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Relationship, Relationship, Relationship! If we arent in fellowship (relationship) with God, how can He give us anything?

We prevent Him from moving in our lives because of lack of trust. Can you trust your possessions to someone you don't know? Can you hand over your billfold to a stranger to hold while you do an errand? No, of course not. But that's how we treat God, like a stranger. This is evidenced in the way we live our lives. Do we trust God with our wallot? Until we understand the Love of God, we cannot receive anything from Him in the amount He wants us to have. So if we havent received His love for us personally, we certainly cant love ourselves, let alone love others. Are you trying to forgive and love? Did you know that all your "trying" to forgive and love amounts to "works of the flesh?" Wouldnt it be nice if you can simply "forgive and love?" Did you know that forgiveness and love brings health? As we enter into this teaching session, it is important that you take your time going through it. Give it time to absorb. Ive had people say that there is a lot of knowledge being imparted and its very over-whelming to take in all at once. But be "diligent" and dont give up because a diligent person will obtain righteousness and honor. (Proverbs 21:21). This ministry believes in the GodHead: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We need to understand these three characters of God in their entirety in order to understand who God is. (Ephesians Chapter 4) We will be identifying each of the God-head separately for complete understanding and knowledge. Many don't know Jesus personally, God personally or the Holy Spirit personally. It's important to see all their attributes and characteristics so we can "know"

them all completely. What Does Relationships Have to Do with Healing? Our bodies are balanced in perfect homeostasis when our hearts are balanced in relationship with the Lord, ourself and others. Until I understood the Godhead fully, and learned about relationship with myself and others, I was still in bondage. This is the most important teaching to your healing and health! The book of Jeremiah talks about relationship with God, others and with ourselves, explaining the results of not abiding in truth! The following teaching describes relationship with God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, ourselves and others. Hopefully this will help you discern your own life. I found that we need to know ourselves before we can really move forward. And I would suspect that many reading this don't know themselves very well, some avoid seeing within their own hearts, and some refuse to admit their own failings. We have to get past all that, and face ourselves in truth. But we can only do this when we get a revelation on God's love for us. Because it's His love that will help us see within more clearly without guilt, shame, condemnation or fear. And if we do feel those things, we won't stay there long because we truly understand the Love of God. This is a KEY scripture and a very important for foundation: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God (relationship) with all thine heart (spirit man), soul (psyche) and mind (physio) and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Upon this, the law and the prophets hang." (Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 12:29-31.) You cant love yourself and have self-hatred and guilt. You cant love your neighbor with unforgiveness. You cant love God, because scripture teaches, how can you hate your brother whom you have seen and love God whom you have not seen? By breaking down this key passage of scripture, it will help us gain KNOWLEDGE necessary to IMPACT our lives to change in our mind, body and soul: "We are to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, soul and mind." How do we Love God? First we need to know Him and His nature. Youd be surprised how many people see God as a tyrant waiting to pounce on them when they do something wrong. They dont see Him as a loving Father wanting to help His children. They only have their own fathers to compare God with and dont understand the Love of God. They may fear their fathers to the point of avoiding them. Many people transfer this kind of fear to God. God wants us to come to Him any time, day or night, about anything! We have the wrong kind of fear about God. Proverbs 8:13 says what fearing God really means. It says to hate evil! Proverbs 2:1-5 says, "My son if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee, so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding, Yea, if

thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding, if thou seek her as for silver, and searches for her as for hid treasures, THEN shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God." In this scripture fearing God means to seek Him deligently. So perhaps your image of God has been distorted? The book of Jeremiah also speaks of relationship with God. Also includes relationships with others and with ourselves, explaining the results of not abiding in truth! RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THE FATHER Its time to begin participating in your "sanctification" process. Get your tablet of paper out and begin to answer these questions. 1. Do you see God as a tyrant? If so, why? 2. Do you feel you cannot come to Him for everything? If so, why? 3. Are you fearing Him to the point of not talking to Him? If so, why? 4. Are you mad at God for your life or current situation? If so, name the situation 5. Are you unhappy with how He created you? If so, what is it you dont like about yourself? 6. Do you see God as your Heavenly Father? If so, how? We need to identify where we are RIGHT NOW so that we have a starting place! The first step in deliverance is "Recognizing". Compare your notes to these truths about who God is: (If there are scripture references, please take the time to open up the Bible and read for yourself remember, Gods Word heals and delivers. What we say, doesnt! (Proverbs 21:31) "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance and victory are of the Lord.")

God is our loving Father He created you with His hands. God is Love. (I John 4:16) (Jesus is not love. God sent Jesus to SHOW us His love) God is a Friend (Luke 11:5-11) (Gen. 18:22 persistent) was the friend of God. Moses was the friend of God. Enoch was a friend of God. Adam was a friend of God. Can you go boldly to God at any time for any reason? God is soverign. (Patient and Kind when dealing with us.) God so loved the world that He gave us His Son. (John 3:16) God is omnipotent. He sits on the throne in Heaven. We need to draw close to the throne. (Hebrews 4:16)

God gives mercy and grace. (Psalms 23) God exhalts us. (Hebrews 5:5) God is good! God is the God-Head. God never changes. God is Holy. God answers prayers. God blesses. God longs to visit with us. We were created for fellowship with Him. God Promotes us God Honors us God lifts us up. (Hebrews 4:10) God is my Shepherd (Ps. 23:1) God is with me always. (Ps. 23:4) You are precious in His sight because He loves you (Isaiah 43:4) God is my hiding place IF I let Him hide me!

NOTE: If we knew how much God loved us, we wouldnt be acting the way we do. Do you have kids that are disobedient and disrespectful? Are they struggling with their lives, with relationship with you and others and themselves? Its simply because they dont know how much you love them. They dont know how to "receive" your love. Its not that you arent loving them, its that they dont know how to receive your love. This is the same with our relationship with God. We dont know how to receive His love. There are a number of reasons why we cant receive his love and this portion of teaching will hopefully help you to see where you are right now in your relationship with Him, yourself and others which will begin your healing process. "He was bruised for our iniquities!" ............................................................................ RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THE SON - JESUS Once we have begun to see who God the Father is. Its now time to see who Jesus is. Write down the answers to these questions: 1. Who is Jesus? 2. Is He your personal Savior? 3. Is he the center of your thoughts?

4. Do you accept the total redemption he paid for you or do you think you have to earn it somehow? 5. Do you have to pay penitence for your sins? 6. Do you love him? He said if you love me, you will keep my commandments. What kind of a relationship do you have with Jesus? These are some of the attributes and characteristics of Jesus:

Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Jesus was the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. Jesus is our provider. He made a provision for us to go directly to God. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the door. Jesus is our brother and friend. We are heirs with Him. He is Gods Son! He came to show us the Love of God our Father. We are also children of God because of what Jesus did. We do not pray to Jesus, but we pray to the father IN THE NAME of Jesus. Jesus tore the wall down so we had free access to God ourselves. (John 16:25-27). Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith (Heb 12:12) Jesus was a carpenter. Hes building a mansion for us in heaven. Jesus was the Word made flesh. (Jesus is the Godhead bodily.) Jesus helped God build the earth. He was there when all was being created. We were made in His image. Jesus experienced what it is like to live in this fallen world. Yet he did not sin. Jesus has the power over death. Hebrews 2:14 Jesus is the great high priest Hebrews 4:14 Jesus is there in the time of need. Hebrews 2:18 and Hebrews 4:15 Jesus sets people free.

Jesus is faithful (Hebrews 3:1) Jesus is my teacher, master, Rabbi. Jesus is the great physician. He has all things under his feet. Hebrews 2:8 Jesus sits at the right hand of God, making intercession for us. Jesus is the sole expression of Gods glory. Jesus is the very imprint of Gods nature. He is higher than the angels. Jesus is light. Jesus is life. Jesus is light and in him is no darkness. Jesus prayers were heard because he reverenced God his Father. Jesus was obedient. Jesus sits on the throne beside God. (Hebrews 12:2) Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) Do you believe that Jesus is the answer?

............................................................................. RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT Once we have learned about God the Father and Jesus the Word. Its now time to get to know the Holy Spirit. Write down the answers to these questions: 1. What do you think about the Holy Spirit? Or have you even given him thought? 2. Do you know what power He has given you? (For those who are in Christ) 3. Do you know His attributes? 4. Do you believe you have been equipped to do all things? 5. Did you know HE is Our Peace? Do you have inner peace? 6. How do you feel about the Holy Spirit?

7. Have you ever received gifts of the Holy Spirit? If so, what are they? 8. Do you believe in eternal salvation? 9. Did you know the Holy Spirit speaks to us through our conscience? 10. Did you know he brings to our minds things we need to get through trials and tribulations IF those words are in us for him to draw on? Spirit(s) of God and Spirit of Man: First we need to acknowledge that there are three spirits found in scriptures: Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, and the spirit of man. Spirit of Man We are all born with a spirit (Zechariah 12:21) that is what makes us alive in the body. But our spirit needs to connect to the Holy Spirit to bring eternal life and salvation.

Spirit of God The Spirit of God draws people to accepting Jesus as Savior. When a person "receives" Jesus Christ as Savior, they also receive the Holy Spirit sealing you forever (Ephesians 1:13). There is a difference between the "Spirit of God" and the "Holy Ghost." (I Corinthians 12:3) Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Baptism of the Holy Spirit This is an area of great controversy. This teaching is an insight of what the Lord has shown me personally through His Word, you can take it or leave it, but it's important to see this view to help you decided for yourself. There are several Baptism(s) - Hebrews 6:2 o Repentance for sins - Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; Acts 19:4 o Water - Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12; Mark 1:8 o Holy Ghost - Mark 1:8 o Each other - I Corinthans 12:13)

Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the 3rd of the Godhead; but just as equal to God and Jesus. He is the POWER of God working in us.

Teaching Scriptures: Read the following passages and write down what they say about the Holy Spirit. John 16:

John 15:26-27

John 14:26-27

I Corinthians 12:7-11

Study Scriptures: Exodus 35:21 - The Holy Spirit was also available before the life of Christ. God imparted the Holy Spirit upon people to do certain things, and he also removed the Holy Spirit as well. The Holy Spirit was used to stir the people's heart up and to help them understand the things of God and to DO his will. Philippians 2:13 - He both wills in us to do of his good pleasure! Isaiah 63:11 - says that the Holy Spirit was placed WITHIN people during those days to do the will of God. John 1:33 describes Jesus is the one who will give the Holy Ghost. The spirit of God draws people, but once drawn in, the Holy Spirit resides WITHIN. Matthew 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. Luke 4:1 - Jesus being filled with the Holy Ghost and by the way, Jesus was filled when he was baptized in water (Matthew 3:16). Once we received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, it's a package deal; we also get the Holy Spirit. You are sealed with a promise of eternal life and equipped at that point to live a victorious life on this planet. Not that everything is perfect, but that you have a confidence of the Holy Spirit residing in you to help you and guide you in life. If you are not experiencing this, then you may not have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Make it right today. (Ephesians 4:30)

Evidence that the Holy Spirit is within you: (1 Corinthians 2:13) Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. Do you seek truth? Do you want to do right? Do you see the wrong inside of you? Then this is evidence that you have the Holy Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal these things to you.

(Galatians 5:22-26) If you desire these things and continue in walking in forgiveness, that you are a work in progress, these attributes are what we aspire for then you have the Holy Spirit. "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law. They that are Christ's (those who made Him Lord) have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts, if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit, let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another."

(Exodus 31:3-6) Teaches us that God puts in us to do His will and good pleasure! "And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting of stones to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship. he also put wisdom in their hearts to do all that God commanded them to do." These are the some of the manifestations of the spirit: " Not by my own power, not by my own strength, but by His spirit, says the Lord! Zechariah 4:6-7 " When Jesus went to Heaven, He left us the Comforter " Holy Spirit dwells within us " Jesus gives us Peace through the Holy Spirit. (John 14:27) " He is our intercessor " He is our strengthener, standby " He helps us remember " He is the Truth bearer - (John 16:13) " He convicts of sin " He knows all things and gives us anointing (unction) to do...I (John 2:20). " He gives us Power

" He knows all things. Therefore, if he dwells in me, I too have the ability to know all things.

" He reveals secrets of God to you, he speaks to us Hebrews 3:7 and 12.

" Spirit gives life (John 5:63) (ThIS same spirit rose Jesus from the dead)

" He helps me to love myself " He intercedes to God for us. The reason God knows what we need before we ask is because the Holy Spirit is in constant communion with God, letting him know what is in our heart.

" The Holy Spirit helps us BE DOERS of the word. (James Ch. 1) Scripture References. Please look them up and read for yourself.

John 16 (all of it describes the attributes of the Holy Spirit) John 15:26-27 John 14:26-27

These are the Attributes of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit is our Comforter. He is our Peace, helper He is our intercessor He is our advocate He is our strengthener, standby He is our remembrancer He is the Truth bearer He convicts of sin He guides us, declaring the message from God, anointing (unction) I John 2:20. He give us Power. He reveals secrets of God to you. Holy Spirit speaks to us Hebrews 3:7 and 12.

As you have realized, there is a lot more to the Holy Spirit than you may have thought. ............................................................................. ".. and love thy neighbor as thyself" RELATIONSHIP WITH SELF It's a known fact that we need to have a good healthy relationship with ourselves. This is one of the most important things we are to do in order to have good relationships with others. However, it's the one area that we fall short in and that's why we have so many problems in relationships. I'm not talking of self-conceit or self-righteousness. I'm talking about accepting oneself, loving self, and forgiving self every single day. The same compassion you may have toward a lost puppy on the road, or a child crying, or even one of your own children who lost their way, is the same compassion you need for yourself. I recall a lady saying that she really has lots of great friends, and treats them well but she really doesn't like herself all that much. I had to tell her the truth, because how we treat and feel about ourselves is really how we treat others. We can be self-deceived thinking we are doing good, but truthfully if we don't love ourselves and accept ourselves, how can we really love our neighbor properly? (Matthew 22:38-40) Before we can have a good healthy relationship with others we need to have a good and healthy relationship with ourselves. In order to get to this point, first we need the relationship with our Father in Heaven established. Matthew 22:38-40 says that we are to love God with all our heart soul and mind, and then love others as we love ourselves. So the first and foremost thing to do as a believer is to love God. (If you have not received revelation on God's love, go back and re-review the sessions on God's love, accusations, fear, guilt and condemnation and forgiveness.) Then once you have addressed these areas (because every teaching is a life-long process) you are now ready to face yourself and think! We can see what's wrong in other people, we may even have a 7-step plan for their breakthrough, but we just don't see inside ourselves as clearly. (We think we do, but we really don't.) If you really want to know what is inside you, really want to know, ask one of your family members or closest friend. Believe me, they know. We can see clearly in other people's lives, but we just can't see clearly in our own. If someone says to you, "Gee, weren't you a bit hard on that person? " And you reply, "I don't think I was hard, as a matter of fact, that was the nicest I've ever been. " Then you need to go back and ask God if you were hard on that person. Don't let yourselves be deceived any longer - start listening to what others say to you and take it to God. If it's something God agrees with, He will let you know, because not everything people say is correct either. The Bible says to agree with your

adversary quickly (Matthew 5). This means to listen to what others say. One day I was talking to a friend at work. She said to me that she felt a dis-ease from me. She had thought I was mad at her or something. I sat her down and said, "let's investigate. " See I know from experience that others see me better than I see myself. So after we talked for a bit, it was revealed that I was hurting and she sensed it. She prayed for me, I went to my father, and now I'm restored again. See I had not realized how I was being, but then through someone else's eyes, saw it. I was set free! I could have brushed this off and said, "Oh, there's nothing wrong, I'm not mad at you, that's silly. " But then we would have both still "felt " the dis-ease. This way, we were both set free. See, God will use others to help us see stuff in ourselves as well. Once we recognize (which is the first step to freedom) what is in us, then we can cooperate with God as He begins purging those things from our lives. In order to see what is in us, we need to stop and turn around and face ourselves. So take a minute and look inside your heart. What is in there? Write those things down. Write down ALL your sins on a piece of paper. It may be that as you begin writing, you had no idea you had so many! I had over 50 when I started my list, but it grew as the Lord revealed more. There was a lady I shared this with and after making her list came running toward me saying, "I have 145 sins on my list " and then paused a moment to write something else down, "no I have 146 sins on my list. " Once we stop and reflect on what is in us without guilt, condemnation or fear that is the first step to our healing. We cannot be afraid of what we see. If we are, then it has a hold on us, and will continue to control us. Things that are held in secret are controlling us, but once it's out in the light, it looses its power. The enemy wants to stay hidden. He stays hidden by making you "feel " bad when you see what is inside you. Push past that feeling, because until you truly face it and allow God to uproot it, you will never be completely free. We need to get cleaned out before we can truly live clean lives. We are to clean out what is inside the cup so the outside will be clean. Another scripture we hear so often is, "Remove the beam that is in thine own eye before removing the mote in your brothers. " (Matthew 7:4-5). We need to get our lives right with God, and we do that by confessing ALL our junk and allowing Him the freedom to clean every bit of it out. It doesn't mean we are perfect. It means that we are willing to "see " everything inside us and cooperate with Him to clean us up! We will make mistakes, we will sin, but to have a right heart toward God is to simply come to Him confessing. So now take your "rap " sheet to the Lord and receive forgiveness through prayer. I John 1: 9 says that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Once the sin is recognized and confessed, God purges. Now the work of God in your life has begun in the areas you confessed. Until we see what is in us, God cannot deal with these individual things. He doesn't force anything on us, but has to wait until we are ready to see.

This is how God works: Let's say we received forgiveness of our anger. But within minutes you find yourself angry again. Instead of getting mad at yourself, or wonder why you are still angry when you just confessed it, stop right there and receive forgiveness of that anger and ask God to show you where the anger is coming from. We need to continue receiving forgiveness and allow God freedom to work the anger out of us. The anger can be there in layers. Once you confess your sin of anger, now you'll need to confess the sin of anger in every area of your life. It may be that you have anger when you drive your car, when you talk with a friend, when you have to make a decision, when you see something horrible happen, etc. These are "layers " of anger that has to be removed. The same way the anger came, is the same way it has to be removed, one at a time. Many times the anger (or thing we are dealing with) will get worse and worse before it is completely out. I find that when God starts working in an area, the sin intensifies! It's not time to fear, doubt, or run, it's time to buckle your seatbelt, hold on with both hands and go for the ride. I no longer fall into fear, guilt and condemnation, or despair, when I feel like things are getting worse, I start rejoicing now because these are tale tell signs God is doing a work! I am "co-operating " with God by not fighting the process of purging. The lady that told me she had 146 sins had a problem with a co-worker who was a teacher. She just couldn't get along with her and didn't know why. It's not that this person did anything to her, she just didn't like her. While ministering, we began talking about her husband. It appears that when we dealt with the issues of her husband (who was a teacher also) and forgave him from her heart as I described in the forgiveness session, her feelings toward her co-worker changed. She no longer had a grudge against her, and all within minutes of forgiving her husband! It was because one built upon the other, and whatever was in that woman reminded her of her husband, so it compounded the problem. But once the "root " issue was dealt with, everything else being affected by that root was restored simultaneously. We may think that someone in particular is a problem to us, but the truth may be they may just be the "escape goat " or the representation of the real problem at hand. Remember, it's not flesh and blood we wrestle against, it's spiritual, all of it! That's why it's so important to ask God to show us clearly what is in us because some things may be hiding the real things that need to be dealt with. Believe me, this is a process, but the best road you can be on. As you begin getting purged from within, your life improves in your relationship with your Heavenly Father, relationship with yourself and relationship with others. I found myself in the store one day just talking away with myself. And yes, I answered. I heard the Holy Spirit say, "It's nice to see you enjoy yourself, you are becoming your own best friend now. " What is it that keeps good things from happening to us? (Jeremiah 5:25) Our own sins and iniquities, the very things we are talking about here.

Take a look at the following scriptures to discover more truth about you and your relationship with God, yourself and others. We need to take time to see what the Bible says: Proverbs 8:22; II Corinthians 3:18; Romans 14:23; John 5:30; Leviticus 19:18; John 7:18; John 17:5; Leviticus 19:34-37; Hebrews 12:2; I Corinthians 4:3; Deuteronomy 6:5-9; Jeremiah 33:8; Titus 1:7; Numbers 13:33; Jeremiah 8:15; II Peter 2:10; Romans 13:16-18; Jeremiah 8:6; II Corinthians 13:5; Romans 13:2; Jeremiah 9:23-24; II Timothy 3:2; Proverbs 28:9 and 13; Jeremiah 10:24; James 1:22; Proverbs 28:25; II Timothy 3:1-12; Leviticus 4:1; Romans 12:10; II Timothy 4:2; Mark 7:9; Proverbs 28:16-18; Jeremiah 10:13; Romans 12:3; Matthew 5:22-25; Jeremiah 14:19-20; Matthew 5:25; II Chronicles 7:14; Romans 5:20; Leviticus 20:7; Luke 11:1; Habakuk 3:16; Job 39:28; Psalm 62:1; II Corinthians 10:5; Ezekial 37; Romans 7:19 Closing Prayer for you to pray: "Father, I have to admit that I may have been deceived in areas of my life. I didn't see myself clearly and I pray that you help me see within my own heart so that I can become free of those things that don't belong there. Even David prayed for you to reveal any evil in him, because he too knew he could be self-deceived. Thank you for forgiving me of the sins I recognized, and if there are any others, please let me know. I want to be clean before you Father. I desire to be used of you to help others and I know if I am full of "junk " then I'll only give junk. I can only give to others what I have, but if you purify me, and fill me with your love every single minute of every single day, then I'll have what I need to love you properly, love myself and love others. Guide me and direct me in this Lord, remind me that when I do sin, simply receive forgiveness and not hold onto it, no matter how large or small. Help me to walk peaceably with all men Lord, and make even my enemies to be at peace with me. Help me to trust you more and more and to know you in the depths of what you desire for me. I want to know you more and more Lord, to understand your ways so that I can choose wisely for my own life and direction. Let me be free from all fear of making wrong choices, and that whatever choice I make, you will be there to work things out for good. I love you Father, help me to love you more. In Jesus name, Amen. " .......................................................................................................................................................... RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS Once we have begun this journey of relationship, it naturally flows out to others. It no longer is a burden to love, its a pleasure, because you now have what it takes to love others. "Love covers a multitude of sins". Did you know that if someone hurts your feelings, or does something to hurt you, that you are supposed to love them anyway? How can we? By the Love God has imparted to us when we receive His love.

Lets identify where we are with relationship with others: Write down your answers to these questions: 1. Are you easily offended? 2. Do you get hurt feelings easily? If you do, then you get offended easily. Offense brings all kinds of sins into a persons life. Such as jealousy, envy, strife, hatred, judgement, and murder. Offense builds up lots of hurts. If you are hard and callous, it is probably because of broken relationships with people. If you dont like being around people, youre a loner, its probably because somewhere in your life, youve been let down, and so there are also wounds there. 3. Do you think people are always talking about you? 4. Are you suspicious of peoples intentions? 5. Do people have to walk on egg shells around you and be careful what they say? Its time to be honest with yourself. 6. Do people irritate you? 7. Would you rather live on a mountain top all alone? 8. Is there anyone you hate? 9. Is there anyone you will never be able to forgive?

We are commanded to love our neighbor: John 15:17. We are admonished to love our neighbor as ourselves. Romans 13:9 Romans 15:2-3, Gal 5:14.) Who is our neighbor? Read Luke 10:29-37

For total healing in mind, body and spirit, we are to obey the Word of Truth. Obedience comes when we understand and have received love. Something the Lord showed me: "Desire leads to seeking which leads to knowing which leads to believing which leads to receiving which leads to trusting which leads to love which leads to obedience which leads to peace. And if you are like I was, my whole desire was to have PEACE!" Our obedience comes easily when we know the one we are to obey loves us. Sure, we can just obey, but both you and I know it is very hard to do at times. We even say, "why can't I just obey?" It's because you don't know the One intimately with whom you are wanting to obey. We will trust someone we know intimately. I submit to my husband without question because I "know" he loves me and I don't have any fear in our love. Some women have a hard time in this area because they don't think their husband really loves them. And with God, we easily submit to him because weknow He loves us, it is that easy. Jesus tells us to handle people like this in Matthew Chapter 5: If someone hits you on one cheek, turn the other also. If someone wants your shirt, give him your coat also. If someone wants you to walk a mile, walk with him 2 miles. If someone wants to borrow something, let him have it. These

are instructions on how NOT to get offended! You overcome evil with GOOD! But again, we have to have that "good" planted in us to be able to do it, right? Heres a situation many of us may have experienced: Have you had a problem with an individual and you shared it with a friend, their suggestion was to "just forget it, its not worth it?" Well taking that advice you try forgetting it. Its hard to do, sometimes it takes a very long time to forget. But the truth of the matter is you really havent forgotten it at all. What you have done was pushed it down inside to the point it's simply avoided. But its inside you still! Its in there to torment you when it wants to come up in the future. It's also used as a "filter" toward other people. You may treat someone badly and not even know why. It's because of the "junk" you still have in your heart toward a past relationship comes up when someone is a reminder of that past situation. You don't even have to recall the past thing, the devil does it for you. God wants this "junk" out of you so you wont be tormented in the future! So you won't allow it to distort your perception toward others. When the junk is removed, the bitterness is gone, the offence is gone. Later in this teaching, we go into forgiveness. How to forgive someone who hurt you so badly it's almost impossible to think of forgiving them. Or lets say you have forgiven someone, but you have conditions to that forgiveness. Or, you don't even know you have unforgiveness. What you don't know "can" hurt you. Scriptures to reflect on:

John 15:10-11 - "This is my commandment that ye love one another that your joy may be filled" (To love is a condition for joy) Proverbs 18:19 - "A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city" (When we offend, it may take a lot to get it restored) Proverbs 18:24 "A man who has friends must show himself friendly" (If you don't have friends, it doesn't start with them!) Jeremiah 22:3 and 13 - Life is not mere substance, but doing justice and justice involves people. (There is no room for selfishness in relationship with others.) More Scriptures

Next Session (#3: Spiritual Roots Preventing Healing) .............................................................................

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