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History of MMSA

MMSA (Muhammadiyah Medical Students Activities) was founded on December, 26th 2002 in Yogyakarta. Because of difficulty in bureaucracy and having burning desires to optimize the potential in doing activity as medical student, some students community make an idea to create a new organization to provide their activity, and finally they made one organization that called Muhammadiyah Medical Students Activities (MMSA). Muhammadiyah Medical Students Activities (MMSA) of Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta is an organization that provide many student activities, especially, in education, International student exchange for profession and research, and public health. MMSA also getting involved as a member of Center for Indonesian Medical Students Activities (CIMSA) in National area, and has international network through International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA). In the early year, MMSA only has four committee to provide Student of Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta to express their creativity and to open their mind widely about medical world in many areas, and the committee consist of Medical Education Committee (MECO), Research Exchange Committee (RECO), Student Exchange Committee (SECO), and Public Health Committee (PHCO). On General Meeting in 2006, MMSA has officially declared a new committee that have role in human right, the committee called Human Right and Peace Committee (RPCO). And the newest one, in General Meeting 2007, MMSA officially declared a new committee, Reproduction Health including AIDS committee (RACO). So, with a complete committee of MMSA, MMSA hope that this organization can provide all the medical student activities of Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. Be active with MMSA CIMSA UMY !

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