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Stop Procrastinating! Get more done in less time.

A book by Brian Tracy Presented by Bill Hall

The Typical Highway Superintendent

Swamped with work Magazines set aside to read one of these days Books to read when you catch up Personal responsibilities

Time Management HelpsBUT

No matter how much you increase productive you will never catch up. You will always be behind in some tasks and responsibilities.

Key to Success
Select the most important Task at each momentthen get started on that task and get it done quickly and well.

Your Frog
The biggest and most important task. The one you are most likely to procrastinate on. It is also the one that can have the greatest impact on your career.

Your Choice

The Ugly One

So, how do we increase our efficiency?

Improve your Efficiency

Resist temptation to start with the easy task. The most important decision you can make each day is the choice of what to do.

Completion of an important task triggers a surge of energy, enthusiasm, and self-esteem.

3 Key Qualities for efficiency

Decision Discipline Determination

Think on Paper 7 Steps

Decide exactly what you want. Write it down. Set a deadline on your goal. List what you must do to achieve your goal. Organize the list into a plan. Take action on your plan immediately. Resolve to do something every day that moves you towards your major goal.

Action without planning is the cause of every failure. Alex MacKenzie

6 P Formula
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

10/90 Rule
The first 10 percent of time you spend planning before you begin will save as much as 90 percent getting the job done once you get started.

Begin each day with a list of everything you have to do in the next 24 hours. Prioritize

80/20 Rule to Everything

Pareto Principle All activity seems to agree with this principle. 20% of your roads account for 80% of your potholes. 20% of the fisherman catch 80% of the fish. 20% of your projects account for 80% of your annual budget.

The hardest part of any task is getting started in the first place.

The ABCDE Method

A Very Important (Major Consequence) B Should Do (Tadpoles) C Nice To Do D Delegate (gives you more time for A items) E Eliminate

Law of Forced Efficiency

There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.

There will never be enough time to do everything you have to do.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day

What are my highest value activities? What can I and only I do that, if done well, will make a real difference. What is the most valuable use of my time right now?

The most powerful thinking tool for success is your ability to discriminate between one priority and another.

Do the Most Difficult Task First

At the end of the day make a list. Review the list using the ABCDE method. Select A-1 Tasks. Assemble everything you need to get started in the morning.

Do the Most Difficult Task First

Clear your desk so you have one important task like a big frog waiting. Discipline yourself to do your most difficult task before anything else. Do this for 21 days until it becomes a habit, and you will double your production in less than one month.

In conclusion: Develop the habit of doing the most difficult task first and you will never look back. You will become one of the most productive people of your generation! AND FINALLY ----

For maximum efficiency, make sure you pursue your passion and take an annual vacation!!!

The End

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