Syed Abrarullah Hussainy: Autocad

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SYED ABRARULLAH HUSSAINY H.No: 42/527 Green Hills Colony, P. O. Moula-ali, Hyderabad, A.P-500040 E-Mail: sabrar671@gmail.

com Phone: +919642441595


To work in an organization, where I can utilize my skills, be a team player and work towards the progress of the organization.

Technical Skills

AutoCAD. SolidWorks Certificates:

Certificate ID of CSWA: C-JE5ABMSDHV. Certificate ID of CSWP-Core S1: C-TMT9ZC7XWF.


Achievement s

Participated in All India Camel Color Contest 2000 and Rainbow Color Contest.

Represented School for Table Tennis at South Zone Atomic Energy Central Schools meet and South Zone CBSE meet. Runner up in the Table Tennis (Singles & Doubles) at Inter Class Tournaments/ Athletic Meet in Polytechnic. Completed a certificate course in Vehicle Dynamics & Safety at MS Ramaiah Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore. Organized an event Test Your Brains in departmental fest. Mechalution2KX.

Won 2nd prize in the event Dexters Lab (Engine Assembly) in departmental fest. - Mechalution2KX.

Participated in the event Solid Works at ADSOPHOS 2011. Worked as a Creative Team Member at ADSOPHOS 2011.

Projects Bio-fuels in Diploma. Baja SAEINDIA 2011.

Modification of 4 Stroke Single Cylinder Petrol Engine to 6 Stroke

(Hexi Plaga) Engine.(My role in the project was Designing & Modeling. I have used SolidWorks 2008 for Designing the Engine)

Activities I was the student member of SAE India, EWB- MJCET chapter team member & Anti-Ragging Squad member of MJCET.

Hobbies Painting, Sports, Singing, Browsing & Social Networking. Personal Information


: Syed Abrarullah Hussainy. : Syed Shujatullah Hussainy. : H.No: 42/527, Green Hills Colony, P.O. Moula- ali, Hyderabad, A.P-500040 TELEPHONE NUMBER : Home-091-040-27120683 Mobile-+919642441595 E-MAIL ID : DATE OF BIRTH : 3rd Jun 1988 LANGUAGES KNOWN : English, Urdu, Hindi and Telugu


I ensure that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and I take full responsibility for any discrepancies that may arise therein. (SYED ABRARULLAH HUSSAINY)

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