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The total population in Nigeria was last recorded at 162.5 million people in 2011 from 45.2 million in 1960, changing 260 percent during the last 50 years. Population in Nigeria is reported by the World Bank. Historically, from 1960 until 2011, Nigeria Population averaged 92.0 Million reaching an all time high of 162.5 Million in December of 2011 and a record low of 45.2 Million in December of 1960. The population of Nigeria represents 2.35 percent of the worlds total population which arguably means that one person in every 43 people on the planet is a resident of Nigeria.


Unemployment Rate in Nigeria increased to 23.90 percent in 2011 from 21.10 percent in 2010. Unemployment Rate in Nigeria is reported by the National Bureau of Statistics. Historically, from 2006 until 2011, Nigeria Unemployment Rate averaged 14.6 Percent reaching an all time high of 23.9 Percent in December of 2011 and a record low of 5.3 Percent in December of 2006. In Nigeria, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.


Nigeria recorded a Current Account surplus of 11.60 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2011. Current Account to GDP in Nigeria is reported by the African Economic Outlook. Historically, from 1980 until 2011, Nigeria Current Account to GDP averaged 1.2 Percent reaching an all time high of 37.9 Percent in December of 2008 and a record low of -18.7 Percent in December of 1986. The Current account balance as a percent of GDP provides an indication on the level of international competitiveness of a country. Usually, countries recording a strong current account surplus have an economy heavily dependent on exports revenues, with high savings ratings but weak domestic demand. On the other hand, countries recording a current account deficit have strong imports, a low saving rates and high personal consumption rates as a percentage of disposable incomes.


Nigeria recorded a trade surplus of 3.38 USD Billion in September of 2012. Balance of Trade in Nigeria is reported by the Central Bank of Nigeria, National Bureau of Statistics. Historically, from 2002 until 2012, Nigeria Balance of Trade averaged 2.22 USD Billion reaching an all time high of 6.17 USD Billion in May of 2008 and a record low of -0.36 USD Billion in June of 2003. Exports of commodities (oil and natural gas) is the main factor behind Nigeria's growth and accounts for more than 95% of total exports. Nigeria's main exports partners are: USA (30% of total in 2009), Equatorial Guinea (8%), Brazil (6.6%), France (6%) and India (6%). Nigeria imports mainly: industrial supplies (32% of total), transport equipment and parts (23%), capital goods (24%), food and beverage (11%) and consumer goods. Main import partners are: China (17% of total), Albania (11.3%), United States (7.5%), France and Belgium.


Exports in Nigeria decreased to 7.93 USD Billion in September of 2012 from 8.67 USD Billion in August of 2012. Exports in Nigeria is reported by the Central Bank of Nigeria, National Bureau of Statistics. Historically, from 2002 until 2012, Nigeria Exports averaged 4.89 USD Billion reaching an all time high of 10.26 USD Billion in May of 2008 and a record low of 1 USD Billion in February of 2002. Exports of commodities (oil and natural gas) is the main factor behind Nigeria's growth and accounts for more than 95% of total exports. Nigeria's main exports partners are: USA (30% of total in 2009), Equatorial Guinea (8%), Brazil (6.6%), France (6%) and India (6%).


Imports in Nigeria increased to 4.55 USD Billion in September of 2012 from 3.98 USD Billion in August of 2012. Imports in Nigeria is reported by the Central Bank of Nigeria, National Bureau of Statistics. Historically, from 2002 until 2012, Nigeria Imports averaged 2.67 USD Billion reaching an all time high of 7.52 USD Billion in August of 2011 and a record low of 0.47 USD Billion in December of 2002. Nigeria imports mainly: industrial supplies (32% of total), transport equipment and parts (23%), capital goods (24%), food and beverage (11%) and consumer goods. Main import partners are: China (17% of total), Albania (11.3%), United States (7.5%), France and Belgium.


Nigeria's Government Bond Yield for 10 Year Notes declined 54 basis points during the last 30 days which means it became less expensive for Nigeria to borrow money from investors. During the last 12 months, Nigeria government bond yield declining 3.97 percent. Historically, from 2007 until 2013, Nigeria Government Bond 10y averaged 11.3 Percent reaching an all time high of 16.5 Percent in February of 2012 and a record low of 5.9 Percent in March of 2010. Generally, a government bond is issued by a national government and is denominated in the country`s own currency. Bonds issued by national governments in foreign currencies are normally referred to as sovereign bonds. The yield required by investors to loan funds to governments reflects inflation expectations and the likelihood that the debt will be repaid.

The USDNGN spot exchange rate depreciated 0.5750 or 0.36 percent during the last 30 days. Historically, from 1960 until 2013, the USDNGN averaged 115.7500 reaching an all time high of 164.8000 in December of 2011 and a record low of 0.5300 in October of 1980. The USDNGN spot exchange rate specifies how much one currency, the USD, is currently worth in terms of the other, the NGN. While the USDNGN spot exchange rate is quoted and exchanged in the same day, the USDNGN forward rate is quoted today but for delivery and payment on a specific future date.


Stocks in Nigeria had a positive performance during the last month. Nigeria Stock Market (NSE 30), rallied 58 points or 4.44 percent during the last 30 days. Historically, from 2010 until 2013, Nigeria Stock Market (NSE 30) averaged 1054 Index points reaching an all time high of 1385 Index points in January of 2013 and a record low of 848 Index points in January of 2010. The Nigerian Stock Exchange NSE 30 Index is a major stock market index which tracks the performance of 30 most liquid stocks representing industry sector, listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. It is a capitalization-weighted index. The NSE 30 Index has a base value of 1000 as of January 1, 2007

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