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Philosophy of Art Education

Art Education is how we visualize, interpret, and understand the world in which we live. We use our visual senses everyday as we explore the world around us. We look at the images that comprise the land. We look at others, the landscape, and culture references. How we interpret these images, is how we understand the world. We take examples from our own background or from other cultures in order to create. The arts focus on the creative exploration of our selves and others. We create through expression. We create from our experiences. If an individual has never seen the ocean and was asked to paint it he or she might paint it differently then a person who has experienced the feeling of the ocean right in front of them. This is part of the aesthetic experience as a learning process. Aesthetics helps us recognize our personal experiences and incorporate this process in our knowledge of understanding. The arts create positive interaction with our selves, with others, and the environment. The arts are visual, and bring people together from multiple backgrounds. Even if a person was put into a situation where they could not linguistically interact, visual interaction may be possible with the creation of images. Images help people to understand how others live in different environments. The way that I live may be very different then the way another person lives from another culture. We can understand each other and the environments of others by visual interpretations.

The arts influence positive attitudes through creative thought and process. We discover meaning through creating art, which also stimulates the imagination process. This helps us to understand who we are and what we visualize ourselves and our environments to be. As we work with different materials and different mediums are perspectives change and we combine all the skills we know into a visual piece of work. The work we create may be influenced by what we know, whom we know, what we feel, and what we visualize.

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