Conquered List

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n over 176 days in the New World, some countries are gone, extinct, conquered … by other

eRepublik stronger eNations.

I will try to keep an updated list with the “missing” eRepublik countries, not necessarily in a
specific order:

1. Belgium - was conquered by the United Kingdom on April 13, 2008 in RL (I’m still not
used to these new wonderful dates using New World days). They said it was an union. Four
other countries helped the UK in their initiative. Wonderful.
2. Slovakia - was conquered by the Czech Republic on the same day, April 13 2008.
Another union.
3. Moldavia was conquered by Romania on April 15, 2008. Our third union this month.
This looks like a great game .. they all unite through war. Wonderful.
4. Israel was conquered by Turkey on April 16, 2008. 4th union. This is ridiculous.
5. Australia was conquered by Indonesia on April 18, 2008. No union there, Australia
fought back and it looks like they claim a bug made them lose the war. It could be, we are still
testing the game.
6. India was CONQUERED by Pakistan on April 21, 2008. No doubt about it, they’ve
conquered it. Are there any indians out there? You’re suppose to 1 billion .. in RL. What’s
your problem? Get up and fight.
7. Finland was conquered by Norway on April 21, 2008. Ooops … I thought the motto of
Finland was: “Finland, be afraid, be very afraid!!“
8. Denmark was conquered by Sweden on April 23, 2008. Karma.
9. South Korea was conquered by Japan on May 08, 2008. They were just “testing” the
new war module. Nice.
10. Russia was conquered by Norway on .
11. Switzerland was divided between France and Italy. Gangbanged, I might say.
Later edit:
12. Ukraine was conquered by Romania on May 17, 2008. Turkey got themselves a strong
enemy while trying to help the canadian dominated Ukraine.
11 12 countries gone, more will follow. I will try to keep this post updated.
You can start a rebellion in any region if you own 100 gold. Get 100, 200, 300 friends
together (from other forums maybe), play for a few weeks to build up military skill and gold
and fight for your independence.

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