Venn Diagram Compare and Contrast Planning Tool

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Venn Diagram: Compare and Contrast Planning Tool

The Digital Revolution The Industrial Revolution

- 1750- 1850 - Started in the UK then spread to Eastern Europe and North America - Factory Act 1833 9-13 year olds were limited to 9 hours of working - Railways were created in Manchester and Liverpool - Invention of the spinning jenny - Invention of the Newcomen steam engine - Children worked long hours - For the first time people started moving from living in rural areas to cities to work


- It has changed the way we communicate -

- 1990- ongoing - Over the course of 20 years (1990- 2010) cellular subscriptions have increased by 3987.6 million people - It is now possible to run a business from your home (online) - Education is now a human right according the United Nations - Invention of the internet - Social media (facebook, twitter, etc.) -

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