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By Bene dict Paramanand

he resurgent India has given Indian landscape changes.” He believes that “if you
professionals optimism and a tad of are good at your job, your position in the
arrogance as well. Nothing wrong hierarchy does not matter in the long run.”
with that! While the new-found wealth is
Bagchi is worried that today’s
always welcome, the challenge before the
professionals are confused about the word
professionals – young and not-so-young –
‘success.’ To them Bagchi recounts his
is to find a sense of direction, purpose and
father’s principles from whom he learnt that
some guiding principles to lead them as
“Success is your ability to rise above your
they head into the chaotic, unforgiving and
discomfort, whatever be your current
demanding world.
state of wealth… Success is not about
Subroto Bagchi, who now calls himself building material comforts…”
a ‘Gardener’ at IT services company,
MindTree, is shaping himself as a master Sense of history
Subroto Bagchi’s coach and mentor. In his second book Go
To CEOs who are nervous about getting
Kiss the World: Life Lessons for the Young
success mantra for the right person for the right job, Bagchi
Professionall (Penguin Portfolio June 08)
narrates the instance of why Azim Premji
through personal anecdotes, he brings
picked him for a challenging job (to lead
Indian professionals - lessons on working and living, energizing
the quality initiative at Wipro) for which he
ordinary people to lead extraordinary
was not technically qualified. Premji told
“a sense of contentment, lives. Bagchi urges Indian professionals
him that he wanted someone ‘with a sense
to recognize and develop their inner
of history’.
strengths, thereby helping them realize
constant wonder, their own, unique potential. “Many of us excel as first-rate line
managers. Then comes an assignment that
connectedness to a For those who constantly worry about
calls not just for functional expertise, it
building careers and successful businesses,
requires the capability to make an impact
larger whole and Bagchi has this to say: “Our lives are like
without necessarily having the authority.
rivers – the source seldom reveals the
Such assignments require bringing about
confluence. Does a river fret over the long
learning from journey and about its end just as it is about
change in people’s ways of doing things; to
achieve this you need someone who has a
to spurt? It simply does not do that, caring
unusual sources.” instead to flow, to begin its journey, and on
sense of history.”
its way builds a beneficial relationship with From Premji Bagchi also learnt that
anyone who comes in contact with her.” “a leader’s job is to focus on what is
delivered, not on what a person’s quirks
To those who insist on clear definition
are. Competence to do a job has far greater
of their role in a job and a corner office,
weightage than personal reverence.”
preferably next to the CEO, instead Bagchi
tells them to ask: “Give me the challenge Bagchi urges small town Indians
of a tough, dirty, and strategic role that no who have made it big to retain their values
one is willing to take… when your outlook of ‘innocence and intimacy’ because only
changes from ‘what is good for me’ to these qualities will come to their rescue
‘Where is the organization hurting and how when confronted with a demanding and
can I make a difference,’ your professional often chaotic world.

17 July 2008

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