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A study of Work-Life Balance in the BPO Sector with respect to the Selected BPO Working Women in Salem context


Lecturer., Department of Management Studies, AVS Engineering College, Salem-636003

Abstract In the modern era, women occupy a central position in all the fields like Banking, Medical, Corporate, Government etc. Women prove their excellence in all the fields compare to Men. The current scenario prevails the situation that both men and women have to go for work to lead a normal life. Hence women are having lot of responsibilities to be carried out. BPO sector is emerging in Tamilnadu in current days. Women employees are given preference in BPO than Male. The concern over work-life balance is gradually becoming a common talk. When employees go back to their homes, they should not carry any organizational stress with them. An individual has two roles to play- personal and professional; each role having different set of demands. My research will be an attempt to study factors that influences the Work-Life Balance of women who are working in BPO sector in Salem context with remedies. The data pertaining to the study has been collected from women working in BPO companies in Salem region to analyze the Work-life balance.

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