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1A name n first name n surname n city n town n language n kind n what kind?
What kind of books do you like?

/neIm/ /"f3:st neIm/ /"s3:neIm/ /"sIti/ /taUn/ /"l&NgwI/ /kaInd/ /"wQt "kaInd/ /"mju:zIk/ /"instr@m@nt/ /"pr@Ugr&m/ /bUk/ /m&g@"zi:n/ /"telIf@Un/ /f@Un/ /spO:t/ /Ig"z&m/ /"eks@saIz/

music n instrument n programme n book n magazine n telephone n, v phone n, v sport n

do a sport

exam n exercise n
do exercise do an exercise

page n
Which / what page is it? on page 50


class n
go to classes

/klA:s/ /"wi:k"end/ /@t D@ "wi:k"end/ /"sVm@/ /haUs, "haUzIz/ /fl&t/ /"b3:TdeI/ /"h&pi "b3:TdeI/ /Qb/ /"wQt d@ jU "du:/ /"aIm @ "stju:d@nt/ /"aIm @ "ti:@/ /bO:n/

weekend n
at the weekend last / this weekend

summer n
last summer

house pl. houses n flat n birthday n

Happy Birthday! When's your birthday?

job n
What's your job? What do you do? I'm a student. I'm a teacher.

(was / were) born

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Where were you born?

live v do v work v like v speak v read v listen to v

listen to the radio

watch v
watch TV

introduce v play v study v try (to do) v start v finish v go v

he / she goes

/lIv/ /du:/ /w3:k/ /laIk/ /spi:k/ /ri:d/ /lIsn t@/ /"lIsn t@ D@ "reIdI@U/ /wQ/ /wQ "ti:"vi:/ /Intr@"dju:s/ /pleI/ /"stVdi/ /"traI t@/ /stA:t/ /"fInIS/ /g@U/ /h&v, h@v/ /h@v In "kQm@n/ /mi:n/ /"wQt d@z ... "mi:n/ /spel/ /"haU d@ jU "spel It/ /pr@"nauns/ /"haU d@ jU pr@"nauns/ /"fQr@n/ /tr@"dIS@nl/ /Vn"ju:ZU@l/ /leIt/ /"sQri/ /aIm "sQri/ /naU/ /t@"deI/ /"jest@di, jest@deI/ /bI"fO:/ /pli:z/ /frQm, fr@m/ /"we@r @ jU "frQm/ /@"nVD@/ /hu:/

have v
he / she has

have sth in common v mean v

What does ... mean?

spell v
How do you spell it?

pronounce v
How do you pronounce ..?

foreign adj traditional adj unusual adj late adj sorry adj
I'm sorry I'm late

now adv today adv yesterday adv before adv

Where did you study English before?

please adv from prep

Where are you from?

I want another book.

Who are you?

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What's your name? What languages do you speak?

/wQt/ /"wQts j@ "neIm/ /wI/ /we@/ /"we@ dU jU "lIv/ /"we@r @ jU "frQm/

Which book do you want?

Where do you live? Where are you from?

Vocabulary Review: Days and Months /deI/ day n /"mVndi, mVndeI/ Monday /"tju:zdi, "tju:zdeI/ Tuesday /"wenzdi, "wenzdeI/ Wednesday /"T3:zdi, "T3:zdeI/ Thursday /"fraIdi, "fraIdeI/ Friday /"s&t@di, "s&t@deI/ Saturday /"sVndi, "sVndeI/ Sunday /Qn "s&t@deI/ on Saturday /Qn "s&t@deIz/ on Saturdays /"&nj@ri/ January /"febrU@ri/ February /mA:/ March /"eIprl/ April /meI/ May /u:n/ June /"U"laI/ July /"O:g@st/ August /sep"temb@/ September /Qk"t@Ub@/ October /n@U"vemb@/ November /dI"semb@/ December
in December last December next December

Vocabulary Review: The Numbers /"nVmb@/ number n /wVn/ one /tu:/ two /Tri:/ three /fO:/ four /faIv/ five /sIks/ six /"sev@n/ seven /eIt/ eight /naIn/ nine

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ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a / one hundred
a hundred and twelve

/ten/ /I"levn/ /"twelv/ /"T3:"ti:n/ /"fO:"ti:n/ /"fIf"ti:n/ /"sIks"ti:n/ /"sevn"ti:n/ /"eI"ti:n/ /"naIn"ti:n/ /"twenti/ /"twenti "wVn/ /"twenti "tu:/ /"T3:ti/ /"fO:ti/ /"fIfti/ /"sIksti/ /"sev@nti/ /"eIti/ /"naInti/ /@ "hVndr@d/ /@ "TaUs@nd/

a / one thousand
one thousand two hundred and sixty-four

Vocabulary Review: Time time n o'clock to past half

What time is it? What's the time? It's three o'clock. It's ten past three. It's a quarter past three. It's half past three. It's ten to four. in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

/taIm/ /@"klQk/ /tu:, t@/ /pA:st/ /hA:f/ /"wQt "taIm "Iz It/ /"wQts D@ "taIm/ /Its "Tri: @"klQk/ /Its "ten "pA:st "Tri:/ /Its @ "kwO:t@ "pA:st "Tri:/ /Its "hA:f "pA:st "Tri:/ /Its "ten t@ "fO:/ /In D@ "mO:nIN/ /In Di: A:ft@"nu:n/ /In Di: "i:vnIN/ /deIt/

Vocabulary Review: Dates date n

What's the date today? What's today's date?

first, 1st, 1st


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second, 2nd third, 3rd fourth, 4th fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third 6th September 2006 1B family n husband n wife, pl. wives n father n mother n parent n parents n child, pl. children n brother n sister n son n daughter n uncle n aunt n cousin n niece n nephew n brother-in-law n sister-in-law n grandparents n grandmother n grandfather n grandson n granddaughter n grandchild, pl. grandchildren n boy n girl n man, pl. men n

/"sek@nd/ /T3:d/ /fO:T/ /fIfT/ /sIksT/ /"sev@nT/ /eItT/ /naInT/ /tenT/ /I"lev@nT/ /twelfT/ /"twentI@T/ /"twenti"f3:st/ /"twenti"sek@nd/ /"twenti"T3:d/
/D@ "sIks @v sep"temb@/

/"f&mIli/ /"hVzb@nd/ /waIf, waIvz/ /"fA:D@/ /"mVD@/ /"pe@r@nt/ /"pe@r@nts/ /aIld,"Ildr@n/ /"brVD@/ /"sIst@/ /sVn/ /"dO:t@/ /"VNkl/ /A:nt/ /"kVzn/ /ni:s/ /"nefju:/ /"brVD@r In lO:/ /"sIst@r In lO:/ /"gr&npe@r@nts/ /"gr&nmVD@/ /"gr&nfA:D@/ /"gr&nsVn/ /"gr&ndO:t@/ /"gr&naIld, "gr&nIldr@n/ /bOI/ /g3:l/ /m&n, men/ page 5

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

woman, pl. women n partner n friend n girlfriend n boyfriend n party n date n

go on a date

/"wUm@n, "wImIn/ /"pA:tn@/ /frend/ /"g3:lfrend/ /"bOIfrend/ /"pA:ti/ /deIt/ /TIN/ /"Qp@zIt/ /eI/

thing n opposite n
What's the opposite of ?

age n
What's your age? at the age of four

personality n travel v choose v talk v think v look for v know v prefer v

I prefer walking.

/p3:s@"n&l@ti/ /"tr&vl/ /u:z/ /tO:k/ /TINk/ /lUk f@/ /n@U/ /prI"f3:/ /rI"memb@/ /"get "Qn "wel wID/ /lVf/ /sm@Uk/ /gUd @t/

remember sth/sb v
I don't remember her.

get on (well) with sb v laugh v smoke v good at adj

She's good at music. He's good at singing.

right adj wrong adj abroad adv

be abroad / go abroad

/raIt/ /rQN/ /@"brO:d/ /TIn/ /slIm/ /f&t/ /fe@/ /dA:k/ /SO:t/ /lQN/ /tO:l/ /"frendli/ /Vn"frendli/ /"en@r@s/ /mi:n/ page 6

thin adj slim adj fat adj fair adj dark adj short adj long adj tall adj friendly adj unfriendly adj generous adj mean adj

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

funny adj serious adj lazy adj hard-working adj shy adj extrovert adj talkative adj quiet adj stupid adj intelligent adj sporty adj sure adj
I'm sure

/"fVni/ /"sI@rI@s/ /"leIzi/ /hA:d"w3:kIN/ /SaI/ /"ekstr@Uv3:t/ /"tO:k@tIv/ /"kwaI@t/ /"stju:pId/ /In"telI@nt/ /"spO:ti/ /SU@/ /"O:lweIz/

always adv
He always plays football. He doesn't always play tennis. He is always hungry.

never adv sometimes adv usually adv normally adv often adv hardly ever adv each adv too adv also adv
She's happy, too. She's also happy.

/"nev@/ /"sVmtaImz/ /"ju:3@li/ /"nO:m@li/ /"Qfn, "Qftn/ /"hA:dli "ev@/ /"i: / /tu:/ /"O:ls@U/

quite adv
The weather is quite nice.

/kwaIt/ /bI"kQz/ /@t li:st/ /f@r Ig"zA:mpl/

because conj at least

for example

Vocabulary Review: this & that /DIs, Di:z/ this, pl. these pron /"wQts "DIs/ What's this? /"wQt @ "Di:z/ What are these? /D&t, D@Uz/ that, pl. those pron /hI@/ here adv /De@/ there adv /"@Uv@ "De@/ over there /De@rIz, D@rIz, D@z/ there is, there's
There's a lot of snow in winter.

there are
There are a lot of people in the street.

/De@r A:, D@r@/

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Vocabulary Review: Countries /"3:m@ni, "3:m@n/ Germany, German

She is German. She has got a German car. I speak German.

Switzerland, Swiss Austria, Austrian France, French Italy, Italian Spain, Spanish England, English the United States, American 1C question n answer (to) n clothes pl n person, pl people n table n back n
at the back

/"swIts@l@nd, swIs/ /"QstrI@, "QstrI@n/ /frA:ns, fren/ /"It@li, I"t&lI@n/ /speIn, "sp&nIS/ /"INgl@nd, "INglIS/ /D@ jU"naItId "steIts, @"merIkn/

/"kwestS@n/ /"A:ns@/ /kl@UDz, kl@Uz/ /"p3:sn, pi:pl/ /teIbl/ /b&k/ /frVnt/ /"peIntIN/ /"pIk@/ /"A:tIst/ /hed/ /feIs/ /he@/ /A:m/ /"S@Uld@/ /nek/ /aI/ /maUT/ /n@Uz/ /h&nd/ /fINg@/ /I@/ /"stVm@k/ /lIp/ /fUt, fi:t/ /ni:/ /b&k/ /leg/ /hA:t/

front n
at the front

painting n picture n artist n head n face n hair n arm n shoulder n neck n eye n mouth n nose n hand n finger n ear n stomach n lip n foot, pl feet n knee n back n leg n heart n

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brain n tooth, pl teeth n toe n tongue n ask v

ask a question

/breIn/ /tu:T, ti:T/ /t@U/ /tVN/ /A:sk/ /A:ns@/ /we@/ /sIt/ /drO:/ /peInt/ /dI"skraIb/ /si:/ /hI@/ /smel/ /kIs/ /bait/ /tV/ /fi:l/ /kIk/ /smaIl/ /"feIm@s/ /"feIvrIt/ /bI"twi:n/ /bI"haInd/ /In "frVnt @v/ /"nekst t@/ /Qn/ /In/ /Qn D@ "raIt/ /Qn D@ "left / /"Qp@zIt/ /"Vnd@/ /hO:l/ /"kIIn/ /"daInIN ru:m/ /"lIvIN ru:m/ /"bedru:m/ /"bA:Tru:m/ /"tOIlIt/ /"g&rA:3/ /"gA:dn/ /wO:l/

answer v
answer a question

wear v sit v draw v paint v describe v see v hear v smell v kiss v bite v touch v feel v kick v smile v famous adj favourite adj
What's your favourite drink?

between prep behind prep in front of prep next to prep on prep in prep on the right prep on the left prep opposite prep under prep Vocabulary Review: House hall n kitchen n dining-room n living-room n bedroom n bathroom n toilet n garage n garden n wall n

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on the wall

floor n
on the floor


1D definition n dentist n bank n author n Internet n

on the Internet

/defI"nISn/ /dentist/ /b&Nk/ /"O:T@/ /"Int@net/ /"websaIt/ /treIn/ /pleIs/ /fu:d/ /"rest@rQnt/ /"k&feI/ /3:/ /ki:/ /"sIkr@t/ /laIf, laIvz/ /"mVni/ /m@"Si:n/ /"tU@rIst/ /pUt/ /teIk/ /lu:z/ /k@n"teIn/ /Ik"spleIn/ /tel/ /"wQnt t@/ /maIm/ /"p&nIk/ /"rek@gnaIz/ /dIs"laIk/ /"bQr@U/ /lend/ /S@U/ /ni:d/ /"get "Vp/ /baI/ /"bO:rIN/ /@"tr&ktIv/ /"wVrId/ /"sImIl@/ /hu:/ page 10

website n train n place n food n restaurant n caf n church n key n secret n life pl lives n money n unc machine n tourist n put v take v lose v contain v explain sth to sb v tell sb sth v want to v
I want to travel.

mime v panic v recognize v dislike v borrow sth from sb v lend sb sth v show v need v get up v buy v boring adj attractive adj worried adj similar (to) adj who rel pron

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

which rel pron where rel pron the same (as) somebody something a lot (of) many much Vocabulary Review: Jobs a shop assistant a secretary a manager a doctor a nurse a pilot a police officer an engineer a housewife a civil servant a film director an actor an actress a model a footballer policeman, pl. policemen n policewoman, pl. policewomen n taxi-driver n bus driver n politician n interpreter n waiter n chef n 1 Practical English purpose n
Whats the purpose of your visit?

/wI/ /we@/ /D@ "seIm @s/ /"sVmbQdi/ /"sVmTIN/ /@ "lQt/ /"meni/ /"mV/ /"SQp @"sIst@nt/ /"sekr@tri/ /"m&nI@/ /"dQkt@/ /n3:s/ /"paIl@t/ /p@"li:s "QfIs@/ /enI"nI@/ /"haUswaIf/ /sIv@l "s3:v@nt/
/"fIlm dI"rekt@, daI"rekt@/

/"&kt@/ /"&ktr@s/ /"mQdl/ /"fUtbO:l@/ /p@"li:sm@n/ /p@"li:swUm@n, p@"li:swImIn/ /"t&ksi "draIv@/ /"bVsdraIv@/ /pQlI"tIS@n/ /In"t3:prIt@/ /"weIt@/ /Sef/

/"p3:p@s/ /"bIznIs/ /steI/ /f@Un "nVmb@/ /flaIt/ /"kA: pA:k/ /h@U"tel/ /"mO:nIN/

business n
Are you here on business?

stay n
Enjoy your stay.

phone number n flight n car park n hotel n morning n

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Good morning.

afternoon n
Good afternoon.

evening n
Good evening.

night n
Good night.

visit n + v arrive (at) v enjoy sth / doing sth v

Did you enjoy it? She enjoys reading.

/"gUd "mO:nIN/ /A:ft@"nu:n/ /"gUd A:ft@"nu:n/ /"i:vnIN/ /"gUd "i:vnIN/ /naIt/ /"gUd "naIt/ /"vIzIt/ /@"raIv @t/ /In"OI/

stay v
stay in a hotel

/steI/ /sli:p/ /"haU/ /"haU @ "ju:/ /"haU d@ jU "du:/ /"haU @uld A: jU/

sleep v how?
How are you? How do you do? How old are you?

2A teenager n holiday n
go on holiday be on holiday in my holiday(s)

/"ti:nEI@/ /"hQl@di, "hQl@deI/

beach n
on the beach

/bi:/ /"weD@/ /hi:t/ /"temprI@/ /dI"gri:/ /e@k@n"dIS@nIN/ /SQp/ /mju:"zi:@m/ /"kVpl/

weather n unc
What's the weather like?

heat n temperature n
What's the temperature?

degree n air-conditioning n shop n museum n couple n a couple of n

Shes got a couple of books.

travel agent n travel agent's n

He went to the travel agent's. She works in a travel agent's.

/"tr&vl "eInt/ /"tr&vl "eInts/

island n time n
the first time

/"aIl@nd/ /"taIm/

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car n bus n (air)plane n rent v sunbathe v hate v decide v escape (from) v break up with v book v look v argue v go swimming v go sailing v go shopping v go camping v go sightseeing v go by car / bus / plane / train v go to the beach v go out v go away v go for a walk v lovely adj great adj wonderful adj fantastic adj miserable adj awful adj terrible adj furious adj popular adj hot adj
It's very hot today. I'm very hot.

/kA:/ /bVs/ /"e@pleIn/ /rent/ /"sVnbeID/ /heIt/ /dI"saId/ /I"skeIp/ /"breIk "Vp wID/ /bUk/ /lUk/ /"A:gju:/ /g@U "swImIN/ /g@U "seIlIN/ /g@U "SQpIN/ /g@U "k&mpIN/ /g@U "saItsi:IN/ /g@U baI "kA:, "bVs, "pleIn, "treIn/ /bi:/ /g@U "aUt/ /g@U @"weI/ /g@U f@r @ "wO:k/ /"lVvli/ /greIt/ /"wVnd@fl/ /f&n"t&stIk/ /"mIzr@bl/ /"O:fl/ /"terIb@l/ /"fjU@ri@s/ /"pQpjUl@/ /hQt/

boiling adj cool adj cloudy adj sunny adj windy adj cheap adj expensive adj noisy adj different (from) adj exciting adj really adv on my own

/"bOIlIN/ /ku:l/ /"klaUdi/ /"sVni/ /"wIndi/ /i:p/ /Iks"pensIv/ /"nOIzI/ /"dIfr@nt fr@m/ /Ik"saItIN/ /"rI@li/ /Qn maI "@Un/ page 13

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

each other
They looked into each other's eyes.

/"i: "VD@/ /"evriwe@/ /"eniwe@/ /"wQt ... laIk/

everywhere anywhere what like?

What's she like? What's the weather like?

all day

/"O:l "deI/

Vocabulary Review: Irregular Verbs /bi:, wQz, w3:/ be, was/were /h&f, h&d/ have, had /k&n, kUd/ can, could /du:, dId/ do, did /get/ get, got /f@"get, f@"gQt/ forget, forgot /g@U, went/ go, went /meIk, meId/ make, made /baI, bO:t / buy, bought /k&, kO:t/ catch, caught /si:, sO:/ see, saw /spi:k, sp@Uk/ speak, spoke /tel, t@Uld/ tell, told /teIk, tUk/ take, took /kVm, keIm/ come, came /n@U, nju:/ know, knew /sIt, s&t/ sit, sat /h@Uld, held/ hold, held /spend, spent/ spend, spent /spend "mVni/ spend money /spend "taIm/ spend time /seI, sed/ say, said /peI, peId/ pay, paid /pUt/ put, put /let/ let, let 2B photographer n photograph n photo n
take a photo(graph) / picture in the photo / picture

/f@"tQgr@f@/ /"f@Ut@grA:f/ /"f@Ut@U/

newspaper n story n news n unc

Here is the news.

/"nju:speIp@/ /"stO:ri/ /nju:z/ /st@Un/ page 14

stone n

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

piano n
play the piano

/pi"&n@U/ /w3:d/ /sQN/ /"bUkSQp/ /"wedIN/ /jI@/ /eksI"bISn/ /"b&lk@ni/ /h@Um/

word n song n bookshop n wedding n year n exhibition n balcony n home n

go home be at home

work n
at work

snake n dog n tree n sandwich n library n fire n stand, stood v feel, felt v hear, heard v become, became v leave, left v drive, drove v hit, hit v break, broke v sleep, slept v fight, fought v eat, ate v get married v get on a bus/train/plane get off a bus/train/plane plan (to do) v shout v attack v happen v call v rain v snow v ski v young adj old adj happy adj good adj open adj

/w3:k/ /@t "w3:k/ /sneIk/ /dQg/ /tri:/ /"s&nwI/ /"laIbr@ri/ /"faI@/ /st&nd, stUd/ /fi:l, felt/ /hI@, h3:d/ /bI"kVm, bI"keIm/ /li:v, left/ /draIv, dr@Uv/ /hIt/ /breIk, br@Uk/ /sli:p, slept/ /faIt, fO:t/ /i:t, et OR eIt/ /"get "m&rId/ /"get Qn/ /"get Qf/ /pl&n/ /SaUt/ /@"t&k/ /"h&p@n/ /kO:l/ /reIn/ /sn@U/ /ski:/ /jVN/ /@Uld/ /"h&pi/ /gUd/ /"@Upn/ page 15

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

fine adj luckily adv immediately adv suddenly adv (at) first adv then adv together adv near prep (a)round prep along prep after prep when conj nothing 2C sign n plane crash n poem n fact n
in fact

/faIn/ /"lVkIli/ /I"mi:dI@tli/ /"sVdnli/ /@t "f3:st/ /Den/ /t@"geD@/ /"nI@/ /@"raUnd/ /@"lQN/ /"A:ft@/ /wen/ /"nVTIN/

/saIn/ /"pleIn "kr&S/ /"p@U@m/ /f&kt/ /h@Up/ /pi:s/ /@"t&k/ /aI"dI@/ /wO:/ /dri:m/ /w3:ld/ /"e@pO:t/ /lain/ /skaI/ /neIm/ /ri:"neIm/ /"m&ri/ /daI/ /help/ /"@Upn/ /dI"z3:v/ /Se@/ /I"m&In/ /"m3:d@/ /sIN, s&N/ /raIt, r@Ut/ /ri:d, red/ /bI"gIn, bI"g&n/ /flaI, flu:/ page 16

hope (for) n peace n

make peace

attack n idea n war n dream n world n

in the world

airport n line n sky n name sb / sth v re-name sb / sth v marry sb v die v help v open v deserve v share v imagine sth v murder sb v sing, sang v write, wrote v read, read v begin, began v fly, flew v

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

be in love v big adj little adj hungry adj thirsty adj possible adj impossible adj sad adj delicious adj only adv just adv recently adv once adv twice adv three times, four times, across adv, prep until prep about prep during prep
I never rest during the day.

/"bi: In "lVv/ /bIg/ /lItl/ /"hVNgri/ /"T3:sti/ /"pQs@bl/ /Im"pQs@bl/ /s&d/ /dI"lIS@s/ /"@Unli/ /Vst, @st/ /"ri:sntli/ /wVns/ /twaIs/ /Tri: "taImz/ /@"krQs/ /@n"tIl/ /@"baUt/ /"U@rIN, djU@rIN/ /@"bVv/

above prep

Vocabulary Review: Question Words /wen/ when?

When do you come home?

Why are you learning English?

/waI/ /hu:z/ /"haU "lQN/ /"haU "meni/ /"haU "mV/ /"haU "@Uld/ /"haU "Qftn/ /"wQt "taIm/ /"wQt "kVl@/

Whose book is this?

how long?
How long did you stay there?

how many?
How many books has he got?

how much?
How much time did you spend with her?

how old?
How old are you?

how often?
How often did you see her?

what time?
What time do you get up?

what colour?
What colour is your shirt?

2D meal n breakfast n /mi:l/ /"brekf@st/ page 17

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lunch n supper n dinner n

have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner She doesn't have breakfast.

/lVn/ /"sVp@/ /"dIn@/

street n road n coat n watch n hurry n

be in a hurry

/stri:t/ /r@Ud/ /k@Ut/ /wQ/ /"hVri/ /dres/ /"&ksId@nt/ /di: ei/ /klVb/ /mi:t, met/ /rVn, r&n/ /we@, wO:/ /gIv, geIv/ /"get "Int@/ /"get aUt @v/

dress n accident n DJ n club n meet, met v run, ran v wear, wore v give, gave v get into a car/taxi get out of a car/taxi
He got into the car. BUT: He got in. She got out of the car. BUT: She got out.

call v
What is she called? She is called Ann. It is called Yellow.


invite v dance v knock v look at v wait (for sb / sth) v follow v would aux
I would like to dance. I'd like to dance.

/In"vaIt/ /dA:ns/ /nQk/ /"lUk @t/ /weIt/ /"fQl@U/ /wUd/

bad adj romantic adj mad adj fast adj perfect adj afraid adj
I'm afraid I can't help you. She's afraid of dogs.

/b&d/ /r@U"m&ntIk/ /m&d/ /fA:st/ /"p3:fIkt/ /@"freId/

too adv


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page 18

too late

again adv every

every night

/@"gen/ /"evri/ /O:l"D@U/ /red/ /gri:n/ /blu:/ /"jel@U/ /bl&k/ /waIt/ /braUn/ /greI/ /"QrIn/ /pINk/ /"p3:pl/

although conj Vocabulary Review: Colours red green blue yellow black white brown grey orange pink purple 2 Practical English reception n lift n bread n unc salad n lemon n ice n unc chips n pl heating n unc problem n plan n chicken n unc fruit juice n unc sights n pl tired adj comfortable adj uncomfortable adj
Which floor is it on? It's on the second floor.

/rI"sepSn/ /lIft/ /bred/ /"s&l@d/ /"lem@n/ /aIs/ /Ips/ /"hi:tIN/ /"prQbl@m/ /pl&n/ /"IkIn/ /"fru:t "u:s/ /"saIts/ /"taI@d/ /"kVmft@bl/ /Vn"kVmft@bl/

3A luck n
Good luck!

/lVk/ /"hVnimu:n/ /"baIsIkl/ /tQp/ /@n "tQp @v/

honeymoon n bicycle n top n on top of

She put her hand on top of his.

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page 19

at the top of
She was standing at the top of the stairs.

/@t D@ "tQp @v/ /t@ De "tQp @v/ /"maUnt@n/ /"vIlI/ /"taImteIbl/ /fVn/ /s@"praIz/ /lUk "A:ft@/ /lUk "fO:w@d t@/

to the top of
We climbed to the top of the mountain.

mountain n village n timetable n fun n

This is fun!

surprise n + v look after sb v look forward to v

He's looking forward to the party. He's looking forward to going to the party.

pass v
pass an exam

/pA:s/ /mIs/ /Im"pru:v/ /mu:v/ /Vmp/ /seIl/ /klaIm/ /SeIv/ /gUd, "bet@, best/ /bIsi/ /"n3:v@s/ /"kwIkli/ /"meIbi/ /"evriTIN/ /@ "bIt/ /@z "wel @z/ /@Un/ /wVn "deI/ /It dI"pendz/ /"tel @ "stQri/

miss v improve v move v jump v sail v climb v shave v good, better, best adj busy adj nervous adj quickly adv maybe adv everything
Everything is OK.

a bit as well as
I have to go to the bookshop as well as the bank.

I want my own flat.

one day
Congratulations! It depends. Im a bit nervous. tell a story

3B thought n win, won v lose, lost v /TO:t/ /wIn, wVn/ /lu:z, lQst/ page 20

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

find, found v think, thought v

I think so. I dont think so.

/faInd, faUnd/ /TINk, TO:t/

fail v
She failed the exam.

/feIl/ /h@Up/

hope v
I hope so. I hope not.

worry v
Don't worry

depressed adj perhaps adv probably adv definitely adv tonight adv
Cheer up!

/"wVri/ /"d@Unt "wVri/ /dI"prest/ /p@"h&ps/ /"prQb@bli/ /"defIn@tli/ /t@"naIt/

Vocabulary Review: Quantifiers /@ "lQt @v/ a lot of /"lQts @v/ lots of

Hes got a lot of books. Hes got lots of books.

She hasnt got many friends.

/"meni/ /mV/ /fju:/ /fju:/ /lItl/ /@ "lItl/ /I"nVf/

He hasnt got much money.

(very) few
Shes got very few friends.

a few
Shes got a few friends.

(very) little
Hes got very little money.

a little
Hes got a little money.

enough 3C builder n electrician n plumber n injection n medicine n unc skin n needle n research n unc promise n

/"bIld@/ /Ilek"trISn/ /"plVm@/ /In"ekSn/ /"medsn/ /skIn/ /"ni:dl/ /rI"s3:/ /"prQmIs/

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page 21

make a promise keep a promise break a promise

decision n
make a decision

journey n paper n unc piece n

a piece of paper

/dI"sI3n/ /"meIk @ dI"sI3n/ /"3:ni/ /"peIp@/ /pi:s/ /@"dres/ /tru:T/ /mi:t/ /fIS/ /steIk/ /"bri:fkeIs/ /h3:t/ /ki:p, kept/ /lA:st/ /Ig"zIst/ /"Qf@/ /seIf/ /I"t3:nl/ /k@m"pli:t/ /su:n/ /bI"fO:/ /nQt ... "aID@, "i:D@/ /@U "dI@/ /@v "kO:s/

address n truth n meat n unc fish n unc steak n briefcase n hurt, hurt v keep, kept v last v exist v offer (to do sth) v safe adj eternal adj complete adj soon adv before prep not either
She doesn't like dogs either.

oh dear of course 3D champagne n patient n romance n violin n

play the violin

/S&m"peIn/ /"peISnt/ /r@U"m&ns/ /vaI@"lIn/ /"flaU@/ /aUl/ /"fju:@/ /"Qf@/ /dri:m, dremt/ /"weIk "Vp, "w@Uk "Vp/ /"g@U "Qn, "went "Qn/ /@"pI@/ /prI"dIkt/ /@"gri:/ /"fraItnd/ page 22

flower n owl n future n offer n dream, dreamt v wake up, woke up v

go on (doing sth), went on v

appear v predict v agree (with sb) v frightened adj

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

I'm frightened.

successful adj especially adv freezing adj pregnant adj in the middle (of) prep 3 Practical English starter n main course n potato, pl potatoes n tomato, pl tomatoes n mushroom n soup n bill n mistake n
make a mistake

/s@k"sesfl/ /I"speS@li/ /"fri:zIN/ /"pregn@nt/ /In D@ "mIdl/

/"stA:t@/ /"meIn "kO:s/ /p@"teIt@U, p@"teIt@Uz/

/t@"mA:t@U, t@"mA:t@Uz/

glass, pl glasses n bottle n wine n

a bottle of wine

/"mVSrUm/ /su:p/ /bIl/ /mIs"teIk/ /"meIk @ mIs"teIk/ /glA:s, glA:sIz// /"bQtl/ /waIn/ /naIf/ /tIp/ /"O:d@/ /re@/ /"mi:dI@m/ /wel"dVn/

knife, pl knives n tip n, v order v rare adj medium adj well-done adj 4A company n chain n store n customer n washing machine n reason n
the main reason

/"kVmp@ni/ /eIn/ /stO:/ /"kVst@m@/ /"wQSIN m@"Sin/ /"ri:zn/ /"A:gjum@nt/ /"Int@vju:/ /su:t, sju:t/ /"tr&ksu:t/ /taI/ /S3:t/ /"ti: S3:t/ /blaUz/ /tQp/ page 23

argument n
have an argument

interview n
give an interview

suit n tracksuit n tie n shirt n T-shirt n blouse n top n

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

sweater n skirt n mini skirt n jacket n leather jacket n belt n scarf n hat n cap n trousers pl n pants pl n jeans n pl shorts pl n tights pl n pair n
a pair of trousers

/"swet@/ /sk3:t/ /"mIni sk3:t/ /"&kIt/ /"leD@ &kIt/ /belt/ /skA:f/ /h&t/ /k&p/ /"traUz@z/ /p&nts/ /i:nz/ /SO:ts/ /taIts/ /pe@/ /Su:/ /"treIn@/ /bu:t/ /sQk/ /"pUt Qn/ /"teIk Qf/ /"get "drest/ /teIk, tUk, teIkn/

shoes n trainers n boots n socks n put on, put on, put on (clothes) v take off, took, taken v get dressed, got dressed, got dressed v take, took, taken v
How long does the journey take? It takes two hours.

try on v look like v

He looks like a businessman.

/"traI Qn/ /lUk laIk/ /"rI/ /"f&Sn@bl/ /"re@li/ /Ig"z&ktli/ /"ev@/ /nVn/

rich adj fashionable adj rarely adv exactly adv

exactly the same

ever adv
Have you ever lost your passport?

none pron
none of them

Vocabulary Review: Irregular Verbs /bi:, wQz, w3:, bi:n/ be, was/were, been /ri:d, red, red/ read, read, read /h&v, h&d/ have, had, had /wIn, wVn, wVn/ win, won, won /mi:t, met, met/ meet, met, met Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate page 24

buy, bought, bought hear, heard, heard lose, lost, lost tell, told, told do, did, done wear, wore, worn see, saw, seen break, broke, broken eat, ate, eaten fly, flew, flown take, took, taken write, wrote, written 4B mess n towel n plate n pet n (TV) channel n homework n
do the homework

/baI, bO:t, bO:t/ /hI@, h3:d, h3:d / /lu:z, lQst, lQst/ /tel, t@Uld, t@Uld/ /du:, dId, dVn/ /we@, wO:, wO:n/ /si:, sO:, si:n/ /breIk, br@Uk,"br@Ukn/ /i:t, et OR eIt, "i:tn/ /flaI, flu:, fl@Un/ /teIk, tUk, teIkn/ /raIt, r@Ut, "rItn/

/mes/ /"taU@l/ /pleIt/ /pet/ /"&nl/ /"h@Umw3:k/ /"haUsw3:k/ /kO:t/ /V/ /pIk "Vp/ /ges/ /tri:t/ /k@m"pleIn/ /In"sVlt/ /"prQmIs/ /"du: D@ "wQSIN/ /"du: D@ wQSIN "Vp/ /wQS "Vp/ /kli:n/ /"d3:ti/ /wet/ /draI/ /streIn/ /ru:d/ /"kVv@d/ /fA:/ /O:l"redi/ /jet/ page 25

housework n
do the housework

court n
go to court

judge n pick up v guess v treat v complain v insult v promise to do sth v do the washing v do the washing-up v wash up v clean adj dirty adj wet adj dry adj strange adj rude adj covered with adj far adj
How far is it?

already adv
He's already tidied his room.

yet adv

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

He hasn't tidied his room yet. Has he tidied his room yet?

Vocabulary Review: Irregular Verbs /meIk, meId/ make, made, made /l3:n, l3:nt, l3:nt/ learn, learnt, learnt /faInd, faUnd, faUnd/ find, found, found /fO:l, fel, "fO:l@n/ fall, fell, fallen f@"get, f@"gQt, f@"gQtn/ forget, forgot, forgotten /weIk, w@Uk, "w@Ukn/ wake, woke, woken /li:v, left, left/ leave, left, left /g@U, went, gQn/ go, went, gone /peI, peId/ pay, paid, paid v /send, sent, sent/ send, sent, sent /sel, s@Uld/ sell, sold, sold /get, gQt, gQt/ get, got, got /spi:k, sp@Uk, "sp@Ukn/ speak, spoke, spoken /TreU, Tru:, Tr@Un/ throw, threw, thrown 4C article n headlines pl n speed n
at normal speed

/"A:tIkl/ /"hedlainz/ /spi:d/ /"tr&fIk/ /helT/ /"sIkn@s/ /"A:ns@f@Un/ /rI"zVlt/ /geIm/ /"m&/ /"&vrI/ /wO:k/ /bI"li:v/ /"sVf@ fr@m/ /rI"l&ks/ /"sl@U "daUn/ /seIv/ /weIst/ /fA:, "f3:D@, "f3DIst/ /gUd, "bet@, best/ /b&d, w3:s, w3:st/ /Ob"sest/ /"sImpl/ /"kQmplIkeItId/

traffic n health n sickness n answerphone n result n

as a result

game n
play a game

match n average n, adj walk v believe v suffer from v relax v slow down v save v waste v far, further, furthest adj good, better, best adj bad, worse, worst adj obsessed with adj simple adj complicated adj

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page 26

previous adj relaxed adj stressed adj stressful adj quick adj slow adj hard adj, adv
She's a hard worker. She works hard.

/"pri:vI@s/ /rI"l&kst/ /"strest/ /stresful/ /kwIk/ /sl@U/ /hA:d/

fast adj, adv well, better, best adv badly, worse, worst adv nowadays adv on time
arrive on time

/fA:st/ /gUd, "bet@, best/ /b&dli, w3:s, w3:st/ /"naU@deIz/ /Qn "taim/ /Den/

than conj
more interesting than less interesting than It's a bit less expensive than

(not) as as conj
as interesting as not as (so) interesting as

/@z ... @z/

Vocabulary Review: Irregular Verbs /sli:p, slept, slept/ sleep, slept, slept /draIv, dr@Uv, "drIvn/ drive, drove, driven /ki:p, kept, kept/ keep, kept, kept /TINk, TO:t, TO:t/ think, thought, thought /spend, spent, spent/ spend, spent, spent /"Vnd@"st&nd, "Vnd@"stUd, understand, understood, "Vnd@"stUd/ understood /pUt, pUt, pUt/ put, put, put /kQst, kQst, kQst/ cost, cost, cost 4D reputation n greengrocer n gardener n coin n amount n sunglasses pl n change n souvenir n fall over, fell over, fallen over v find out, found out, found out v pretend to v /repju"teISn/ /"gri:ngr@Us@/ /"gA:dn@/ /kOIn/ /@"maUnt/ /"sVnglA:sIz/ /eIn/ /su:v@"nI@/ /"fO: "@Uv@/ /"faInd "aUt/ /prI"tend/ page 27

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

careful adj helpful adj beautiful adj ugly adj polluted adj dangerous adj crowded adj modern adj healthy adj unhealthy adj tidy adj untidy adj polite adj impolite adj patient adj impatient adj unhappy adj sure adv
Are you OK? Sure.

/"ke@fl/ /"helpfl/ /"bju:tIfl/ /"Vgli/ /p@"lu:tId/ /"deIn@r@s/ /"kraUdId/ /"mQdn/ /"helTi/ /Vn"helTi/ /"taIdi/ /Vn"taIdi/ /p@"laIt/ /Imp@"laIt/ /"peISnt/ /Im"peISnt/ /Vn"h&pi/ /SU@/ /"sevr@l/

several 4 Practical English map n corner n

It's on the corner. He was standing in the corner.

/m&p/ /"kO:n@/

recommend v turn v
Turn left.

/rek@"mend/ /t3:n/ /streIt/ /@"hed/

straight adj, adv ahead adv

Go straight ahead.

5A impression n time n
have a good time all the time

/Im"preSn/ /taIm/ /h&v @ "gUd "taIm/ /"&dVlt/ /saI"kaI@trIst/ /"he@dres@/ /"he@staIl/ /s@"vaIv/ /"sel@breIt/ /"m@UtIveIt/ /dI"saId/ /help/ page 28

adult n psychiatrist n hairdresser n hairstyle n survive v celebrate v motivate v decide to do v help to do v

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

hope to do v need to do v offer to do v plan to do v promise to do v remember to do v

Remember to close the door!

/h@Up/ /ni:d/ /"Qf@/ /plan/ /"prQmIs/ /rI"memb@/ /rI"memb@/ /stA:t/ /"traI/ /"wQnt/ /"wUd "laIk/ f@"get, f@"gQt, f@"gQtn/ /l3:n, l3:nt, l3:nt/ /"p3:snl/ /Im"p3:snl/

remember doing v
I remember closing the doors.

start to do v try to do v want to do v would like to do aux forget to do, forgot, forgotten v learn to do, learnt, learnt v personal adj impersonal adj 5B forest n nature n storm n pleasure n cupboard n dictionary n mystery n note n choir n feel, felt, felt v sing, sang, sung v take off, took, taken v
The plane took off.

/"fQrIst/ /"neI@/ /stO:m/ /"ple3@/ /"kVb@d/ /"dIkSnri/ /"mIstri/ /n@Ut/ /"kwaI@/ /fi:l, felt/ /sIN, s&N, sVN/ /"teIk Qf/ /"menSn/ /"taIdi/ /bri:D/ /k@n"tr@Ul/ /"bi: "eIbl t@/ /"m&t@/ /In"OI/ /"fInIS/ /"g@U "Qn, "went "Qn, gQn "Qn/ /maInd/ /spend, spent/

mention v tidy v breathe v control v be able to v matter v

It doesn't matter.

enjoy doing v finish doing v go on doing, went on, gone on v (don't) mind doing v spend time doing, spent, spent v

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stop doing v start doing / to do v hate doing / to do v like doing / to do v love doing / to do v high adj low adj surprised adj alive adj
She's alive.

/stQp/ /stA:t/ /heIt/ /laIk/ /lVv/ /haI/ /l@U/ /s@"praIzd/ /@"laIv/ /h@Ul/ /aUt"saId/ /In"saId/ /(Vn)"fO:n@tli/ /waIl/ /"U@rIN, djU@rIN/

whole adj
A whole day

outside adv, prep inside adv, prep (un)fortunately adv while conj
While he was watching TV the phone rang.

during prep
I never rest during the day.

5C rule n building n experiment n lesson n test n

do a test

/ru:l/ /bIldIN/ /Iks"perIm@nt/ /"lesn/ /test/ /kO:s/ /"gr&m@/ /pr@nVnsi"eISn/ /"rel@tIv/ /daI"rekSn, d@"rekSn / /"gaId/ /mVst/ /mVsnt/ /h&f t@/ /u:z/ /Ik"spekt/

course n
do a course

grammar n pronunciation n relative n direction n

ask for directions

guide n must aux must not, mustn't aux have to, had to, had to v choose, chose, chosen v expect v tell (sb) the time ask sb the time intensive adj incredible adj unbelievable adj full (of) adj

/In"tensIv/ /In"kredIbl/ /Vnbi"li:v@bl/ /fUl/

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useful adj obligatory adj permitted adj against prep

against the rules

/"ju:sfl/ /@"blIg@tri/ /p@"mItId/ /@"genst/

5D fan n team n ball n player n pitch n stadium n champion n hole n net n track n goal n point n post n score n football n rugby n baseball n basketball n volleyball n step n river n hit, hit, hit v shoot, shot, shot v take part in, took, taken v pass (to sb) v score v
score a goal

/f&n/ /ti:m/ /bO:l/ /"pleI@/ /pI/ /"steIdI@m/ /"&mpI@n/ /h@Ul/ /net/ /tr&k/ /g@Ul/ /pOInt/ /p@Ust/ /skO:/ /"fUtbO:l/ /"rVgbi/ /"beIsbO:l/ /"bA:skItbO:l/ /"vQlibO:l/ /step/ /"rIv@/ /hIt/ /Su:t, SQt/ /"teIk "pA:t In/ /pA:s/ /skO:/ /lA:/ /smO:l/ /"Int@/ /pA:st/ /"@Uv@/ /Tru:/ /t@"wO:dz/ /"aUt @v/ /Vp/ /DaUn/ /@"raUnd, raUnd/

large adj small adj into prep past prep over prep through prep towards prep out of prep up prep down prep (a)round prep

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page 31

5 Practical English size n

What size are you?

/"saIz/ /rI"si:t/ /ek/ /Iks"eIn/

receipt n check v exchange sth for sth n

Never mind.

6A seat n queue n supermarket n law n know, knew, known v become, became, become v lend, lent, lent v go to sleep,went to sleep, gone to sleep v crash v spill v push v pull v kill v investigate v earn v
earn a lot of money

/si:t/ /kju:/ /"su:p@mA:kIt/ /lO:/ /n@U, nju:, n@Un/ /bI"kVm, bI"keIm, bI"kVm/ /lend, lent/ /"g@U t@ sli:p, went/ /kr&S/ /spIl/ /pUS/ /pUl/ /kIl/ /In"vestIgeIt/ /3:n/ /bO:d/ /"sINgl/ /dI"rektli/

bored adj single adj directly adv 6B (river) bank n ground n

on the ground

/b&Nk/ /graUnd/ /fi:ld/ /s@"fA:ri/ /"f3: "k@Ut/ /"wO:t@/ /"&nIm@l/ /b3:d/ /"insekt/ /"krQk@daIl/ /be@/ /"bUl/ page 32

field n safari n
go on a safari

fur coat n water n unc animal n bird n insect n crocodile n bear n bull n

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

bee n butterfly n fly n mosquito n spider n wasp n chicken n cow n goat n horse n pig n rabbit n sheep, pl sheep n camel n dolphin n elephant n giraffe n gorilla n kangaroo n lion n mouse, pl mice n shark n tiger n whale n duck n eagle n swan n lie (down), lay, lain v grow, grew, grown v wave v
wave ones arms

/bi:/ /"bVt@flaI/ /flaI/ /m@"ski:t@U/ /spaId@/ /wQsp/ /"IkIn/ /kaU/ /g@Ut/ /hO:s/ /pIg/ /"r&bIt/ /Si:p/ /"k&ml/ /"dQlfIn/ /"elIfnt/ /@"rA:f/ /g@"rIl@/ /k&Ng@"ru:/ /"laI@n/ /maUs, maIs/ /SA:k/ /"taIg@/ /weIl/ /dVk/ /i:gl/ /swQn/ /laI "daUn, leI, leIn// /gr@U, gru:, gr@Un/ /weIv/ /bA:k/ /weI/ /draUn/ /dIs@"pI@/

bark v weigh v drown v disappear v 6C option n possibility n advice n UNC imagination n UNC list n
make a list

/"QpSn/ /pQs@"bIl@ti/ /@d"vaIs/ /Im&I"neISn/ /lIst/ /Vm"brel@/ /k@n"fju:z/ /k@m"pe@/ /A:sk fO:/ page 33

umbrella n confuse v compare v ask for v

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

belong to v change your mind v take your time v may aux

I may go to the party.

/bI"lQN t@/ /"eIn j@ "maInd/ "teIk j@ "taIm/ /meI/ /maIt/ /dI"saIsIv/ /IndI"saIsIv/ /"pQz@tIv/ /"neg@tIv/ /"fAIn@li/

might aux
I might go to the party.

decisive adj indecisive adj positive adj negative adj finally adv 6D suggestion n subject n (good) taste n message n excuse n
make an excuse

/s@"estSn/ /"sVbekt/ /teIst/ /"mesI/ /Ik"skju:s/ /s@"praIz/ /"prez@nt/

surprise n present n
birthday present Christmas present

gym n lock v get divorced v get lost v sensitive adj worth adj
It isn't worth it.

/Im/ /lQk/ /"get dI"vO:st/ /"get "lQst/ /"sens@tIv/ /w3:T/ /@b"sesIv/ /@"fendId/ /"despr@t/

obsessive adj offended adj desperate adj 6 Practical English headache n

have a headache

/"hedeIk/ /"b&keIk/ /kQf/ /"kemIsts/

backache n cough n
have a cough

chemist's n 7A fear (of) n space n height n

/fI@/ /speIs/ /haIt/ page 34

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

What's your height? How tall are you?

lake n character n treatment n lawyer n boat n bomb n scene n rest n

the rest of us

/leIk/ /"k&r@kt@/ /"tri:tm@nt/ /"lO:j@/ /b@Ut/ /bQm/ /si:n/ /rest/ /"aI@nt/ /faIt, fO:t, fO:t/ /@"fekt/ /"he@ri/ /"terIfaId/ /sIns/ /fO:/ /"haU "lQN/ /In Dis rI"spekt/

giant n, adj fight, fought, fought v affect v hairy adj terrified adj since prep
I've lived her since 2000.

for prep
I've lived here for six years.

how long?
How long have you known her?

in this respect 7B career n university n

go to university

/k@"rI@/ /ju:nI"v3:s@ti/ /sku:l/

school n
go to school be at school

primary school n secondary school n difficulty n entrance n art n cattle n UNC prison n parking ticket n episode n role n
play a role

/"praimri sku:l/ /"sekndri sku:l/ /"dIfIk@lti/ /"entr@ns/ /A:t/ /k&tl/ /prIzn/ /"pA:kIN "tIkIt/ /"epIs@Ud/ /r@Ul/ /steI/ /drVg/ /"vaI@l@ns/ /rI"taI@/

stage n drug n violence n retire v

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page 35

get engaged v separate (from) v direct v receive v nominate v 7C rebel n musician n contribution n protest n qualification(s) n memory n drama n vegetable(s) n (school) subject n PE (physical education) n maths n sg history n geography n science n physics n sg chemistry n biology n used to v
I used to get up late. He didnt use to be friendly.

/get In"geId/ /"sep@reIt/ /daI"rekt, d@"rekt/ /rI"si:v/ /"nQmIneIt/

/"rebl/ /mju"zISn/ /kQntrI"bju:Sn/ /"pr@Utest/ /kwQlIfI"keISn/ /"mem@ri/ /"drA:m@/ /"vet@bl/ /"sVbekt/ /pi: "i:/ /m&Ts/ /"hIstri/ /i"Qgr@fi/ /"saI@ns/ /"fizIks/ /"kemIstri/ /baI"Ql@i/

want sb to be (sth) v
They wanted her to be a teacher. I want you to be quiet.


be at war with sb v organize v bright adj strict adj however adv according to prep 7D invention n inventor n nappies n pl bullet n bullet-proof vest n dishwasher n biro n text-message n

/bi: @t "wO: wID/ /"O:g@naIz/ /braIt/ /strikt/ /haU"ev@/ /@"kO:dIN tU/

/In"venSn/ /In"vent@/ /"n&piz/ /"bUlIt/ /"bUlItpru:f vest/ /"dISwQS@/ /"baIr@U/ /"tekst mesI/

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bikini n vacuum cleaner n hoover n light bulb n windscreen wipers n pl effect n scientist n cure n toothache n UNC
have toothache

/bI"ki:ni/ /"v&kju@m kli:n@/ /"hu:v@/ /"laIt bVlb/ /"wIndskri:n "waIp@z/ /I"fekt/ /"saI@ntIst/ /kjU@/ /"tu:TeIk/ /"senri/ /dI"t@ktIv/ /kVt/ /In"v@nt/ /dIs"kVv@/ /pr@"tekt/ /tekst/ /Ik"spl@Ud/ /@b"z3:v/ /rI"kO:d/ /"edjukeIt/ /dI"sp@Uz@bl/ /VnIm"plOId/ /f@r"@v@/

century n detective n cut, cut, cut v invent v discover v protect v text v explode v observe v record v educate v disposable adj unemployed adj forever adv
last forever

7 Practical English bay n bridge n cab n wonder v ready adj about adv
How long does it take? About an hour.

/beI/ /brI/ /k&b/ /"wQnd@/ /"redi/ /@"baUt/

8A kids n day off n

have a day off

/kIdz/ /deI Qf/ /@d"mIt/ /prI"pe@/ /dI"pend Qn/ /"taI@rIN/ /dI"presIN/ /rI"l&ksIN/ /Ig"zO:stId/

admit v prepare (oneself) v depend on v tiring adj depressing adj relaxing adj exhausted adj

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excited adj latest adj on my (your, his, ...) own

have some peace and quiet

/Ik"saItId/ /"leItIst/ /Qn maI @Un/

8B diet n sunscreen n squash n

play squash

/"daI@t/ /"sVnskri:n/ /skwQS/ /"k&l@nd@/ /fru:t/ /"&lk@hQl/ /"h&bIt/ /"gIv "Vp/ /"g@u "rQN/ /kl@Us/ /freS/ /"IrIt@bl/ /tens/ /"regjUl@/

calendar n fruit n alcohol n habit n give up doing, gave, given v go wrong, went, gone v calculate v close adj
a close friend

fresh adj irritable adj tense adj regular adj 8C alarm clock n gene n fit v turn sth on v turn sth off v turn sth up v turn sth down v write sth down v look sth up v fill sth in v throw sth away v put sth away v active adj allergic (to) adj energetic adj because of prep
Because of her illness she couldn't come to school.

/@"lA:m klQk/ /i:n/ /fIt/ /"t3:n "Qn/ /"t3:n "Qf/ /"t3:n "Vp/ /"t3:n "daUn/ /"raIt "daUn/ /"lUk "Vp/ /"fIl In/ /"Tr@U @"weI/ /"pUt @"weI/ /"&ktIv/ /@"l3:Ik/ /en@"etIk/ /bI"kQz @v/ /In"sted @v/

instead of prep
Could I have tea instead of coffee?

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8D belief n twins n pl wood n similarity n preference n vote (for) v adopt v reunite v amazing adj amazed (by) adj convinced adj enormous adj identical adj so adv
So do I.

/bI"li:f/ /twInz/ /wUd/ /sIm@"l&r@ti/ /"prefr@ns/ /v@Ut/ /@"dQpt/ /ri:ju:"naIt/ /@"meIzIN/ /@"meIzd/ /k@n"vInst/ /I"nO:m@s/ /aI"dentIkl/ /s@U/ /"naID@, "ni:D@/

neither adv
Neither do I.

8 Practical English hold, held, held v

hold the line

/h@Uld, held/ /li:v, left, left/ /"li:v @ "mesI/ /pUt "Tru:/ /In"geId/

leave, left, left v

leave a message

put through, put, put v engaged adj

The line's busy/engaged.

9A motorway n fine n porter n price n

pay a price

/"m@Ut@wei/ /faIn/ /"pO:t@/ /praIs/ /praiz/ /"p&sIn@/ /"neIb@/ /@"rest/ /bI"heIv/ /k@"mIt/ /rQb/ /skri:m/ /snO:/ page 39

prize n
win a prize

passenger n neighbour n arrest v behave v commit v

commit a crime

rob v
rob a bank

scream v snore v

Vocabulary New English File Pre-Intermediate

solve v
solve a problem

/s@Ulv/ /&ksI"dentli/

accidentally adv 9B bride n let, let, let v

let sb do sth

/braid/ /let/ /SaIn, SQn, SQn/ /"wIsp@/ /taIt/ /"O:lm@Ust/

shine, shone, shone v whisper v tight adj, adv almost adv

by your side

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