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In order to receive warning for the different division at header and item level, Tick Check division in the sales document type Tick item division in the sales document type Define sales document type, which would over write the division of the items. Define item category not relevant for division. Its is mandatory to have a material master existing to substitute a material. ( True/False)



Following assignments are possible, Sales organizations to plant Sales organization + Distribution channel to a plant Distribution Channel to plant Division to plant


To determine Business partners in Customer Master creation, account groups have to be assigned to Partner Fucntions.

1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8

(True/ False) Valuation can be carried out from Company code level to Plant level. (True/ False) Valuation can be only carried out from Plant to Company code level. (True/ False) 4. Group condition is set in the condition definition area. (True/ False) 5. Condtion exclusion indicator helps in excluding condition on the basis of scales. (True/ False)


The FI/SD integration happens only during: During Sales order

1.10 1.11 1.12

During Billing Delivery Picking The following types of Analysis is available in SIS: Standard Configuration Characteristics Flexible Info structure consist of: Characteristics Fields Time Frame Case study:

We have a company with 2 sales organisations and 2 distribution channels and numerous divisions. This results in multiple sales areas for our company. How can we help the users by reducing the work during master data creation for numerous sales areas? 1.13 1.14 1.15 Common Division Common Dist. Channel Common Company Common plant/Division The company wants to see only a certain set of sales document types: 1. Delete all the other document types 2. Put a block on the other sales documents 3. Maintain documents for specific sales areas Availability check can be carried out at: 1. Sales Order 2. Delivery 3. Transportation 4. Billing Schedule lines are determined by:

1.16 1.17

1. Item category + MRP Group 2. Item category + MRP Type 3. Item Category + Item Category Group Once a billing document is save the following can be changed: 1. Pricing 2. Texts 3. Output 4. Account Determination Customer Tax Classification provides information on the following,

Whether the customer is: 1. Liable for Taxes 2. Where to pay taxes 3. When to pay taxes 4. How much to pay 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 When is forward scheduling carried out? 1. When the delivery dates are in past. 2. The backward scheduling is not set 3. When the stock level is set to '0' Scheduling for sales document is set in the : 1. Sales Document 2. Item Category 3. Delivery Document 4. Delivery Item Category With the help of standard analysis the user can: 1. Create Diagrams 2. Create user specific screens 3. Carry out drill-down analysis How can we default a picking location in the delivery document?


In order to make a particular business partner mandatory for all the partner functions, you must:

1. Create Business partner for all customer functions. 2. Create only once 1.23 When you change the data i the customer master, the sales documents created with previously created master data: 1.24 1.25 All historic data will undergo a change (True / False) Only the Business partner Address will undergo a change. (True/ False)

1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30

Accelerators in SAP includes the following: 1. Customer Documents 2. Texts, Templates and help to assist in faster implementation. Implementation roadmap includes: 1. Phases 2. Work Packages 3. Activities 4. Tasks Following are possible while processing a sales order. Delivery Scheduling Pricing Packing Proposal Revenue Account Determination Material Substitution Analysis Free Goods Analysis Customer Hierarchy can have 28 layers. (True/False) SAP SD supports creation of multi-layer Contracts. (True/False)


Sales Document currencies and credit control area currencies must be same. (True/False)

1.32 1.33 1.34

Routes are determined on the basis of, Departure Zone of the shipping point Transportation zone of ship to party Transportation zone of sold to party Transportation group of material Transportation Planning point Following changes can be made in the delivery document, Shipping point Batch Delivery quantities Routes Picking location Pick quantities Picking quantities can be different than the delivery quantities for executing PGI. (True/False)

1.35 1.36 1.37

For delivery scheduling loading time is defined in terms of. Days Hours Minutes Seconds For route scheduling loading time is defined in terms of. Days Hours Minutes Seconds Following can be applied to Periodic billing plans. Amount is distributed across periods Date proposals are used. Amount is constant across periods. Assigned to only sales documents type

1.38 1.39 1.40

Following can be applied to Milestone billing plans. Amount is distributed across periods Date proposals are used. Amount is constant across periods. Assigned to only sales documents type. With respect to transportation planning point, Can be assigned to company code Need not be assigned to any enterprise elements Is assigned to sales organization. A delivery document can be processed with multiple shipping points. (True/false)


A shipment document can be processed with multiple transportation planning points. (True/false)


If you have 2 materials and 10 plants, how many material master u would have?

1.43 1.44

20 10 2 1 Which enterprise elements are mandatory to run SD in SAP ? Sales Organization Storage location Shipping point Distribution channel Transportation planning point Following copy controls are possible in SD of SAP R/3. Sales order to delivery Sales order to billing document Delivery to billing documents Billing documents to sales orders Delivery document to sales orders


Availability check can be switched off for all the storage location in a plant. (True/false)

1.46 1.47 1.48

Following can be changed in the billing document before saving the same. Pricing Out put Payer Account assignment Ship to party Following are always true for partner determination. Multiple partners can b assigned to one partner type. A partner function is always created with reference to a partner type Multiple partners can b assigned to same partner function. Sold to party partner function has to be mandatory for sales orders. While creating a condition record with reference to an existing record which one of following are possible?

1.49 1.50

Copying of rates, material and validity periods Changing rates, material and validity periods Copying of text. Condition record text can be copied to sales documents. (True/False)

Out of following which has got precedence for defaulting plant in the sales document item.


Delivering plant from material master. Delivering plant from customer master Delivering plant from customer-material info records. Delivery plant of the sales document header. A billing document in SAP can have an external number ranges. (True/False)


A sales document in SD can have multiple number ranges assigned to it. (True/False)


A customer master in two different company codes can have same customer no. (True/False)


A sales order cannot be created without specifying a sales area. (True/False)

1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59

A sales document in SAP always exists for a sales area. Master data Referencing is possible for, Division Distribution channel Sales organization Storage location A material master is differentiated for the combination of, Sales organization and distribution Sales organization and division Sales area and storage location Sales area and valuation type A material can belong to multiple divisions. (True/False)


A checking group can be defaulted while creating a material on the basis of,


Plant and division Plant and material type Plant and storage location Plant and shipping point Consignment fill up reduces the finish goods value for a plant. (True/False)


Consignment return does not increase the special stock at the customer location. (True/False)

1.62 1.63

Performa invoice can be used for, Exports Cash sales Rush orders Returns Which are can be identify as processes in SAP ?

1.64 1.65

Customer Vendor Consignments Cash sales Condition technique is used for, Pricing Material determination Billing plans Out put processing Condition technique is used to determine out put condition type automatically in the sales document. (True/False)


Weight groups cannot be used as one of the criteria for determining routes. (True/False) (True/False)

1.67 1.68

A product hierarchy can have maximum 9 layers.

What has to be the similarities to merge a multiple sales order items in to a single delivery?

1.69 1.70

Same ship to party Same shipping point Same payment terms Same inco-terms A customer master can be blocked for, All sales areas Specific sales areas Sales orders Deliveries Billing Sales activities Divisions are assigned to, Distribution channels Sales organizations Material master Sales offices.

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