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Explanations of media influences on pro-social behaviour

Research into the effects of media often focuses on the negative

relationship between media violence and aggression. However, there is a
substantial body of research to suggest that the media is responsible for
a number of pro-social behaviours including altruism, the development of
empathy and the reduction of gender and cultural stereotyping.
What is meant by the term pro-social behaviour?

What are the pro-social messages from the Sesame Street video clip?

What are some of the pro-social messages taken from the end of the
Heman video clips? In todays story




Why do you think it is important to include pro-social

messages and behaviours in childrens television?

Complete the following:


Woodard (1999) identified that there were high levels of prosocial behaviour found in programmes for preschool children.
Almost ____% of programmes contained at least _____ pro-social
lesson, whereas only _____ % of programmes for under 17s
contained pro-social behaviour.


Rushton (1975) observed children after they had watched prosocial television and found that they demonstrated ___________
attitudes and ____________. This was short-lived however and
only lasted ____________________________.


Rosenkoetter (1999) found that younger children grasped the

__________ _________ shown in an episode of Full House or the
Cosby Show. He also found a ___________ correlation between
the ____________ of sitcoms watched and the amount of
_________________ behaviour.

Summarise the studies of pro-social behaviour and their evaluations in

the table below.
Study/Theory Outline:
Rushton (1975):

Rosenkoetter (1999)

Fogel (2007)


Homework 1:
Discuss what psychological research has told us about the influence of
the media on pro-social behaviour. [4 marks + 8 marks]






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