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UNIT V 1. Alpha rays are ___________ charged a) +vely charged 2. rays are _____________ charged -vely charged 3.

. Choose the velocity of rays a) 16,000 4. Choose the velocity of rays a) 160,000 5. Gamma rays pass through 0.15m of steel 6. rays cause luminescence on striking a _________ plate sulphide 7. Measurement of radioactivity can be done by _____________ method a) GM counter 8. Choose which rays cause ionization of gases in the indirect manner a) b) c) gamma d) All

9. Which is the lightest particle a) b) c) gamma d) All

10. Choose the rays which can ionize gases a) b) c) gamma d) All

11. Which rays are harmful to living tissues a) b) c) gamma d) None

12. Choose the half life period of radioactive substance a) 0.6931/ b) 0.9631/ c) both a & b d)None

13. Average life of radioactive substance choose the a) 1.44 x half life b) 14.4 x half life c) both a & b d) None

14. Choose the unit of radioactivity a) Ci b) Bq c) Both d) None

15. Who concluded that uranium salts emit rays

a) Henri Bechquerel b) Marie curie c) G.C. Schmidt 16. Radioactivity is due to a) Stable electronic configuration electronic configuration b) stable nucleus

d) None

c) unstable nucleus

d) unstable

17. In radioactive decay, the emitted e- come from a) nucleus of the atom b) the orbital with principal quantum no 1, c) Inner orbital of atoms d) the outer most shell of atom 18. Calcium phosphate containing radioactive phosphorous is generally used to trace the ___________ a) Metal casting b) Phosphorous uptake by plants c) Rock dating d) carbon dating

19.__________ is administered to patients suffering from bone fracture to heck whether the a) 34p b) 13I c) 59Co d) None

20. 131I is used in the treatment of thyroid gland cancer 21. Co59 is used in the treatment of cancer 22. Excess use of radioactive elements is responsible for ________________ growth a) cancerous b) plant c) Both d) None

23. Who developed the method carbon dating a) Willard F. Libby b) Henri Bechquerel c) both a & b d) None

24. Half life period of 14C6 is 5568 years 25. The radioactive element used to estimate the age of ancient geological formation is ________ a) O16 b) Pb212 c) Fe59 d) C14

26. H2 (g)+ Cl2(g)----------- 2HCl(g) 27. The absorption of light by the third substance and (not by one of the reactant) which transfers the absorbed energy to the reactants. This process

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