Rudy Progress Report 14jan2013

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Progress Report for English

Comprehension Skills: Objectives Tutor feedback

1. Reading for information Rudy has basic skills for locating answers but has yet to develop the ability to check his own answers and tends to be careless. He has yet to develop the ability to read and understand a passage on his own, but is able to answer questions if the passage is explained to him Exercises to help him identify and string together ideas in a passage will be given in the form of newspaper and book reports and summary practice. 2. Understanding question As with understanding the passage, he has yet to master the technique of requirements understanding the requirements of the question unless it is explained to him at which point he is very easily able to answer the question. 3. Summary skills Although Rudy has a wide vocabulary, he has yet to master the technique of paraphrasing and isolating ideas from the general text. Exercises analysing passages and articles from TIMES and The Economist will be used Rudy is very creative and shows a wide range of sentence structure variation as well as a good grasp of grammar. He has also master effectively the ability to write an introduction. He however needs more practice in creating a story plan on his own and keeping to it. He also needs to put in more effort to incorporate ideas taught in class in his essays and needs to show consistent effort when writing essays. Rudy, while tending to loose focus often, makes consistent effort when prompted to focus in class. He however needs to put more effort into his homework and needs to read more widely outside of fiction. He should be encouraged to read a lot more non-fiction books, magazines and newspapers. Recommendation will be made to him in class.

4. Composition Idea development

5. Overall Effort

Miss Raja

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