Analysis of Previous Students A2 Video

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Analysis of previous students A2 video

By Max Dowling

The music video begins with a low angle close up of playing cards scattered around on the floor and a girl walking with long white socks on. This shot carefully considers props and costume in order to convey the context of the song and the narrative its attempting to convey. By using these codes and conventions of media, the video instantly makes the audience think of the well-known story Alice in Wonderland.

The location is instantly introduced to be within the woods. The dark trees and soft leaves compliment the strange dream-like effects that have been added to this video. The long shot used here, allows the audience to spot another aspect that is an intertextual reference to Alice in Wonderland, the roses. They also help to signify the songs true meaning about the love the singer has for a man that wont show it back. The actress is wearing a white dress and has blonde hair and long eyelashes. This is perfect as the aim for the video is to make her appear innocent and childlike, the mise-en-scene compliments this aim.

Another element this student has cleverly used is the props of the white table and the tea set. This directly links the video to Alice in Wonderland, as it is a key scene within the tale that everyone can recognise. There are close-ups of her drinking tea, making the atmosphere of the video relaxed. This decision to link the video to this story tale brings the audience back to childhood, making them think of innocence and curiosity.

The student has made the decision to use miming of her main actress within this music video, in order to give it an element of performance as well as narrative. This is very enjoyable to watch as there are long shots and close ups that break up the intertextual reference to Alice in Wonderland. The use of the grey flickering light upon the background gives the impression of surrealism; moving through the forest and making the scene more intriguing. This is because the audience are now watching the actress in two different contexts. Referencing to both the story of the song but also referencing the well know Alice in Wonderland story which everybody can relate to.

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