environment (EFIF) has achieved some major milestones, like

(A) Tie up with NDTV EFIE generates and supplies data to NDTV for an on screen plug which is then produced into Report by NDTV and supplied to Star News for a fee, who in turn telecasts the same Report to the cable owners for a change. The result of this consequent with NDTV has been:P a g e | 65

That there was a debate in Delhi on CNG application resulting. In to formation of new rules. Various school children have taken an oath to not buy or burn firecrackers. There has also been a good amount of change in the attitude of the Government Pollution Boards, which was earlier sceptical, but now, has become more lenient and cooperative.

(B) Pollution watch tests have been carried out in various cities Across India:Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Lucknow, Chandigarh.

Eureka Forbes Institute of Environment

It is a young and unique institute that was started in the year 2000. To gain quick visibility, it was launched through television. The main agenda behind starting this institute was to give knowledge about the various benefits that exceed cost on the issues related to pollution Watch. As every journey has its destination, the ultimate destination of Eureka Forbes Institute of Environment is to be an institution that has a life of its own, its own vision, mission and philosophy; its manpower, space, infrastructure and resources; its own responsibility, reputation and credibility based on track record; its own set of committed core team workers and donor friends.

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By own face and recognition, it means to gain media and public credibility by aligning its activists, mainly to its cause, distance itself from commercial work and other related causes, and to build a strong track record of social contribution and the activities related to such cause alignment.

The Institute has built a strong mission, which says: To promote an AWARENESS of the benefits of conserving and managing the quality of our natural water and air resources. To do so by collecting and disseminating information/materials through our own resources or those of our like-minded allies who could be individuals, corporate, NGOs, government of civic bodies. To become an instrument of influencing Indian society and its constituents to act in a manner that reflects that these resources are not to legacy of our fore fathers that we can take for granted, but a loan we have taken from our grandchildren, to be repaid with interest.

It is to believe that the unpolluted water and air is the birth right of every Indian citizen.

1. Eureka Forbes people are the perfect example of a dynamic, highly motivated individual. 2. At the entry level, people with a fire in their belly come and join the company. 3. At the forefront of the employee, complement is their salesman who they call Euro Champs, which is known to our customers as the friendly man from Eureka Forbes. They bring to Indian families, everywhere, innovative hygiene and convenient products backed by excellent service and building lasting relationship with its customers. 4. In Eureka Forbes, they believe in promoting internal talent, grooming people from becoming successful sales personnel to become a successful leader.
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5. They understand the importance of this asset and great stress is laid on HRD and training. 6. They satisfy the lifestyle expectation of evolving Indian homes through innovative and value of money products have been the hallmark of Eureka Forbes Limited, and the sales divisions are committed to this mission. 7. Eureka Forbes is a fine example of a strong organization built by its people. 8. Eureka Forbes strongly believes in the old Chinese proverb.

Eureka Forbes Limited-Relationship

Relationship begins with listening to the customers and addressing their priorities and inhibitions. It has 140 customer response centers across 98 cities ensure that customers are never left out in the cold. A 4000 strong dealer network is distributing the Forbes range of water purification system and home cleaning system. 1. An industrial sales division which distributes the nilfisk range of cleaning equipments. 2. It has got 4 manufacturing facilities at Hyderabad, Bhimtal, Meghalaya and Bommasandra with ISO 9002 certification. 3. A network of water testing laboratories across the country.
4. A government recognized R 7 D centre at Bommasandra, alliances with global

leaders. 5. Certification from prestigious independent water laboratories in India and abroad for our range of WPS. Plus, a growing exports market.

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6. Market leaders in Aqua guard WPS. Euro clean home cleaning system EAPS and Euro vigil electronic security solution.

Eureka Family

5700 Euro Champs make 40 calls a day (2.3 lakh contacts). 32000 Euro Smile champs make 10000kitchens visit a day for product services. Over 450 franchised direct operators covering small towns over 1200 sales people.
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3800 strong dealer network. Over 220 distributors for industrial and commercial segment. Existing 5 million friends for life. (Customer database.)

NEW AVENUES Forbes Newell range of wellness products. To strengthen our relationships with existing customers by providing them with a new means to improve their quality of life. First category offered - cooking appliances. Tapping the potential of women - a whole new sales force. Forbes Aqua sure, an exciting new range of economical water purification products. To penetrate the low end of the market, especially areas where there is no power and water To pre-empt competitive entry. Eureka range of Eco-friendly cleaning solutions.

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Recruit young, dynamic, ambitious people; encourage them to harness their potential.

Each one aptly christened Euro champ. Nursery of Direct Selling; the single largest institution of its kind in the world. Professionalized direct selling and raised it to a fruitful career.
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Over 20,000 people and 500 business leaders started out as Euro champs. Numerous success stories of Euro champs rising to top management positions. It believes in the philosophy of encouraging growth from within; it also facilitates cross functional movement in the organization to further career prospects.

It consistently featured in the Best Employer, surveyed by premier business publications.


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Future Plan

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Eureka Forbes Ltd. should be taken in the market abroad both for household and industrial cleaning equipment.

They will be ready with faster customer response through electronic contacts. By making a transition from distributors to marketers of industrial cleaning equipment.

Emerging as a preferred employee for youth. Establishing Eureka Forbes as a water purifying Specialist Company.

Becoming a gateway to multi-national company looking to set up base in India. Introducing innovations and being perceived as the best service providers in the country; and having our ability to respond to the ever-changing demand of the customers.

The Target
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Becoming an Rs.10 billion company in the next 5 years.

Double customer based in the next 5 years. Customer will know the euro champs by name. Our people will grow and share higher responsibility. Our people will live comfortably and make a responsible amount of money that satisfies there at home.

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Most Trusted Brand Award: Platinum Category for your very own Superbrand: Aquaguard!!!!!

"Aquaguard Water Purifier and Euroclean Vacuum Cleaner once again awarded the Mera Brand"

Celebrate summer the healthy way as Aquaguard RO Health Yatra comes to town!

Cambridge School from Noida city is Winner of the 4th Euro Enviro Quiz 2006, the largest ever National school quiz on Environment !

Eureka Forbes Runs for A Cause - Save Water and Harvest it! Recruiting and Staffing Best in Class Awards 2005 Protecting the Environment - Let us learn it from Children!!! Eureka Forbes Limited awarded for Customer Responsiveness Eureka Forbes Limited wins Asian MAKE Award Eureka Forbes is now a Case Study In Harvard Business School Boston (USA), November 11, 2005

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Eureka Forbes is now a Case Study in Harvard Business School

Boston (USA) November 11, 2005 Eureka Forbes Limited, the pioneer of Direct Sales in India, entered the hallowed portals of Harvard Business School by joining the band of select companies which have become a case study in its MBA classrooms. Today, 900 students at this

globally recognized Centre of business education, began

studying a case based on Eureka Forbes, titled "Managing The Sales Effort" written by Professor Das Narayandas of this school; assisted by Senior Researcher Kerry Hermann from the Global Research Group. Mr. Suresh Goklaney, Managing Director of Eureka Forbes, himself an alumnus, was in Boston today on invitation from the Harvard Business School and said "The 5500 salespersons working for Eureka Forbes - whom we fondly call Euro Champs - will be delighted that the unique and young company which they have created over the last 24 years has been found worthy by Harvard Business School to write a case study on". Eureka Forbes, about to go into its Silver Jubilee year, has notched up an impressive turnover of Rs. 6.1 Billion (Rs. 610 Crores) selling premium life style products like water purifiers and vacuum cleaners which bring better health to the families of their customers. In the growing sunrise markets of water purification and vacuum cleaning, Eureka Forbes enjoys market shares upwards of 70% through its brands Aqua Guard and Euro Clean respectively. In the year 2004, Aqua Guard was chosen as a "Super brand" by a panel of eminent persons in the Indian industry. To achieve this success, it followed a marketing system very different from those adopted by most consumer product companies. It did not set up a dealer network to sell its products but it set up a "Direct
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Sales" system instead. The Harvard Business School case takes a look at this unique business model which creates value for the customers - not through pricing and discounting and offers as dealer network marketers do - but through a very different contact system, a different contact site, and a different company culture. Mr. Suresh Goklaney explained the uniqueness of the system as follows "Relationship Marketing may have become a buzzword now but we at Eureka Forbes started it 24 years ago. Our process of acquiring customers is not by luring them into the stores through discounts and offers but by contacting them in the comfort of their homes where it is possible for us to find them unhurried, where we can understand them and their circumstances and then suggest appropriate solutions for their health and hygiene and safety needs. We then demonstrate how these solutions perform in their home conditions, answer every question they may have and we deliver these solutions right at their doorstep. Even the after sales service is provided at their doorstep. This is the difference between them and us". Apart from achieving sales and profits, according to Mr. Suresh Goklaney, what may have impressed Harvard Business School, is "Over the last 24 years we have created a huge intangible asset of over 4 million customers who have welcomed us into their houses to see our demonstrations, to buy our products and then to get them serviced. They have seen us inside their homes! That is quite an exceptional example of relationship marketing, it is for reason that our slogan is 'Your friend for life'". The case study focuses on the innovative practices Eureka Forbes has employed in translating this philosophy of becoming friend for life, into actual operational practices. In particular the case explores whether sales force should be motivated by setting goals for the results of the sales efforts or for the efforts themselves. It explores how a

superstructure of direct sales field force was built employing 5500 Euro Champs (salespersons fondly called so) who operate out of 150 offices of the
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company in about 100 cities; and the systems created for recruiting, inducting, training, motivating, compensating and leading them. In the year 2004, Eureka Forbes was recognized as the "16th Best Employer" of India in the Hewitt Survey. The vision of the company is "To create a happy, healthy and pollution free world based on long lasting customer relationships" and is realized not only through the sales force but also through a structure of 900 service locations. "For 80% of our customers, we have a service Centre within 5 km radius". That is a tough act indeed for any competitor to duplicate. The efforts of the company in giving franchised service were recognized in 2005 through the "Best Franchisor" award it received. Mr. Suresh Goklaney said "We attribute our success to our unique culture and people orientation. The four pillars of our employee orientation are "Earning, Learning, Pride and Fun". We believe in developing business through developing people. We have an in-house "Academy of Learning" and also have tie-ups with business schools which help train our talent. To create a "Learning Organization" we created Knowledge Management function within the company just 4 years ago and feel amply rewarded by the journey because recently, at Seoul in Korea, we were given a MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise) award for Asia"

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Our Key Customers

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Honeywell Our Partner

About Honeywell Honeywell International is a $30 billion diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township, N.J., Honeywell's shares are traded on the New York, London, Chicago and Pacific Stock Exchanges. It is one of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average and is also a component of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. About Honeywell Security Honeywell Security, a business unit of Honeywell International is an international supplier and distributor of electronic security systems and solutions. Our products monitor and protect millions of homes, business and government facilities across the globe.

Honeywell Security's partner choice program At Honeywell, Security holds a very special place in our portfolio. It is core to our mission of protecting communities and making the world safer. In fact, during the past two years, about 25% of what Honeywell has invested in strategic acquisitions has been used to enhance our security business. Honeywell Security wants to be every customer's Partner of Choice in the security business. Each employee walks into the shoes of every customer to deliver more value for their business. Reasons why any customer would like to make Honeywell Security their Partner of Choice is because :-

We are committed to our independent dealers and integrators

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We have always believed that the independent dealers and integrators channel is the best way to sell our products. It's in our DNA. We invest in vertical marketing, design support tools, on-site training, security knowledge forums and many growth initiatives. Our success is only possible with the success of our independent dealers and integrators.

We deliver the newest innovations, technologies & products

We are investing over $40 million a year in research & development to bring you new and innovative security products. We leverage the best technologies globally at our 'Centers of Excellence' in USA, China, India, Korea, UK and France. These teams bring you knew residential security products like LYNXR-EN wireless systems, Optiflex sensors, Alarmnet-I technology for monitoring premises over the internet and a complete cuttingedge range of Home Automation Systems. Among innovations for commercial applications, in Video Systems recent developments include Integrated Digital Video Manager (DVM), Enterprise Network Video Recorder (NVR), Rapid Eye, PARASCAN 360 cameras, heat and dust proof cameras, and integrated explosion proof housing & pan tilt units. In Access control & integrated systems, the newest innovations include ProWatch enterprise access control and integrated security platform, WinPak Pro Central Station Monitoring, LobbyWorks visitor management system and Vindicator Systems for integrating video, access & perimeter intrusion detection on a single platform.

We provide support, training and best people

At the heart of our business are our people. From our sales people, tech support group and all our employees - we are a team with decades of experience in security that understands the industry and your business. We know that users of security products and our independent dealers and integrators need quick and expert response. That's why we invest in support infrastructure, training and best people to help our partners stay ahead.
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We bring you the power of Honeywell

Partnering with Honeywell means benefiting from the power of the global $30 billion Fortune 50 Company with 1,20,000 employees and presence in businesses ranging from Automation & Control Solutions, Aerospace, Transportation Systems and Specialty Materials. We have the commitment, the technology and the resources to help you grow. Honeywell Brand stands for quality. Honeywell Logo, wherever it appears on thermostats in buildings, on process control systems in refineries and factories, on aerospace and defense systems, it stands for quality. That's because at Honeywell, we strive for operational excellence in everything we do. We are Six Sigma trained and focus on quality. Honeywell is now a business Superbrand in India. With more than 7,000 employees and four big locations in Pune, Bangalore, Gurgaon and Chennai we provide you the power of Honeywell at your doorstep.

BOSCH Our Partner

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The Bosch Group is a leading global manufacturer of automotive and industrial technology, consumer goods and building technology. In fiscal 2005, some 251,000 associates generated sales of 41.5 billion euros. Set up in Stuttgart in 1886 by Robert Bosch (1861 - 1942) as "Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering," the Bosch Group today comprises a manufacturing, sales and after-sales services network of more than 280 subsidiaries and more than 12,000 Bosch service centers in over 140 countries. The special ownership structure of the Bosch Group guarantees its financial independence and entrepreneurial freedom. It makes it possible for the company to undertake significant up-front investments in the safeguarding of its future, as well as to do justice to its social responsibility in a manner reflective of the spirit and will of its founder. A total of 92% of the share capital of Robert Bosch GmbH is held by the charitable foundation Robert Bosch Stiftung. The entrepreneurial ownership functions are carried out by Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research methodology is a way to scientifically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the
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research methods / techniques but also the methodology. It defines what the activity of research is, how to proceed, how to measure progress, and what constitutes success. It helps to understand not only the products of scientific inquiry but the process itself. It aims to describe and analyze methods, throw light on their limitations and resources, clarify their presuppositions and consequences, relating their potentialities the twilight zone at the frontier of knowledge

BENEFIT OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Advancement of wealth of human knowledge. Tools of Trade to carry out research; provide tools to looks at things in life objectively. Develops a critical and scientific attitude, disciplined thinking or a bent of mind to observe objectivity (scientific deduction and inductive thinking); skills of research will
Pay off in long term particularly in the age of information(or too often of

misinformation) Enriches practitioner and his practices; Provides chance to study a subject in depth; Enable us to make intelligent decisions; Understand the material which no other kind of work can match. Doing research is the best way to learn to read and think critical

Objectives of the Research The main objective of the research is to study the customer satisfaction at EUREKA FORBE to fulfil the goal of knowing the utility of brands and products of company, connection with various services provided by the other International country..
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The level of satisfaction of the customers. The kind of product is used by customers. The kind of facilities in terms of features provided by the EUREKA to their

To study about the overall performance of the brand, product, retailer, wholesaler

and company members.

To identify the various aspect of the advertising.

Research Design The formidable problem that follows task of defining the research problem is the preparation of the research project, popularly known as the research design The research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. The study used a Descriptive Research design for the purpose of getting an insight over the issue. Descriptive research design includes survey & fact finding inquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of state of affairs as it exists at present.

Method of data collection: In this research work, questionnaires and interview method were used to collect the information. Discussions were held with some of the managers & other staff members. The complete data has been collected from primary and secondary sources:
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Primary data Questionnaire method was adopted for collecting information from the people of Lucknow about their opinion and survey was done in order to find out the overall performance of the EUREKA and the level of satisfaction of the customers. .Secondary data Secondary data was collected through EUREKA profile, through websites on the internet, Books, newspaper, and informations provide by the EUREKA employees.

Sample Design The study used a simple random sampling. A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample.

Universe In this research the universe is Lucknow. The Universe is a complete, or the theoretically specified aggregation of study elements. It is usually the ideal population to which research results are to be generalized. Sample size Respondents were drawn using random tables & samples size chosen was: 50 PEOPLE



Have you heard about Eureka Forbes brands before purchasing it?

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Yes 60% No


Num of People awarebeforepurchase ber

40% 1st Qtr 60% 2nd Qtr


1. 60% people have heard about Eureka Forbes brands before purchasing it.
2. 40% people have not heard about Eureka Forbes brands before purchasing


2. Who recommended our product?

Family friend 65% Employee of EFL 35%

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1. 65% recommendations have come from Family friends. 2. 35% recommendations have come from employees of EFL.

3. On the price of your water purifier? Affordable

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Should be Revised

1. 21% people said price of water purifier is affordable. 2. 72% people said price of water purifier is high. 3. 7% people said price of water purifier should be revised.

4. Are you satisfied with Eureka Forbes brands and products?

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No Others


1. 41% people are satisfied with Eureka Forbes brands and products. 2. 52% people are not satisfied with Eureka Forbes brands and products.

3. 7% people are those who are using other brands and products.

5. How do you know about our brand/product?

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TV. Ad Print Media Internet


INTERPRETATION 1. 70% people know the brand through TV Ad. 2. 10% people know the brand through Print Media. 3. 5% people know the brand through Internet.
4. 15%people know the brand through their friends and other people.

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6. While buying any water purifier what comes to in your mind?

Price Health & Safety Both


1. 10% people said that Price come in their in their mind. 2. 75% people said that Health & Safety come in their mind. 3. 15% people said that Both factors come in their mind.

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Every research is conducted under some constraints and this research is not an exception. Limitations of the study are as follows:

The study is limited to the areas of Mirzapur.

The sample size of only 50 was taken from a large population for the purpose of study, so they can be difference results of the sample from total population.

Non availability of adequate data also limited the scope of the study to some extent.

As the data was collected through the questionnaire, I faced the limitation that respondents were unwilling to provide information.

Consumer was reluctant to go into details because of their busy schedules.

Due to continuous change in environment, what is relevant today may be irrelevant tomorrow.

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There are various point may be more helpful and its benefit:

Given a information before service. Company should given a one set extra filter.

Given a complete expenses knowledge.

Annual Maintenance contract rate should be decreased.

Spare should be made available at proper time.

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EFL should provide knowledge regarding after sale service to customer

at time of purchase

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As per the survey done following were the findings and recommendations of the survey:

Price structure should be revised

Customer service is something which company should pay more attention


All models not available for display in retail outlets and also brochures

should be made available.

Sales person at the retails counters should have proper knowledge about the


Should focus more on brand awareness.

Technological & other aspects should be re- considered and re- christened.

To know about the buying behaviour of customer regarding purchase of

water purifier.

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1. Coney, Hawkins best, Consumer Behaviour, 8th Edition , 1-14, 393-418.

2. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, Millennium Edition, 176-182, 202-204.

3. Zikmund ,William g, Business Research Methods, 5th edition, 6-7, 54-55, 292-

4. Loudon&DellaBitta, Consumer Behaviour, 1003 Edition, 432-433.

Schiffman, Leon G. &Kanuk, Lesie Laser, Consumer Behaviour 6th Edition, 234-238.

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G.N.B. Road, Above Jungle Travels, Silpakuri, Guwahati - 781003 E-mail: Web:

QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMER 1. Do you any EFL product?( If yes, Which product) Ans:

Have you heard about Eureka Forbes brands?

Ans: 3. How do you know about our brand/product? a. TV. Ad ( b. Print Media c. Internet c. People/friends ( ) d. others _____________ ( ) ) ( )

4. How will you rate product Compared other products of other companies (Philips, Kent, pure it, Aqua sure, Unilever)? a. Much better ( b. Better c. Same d. Worst ( ( ( ) ) ) )

5. Who recommended the product? a. Family friend ( b. Employee of EFL ( ) )

6. How satisfied are you with customer service received?

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a. Very Satisfied ( b. Satisfied (

) ) ) ) )

c. Neutral ( d. Dissatisfied ( e. Very dissatisfied. (

7. While buying any water purifier what comes to in your mind? Price Health & Safety Both 8. Your opinion about on the price of your water purifier?

Affordable High Should be Revised

9. Are you satisfied with Eureka Forbes brands and products? a. Yes b. No ( ( ) )

c. others_________________________________________ 10. Do you face inconvenience while using this product? If yes, then please suggest what measures do you think it will help us to improve?

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