Trillanes IV Vs Pimentel - Section1 Equal Protection

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Antonio Trillanes IV vs Hon. Oscar Pimentel, Sr.

, in his capacity as presiding judge, Regional Trial Court Branch 148, Makati City; Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, Vice Admin. Rogelio Calunsag, MGen. Benjamin Dolorfino, and Lt. Col. Luciardo Obena G.R. No. 179817 June 27, 2008 Carpio Morales, J.: Facts: Antonion Trillanes IV was charged of coup detat for initiating the Oakwood Incident in Makati City. Trillanes while being remained in detention filed his candidacy and won a seat in the Senate. He filed an Omnibus Motion for Leave of Court to be Allowed to Attend Senate Sessions and Related Requests which included the permission to allow him go to Senate to attend his official functions; to have working area in his place; to received member of his staff; to give interviews and air his comments; to receive reporters; and to attend election of the Senate He argued that his motion should be granted on the following reasons: 1. He was not yet convicted; 2. He was only charged of political offense unlike Jalosjos case wherein Jalosjos was charged of a crime involving moral turpitude; 3. He voluntarily surrendered; 4. Gen. Esperon did not overrule the recommendation of Marine Brigs commanding officer allowing him to attend Senate sessions; 5. People elected him to allow him to work as a senator and 6. There were enough precedents to allow liberal treatment of detention Issue: Whether or not Trillanes provided valid reasons to justify his requests mentioned in the Omnibus Motion Holding: Petitioner's position fails. On the generality and permanence of his requests alone, petitioner's case fails to compare with the species of allowable leaves. Jaloslos succinctly expounds: Allowing accused-appellant to attend congressional sessions and committee meetings for five (5) days or more in a week will virtually make him a free man with all the privileges appurtenant to his position. Such an aberrant situation not only elevates accused-appellant's status to that of a special class, it also would be a mockery of the purposes of the correction system. WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED.

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