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CONCATENATE Combines 2 or more strings into one string.

DATA: s1(10) VALUE 'Hello', s2(10) VALUE 'ABAP', s3(10) VALUE 'World', result1(30), result2(30). CONCATENATE s1 s2 s3 INTO result1. CONCATENATE s1 s2 s3 INTO result2 SEPARATED BY '-'. WRITE / result1. WRITE / result2.


If the the concatenated string fits in the result string, then the system variable sy-subrc is set to 0. If the result has to be truncated then sy-subrc is set to 4. SPLIT Splits a string into 2 or more smaller strings.
DATA: s1(10), s2(10), s3(10), source(20) VALUE 'abc-def-ghi'. SPLIT source AT '-' INTO s1 s2 s3. WRITE:/ 'S1 - ', s1. WRITE:/ 'S2 - ', s2. WRITE:/ 'S3 - ', s3.


If all target fields are long enough and no target fields has to be truncated then sy-subrc is set to 0, else set to 4. SEARCH Searches for a sub string in main string. If found then sy-subrc is set to 0, else set to 4.
DATA: string(30) VALUE 'SAP ABAP Development', str(10) VALUE 'ABAP'.

SEARCH string FOR str. IF sy-subrc = 0. WRITE:/ 'Found'. ELSE. WRITE:/ 'Not found'. ENDIF.


REPLACE Replaces the sub string with another sub string specified, in the main string. If replaced successfully then sy-subrc is set to 0, else set to 4.
DATA: string(30) VALUE 'SAP ABAP Development', str(10) VALUE 'World'. REPLACE 'Development' WITH str INTO string. WRITE:/ string.


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