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1. To maintain customer master record, the following views are to be filled in a. General data b. Company code data c. Sales area data d. None of the above e. All of the above Ans.: 2. The SD master data is maintained at: a. Client level b. Company code level c. Sales area level d. Plant level Ans.: 3. The following organizational level makes up a sales area a. Sales organization, plant, shipping point b. Company code, sales organization c. Distribution channel, division d. Sales Org., Distribution channel, division Ans.: 4. The internal sales organization consists of a. plant b. sales group c. sales office d. sales people e. b, c, d Ans.: 5. Effects of goods issue posting are a. Reduce warehouse stock b. Posts the value change to the stock accounts in inventory accounting c. Reduces delivery requirements d. Creates work list for billing e. All of the above Ans.: 6. The two partner function that are also listed in FI module a. Sold-to party b. Ship-to party c. Bill-to party d. Payer Ans.:

7. In a customer master, the account group controls a. Sold-to party b. Shipping point c. Entries which are required or optional d. Number assignment for the customer e. One- time account Ans.: 8. The four industry sectors covered by SAP are a. Steel industry b. Plant engineering and construction c. Chemical industry d. Mechanical Engineering e. Pharmaceuticals Ans.: 9. A material can be assigned to a. more than one division b. Distribution channel c. only one division d. none of the above Ans.: 10. The company code data in customer master consists of a. control data b. Insurance c. Correspondence d. Foreign trade e. Withholding tax Ans.: 11. The customer is serviced by more than one company code. In this case the customer number will be a. same b. different c. all of the above d. none of the above Ans.: 12. The structure of data in customer master record is a. header data, item data b. control data c. Sales area data d. Company code data e. General data Ans.: 13. Field status is influenced by a. Customer type b. Material type c. Account group

d. Transaction e. Document type Ans.: 14. The material type does not control a. Customer type b. Transaction procedure c. Procurement type d. Inventory e. G /L account Ans.: 15. To sell a material the following views are to be created in the material master record a. MRP 1 + MRP 2 + Basic data b. Accounting view + Sales view 1 c. Purchasing + sales view 2 d. Basic data + sales view1 + sales view 2 + Accounting view e. Basic data + MRP 2 + Storage location Ans.: 16. To extend a material master view you have to a. create a material b. change a material c. change material type d. change industry sector e. Copy the material Ans.: 17. Which of the following, in a document, takes up more memory? a. Storing b. Referencing c. Copying d. None of the above Ans.: 18. The factors which influence the field selection for a material a. customer type b. MRP type c. Procurement indicator d. Plant e. Industry sector Ans.:

19. In a material master, valuation class determines a. Material type b. MRP type c. G/L account posting d. Storage condition Ans.: 20.In a material master, the price control indicator determines a. material selling price b. valuation of stock at plant level c. cost price d. none of the above Ans.: 21.The following have the largest influence on how a material is handled in SD a. item category b. material type c. item category group d. document type e. none of the above Ans.: 22. Item category does not depend upon a. item category of higher level item b. document type c. item category group d. MRP type e. Item usage Ans.: 23. Material determination is used under the following circumstances a. when a product is discontinued b. customer material number c. Material listing d. List price e. None of the above Ans.: 24. The four attributes that serve to format the material master data into clusters a. General data b. Company code data c. Data specific to a particular sales area d. Plant-specific data e. Storage location and inventory management data Ans.: 25. The partner function relevant for tax calculation a. Sold-to party

b. Payer c. Carrier d. Sales employee e. Ship-to party Ans.:

True or False 1. Tick the non-relevant units in the SD Organization Structure: Sales org, Distribution channel, Division Sales Office Sales group Sales persons Shipping Point Loading point Transportation Planning point Credit control Area
2. 3. 4.

Basic data view in the materials master is valid for all materials. Sold to-party is the central business partners in sales and distribution. Sales and Distribution master data has to be maintained at the company code level.

5. The following views are not required to be maintained to sell a material: Basic Data Sales View1 Sales View2 MRP View 1 Plant Storage Location Accounting-1 Accounting-2


6. At header level, sales document type controls a. Pricing b. Partners and texts c. Incompletion log d. Delivery scheduling e. Output Ans.: 7. Sales item category is controlled by a. Customer type b. Document type c. Item category group d. Material type e. Item usage Ans.: 8. Function that enables to copy data from one document to another a. Reference b. Copy control c. Duplicating d. None of the above Ans.: 9. The partner function responsible for the delivering plant a. Sold-to party b. Payer c. Ship-to party d. Sales employee e. None of the above Ans.: 10. The schedule line category in the sales document is not determined by a. Item category b. Item category group c. Item usage d. MRP type e. Item category of higher level item Ans.: 11. In case of sales documents, incomplete documents a. cannot be copied b. can be copied c. only referenced d. cannot be referenced Ans.: 12. A sales document is maintained at a. Client level

b. Plant level c. Company code level d. Sales area level e. None of the above Ans.: 13. Item Category does not control a. Goods movement b. Availability check c. Purchasing d. Partners e. Texts Ans.: 14. Incompletion log in sales document is used a. To know whether the document is complete b. To automatically correct the entries in the document c. To issue an error message d. None of the above Ans.: 15. The document flow can be viewed in the following mode a. Create mode b. Change mode c. Delete mode d. Display mode Ans.: 16. The prerequisites for transferring deliveries into shipment list a. Delivery should be marked transportation relevent b. Shipment must not be blocked in del. doc. header c. Plant has to be maintained in the document d. Material master has to be created e. All of the above Ans.: 17. When is forward scheduling carried out? 1. When the delivery dates are in past. 2. The backward scheduling is not set 3. When the stock level is set to '0' 18. Scheduling for sales document is set in the : 1. Sales Document 2. Item Category 3. Delivery Document 4. Delivery Item Category 19. With the help of standard analysis the user can:

1. Create Diagrams 2. Create user specific screens 3. Carry out drill-down analysis

20. Alternative items can be entered in Sales order a. True b. False Ans.: 21. Order probability is not calculated on the basis of a. Material master b. Customer master c. Delivery type d. Document type e. Item category Ans.: 22. Condition technique is used in the following areas a. Text determination b. Document type c. Partner determination d. Material master e. Output determination Ans.: 23. The pricing procedure is defined with the help of a. Customer master b. Document pricing procedure c. Customer pricing procedure d. Sales area e. Distribution channel Ans.: 24. Output determination does not depend upon a. Partner b. Medium c. Document type d. Time e. Material master Ans.: 25. Standard pricing conditions can be copied a. True b. False Ans.:

True and False

In the standard SAP, the default freight condition records are linked to customers and materials. Price discounts and surcharges are in the same group / class of conditions. record.


3. The material pricing group is set up in the basic view of the material master 4. A condition records automatically goes into effect the date on which it is created. 5. A price condition set in a condition record cannot be altered manually in the sales document.

In types the scales for conditions types, the scales need to be quantity dependent.


You have a new discount condition type which you want to pull into the orders. Where will you list this discount to make it work? Access Sequence Condition table Pricing procedure Pricing procedure determination Condition record

Ans.: 8. What determines how the system will search all condition records for valid conditions? Customer Pricing procedure Document Pricing procedure Condition Access sequence Condition tables Pricing procedure

Ans.: 9. In a pricing procedure a condition is defined as mandatory. What is its effect?


The condition has to be entered It is a header level condition Condition cannot be changed None of the above

10. Purpose of an Access Sequence is Ans.: Which all are correct


To find the customer number To search for the correct condition type To prompt the customer master number None of the above

About access sequence?

Changes to the condition tables and access sequences are not They should be arranged from general to specific Exclusive flag on an access in the sequence will make the access Accesses in the AS can have ABAP routines requirements An access sequence can have only one condition table

client specific.

sequence invalid


Which step should precede building an Access Sequence

Creation of condition type Creation of a pricing procedure Creation of conditions table Creation of condition records

Ans.: 13. Abut header conditions (HC):

HC requires an access sequence

Are distributed among the items based on a routine code in the RB00 pulls the same amount in each line item. HB00 distributes proportionately HCs entered need to be activated before they can be applied

alternative base value field

Ans.: 14. A customer negotiates a special user defined price (PR00) and u want to ensure that no automatic discounts are applied since the price is so low. What setting in the IMG can ensure this? Ans.: 15. Where can u prevent manual changes to a condition record at the document entry?

Pricing Procedure Sales Document type Condition record Condition type Access sequence

Ans.: 16. Following are possible while processing a sales order.

Delivery Scheduling Pricing Packing Proposal Revenue Account Determination Material Substitution Analysis Free Goods Analysis

17. Customer Hierarchy can have 28 layers. (True/False)


For re-determination of pricing at the time of billing , the following options are available:

Prices are copied from reference doc. And scales determined New pricing New pricing with manual prices retained Pricing elements copied from ref. Doc

Pricing elements copied unchanged


SAP SD supports creation of multi-layer Contracts.


20. Sales Document currencies and credit control area currencies must be same. (True/False) 21. To track cumulative value for condition records, which of the following will be used :

Set the condition update flag in the condition type definition in the Set the condition update flag in the condition record Specify a condition limit in the additional SD data screen of the Indicate a condition limit in the pricing screen of each sales order Limit the validity period for each condition record to be updates


condition record


Ans.: True/ False 22. Condition type VPRS looks for the standard cost of the item and affects the net value of the order. 23. Condition categories S & T differentiate between two different kinds of costing. 24. Promotions, sales deals and condition records can have varying validity period. Explain 25. Sales deals can contain various condition records.

A promotion can have its own payment terms, which will override the payment terms that pull in from the customer master at order entry.

27. Which are true for rebates?

Only one final settlement for a rebate is possible A rebate cannot be settled if there are no accruals

Rebates are always settled using the standard credit memo A rebate cannot be settled unless its status has been changed to B Once a final settlement has been issued, the rebate status changes

to closed Ans.: 28. On what are rebate accruals based?

Sales volume Invoiced volume Past customer sales activity Schedule lines and deliveries Agreed contractual order quantity

Ans.: 29. Pre-requisites to rebate processing are: Ans.:


The account key for sales deduction is ________


31. Which of the following are true for shipping info pulled at order entry

Plant is pulled in form the plant determination table Route is pulled in form the route determination table Transportation and transit lead times pull in from the proposed Picking and loading time from the shipping point info. Scheduling is first determined by the requested delivery date


Ans.: 32. An order may not appear in a delivery due list because :

Due to delivery block Material availability date is in future

No Material availability date available for one of the items Material availability date may be in the past Original order might not have the data required by the copy control

for creating a delivery Ans.: 33. What can happen at the same time as the issue of transfer order and picking begins?

Loading Packing Goods issue Transportation planning

Ans.: 34. For delivery scheduling loading time is defined in terms of.

Days Hours Minutes Seconds

35. All the following are controlled through delivery document except _____________

GI Multi level packing Billing Picking Shipping documents

Ans: 36. Shipping point is determined on the basis of

Storage conditions Load groups Shipping conditions Storage location Delivery plant

Destination country

Ans.: 37. What does the delivery due list automatically create when you select a list of orders and create then relevant deliveries?

TOs A Delivery group Billing documents Goods issues Shipments

Ans.: 38. What order item data is copied into the delivery header?

Route Ship to party Shipping point Material numbers Delivery quantities

Ans.: 39. Following can be applied to Periodic billing plans.

Amount is distributed across periods Date proposals are used. Amount is constant across periods. Assigned to only sales documents type

40. Which data would prevent delivery creation if they were missing in the order?

Route Net weight Shipping point Warehouse number Serial numbers

Ans.: 41. Where does one indicate that confirmation of Transfer order items is required?

In the definition of the shipping point In the definition of the lean warehouse In the definition of the material staging area In the definition of the delivery item category In the IMG storage type definition per warehouse and storage type


42. Following can be applied to Milestone billing plans.

Amount is distributed across periods Date proposals are used. Amount is constant across periods. Assigned to only sales documents type.

43. What is the effect of changing quantities in the TOs during TO confirmation?

Picked quantities will vary from delivery quantities The goods issue for the delivery will be blocked Delivery quantities will automatically be reduced to picked values The pick status of the delivery will remain confirmed and another The picking status for the item will be changed to partially picked

will have to be created.

Ans.: 44. When during the delivery processing does the creation of picking waves takes place?

Before TO creation After goods issue After delivery creation After transfer order creation Before printing of the pick lists


The final step in the shipping activities is ___________________


True or false 46. One unit of a packaging material is called a shipping unit. 47. Packing relevance is specified in the delivery type. 48. Packing can be done in the order (as a proposal), in the delivery and in the shipment. 49. Packing must take place before picking. 50. You can set up the system for automatic packing during delivery creation using an ABAP/4 routine. 51. Packing material form order independent line items in a delivery document 52. Printing of labels is supported by packing functionality in SAP 53. Difference in payment terms can cause a delivery to be split into two or more invoices 54. Goods issue is possible only after the entire quantity of goods to be delivered has been picked 55. The Pick quantity column on the Picking overview screen of the delivery indicates the quantity to be picked 56. The system can determine the prices at the time of goods issue 57. Replenishment lead times (RLT) apply only to purchased materials 58. A Sales organisation has the choice whether to apply RLT or not 59. If RLT is applied any order with a requested delivery date beyond the specified RLT is allocated stock

60. For delivery dates to be proposed by the system, one needs to define it in

Item categories Sales document type Schedule line item category Copy control for sales document

Ans.: 61. Which situations would result in forwarding scheduling by the system?

The transportation planning time takes longer than the picking /

packing time.

There is not enough stock on hand nor will there be enough stock Picking, packing, transportation and transit lead times push back Customer does not allow express shipment Replenishment lead time pushes the material availability date to

to meet the required delivery date

the material availability date into the past

beyond the requested delivery date Ans.: 62. Following are always true for partner determination.

Multiple partners can b assigned to one partner type. A partner function is always created with reference to a partner type Multiple partners can b assigned to same partner function. Sold to party partner function has to be mandatory for sales orders.

63. A maximum of how many shipping points can process a delivery? _____ Ans.: 64. What determines whether a delivery item is relevant for picking?

Delivery type Delivery item type Sales item category Delivery item copy control

Ans.: 65. A checking group can be defaulted while creating a material on the basis of,

Plant and division Plant and material type Plant and storage location Plant and shipping point Delivery type Delivery item category Both A& B Copy control for deliveries

66. Determine whether each element is controlled in the IMG in


67. Name some orders not relevant for delivery Ans.: 68. Which of the following processes relate to the use of SD delivery processing in MM

Processing of stock transfers Processing of deliveries for sales orders Processing of orders returned to warehouse from customers Processing of inter-company stock transport orders Processing of inter plant stock transports

Ans.: 69. The delivery split by warehouse number should be selected if

Lean warehouse is to be used Picking waves are being used Transfer Orders are being used Automatic batch determination is being used Collective picking lists are being used

Ans.: 70. Which term is closest to picking location?

Storage location Loading group Staging area Shipping point



What does the billing document type control?

Document Number Partner functions at header level Partner function at item level Billing type to cancel the billing document The transfer status of the billing doc:

transferred to financial accounting blocked from transfer not transferred

The procedure for account assigned in financial accounting Output

(True or False)

Differing header partners and header fields in the billing document cause an invoice split.

73. In Milestone billing, The total value to be billed is billed periodically for each date.

What data can you change after the billing document has been released to accounts? Ans:______________________


In the standard system, account determination can be dependent on certain factors, what are they? (Name the other three)

Chart of accounts of the company code Sales organization _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

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