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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila FIRST DIVISION G.R. No.

80294-95 September 21, 1988 CATHOLIC VICAR APOSTOLIC OF THE MOUNTAIN PROVINCE, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, HEIRS OF EGMIDIO OCTAVIANO AND JUAN VALDEZ, respondents. Valdez, Ereso, Polido & Associates for petitioner. Claustro, Claustro, Claustro Law Office collaborating counsel for petitioner. Jaime G. de Leon for the Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano. Cotabato Law Office for the Heirs of Juan Valdez.

GANCAYCO, J.: The principal issue in this case is whether or not a decision of the Court of Appeals promulgated a long time ago can properly be considered res judicata by respondent Court of Appeals in the present two cases between petitioner and two private respondents. Petitioner questions as allegedly erroneous the Decision dated August 31, 1987 of the Ninth Division of Respondent Court of Appeals 1 in CA-G.R. No. 05148 [Civil Case No. 3607 (419)] and CA-G.R. No. 05149 [Civil Case No. 3655 (429)], both for Recovery of Possession, which affirmed the Decision of the Honorable Nicodemo T. Ferrer, Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Baguio and Benguet in Civil Case No. 3607 (419) and Civil Case No. 3655 (429), with the dispositive portion as follows:
WHEREFORE, Judgment is hereby rendered ordering the defendant, Catholic Vicar Apostolic of the Mountain Province to return and surrender Lot 2 of Plan Psu-194357 to the plaintiffs. Heirs of Juan Valdez, and Lot 3 of the same Plan to the other set of plaintiffs, the Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano (Leonardo Valdez, et al.). For lack or insufficiency of evidence, the plaintiffs' claim or damages is hereby denied. Said defendant is ordered to pay costs. (p. 36, Rollo)

Respondent Court of Appeals, in affirming the trial court's decision, sustained the trial court's conclusions that the Decision of the Court of Appeals, dated May 4,1977 in CAG.R. No. 38830-R, in the two cases affirmed by the Supreme Court, touched on the

ownership of lots 2 and 3 in question; that the two lots were possessed by the predecessors-in-interest of private respondents under claim of ownership in good faith from 1906 to 1951; that petitioner had been in possession of the same lots as bailee in commodatum up to 1951, when petitioner repudiated the trust and when it applied for registration in 1962; that petitioner had just been in possession as owner for eleven years, hence there is no possibility of acquisitive prescription which requires 10 years possession with just title and 30 years of possession without; that the principle of res judicata on these findings by the Court of Appeals will bar a reopening of these questions of facts; and that those facts may no longer be altered. Petitioner's motion for reconsideation of the respondent appellate court's Decision in the two aforementioned cases (CA G.R. No. CV-05418 and 05419) was denied. The facts and background of these cases as narrated by the trail court are as follows
... The documents and records presented reveal that the whole controversy started when the defendant Catholic Vicar Apostolic of the Mountain Province (VICAR for brevity) filed with the Court of First Instance of Baguio Benguet on September 5, 1962 an application for registration of title over Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Psu-194357, situated at Poblacion Central, La Trinidad, Benguet, docketed as LRC N-91, said Lots being the sites of the Catholic Church building, convents, high school building, school gymnasium, school dormitories, social hall, stonewalls, etc. On March 22, 1963 the Heirs of Juan Valdez and the Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano filed their Answer/Opposition on Lots Nos. 2 and 3, respectively, asserting ownership and title thereto. After trial on the merits, the land registration court promulgated its Decision, dated November 17, 1965, confirming the registrable title of VICAR to Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4. The Heirs of Juan Valdez (plaintiffs in the herein Civil Case No. 3655) and the Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano (plaintiffs in the herein Civil Case No. 3607) appealed the decision of the land registration court to the then Court of Appeals, docketed as CA-G.R. No. 38830-R. The Court of Appeals rendered its decision, dated May 9, 1977, reversing the decision of the land registration court and dismissing the VICAR's application as to Lots 2 and 3, the lots claimed by the two sets of oppositors in the land registration case (and two sets of plaintiffs in the two cases now at bar), the first lot being presently occupied by the convent and the second by the women's dormitory and the sister's convent. On May 9, 1977, the Heirs of Octaviano filed a motion for reconsideration praying the Court of Appeals to order the registration of Lot 3 in the names of the Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano, and on May 17, 1977, the Heirs of Juan Valdez and Pacita Valdez filed their motion for reconsideration praying that both Lots 2 and 3 be ordered registered in the names of the Heirs of Juan Valdez and Pacita Valdez. On August 12,1977, the Court of Appeals denied the motion for reconsideration filed by the Heirs of Juan Valdez on the ground that there was "no sufficient merit to justify reconsideration one way or the other ...," and likewise denied that of the Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano.

Thereupon, the VICAR filed with the Supreme Court a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals dismissing his (its) application for registration of Lots 2 and 3, docketed as G.R. No. L46832, entitled 'Catholic Vicar Apostolic of the Mountain Province vs. Court of Appeals and Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano.' From the denial by the Court of Appeals of their motion for reconsideration the Heirs of Juan Valdez and Pacita Valdez, on September 8, 1977, filed with the Supreme Court a petition for review, docketed as G.R. No. L-46872, entitled, Heirs of Juan Valdez and Pacita Valdez vs. Court of Appeals, Vicar, Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano and Annable O. Valdez. On January 13, 1978, the Supreme Court denied in a minute resolution both petitions (of VICAR on the one hand and the Heirs of Juan Valdez and Pacita Valdez on the other) for lack of merit. Upon the finality of both Supreme Court resolutions in G.R. No. L-46832 and G.R. No. L- 46872, the Heirs of Octaviano filed with the then Court of First Instance of Baguio, Branch II, a Motion For Execution of Judgment praying that the Heirs of Octaviano be placed in possession of Lot 3. The Court, presided over by Hon. Salvador J. Valdez, on December 7, 1978, denied the motion on the ground that the Court of Appeals decision in CA-G.R. No. 38870 did not grant the Heirs of Octaviano any affirmative relief. On February 7, 1979, the Heirs of Octaviano filed with the Court of Appeals a petitioner for certiorari and mandamus, docketed as CA-G.R. No. 08890-R, entitled Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano vs. Hon. Salvador J. Valdez, Jr. and Vicar. In its decision dated May 16, 1979, the Court of Appeals dismissed the petition. It was at that stage that the instant cases were filed. The Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano filed Civil Case No. 3607 (419) on July 24, 1979, for recovery of possession of Lot 3; and the Heirs of Juan Valdez filed Civil Case No. 3655 (429) on September 24, 1979, likewise for recovery of possession of Lot 2 (Decision, pp. 199-201, Orig. Rec.). In Civil Case No. 3607 (419) trial was held. The plaintiffs Heirs of Egmidio Octaviano presented one (1) witness, Fructuoso Valdez, who testified on the alleged ownership of the land in question (Lot 3) by their predecessor-in-interest, Egmidio Octaviano (Exh. C ); his written demand (Exh. BB-4 ) to defendant Vicar for the return of the land to them; and the reasonable rentals for the use of the land at P10,000.00 per month. On the other hand, defendant Vicar presented the Register of Deeds for the Province of Benguet, Atty. Nicanor Sison, who testified that the land in question is not covered by any title in the name of Egmidio Octaviano or any of the plaintiffs (Exh. 8). The defendant dispensed with the testimony of Mons.William Brasseur when the plaintiffs admitted that the witness if called to the witness stand, would testify that defendant Vicar has been in possession of Lot 3, for seventy-five (75) years continuously and peacefully and has constructed permanent structures thereon. In Civil Case No. 3655, the parties admitting that the material facts are not in dispute, submitted the case on the sole issue of whether or not the decisions of the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court touching on the ownership of Lot 2, which in effect declared the plaintiffs the owners of the land constitute res judicata.

In these two cases , the plaintiffs arque that the defendant Vicar is barred from setting up the defense of ownership and/or long and continuous possession of the two lots in question since this is barred by prior judgment of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 038830-R under the principle of res judicata. Plaintiffs contend that the question of possession and ownership have already been determined by the Court of Appeals (Exh. C, Decision, CA-G.R. No. 038830-R) and affirmed by the Supreme Court (Exh. 1, Minute Resolution of the Supreme Court). On his part, defendant Vicar maintains that the principle of res judicata would not prevent them from litigating the issues of long possession and ownership because the dispositive portion of the prior judgment in CAG.R. No. 038830-R merely dismissed their application for registration and titling of lots 2 and 3. Defendant Vicar contends that only the dispositive portion of the decision, and not 2 its body, is the controlling pronouncement of the Court of Appeals.


9. ERROR IN FINDING THAT PETITIONER HAD BEEN IN POSSESSION OF LOTS 2 AND 3 MERELY AS BAILEE BOR ROWER) IN COMMODATUM, A GRATUITOUS LOAN FOR USE; 10. ERROR IN FINDING THAT PETITIONER IS A POSSESSOR AND BUILDER IN GOOD FAITH WITHOUT RIGHTS OF RETENTION AND REIMBURSEMENT AND IS BARRED BY THE FINALITY AND CONCLUSIVENESS OF THE DECISION IN CA G.R. NO. 038830. 3 The petition is bereft of merit. Petitioner questions the ruling of respondent Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. Nos. 05148 and 05149, when it clearly held that it was in agreement with the findings of the trial court that the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated May 4,1977 in CA-G.R. No. 38830-R, on the question of ownership of Lots 2 and 3, declared that the said Court of Appeals Decision CA-G.R. No. 38830-R) did not positively declare private respondents as owners of the land, neither was it declared that they were not owners of the land, but it held that the predecessors of private respondents were possessors of Lots 2 and 3, with claim of ownership in good faith from 1906 to 1951. Petitioner was in possession as borrower in commodatum up to 1951, when it repudiated the trust by declaring the properties in its name for taxation purposes. When petitioner applied for registration of Lots 2 and 3 in 1962, it had been in possession in concept of owner only for eleven years. Ordinary acquisitive prescription requires possession for ten years, but always with just title. Extraordinary acquisitive prescription requires 30 years. 4 On the above findings of facts supported by evidence and evaluated by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 38830-R, affirmed by this Court, We see no error in respondent appellate court's ruling that said findings are res judicata between the parties. They can no longer be altered by presentation of evidence because those issues were resolved with finality a long time ago. To ignore the principle of res judicata would be to open the door to endless litigations by continuous determination of issues without end. An examination of the Court of Appeals Decision dated May 4, 1977, First Division 5 in CA-G.R. No. 38830-R, shows that it reversed the trial court's Decision 6 finding petitioner to be entitled to register the lands in question under its ownership, on its evaluation of evidence and conclusion of facts. The Court of Appeals found that petitioner did not meet the requirement of 30 years possession for acquisitive prescription over Lots 2 and 3. Neither did it satisfy the requirement of 10 years possession for ordinary acquisitive prescription because of the absence of just title. The appellate court did not believe the findings of the trial court that Lot 2 was acquired from Juan Valdez by purchase and Lot 3 was acquired also by purchase from Egmidio Octaviano by petitioner Vicar because there was absolutely no documentary evidence to support the same and the alleged purchases were never mentioned in the application for registration.

By the very admission of petitioner Vicar, Lots 2 and 3 were owned by Valdez and Octaviano. Both Valdez and Octaviano had Free Patent Application for those lots since 1906. The predecessors of private respondents, not petitioner Vicar, were in possession of the questioned lots since 1906. There is evidence that petitioner Vicar occupied Lots 1 and 4, which are not in question, but not Lots 2 and 3, because the buildings standing thereon were only constructed after liberation in 1945. Petitioner Vicar only declared Lots 2 and 3 for taxation purposes in 1951. The improvements oil Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 were paid for by the Bishop but said Bishop was appointed only in 1947, the church was constructed only in 1951 and the new convent only 2 years before the trial in 1963. When petitioner Vicar was notified of the oppositor's claims, the parish priest offered to buy the lot from Fructuoso Valdez. Lots 2 and 3 were surveyed by request of petitioner Vicar only in 1962. Private respondents were able to prove that their predecessors' house was borrowed by petitioner Vicar after the church and the convent were destroyed. They never asked for the return of the house, but when they allowed its free use, they became bailors in commodatum and the petitioner the bailee. The bailees' failure to return the subject matter of commodatum to the bailor did not mean adverse possession on the part of the borrower. The bailee held in trust the property subject matter of commodatum. The adverse claim of petitioner came only in 1951 when it declared the lots for taxation purposes. The action of petitioner Vicar by such adverse claim could not ripen into title by way of ordinary acquisitive prescription because of the absence of just title. The Court of Appeals found that the predecessors-in-interest and private respondents were possessors under claim of ownership in good faith from 1906; that petitioner Vicar was only a bailee in commodatum; and that the adverse claim and repudiation of trust came only in 1951. We find no reason to disregard or reverse the ruling of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 38830-R. Its findings of fact have become incontestible. This Court declined to review said decision, thereby in effect, affirming it. It has become final and executory a long time ago. Respondent appellate court did not commit any reversible error, much less grave abuse of discretion, when it held that the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 38830-R is governing, under the principle of res judicata, hence the rule, in the present cases CA-G.R. No. 05148 and CA-G.R. No. 05149. The facts as supported by evidence established in that decision may no longer be altered. WHEREFORE AND BY REASON OF THE FOREGOING, this petition is DENIED for lack of merit, the Decision dated Aug. 31, 1987 in CA-G.R. Nos. 05148 and 05149, by respondent Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED, with costs against petitioner.

SO ORDERED. Narvasa, Cruz, Grio-Aquino and Medialdea, JJ., concur. Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC DECISION

October 25, 1962 G.R. No. L-17474 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. JOSE V. BAGTAS, defendant. FELICIDAD M. BAGTAS, Administratrix of the Intestate Estate left by the late Jose V. Bagtas, petitioner-appellant. D. T. Reyes, Liaison and Associates for petitioner-appellant. Padilla, J.:

The Court of Appeals certified this case to this Court because only questions of law are raised. On 8 May 1948 Jose V. Bagtas borrowed from the Republic of the Philippines through the Bureau of Animal Industry three bulls: a Red Sindhi with a book value of P1,176.46, a Bhagnari, of P1,320.56 and a Sahiniwal, of P744.46, for a period of one year from 8 May 1948 to 7 May 1949 for breeding purposes subject to a government charge of breeding fee of 10% of the book value of the bulls. Upon the expiration on 7 May 1949 of the contract, the borrower asked for a renewal for another period of one year. However, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources approved a renewal thereof of only one bull for another year from 8 May 1949 to 7 May 1950 and requested the return of the other two. On 25 March 1950 Jose V. Bagtas wrote to the Director of Animal Industry that he would pay the value of the three bulls. On 17 October 1950 he reiterated his desire to buy them at a value with a deduction of yearly depreciation to be

approved by the Auditor General. On 19 October 1950 the Director of Animal Industry advised him that the book value of the three bulls could not be reduced and that they either be returned or their book value paid not later than 31 October 1950. Jose V. Bagtas failed to pay the book value of the three bulls or to return them. So, on 20 December 1950 in the Court of First Instance of Manila the Republic of the Philippines commenced an action against him praying that he be ordered to return the three bulls loaned to him or to pay their book value in the total sum of P3,241.45 and the unpaid breeding fee in the sum of P199.62, both with interests, and costs; and that other just and equitable relief be granted in (civil No. 12818). On 5 July 1951 Jose V. Bagtas, through counsel Navarro, Rosete and Manalo, answered that because of the bad peace and order situation in Cagayan Valley, particularly in the barrio of Baggao, and of the pending appeal he had taken to the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the President of the Philippines from the refusal by the Director of Animal Industry to deduct from the book value of the bulls corresponding yearly depreciation of 8% from the date of acquisition, to which depreciation the Auditor General did not object, he could not return the animals nor pay their value and prayed for the dismissal of the complaint. After hearing, on 30 July 1956 the trial court render judgment . . . sentencing the latter (defendant) to pay the sum of P3,625.09 the total value of the three bulls plus the breeding fees in the amount of P626.17 with interest on both sums of (at) the legal rate from the filing of this complaint and costs. On 9 October 1958 the plaintiff moved ex parte for a writ of execution which the court granted on 18 October and issued on 11 November 1958. On 2 December 1958 granted an ex-parte motion filed by the plaintiff on November 1958 for the appointment of a special sheriff to serve the writ outside Manila. Of this order appointing a special sheriff, on 6 December 1958, Felicidad M. Bagtas, the surviving spouse of the defendant Jose Bagtas who died on 23 October 1951 and as administratrix of his estate, was notified. On 7 January 1959 she file a motion alleging that on 26 June 1952 the two bull Sindhi and Bhagnari were returned to the Bureau Animal of Industry and that sometime in November 1958 the third bull, the Sahiniwal, died from gunshot wound inflicted during a Huk raid on Hacienda Felicidad Intal, and praying that the writ of execution be quashed and that a writ of preliminary injunction be issued. On 31 January 1959 the plaintiff objected to her motion. On 6 February 1959 she filed a reply thereto. On the same day, 6 February, the Court denied her motion. Hence, this appeal certified by the Court of Appeals to this Court as stated at the beginning of this opinion. It is true that on 26 June 1952 Jose M. Bagtas, Jr., son of the appellant by the late defendant, returned the Sindhi and Bhagnari bulls to Roman Remorin, Superintendent of the NVB Station, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, as evidenced by a memorandum

receipt signed by the latter (Exhibit 2). That is why in its objection of 31 January 1959 to the appellant's motion to quash the writ of execution the appellee prays "that another writ of execution in the sum of P859.53 be issued against the estate of defendant deceased Jose V. Bagtas." She cannot be held liable for the two bulls which already had been returned to and received by the appellee. The appellant contends that the Sahiniwal bull was accidentally killed during a raid by the Huk in November 1953 upon the surrounding barrios of Hacienda Felicidad Intal, Baggao, Cagayan, where the animal was kept, and that as such death was due to force majeure she is relieved from the duty of returning the bull or paying its value to the appellee. The contention is without merit. The loan by the appellee to the late defendant Jose V. Bagtas of the three bulls for breeding purposes for a period of one year from 8 May 1948 to 7 May 1949, later on renewed for another year as regards one bull, was subject to the payment by the borrower of breeding fee of 10% of the book value of the bulls. The appellant contends that the contract was commodatum and that, for that reason, as the appellee retained ownership or title to the bull it should suffer its loss due to force majeure. A contract of commodatum is essentially gratuitous.1 If the breeding fee be considered a compensation, then the contract would be a lease of the bull. Under article 1671 of the Civil Code the lessee would be subject to the responsibilities of a possessor in bad faith, because she had continued possession of the bull after the expiry of the contract. And even if the contract be commodatum, still the appellant is liable, because article 1942 of the Civil Code provides that a bailee in a contract of commodatum . . . is liable for loss of the things, even if it should be through a fortuitous event: (2) If he keeps it longer than the period stipulated . . . (3) If the thing loaned has been delivered with appraisal of its value, unless there is a stipulation exempting the bailee from responsibility in case of a fortuitous event; The original period of the loan was from 8 May 1948 to 7 May 1949. The loan of one bull was renewed for another period of one year to end on 8 May 1950. But the appellant kept and used the bull until November 1953 when during a Huk raid it was killed by stray bullets. Furthermore, when lent and delivered to the deceased husband of the appellant the bulls had each an appraised book value, to with: the Sindhi, at P1,176.46, the Bhagnari at P1,320.56 and the Sahiniwal at P744.46. It was not stipulated that in case of loss of the bull due to fortuitous event the late husband of the appellant would be exempt from liability. The appellant's contention that the demand or prayer by the appellee for the return of the bull or the payment of its value being a money claim should be presented or filed in the intestate proceedings of the defendant who died on 23 October 1951, is not altogether without merit.

However, the claim that his civil personality having ceased to exist the trial court lost jurisdiction over the case against him, is untenable, because section 17 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Court provides that After a party dies and the claim is not thereby extinguished, the court shall order, upon proper notice, the legal representative of the deceased to appear and to be substituted for the deceased, within a period of thirty (30) days, or within such time as may be granted. . . . and after the defendant's death on 23 October 1951 his counsel failed to comply with section 16 of Rule 3 which provides that Whenever a party to a pending case dies . . . it shall be the duty of his attorney to inform the court promptly of such death . . . and to give the name and residence of the executory administrator, guardian, or other legal representative of the deceased . . . . The notice by the probate court and its publication in the Voz de Manila that Felicidad M. Bagtas had been issue letters of administration of the estate of the late Jose Bagtas and that "all persons having claims for monopoly against the deceased Jose V. Bagtas, arising from contract express or implied, whether the same be due, not due, or contingent, for funeral expenses and expenses of the last sickness of the said decedent, and judgment for monopoly against him, to file said claims with the Clerk of this Court at the City Hall Bldg., Highway 54, Quezon City, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this order, serving a copy thereof upon the aforementioned Felicidad M. Bagtas, the appointed administratrix of the estate of the said deceased," is not a notice to the court and the appellee who were to be notified of the defendant's death in accordance with the above-quoted rule, and there was no reason for such failure to notify, because the attorney who appeared for the defendant was the same who represented the administratrix in the special proceedings instituted for the administration and settlement of his estate. The appellee or its attorney or representative could not be expected to know of the death of the defendant or of the administration proceedings of his estate instituted in another court that if the attorney for the deceased defendant did not notify the plaintiff or its attorney of such death as required by the rule. As the appellant already had returned the two bulls to the appellee, the estate of the late defendant is only liable for the sum of P859.63, the value of the bull which has not been returned to the appellee, because it was killed while in the custody of the administratrix of his estate. This is the amount prayed for by the appellee in its objection on 31 January 1959 to the motion filed on 7 January 1959 by the appellant for the quashing of the writ of execution. Special proceedings for the administration and settlement of the estate of the deceased Jose V. Bagtas having been instituted in the Court of First Instance of Rizal (Q-200), the money

judgment rendered in favor of the appellee cannot be enforced by means of a writ of execution but must be presented to the probate court for payment by the appellant, the administratrix appointed by the court. ACCORDINGLY, the writ of execution appealed from is set aside, without pronouncement as to costs. Bengzon, C.J., Bautista Angelo, Labrador, Concepcion, Reyes, J.B.L., Paredes, Dizon, Regala and Makalintal, JJ., concur. Barrera, J., concurs in the result. Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC

G.R. No. L-24968 April 27, 1972 SAURA IMPORT and EXPORT CO., INC., plaintiff-appellee, vs. DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, defendant-appellant. Mabanag, Eliger and Associates and Saura, Magno and Associates for plaintiffappellee. Jesus A. Avancea and Hilario G. Orsolino for defendant-appellant.

MAKALINTAL, J.:p In Civil Case No. 55908 of the Court of First Instance of Manila, judgment was rendered on June 28, 1965 sentencing defendant Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) to pay actual and consequential damages to plaintiff Saura Import and Export Co., Inc. in the amount of P383,343.68, plus interest at the legal rate from the date the complaint was filed and attorney's fees in the amount of P5,000.00. The present appeal is from that judgment. In July 1953 the plaintiff (hereinafter referred to as Saura, Inc.) applied to the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (RFC), before its conversion into DBP, for an industrial loan of P500,000.00, to be used as follows: P250,000.00 for the construction

of a factory building (for the manufacture of jute sacks); P240,900.00 to pay the balance of the purchase price of the jute mill machinery and equipment; and P9,100.00 as additional working capital. Parenthetically, it may be mentioned that the jute mill machinery had already been purchased by Saura on the strength of a letter of credit extended by the Prudential Bank and Trust Co., and arrived in Davao City in July 1953; and that to secure its release without first paying the draft, Saura, Inc. executed a trust receipt in favor of the said bank. On January 7, 1954 RFC passed Resolution No. 145 approving the loan application for P500,000.00, to be secured by a first mortgage on the factory building to be constructed, the land site thereof, and the machinery and equipment to be installed. Among the other terms spelled out in the resolution were the following:
1. That the proceeds of the loan shall be utilized exclusively for the following purposes: For construction of factory building P250,000.00 For payment of the balance of purchase price of machinery and equipment 240,900.00 For working capital 9,100.00 T O T A L P500,000.00

4. That Mr. & Mrs. Ramon E. Saura, Inocencia Arellano, Aniceto Caolboy and Gregoria Estabillo and China Engineers, Ltd. shall sign the promissory notes jointly with the borrower-corporation; 5. That release shall be made at the discretion of the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, subject to availability of funds, and as the construction of the factory buildings progresses, to be certified to by an appraiser of this Corporation;" Saura, Inc. was officially notified of the resolution on January 9, 1954. The day before, however, evidently having otherwise been informed of its approval, Saura, Inc. wrote a letter to RFC, requesting a modification of the terms laid down by it, namely: that in lieu of having China Engineers, Ltd. (which was willing to assume liability only to the extent of its stock subscription with Saura, Inc.) sign as co-maker on the corresponding promissory notes, Saura, Inc. would put up a bond for P123,500.00, an amount equivalent to such subscription; and that Maria S. Roca would be substituted for Inocencia Arellano as one of the other co-makers, having acquired the latter's shares in Saura, Inc. In view of such request RFC approved Resolution No. 736 on February 4, 1954, designating of the members of its Board of Governors, for certain reasons stated in the

resolution, "to reexamine all the aspects of this approved loan ... with special reference as to the advisability of financing this particular project based on present conditions obtaining in the operations of jute mills, and to submit his findings thereon at the next meeting of the Board." On March 24, 1954 Saura, Inc. wrote RFC that China Engineers, Ltd. had again agreed to act as co-signer for the loan, and asked that the necessary documents be prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in Resolution No. 145. In connection with the reexamination of the project to be financed with the loan applied for, as stated in Resolution No. 736, the parties named their respective committees of engineers and technical men to meet with each other and undertake the necessary studies, although in appointing its own committee Saura, Inc. made the observation that the same "should not be taken as an acquiescence on (its) part to novate, or accept new conditions to, the agreement already) entered into," referring to its acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned in Resolution No. 145. On April 13, 1954 the loan documents were executed: the promissory note, with F.R. Halling, representing China Engineers, Ltd., as one of the co-signers; and the corresponding deed of mortgage, which was duly registered on the following April 17. It appears, however, that despite the formal execution of the loan agreement the reexamination contemplated in Resolution No. 736 proceeded. In a meeting of the RFC Board of Governors on June 10, 1954, at which Ramon Saura, President of Saura, Inc., was present, it was decided to reduce the loan from P500,000.00 to P300,000.00. Resolution No. 3989 was approved as follows: RESOLUTION No. 3989. Reducing the Loan Granted Saura Import & Export Co., Inc. under Resolution No. 145, C.S., from P500,000.00 to P300,000.00. Pursuant to Bd. Res. No. 736, c.s., authorizing the re-examination of all the various aspects of the loan granted the Saura Import & Export Co. under Resolution No. 145, c.s., for the purpose of financing the manufacture of jute sacks in Davao, with special reference as to the advisability of financing this particular project based on present conditions obtaining in the operation of jute mills, and after having heard Ramon E. Saura and after extensive discussion on the subject the Board, upon recommendation of the Chairman, RESOLVED that the loan granted the Saura Import & Export Co. be REDUCED from P500,000 to P300,000 and that releases up to P100,000 may be authorized as may be necessary from time to time to place the factory in actual operation: PROVIDED that all terms and conditions of Resolution No. 145, c.s., not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect." On June 19, 1954 another hitch developed. F.R. Halling, who had signed the promissory note for China Engineers Ltd. jointly and severally with the other RFC that his company no longer to of the loan and therefore considered the same as cancelled as far as it was concerned. A follow-up letter dated July 2 requested RFC that the registration of the mortgage be withdrawn.

In the meantime Saura, Inc. had written RFC requesting that the loan of P500,000.00 be granted. The request was denied by RFC, which added in its letter-reply that it was "constrained to consider as cancelled the loan of P300,000.00 ... in view of a notification ... from the China Engineers Ltd., expressing their desire to consider the loan insofar as they are concerned." On July 24, 1954 Saura, Inc. took exception to the cancellation of the loan and informed RFC that China Engineers, Ltd. "will at any time reinstate their signature as co-signer of the note if RFC releases to us the P500,000.00 originally approved by you.". On December 17, 1954 RFC passed Resolution No. 9083, restoring the loan to the original amount of P500,000.00, "it appearing that China Engineers, Ltd. is now willing to sign the promissory notes jointly with the borrower-corporation," but with the following proviso:
That in view of observations made of the shortage and high cost of imported raw materials, the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall certify to the following: 1. That the raw materials needed by the borrower-corporation to carry out its operation are available in the immediate vicinity; and 2. That there is prospect of increased production thereof to provide adequately for the requirements of the factory."

The action thus taken was communicated to Saura, Inc. in a letter of RFC dated December 22, 1954, wherein it was explained that the certification by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources was required "as the intention of the original approval (of the loan) is to develop the manufacture of sacks on the basis of locally available raw materials." This point is important, and sheds light on the subsequent actuations of the parties. Saura, Inc. does not deny that the factory he was building in Davao was for the manufacture of bags from local raw materials. The cover page of its brochure (Exh. M) describes the project as a "Joint venture by and between the Mindanao Industry Corporation and the Saura Import and Export Co., Inc. to finance, manage and operate a Kenaf mill plant, to manufacture copra and corn bags, runners, floor mattings, carpets, draperies; out of 100% local raw materials, principal kenaf." The explanatory note on page 1 of the same brochure states that, the venture "is the first serious attempt in this country to use 100% locally grown raw materials notably kenaf which is presently grown commercially in theIsland of Mindanao where the proposed jutemill is located ..." This fact, according to defendant DBP, is what moved RFC to approve the loan application in the first place, and to require, in its Resolution No. 9083, a certification from the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources as to the availability of local raw materials to provide adequately for the requirements of the factory. Saura, Inc. itself confirmed the defendant's stand impliedly in its letter of January 21, 1955: (1) stating that according to a special study made by the Bureau of Forestry "kenaf will not be available in sufficient quantity this year or probably even next year;" (2) requesting

"assurances (from RFC) that my company and associates will be able to bring in sufficient jute materials as may be necessary for the full operation of the jute mill;" and (3) asking that releases of the loan be made as follows:
a) For the payment of the receipt for jute mill machineries with the Prudential Bank & Trust Company P250,000.00 (For immediate release) b) For the purchase of materials and equipment per attached list to enable the jute mill to operate 182,413.91 c) For raw materials and labor 67,586.09 1) P25,000.00 to be released on the opening of the letter of credit for raw jute for $25,000.00. 2) P25,000.00 to be released upon arrival of raw jute. 3) P17,586.09 to be released as soon as the mill is ready to operate.

On January 25, 1955 RFC sent to Saura, Inc. the following reply:
Dear Sirs: This is with reference to your letter of January 21, 1955, regarding the release of your loan under consideration of P500,000. As stated in our letter of December 22, 1954, the releases of the loan, if revived, are proposed to be made from time to time, subject to availability of funds towards the end that the sack factory shall be placed in actual operating status. We shall be able to act on your request for revised purpose and manner of releases upon re-appraisal of the securities offered for the loan. With respect to our requirement that the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources certify that the raw materials needed are available in the immediate vicinity and that there is prospect of increased production thereof to provide adequately the requirements of the factory, we wish to reiterate that the basis of the original approval is to develop the manufacture of sacks on the basis of the locally available raw materials. Your statement that you will have to rely on the importation of jute and your request that we give you assurance that your company will be able to bring in sufficient jute materials as may be necessary for the operation of your factory, would not be in line with our principle in approving the loan.

With the foregoing letter the negotiations came to a standstill. Saura, Inc. did not pursue the matter further. Instead, it requested RFC to cancel the mortgage, and so, on June 17, 1955 RFC executed the corresponding deed of cancellation and delivered it to Ramon F. Saura himself as president of Saura, Inc. It appears that the cancellation was requested to make way for the registration of a mortgage contract, executed on August 6, 1954, over the same property in favor of the Prudential Bank and Trust Co., under which contract Saura, Inc. had up to December 31 of the same year within which to pay its obligation on the trust receipt heretofore mentioned. It appears further that for failure to pay the said obligation the Prudential Bank and Trust Co. sued Saura, Inc. on May 15, 1955. On January 9, 1964, ahnost 9 years after the mortgage in favor of RFC was cancelled at the request of Saura, Inc., the latter commenced the present suit for damages, alleging failure of RFC (as predecessor of the defendant DBP) to comply with its obligation to release the proceeds of the loan applied for and approved, thereby preventing the plaintiff from completing or paying contractual commitments it had entered into, in connection with its jute mill project. The trial court rendered judgment for the plaintiff, ruling that there was a perfected contract between the parties and that the defendant was guilty of breach thereof. The defendant pleaded below, and reiterates in this appeal: (1) that the plaintiff's cause of action had prescribed, or that its claim had been waived or abandoned; (2) that there was no perfected contract; and (3) that assuming there was, the plaintiff itself did not comply with the terms thereof. We hold that there was indeed a perfected consensual contract, as recognized in Article 1934 of the Civil Code, which provides:
ART. 1954. An accepted promise to deliver something, by way of commodatum or simple loan is binding upon the parties, but the commodatum or simple loan itself shall not be perferted until the delivery of the object of the contract.

There was undoubtedly offer and acceptance in this case: the application of Saura, Inc. for a loan of P500,000.00 was approved by resolution of the defendant, and the corresponding mortgage was executed and registered. But this fact alone falls short of resolving the basic claim that the defendant failed to fulfill its obligation and the plaintiff is therefore entitled to recover damages. It should be noted that RFC entertained the loan application of Saura, Inc. on the assumption that the factory to be constructed would utilize locally grown raw materials, principally kenaf. There is no serious dispute about this. It was in line with such assumption that when RFC, by Resolution No. 9083 approved on December 17, 1954, restored the loan to the original amount of P500,000.00. it imposed two conditions, to wit: "(1) that the raw materials needed by the borrower-corporation to carry out its operation are available in the immediate vicinity; and (2) that there is prospect of increased production thereof to provide adequately for the requirements of the factory."

The imposition of those conditions was by no means a deviation from the terms of the agreement, but rather a step in its implementation. There was nothing in said conditions that contradicted the terms laid down in RFC Resolution No. 145, passed on January 7, 1954, namely "that the proceeds of the loan shall be utilized exclusively for the following purposes: for construction of factory building P250,000.00; for payment of the balance of purchase price of machinery and equipment P240,900.00; for working capital P9,100.00." Evidently Saura, Inc. realized that it could not meet the conditions required by RFC, and so wrote its letter of January 21, 1955, stating that local jute "will not be able in sufficient quantity this year or probably next year," and asking that out of the loan agreed upon the sum of P67,586.09 be released "for raw materials and labor." This was a deviation from the terms laid down in Resolution No. 145 and embodied in the mortgage contract, implying as it did a diversion of part of the proceeds of the loan to purposes other than those agreed upon. When RFC turned down the request in its letter of January 25, 1955 the negotiations which had been going on for the implementation of the agreement reached an impasse. Saura, Inc. obviously was in no position to comply with RFC's conditions. So instead of doing so and insisting that the loan be released as agreed upon, Saura, Inc. asked that the mortgage be cancelled, which was done on June 15, 1955. The action thus taken by both parties was in the nature cf mutual desistance what Manresa terms "mutuo disenso" 1 which is a mode of extinguishing obligations. It is a concept that derives from the principle that since mutual agreement can create a contract, mutual disagreement by the parties can cause its extinguishment. 2 The subsequent conduct of Saura, Inc. confirms this desistance. It did not protest against any alleged breach of contract by RFC, or even point out that the latter's stand was legally unjustified. Its request for cancellation of the mortgage carried no reservation of whatever rights it believed it might have against RFC for the latter's noncompliance. In 1962 it even applied with DBP for another loan to finance a rice and corn project, which application was disapproved. It was only in 1964, nine years after the loan agreement had been cancelled at its own request, that Saura, Inc. brought this action for damages.All these circumstances demonstrate beyond doubt that the said agreement had been extinguished by mutual desistance and that on the initiative of the plaintiff-appellee itself. With this view we take of the case, we find it unnecessary to consider and resolve the other issues raised in the respective briefs of the parties. WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is reversed and the complaint dismissed, with costs against the plaintiff-appellee. Reyes, J.B.L., Actg. C.J., Zaldivar, Castro, Fernando, Teehankee, Barredo and Antonio, JJ., concur. Makasiar, J., took no part.

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC G.R. No. L-46240 November 3, 1939

MARGARITA QUINTOS and ANGEL A. ANSALDO, plaintiffs-appellants, vs. BECK, defendant-appellee. Mauricio Carlos for appellants. Felipe Buencamino, Jr. for appellee.

IMPERIAL, J.: The plaintiff brought this action to compel the defendant to return her certain furniture which she lent him for his use. She appealed from the judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila which ordered that the defendant return to her the three has heaters and the four electric lamps found in the possession of the Sheriff of said city, that she call for the other furniture from the said sheriff of Manila at her own expense, and that the fees which the Sheriff may charge for the deposit of the furniture be paid pro rata by both parties, without pronouncement as to the costs. The defendant was a tenant of the plaintiff and as such occupied the latter's house on M. H. del Pilar street, No. 1175. On January 14, 1936, upon the novation of the contract of lease between the plaintiff and the defendant, the former gratuitously granted to the latter the use of the furniture described in the third paragraph of the stipulation of facts, subject to the condition that the defendant would return them to the plaintiff upon the latter's demand. The plaintiff sold the property to Maria Lopez and Rosario Lopez and on September 14, 1936, these three notified the defendant of the conveyance, giving him sixty days to vacate the premises under one of the clauses of the contract of lease. There after the plaintiff required the defendant to return all the furniture transferred to him for them in the house where they were found. On November 5, 1936, the defendant, through another person, wrote to the plaintiff reiterating that she may call for the furniture in the ground floor of the house. On the 7th of the same month, the defendant wrote another letter to the plaintiff informing her that he could not give up the three gas heaters and the four electric lamps because he would use them until the 15th of the same month when the lease in due to expire. The plaintiff refused to get the furniture in view of the fact that the defendant had declined to make delivery of all of them. On November 15th, before vacating the house, the defendant deposited with the Sheriff all the furniture belonging to the plaintiff and they are now on deposit in the warehouse situated at No. 1521, Rizal Avenue, in the custody of the said sheriff.

In their seven assigned errors the plaintiffs contend that the trial court incorrectly applied the law: in holding that they violated the contract by not calling for all the furniture on November 5, 1936, when the defendant placed them at their disposal; in not ordering the defendant to pay them the value of the furniture in case they are not delivered; in holding that they should get all the furniture from the Sheriff at their expenses; in ordering them to pay-half of the expenses claimed by the Sheriff for the deposit of the furniture; in ruling that both parties should pay their respective legal expenses or the costs; and in denying pay their respective legal expenses or the costs; and in denying the motions for reconsideration and new trial. To dispose of the case, it is only necessary to decide whether the defendant complied with his obligation to return the furniture upon the plaintiff's demand; whether the latter is bound to bear the deposit fees thereof, and whether she is entitled to the costs of The contract entered into between the parties is one of commadatum, because under it the plaintiff gratuitously granted the use of the furniture to the defendant, reserving for herself the ownership thereof; by this contract the defendant bound himself to return the furniture to the plaintiff, upon the latters demand (clause 7 of the contract, Exhibit A; articles 1740, paragraph 1, and 1741 of the Civil Code). The obligation voluntarily assumed by the defendant to return the furniture upon the plaintiff's demand, means that he should return all of them to the plaintiff at the latter's residence or house. The defendant did not comply with this obligation when he merely placed them at the disposal of the plaintiff, retaining for his benefit the three gas heaters and the four eletric lamps. The provisions of article 1169 of the Civil Code cited by counsel for the parties are not squarely applicable. The trial court, therefore, erred when it came to the legal conclusion that the plaintiff failed to comply with her obligation to get the furniture when they were offered to her. As the defendant had voluntarily undertaken to return all the furniture to the plaintiff, upon the latter's demand, the Court could not legally compel her to bear the expenses occasioned by the deposit of the furniture at the defendant's behest. The latter, as bailee, was not entitled to place the furniture on deposit; nor was the plaintiff under a duty to accept the offer to return the furniture, because the defendant wanted to retain the three gas heaters and the four electric lamps. As to the value of the furniture, we do not believe that the plaintiff is entitled to the payment thereof by the defendant in case of his inability to return some of the furniture because under paragraph 6 of the stipulation of facts, the defendant has neither agreed to nor admitted the correctness of the said value. Should the defendant fail to deliver some of the furniture, the value thereof should be latter determined by the trial Court through evidence which the parties may desire to present. The costs in both instances should be borne by the defendant because the plaintiff is the prevailing party (section 487 of the Code of Civil Procedure). The defendant was the one who breached the contract of commodatum, and without any reason he refused to return and deliver all the furniture upon the plaintiff's demand. In these circumstances, it is just and equitable that he pay the legal expenses and other judicial costs which the plaintiff would not have otherwise defrayed.

The appealed judgment is modified and the defendant is ordered to return and deliver to the plaintiff, in the residence to return and deliver to the plaintiff, in the residence or house of the latter, all the furniture described in paragraph 3 of the stipulation of facts Exhibit A. The expenses which may be occasioned by the delivery to and deposit of the furniture with the Sheriff shall be for the account of the defendant. the defendant shall pay the costs in both instances. So ordered. Avancea, C.J., Villa-Real, Laurel, Concepcion and Moran, JJ., concur. Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC G.R. No. L-4150 February 10, 1910

FELIX DE LOS SANTOS, plaintiff-appelle, vs. AGUSTINA JARRA, administratrix of the estate of Magdaleno Jimenea, deceased, defendant-appellant. Matias Hilado, for appellant. Jose Felix Martinez, for appellee. TORRES, J.: On the 1st of September, 1906, Felix de los Santos brought suit against Agustina Jarra, the administratrix of the estate of Magdaleno Jimenea, alleging that in the latter part of 1901 Jimenea borrowed and obtained from the plaintiff ten first-class carabaos, to be used at the animal-power mill of his hacienda during the season of 1901-2, without recompense or remuneration whatever for the use thereof, under the sole condition that they should be returned to the owner as soon as the work at the mill was terminated; that Magdaleno Jimenea, however, did not return the carabaos, notwithstanding the fact that the plaintiff claimed their return after the work at the mill was finished; that Magdaleno Jimenea died on the 28th of October, 1904, and the defendant herein was appointed by the Court of First Instance of Occidental Negros administratrix of his estate and she took over the administration of the same and is still performing her duties as such administratrix; that the plaintiff presented his claim to the commissioners of the estate of Jimenea, within the legal term, for the return of the said ten carabaos, but the said commissioners rejected his claim as appears in their report; therefore, the plaintiff prayed that judgment be entered against the defendant as administratrix of the estate of the deceased, ordering her to return the ten first-class carabaos loaned to the late Jimenea, or their present value, and to pay the costs. The defendant was duly summoned, and on the 25th of September, 1906, she demurred in writing to the complaint on the ground that it was vague; but on the 2d of October of the same

year, in answer to the complaint, she said that it was true that the late Magdaleno Jimenea asked the plaintiff to loan him ten carabaos, but that he only obtained three second-class animals, which were afterwards transferred by sale by the plaintiff to the said Jimenea; that she denied the allegations contained in paragraph 3 of the complaint; for all of which she asked the court to absolve her of the complaint with the cost against the plaintiff. By a writing dated the 11th of December, 1906, Attorney Jose Felix Martinez notified the defendant and her counsel, Matias Hilado, that he had made an agreement with the plaintiff to the effect that the latter would not compromise the controversy without his consent, and that as fees for his professional services he was to receive one half of the amount allowed in the judgment if the same were entered in favor of the plaintiff. The case came up for trial, evidence was adduced by both parties, and either exhibits were made of record. On the 10th of January, 1907, the court below entered judgment sentencing Agustina Jarra, as administratrix of the estate of Magdaleno Jimenea, to return to the plaintiff, Felix de los Santos, the remaining six second and third class carabaos, or the value thereof at the rate of P120 each, or a total of P720 with the costs. Counsel for the defendant excepted to the foregoing judgment, and, by a writing dated January 19, moved for anew trial on the ground that the findings of fact were openly and manifestly contrary to the weight of the evidence. The motion was overruled, the defendant duly excepted, and in due course submitted the corresponding bill of exceptions, which was approved and submitted to this court. The defendant has admitted that Magdaleno Jimenea asked the plaintiff for the loan of ten carabaos which are now claimed by the latter, as shown by two letters addressed by the said Jimenea to Felix de los Santos; but in her answer the said defendant alleged that the late Jimenea only obtained three second-class carabaos, which were subsequently sold to him by the owner, Santos; therefore, in order to decide this litigation it is indispensable that proof be forthcoming that Jimenea only received three carabaos from his son-in-law Santos, and that they were sold by the latter to him. The record discloses that it has been fully proven from the testimony of a sufficient number of witnesses that the plaintiff, Santos, sent in charge of various persons the ten carabaos requested by his father-in-law, Magdaleno Jimenea, in the two letters produced at the trial by the plaintiff, and that Jimenea received them in the presence of some of said persons, one being a brother of said Jimenea, who saw the animals arrive at the hacienda where it was proposed to employ them. Four died of rinderpest, and it is for this reason that the judgment appealed from only deals with six surviving carabaos. The alleged purchase of three carabaos by Jimenea from his son-in-law Santos is not evidenced by any trustworthy documents such as those of transfer, nor were the declarations of the witnesses presented by the defendant affirming it satisfactory; for said reason it can not be considered that Jimenea only received three carabaos on loan from his son-in-law, and that he afterwards kept them definitely by virtue of the purchase.

By the laws in force the transfer of large cattle was and is still made by means of official documents issued by the local authorities; these documents constitute the title of ownership of the carabao or horse so acquired. Furthermore, not only should the purchaser be provided with a new certificate or credential, a document which has not been produced in evidence by the defendant, nor has the loss of the same been shown in the case, but the old documents ought to be on file in the municipality, or they should have been delivered to the new purchaser, and in the case at bar neither did the defendant present the old credential on which should be stated the name of the previous owner of each of the three carabaos said to have been sold by the plaintiff. From the foregoing it may be logically inferred that the carabaos loaned or given on commodatum to the now deceased Magdaleno Jimenea were ten in number; that they, or at any rate the six surviving ones, have not been returned to the owner thereof, Felix de los Santos, and that it is not true that the latter sold to the former three carabaos that the purchaser was already using; therefore, as the said six carabaos were not the property of the deceased nor of any of his descendants, it is the duty of the administratrix of the estate to return them or indemnify the owner for their value. The Civil Code, in dealing with loans in general, from which generic denomination the specific one of commodatum is derived, establishes prescriptions in relation to the last-mentioned contract by the following articles: ART. 1740. By the contract of loan, one of the parties delivers to the other, either anything not perishable, in order that the latter may use it during a certain period and return it to the former, in which case it is called commodatum, or money or any other perishable thing, under the condition to return an equal amount of the same kind and quality, in which case it is merely called a loan. Commodatum is essentially gratuitous. A simple loan may be gratuitous, or made under a stipulation to pay interest. ART. 1741. The bailee acquires retains the ownership of the thing loaned. The bailee acquires the use thereof, but not its fruits; if any compensation is involved, to be paid by the person requiring the use, the agreement ceases to be a commodatum. ART. 1742. The obligations and rights which arise from the commodatum pass to the heirs of both contracting parties, unless the loan has been in consideration for the person of the bailee, in which case his heirs shall not have the right to continue using the thing loaned. The carabaos delivered to be used not being returned by the defendant upon demand, there is no doubt that she is under obligation to indemnify the owner thereof by paying him their value. Article 1101 of said code reads:

Those who in fulfilling their obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay, and those who in any manner whatsoever act in contravention of the stipulations of the same, shall be subjected to indemnify for the losses and damages caused thereby. The obligation of the bailee or of his successors to return either the thing loaned or its value, is sustained by the supreme tribunal of Sapin. In its decision of March 21, 1895, it sets out with precision the legal doctrine touching commodatum as follows: Although it is true that in a contract of commodatum the bailor retains the ownership of the thing loaned, and at the expiration of the period, or after the use for which it was loaned has been accomplished, it is the imperative duty of the bailee to return the thing itself to its owner, or to pay him damages if through the fault of the bailee the thing should have been lost or injured, it is clear that where public securities are involved, the trial court, in deferring to the claim of the bailor that the amount loaned be returned him by the bailee in bonds of the same class as those which constituted the contract, thereby properly applies law 9 of title 11 of partida 5. With regard to the third assignment of error, based on the fact that the plaintiff Santos had not appealed from the decision of the commissioners rejecting his claim for the recovery of his carabaos, it is sufficient to estate that we are not dealing with a claim for the payment of a certain sum, the collection of a debt from the estate, or payment for losses and damages (sec. 119, Code of Civil Procedure), but with the exclusion from the inventory of the property of the late Jimenea, or from his capital, of six carabaos which did not belong to him, and which formed no part of the inheritance. The demand for the exclusion of the said carabaos belonging to a third party and which did not form part of the property of the deceased, must be the subject of a direct decision of the court in an ordinary action, wherein the right of the third party to the property which he seeks to have excluded from the inheritance and the right of the deceased has been discussed, and rendered in view of the result of the evidence adduced by the administrator of the estate and of the claimant, since it is so provided by the second part of section 699 and by section 703 of the Code of Civil Procedure; the refusal of the commissioners before whom the plaintiff unnecessarily appeared can not affect nor reduce the unquestionable right of ownership of the latter, inasmuch as there is no law nor principle of justice authorizing the successors of the late Jimenea to enrich themselves at the cost and to the prejudice of Felix de los Santos. For the reasons above set forth, by which the errors assigned to the judgment appealed from have been refuted, and considering that the same is in accordance with the law and the merits of the case, it is our opinion that it should be affirmed and we do hereby affirm it with the costs against the appellant. So ordered. Arellano, C.J., Johnson, Moreland and Elliott, JJ., concur. Carson, J., reserves his vote. SECOND DIVISION

[G.R. No. 115324. February 19, 2003] PRODUCERS BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES (now FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK), petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS AND FRANKLIN VIVES, respondents. DECISION CALLEJO, SR., J.: This is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision1[1] of the Court of Appeals dated June 25, 1991 in CA-G.R. CV No. 11791 and of its Resolution2[2] dated May 5, 1994, denying the motion for reconsideration of said decision filed by petitioner Producers Bank of the Philippines. Sometime in 1979, private respondent Franklin Vives was asked by his neighbor and friend Angeles Sanchez to help her friend and townmate, Col. Arturo Doronilla, in incorporating his business, the Sterela Marketing and Services (Sterela for brevity). Specifically, Sanchez asked private respondent to deposit in a bank a certain amount of money in the bank account of Sterela for purposes of its incorporation. She assured private respondent that he could withdraw his money from said account within a months time. Private respondent asked Sanchez to bring Doronilla to their house so that they could discuss Sanchezs request.3[3] On May 9, 1979, private respondent, Sanchez, Doronilla and a certain Estrella Dumagpi, Doronillas private secretary, met and discussed the matter. Thereafter, relying on the assurances and representations of Sanchez and Doronilla, private respondent issued a check in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00) in favor of Sterela. Private respondent instructed his wife, Mrs. Inocencia Vives, to accompany Doronilla and Sanchez in opening a savings account in the name of Sterela in the Buendia, Makati branch of Producers Bank of the Philippines. However, only Sanchez, Mrs. Vives and Dumagpi went to the bank to deposit the check. They had with them an authorization letter from Doronilla authorizing Sanchez and her companions, in coordination with Mr. Rufo Atienza, to open an account for Sterela Marketing Services in the amount of P200,000.00. In opening the account, the authorized signatories were

Inocencia Vives and/or Angeles Sanchez. A passbook for Savings Account No. 10-1567 was thereafter issued to Mrs. Vives.4[4] Subsequently, private respondent learned that Sterela was no longer holding office in the address previously given to him. Alarmed, he and his wife went to the Bank to verify if their money was still intact. The bank manager referred them to Mr. Rufo Atienza, the assistant manager, who informed them that part of the money in Savings Account No. 10-1567 had been withdrawn by Doronilla, and that only P90,000.00 remained therein. He likewise told them that Mrs. Vives could not withdraw said remaining amount because it had to answer for some postdated checks issued by Doronilla. According to Atienza, after Mrs. Vives and Sanchez opened Savings Account No. 10-1567, Doronilla opened Current Account No. 10-0320 for Sterela and authorized the Bank to debit Savings Account No. 10-1567 for the amounts necessary to cover overdrawings in Current Account No. 10-0320. In opening said current account, Sterela, through Doronilla, obtained a loan of P175,000.00 from the Bank. To cover payment thereof, Doronilla issued three postdated checks, all of which were dishonored. Atienza also said that Doronilla could assign or withdraw the money in Savings Account No. 10-1567 because he was the sole proprietor of Sterela.5[5] Private respondent tried to get in touch with Doronilla through Sanchez. On June 29, 1979, he received a letter from Doronilla, assuring him that his money was intact and would be returned to him. On August 13, 1979, Doronilla issued a postdated check for Two Hundred Twelve Thousand Pesos (P212,000.00) in favor of private respondent. However, upon presentment thereof by private respondent to the drawee bank, the check was dishonored. Doronilla requested private respondent to present the same check on September 15, 1979 but when the latter presented the check, it was again dishonored.6[6] Private respondent referred the matter to a lawyer, who made a written demand upon Doronilla for the return of his clients money. Doronilla issued another check for P212,000.00 in private respondents favor but the check was again dishonored for insufficiency of funds.7[7]

Private respondent instituted an action for recovery of sum of money in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in Pasig, Metro Manila against Doronilla, Sanchez, Dumagpi and petitioner. The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 44485. He also filed criminal actions against Doronilla, Sanchez and Dumagpi in the RTC. However, Sanchez passed away on March 16, 1985 while the case was pending before the trial court. On October 3, 1995, the RTC of Pasig, Branch 157, promulgated its Decision in Civil Case No. 44485, the dispositive portion of which reads: IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby rendered sentencing defendants Arturo J. Doronila, Estrella Dumagpi and Producers Bank of the Philippines to pay plaintiff Franklin Vives jointly and severally (a) the amount of P200,000.00, representing the money deposited, with interest at the legal rate from the filing of the complaint until the same is fully paid; (b) (c) (d) the sum of P50,000.00 for moral damages and a similar amount for exemplary damages; the amount of P40,000.00 for attorneys fees; and the costs of the suit.

SO ORDERED.8[8] Petitioner appealed the trial courts decision to the Court of Appeals. In its Decision dated June 25, 1991, the appellate court affirmed in toto the decision of the RTC.9[9] It likewise denied with finality petitioners motion for reconsideration in its Resolution dated May 5, 1994.10[10] On June 30, 1994, petitioner filed the present petition, arguing that I. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN UPHOLDING THAT THE TRANSACTION BETWEEN THE DEFENDANT DORONILLA AND RESPONDENT VIVES WAS ONE OF SIMPLE LOAN AND NOT ACCOMMODATION;


the petition and required the parties to submit their respective memoranda.14[14] Petitioner filed its memorandum on April 16, 2001 while private respondent submitted his memorandum on March 22, 2001. Petitioner contends that the transaction between private respondent and Doronilla is a simple loan (mutuum) since all the elements of a mutuum are present: first, what was delivered by private respondent to Doronilla was money, a consumable thing; and second, the transaction was onerous as Doronilla was obliged to pay interest, as evidenced by the check issued by Doronilla in the amount of P212,000.00, or P12,000 more than what private respondent deposited in Sterelas bank account.15[15] Moreover, the fact that private respondent sued his good friend Sanchez for his failure to recover his money from Doronilla shows that the transaction was not merely gratuitous but had a business angle to it. Hence, petitioner argues that it cannot be held liable for the return of private respondents P200,000.00 because it is not privy to the transaction between the latter and Doronilla.16[16] It argues further that petitioners Assistant Manager, Mr. Rufo Atienza, could not be faulted for allowing Doronilla to withdraw from the savings account of Sterela since the latter was the sole proprietor of said company. Petitioner asserts that Doronillas May 8, 1979 letter addressed to the bank, authorizing Mrs. Vives and Sanchez to open a savings account for Sterela, did not contain any authorization for these two to withdraw from said account. Hence, the authority to withdraw therefrom remained exclusively with Doronilla, who was the sole proprietor of Sterela, and who alone had legal title to the savings account.17[17] Petitioner points out that no evidence other than the testimonies of private respondent and Mrs. Vives was presented during trial to prove that private respondent deposited his P200,000.00 in Sterelas account for purposes of its incorporation.18[18] Hence, petitioner should not be held liable for allowing Doronilla to withdraw from Sterelas savings account.

Petitioner also asserts that the Court of Appeals erred in affirming the trial courts decision since the findings of fact therein were not accord with the evidence presented by petitioner during trial to prove that the transaction between private respondent and Doronilla was a mutuum, and that it committed no wrong in allowing Doronilla to withdraw from Sterelas savings account.19[19] Finally, petitioner claims that since there is no wrongful act or omission on its part, it is not liable for the actual damages suffered by private respondent, and neither may it be held liable for moral and exemplary damages as well as attorneys fees.20[20] Private respondent, on the other hand, argues that the transaction between him and Doronilla is not a mutuum but an accommodation,21[21] since he did not actually part with the ownership of his P200,000.00 and in fact asked his wife to deposit said amount in the account of Sterela so that a certification can be issued to the effect that Sterela had sufficient funds for purposes of its incorporation but at the same time, he retained some degree of control over his money through his wife who was made a signatory to the savings account and in whose possession the savings account passbook was given.22[22] He likewise asserts that the trial court did not err in finding that petitioner, Atienzas employer, is liable for the return of his money. He insists that Atienza, petitioners assistant manager, connived with Doronilla in defrauding private respondent since it was Atienza who facilitated the opening of Sterelas current account three days after Mrs. Vives and Sanchez opened a savings account with petitioner for said company, as well as the approval of the authority to debit Sterelas savings account to cover any overdrawings in its current account.23[23] There is no merit in the petition.

At the outset, it must be emphasized that only questions of law may be raised in a petition for review filed with this Court. The Court has repeatedly held that it is not its function to analyze and weigh all over again the evidence presented by the parties during trial.24[24] The Courts jurisdiction is in principle limited to reviewing errors of law that might have been committed by the Court of Appeals.25[25] Moreover, factual findings of courts, when adopted and confirmed by the Court of Appeals, are final and conclusive on this Court unless these findings are not supported by the evidence on record.26[26] There is no showing of any misapprehension of facts on the part of the Court of Appeals in the case at bar that would require this Court to review and overturn the factual findings of that court, especially since the conclusions of fact of the Court of Appeals and the trial court are not only consistent but are also amply supported by the evidence on record. No error was committed by the Court of Appeals when it ruled that the transaction between private respondent and Doronilla was a commodatum and not a mutuum. A circumspect examination of the records reveals that the transaction between them was a commodatum. Article 1933 of the Civil Code distinguishes between the two kinds of loans in this wise: By the contract of loan, one of the parties delivers to another, either something not consumable so that the latter may use the same for a certain time and return it, in which case the contract is called a commodatum; or money or other consumable thing, upon the condition that the same amount of the same kind and quality shall be paid, in which case the contract is simply called a loan or mutuum. Commodatum is essentially gratuitous. Simple loan may be gratuitous or with a stipulation to pay interest. In commodatum, the bailor retains the ownership of the thing loaned, while in simple loan, ownership passes to the borrower. The foregoing provision seems to imply that if the subject of the contract is a consumable thing, such as money, the contract would be a mutuum. However, there are some instances where a commodatum may have for its object a consumable thing. Article 1936 of the Civil Code provides:

Consumable goods may be the subject of commodatum if the purpose of the contract is not the consumption of the object, as when it is merely for exhibition. Thus, if consumable goods are loaned only for purposes of exhibition, or when the intention of the parties is to lend consumable goods and to have the very same goods returned at the end of the period agreed upon, the loan is a commodatum and not a mutuum. The rule is that the intention of the parties thereto shall be accorded primordial consideration in determining the actual character of a contract.27[27] In case of doubt, the contemporaneous and subsequent acts of the parties shall be considered in such determination.28[28] As correctly pointed out by both the Court of Appeals and the trial court, the evidence shows that private respondent agreed to deposit his money in the savings account of Sterela specifically for the purpose of making it appear that said firm had sufficient capitalization for incorporation, with the promise that the amount shall be returned within thirty (30) days.29[29] Private respondent merely accommodated Doronilla by lending his money without consideration, as a favor to his good friend Sanchez. It was however clear to the parties to the transaction that the money would not be removed from Sterelas savings account and would be returned to private respondent after thirty (30) days. Doronillas attempts to return to private respondent the amount of P200,000.00 which the latter deposited in Sterelas account together with an additional P12,000.00, allegedly representing interest on the mutuum, did not convert the transaction from a commodatum into a mutuum because such was not the intent of the parties and because the additional P12,000.00 corresponds to the fruits of the lending of the P200,000.00. Article 1935 of the Civil Code expressly states that [t]he bailee in commodatum acquires the use of the thing loaned but not its fruits. Hence, it was only proper for Doronilla to remit to private respondent the interest accruing to the latters money deposited with petitioner. Neither does the Court agree with petitioners contention that it is not solidarily liable for the return of private respondents money because it was not privy to the transaction between Doronilla and private respondent. The nature of said transaction, that is, whether it is a mutuum or a commodatum, has no bearing on the question of petitioners liability for the return of private respondents money because the factual circumstances of the case clearly show that petitioner,

through its employee Mr. Atienza, was partly responsible for the loss of private respondents money and is liable for its restitution. Petitioners rules for savings deposits written on the passbook it issued Mrs. Vives on behalf of Sterela for Savings Account No. 10-1567 expressly states that 2. Deposits and withdrawals must be made by the depositor personally or upon his written authority duly authenticated, and neither a deposit nor a withdrawal will be permitted except upon the production of the depositor savings bank book in which will be entered by the Bank the amount deposited or withdrawn.30[30] Said rule notwithstanding, Doronilla was permitted by petitioner, through Atienza, the Assistant Branch Manager for the Buendia Branch of petitioner, to withdraw therefrom even without presenting the passbook (which Atienza very well knew was in the possession of Mrs. Vives), not just once, but several times. Both the Court of Appeals and the trial court found that Atienza allowed said withdrawals because he was party to Doronillas scheme of defrauding private respondent: X X X

But the scheme could not have been executed successfully without the knowledge, help and cooperation of Rufo Atienza, assistant manager and cashier of the Makati (Buendia) branch of the defendant bank. Indeed, the evidence indicates that Atienza had not only facilitated the commission of the fraud but he likewise helped in devising the means by which it can be done in such manner as to make it appear that the transaction was in accordance with banking procedure. To begin with, the deposit was made in defendants Buendia branch precisely because Atienza was a key officer therein. The records show that plaintiff had suggested that the P200,000.00 be deposited in his bank, the Manila Banking Corporation, but Doronilla and Dumagpi insisted that it must be in defendants branch in Makati for it will be easier for them to get a certification. In fact before he was introduced to plaintiff, Doronilla had already prepared a letter addressed to the Buendia branch manager authorizing Angeles B. Sanchez and company to open a savings account for Sterela in the amount of P200,000.00, as per coordination with Mr. Rufo Atienza, Assistant Manager of the Bank x x x (Exh. 1). This is a clear manifestation that the other defendants had been in consultation with Atienza from the inception of the scheme. Significantly, there were testimonies and admission that Atienza is the brother-in-law of a certain Romeo Mirasol, a friend and business associate of Doronilla. Then there is the matter of the ownership of the fund. Because of the coordination between Doronilla and Atienza, the latter knew before hand that the money deposited did not belong to Doronilla nor to Sterela. Aside from such foreknowledge, he was explicitly told by Inocencia

Vives that the money belonged to her and her husband and the deposit was merely to accommodate Doronilla. Atienza even declared that the money came from Mrs. Vives. Although the savings account was in the name of Sterela, the bank records disclose that the only ones empowered to withdraw the same were Inocencia Vives and Angeles B. Sanchez. In the signature card pertaining to this account (Exh. J), the authorized signatories were Inocencia Vives &/or Angeles B. Sanchez. Atienza stated that it is the usual banking procedure that withdrawals of savings deposits could only be made by persons whose authorized signatures are in the signature cards on file with the bank. He, however, said that this procedure was not followed here because Sterela was owned by Doronilla. He explained that Doronilla had the full authority to withdraw by virtue of such ownership. The Court is not inclined to agree with Atienza. In the first place, he was all the time aware that the money came from Vives and did not belong to Sterela. He was also told by Mrs. Vives that they were only accommodating Doronilla so that a certification can be issued to the effect that Sterela had a deposit of so much amount to be sued in the incorporation of the firm. In the second place, the signature of Doronilla was not authorized in so far as that account is concerned inasmuch as he had not signed the signature card provided by the bank whenever a deposit is opened. In the third place, neither Mrs. Vives nor Sanchez had given Doronilla the authority to withdraw. Moreover, the transfer of fund was done without the passbook having been presented. It is an accepted practice that whenever a withdrawal is made in a savings deposit, the bank requires the presentation of the passbook. In this case, such recognized practice was dispensed with. The transfer from the savings account to the current account was without the submission of the passbook which Atienza had given to Mrs. Vives. Instead, it was made to appear in a certification signed by Estrella Dumagpi that a duplicate passbook was issued to Sterela because the original passbook had been surrendered to the Makati branch in view of a loan accommodation assigning the savings account (Exh. C). Atienza, who undoubtedly had a hand in the execution of this certification, was aware that the contents of the same are not true. He knew that the passbook was in the hands of Mrs. Vives for he was the one who gave it to her. Besides, as assistant manager of the branch and the bank official servicing the savings and current accounts in question, he also was aware that the original passbook was never surrendered. He was also cognizant that Estrella Dumagpi was not among those authorized to withdraw so her certification had no effect whatsoever. The circumstance surrounding the opening of the current account also demonstrate that Atienzas active participation in the perpetration of the fraud and deception that caused the loss. The records indicate that this account was opened three days later after the P200,000.00 was deposited. In spite of his disclaimer, the Court believes that Atienza was mindful and posted regarding the opening of the current account considering that Doronilla was all the while in coordination with him. That it was he who facilitated the approval of the authority to debit the savings account to cover any overdrawings in the current account (Exh. 2) is not hard to comprehend.

Clearly Atienza had committed wrongful acts that had resulted to the loss subject of this case. x x x.31[31] Under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, employers shall be held primarily and solidarily liable for damages caused by their employees acting within the scope of their assigned tasks. To hold the employer liable under this provision, it must be shown that an employer-employee relationship exists, and that the employee was acting within the scope of his assigned task when the act complained of was committed.32[32] Case law in the United States of America has it that a corporation that entrusts a general duty to its employee is responsible to the injured party for damages flowing from the employees wrongful act done in the course of his general authority, even though in doing such act, the employee may have failed in its duty to the employer and disobeyed the latters instructions.33[33] There is no dispute that Atienza was an employee of petitioner. Furthermore, petitioner did not deny that Atienza was acting within the scope of his authority as Assistant Branch Manager when he assisted Doronilla in withdrawing funds from Sterelas Savings Account No. 10-1567, in which account private respondents money was deposited, and in transferring the money withdrawn to Sterelas Current Account with petitioner. Atienzas acts of helping Doronilla, a customer of the petitioner, were obviously done in furtherance of petitioners interests 34[34] even though in the process, Atienza violated some of petitioners rules such as those stipulated in its savings account passbook.35[35] It was established that the transfer of funds from Sterelas savings account to its current account could not have been accomplished by Doronilla without the invaluable assistance of Atienza, and that it was their connivance which was the cause of private respondents loss. The foregoing shows that the Court of Appeals correctly held that under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, petitioner is liable for private respondents loss and is solidarily liable with Doronilla and

Dumagpi for the return of the P200,000.00 since it is clear that petitioner failed to prove that it exercised due diligence to prevent the unauthorized withdrawals from Sterelas savings account, and that it was not negligent in the selection and supervision of Atienza. Accordingly, no error was committed by the appellate court in the award of actual, moral and exemplary damages, attorneys fees and costs of suit to private respondent. WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. The assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals are AFFIRMED. SO ORDERED. Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza, Quisumbing and Austria-Martinez, JJ., concur. THIRD DIVISION [G.R. No. 112485. August 9, 2001] EMILIA MANZANO, petitioner, vs. MIGUEL PEREZ SR., LEONCIO PEREZ, MACARIO PEREZ, FLORENCIO PEREZ, NESTOR PEREZ, MIGUEL PEREZ JR. and GLORIA PEREZ, respondents. DECISION PANGANIBAN, J.: Courts decide cases on the basis of the evidence presented by the parties. In the assessment of the facts, reason and logic are used. In civil cases, the party that presents a preponderance of convincing evidence wins. The Case Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, assailing the March 31, 1993 Decisioni[1] of the Court of Appeals (CA)ii[2] in CA-GR CV No. 32594. The dispositive part of the Decision reads: WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is hereby REVERSED and another one is entered dismissing plaintiffs complaint. On the other hand, the Judgmentiii[3] reversed by the CA ruled in this wise: WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered: 1) Declaring the two Kasulatan ng Bilihang Tuluyan (Exh. J & K) over the properties in question void or simulated;

2) Declaring the two Kasulatan ng Bilihang Tuluyan (Exh. J & K) over the properties in question rescinded; 3) Ordering the defendants Miguel Perez, Sr., Macario Perez, Leoncio Perez, Florencio Perez, Miguel Perez, Jr., Nestor Perez and Gloria Perez to execute an Extra Judicial Partition with transfer over the said residential lot and house, now covered and described in Tax Declaration Nos. 1993 and 1994, respectively in the name of Nieves Manzano (Exh. Q & P), subject matter of this case, in favor of plaintiff Emilia Manzano; 4) a) b) c) d) Ordering the defendants to pay plaintiff: P25,000.00 as moral damages; P10,000.00 as exemplary damages; P15,000.00 as and for [a]ttorneys fees; and To pay the cost of suit.iv[4]

The Motion for Reconsideration filed by petitioner before the CA was denied in a Resolution dated October 28, 1993.v[5] The Facts The facts of the case are summarized by the Court of Appeals as follows: [Petitioner] Emilia Manzano in her Complaint alleged that she is the owner of a residential house and lot, more particularly described hereunder: A parcel of residential lot (Lots 1725 and 1726 of the Cadastral Survey of Siniloan), together with all the improvements thereon, situated at General Luna Street, Siniloan, Laguna. Bounded on the North by Callejon; on the East, by [a] town river; on the South by Constancia Adofina; and on the West by Gen. Luna Street. Containing an area of 130 square meters more or less, covered by Tax Dec. No. 9583 and assessed at P1,330.00. A residential house of strong mixed materials and G.I. iron roofing, with a floor area of 40 square meters, more or less. Also covered by Tax No. 9583. In 1979, Nieves Manzano, sister of the [petitioner] and predecessor-in-interest of the herein [private respondents], allegedly borrowed the aforementioned property as collateral for a projected loan. The [petitioner] acceded to the request of her sister upon the latters promise that she [would] return the property immediately upon payment of her loan. Pursuant to their understanding, the [petitioner] executed two deeds of conveyance for the sale of the residential lot on 22 January 1979 (Exhibit J) and the sale of the house erected thereon

on 2 February 1979 (Exhibit K), both for a consideration of P1.00 plus other valuables allegedly received by her from Nieves Manzano. On 2 April 1979, Nieves Manzano together with her husband, [respondent] Miguel Perez, Sr., and her son, [respondent] Macario Perez, obtained a loan from the Rural Bank of Infanta, Inc. in the sum of P30,000.00. To secure payment of their indebtedness, they executed a Real Estate Mortgage (Exhibit A) over the subject property in favor of the bank. Nieves Manzano died on 18 December 1979 leaving her husband and children as heirs. These heirs, [respondents] herein allegedly refused to return the subject property to the [petitioner] even after the payment of their loan with the Rural Bank (Exhibit B). The [petitioner] alleged that sincere efforts to settle the dispute amicably failed and that the unwarranted refusal of the [respondents] to return the property caused her sleepless nights, mental shock and social humiliation. She was, likewise, allegedly constrained to engage the services of a counsel to protect her proprietary rights. The [petitioner] sought the annulment of the deeds of sale and execution of a deed of transfer or reconveyance of the subject property in her favor, the award of moral damages of not less than P50,000.00, exemplary damages of P10,000.00 attorneys fees of P10,000.00 plus P500.00 per court appearance, and costs of suit. In seeking the dismissal of the complaint, the [respondents] countered that they are the owners of the property in question being the legal heirs of Nieves Manzano Who purchased the same from the [petitioner] for value and in good faith, as shown by the deeds of sale which contain the true agreements between the parties therein; that except for the [petitioners] bare allegations, she failed to show any proof that the transaction she entered into with her sister was a loan and not a sale. By way of special and affirmative defense, the [respondents] argued that what the parties to the [sale] agreed upon was to resell the property to the [petitioner] after the payment of the loan with the Rural Bank. But since the [respondents] felt that the property is the only memory left by their predecessor-in-interest, they politely informed the [petitioner] of their refusal to sell the same. The [respondents] also argued that the [petitioner] is now estopped from questioning their ownership after seven (7) years from the consummation of the sale. As a proximate result of the filing of this alleged baseless and malicious suit, the [respondents] prayed as counterclaim the award of moral damages in the amount of P10,000.00 each, exemplary damages in an amount as may be warranted by the evidence on record, attorneys fees of P10,000.00 plus P500.00 per appearance in court and costs of suit. In ruling for the [petitioner], the court a quo considered the following:

First, the properties in question after [they have] been transferred to Nieves Manzano, the same were mortgaged in favor of the Rural Bank of Infante, Inc. (Exh. A) to secure payment of the loan extended to Macario Perez. Second, the documents covering said properties which were given to the bank as collateral of said loan, upon payment and [release] to the [private respondents], were returned to [petitioner] by Florencio Perez, one of the [private respondents]. [These] uncontroverted facts [are] clear recognition [by private respondents] that [petitioner] is the owner of the properties in question. xxx xxx xxx

Third, [respondents] pretense of ownership of the properties in question is belied by their failure to present payment of real estate taxes [for] said properties, and it is on [record] that [petitioner] has been paying the real estate taxes [on] the same (Exh. T, V, V-1, V-2 & V3). xxx xxx xxx

Fourth, [respondents] confirmed the fact that [petitioner] went to the house in question and hacked the stairs. According to [petitioner] she did it for failure of the [respondents] to return and vacate the premises. [Respondents] did not file any action against her. This is a clear indication also that they (respondents) recognized [petitioner] as owner of said properties. xxx xxx xxx

Fifth, the Cadastral Notice of said properties were in the name of [petitioner] and the same was sent to her (Exh. F & G). xxx xxx xxx

Sixth, upon request of the [petitioner] to return said properties to her, [respondents] did promise and prepare an Extra Judicial Partition with Sale over said properties in question, however the same did not materialize. The other heirs of Nieves Manzano did not sign. xxx xxx xxx

Seventh, uncontroverted is the fact that the consideration [for] the alleged sale of the properties in question is P1.00 and other things of value. [Petitioner] denies she has received any consideration for the transfer of said properties, and the [respondents] have not presented evidence to belie her[6] Ruling of the Court of Appeals

The Court of Appeals was not convinced by petitioners claim that there was a supposed oral agreement of commodatum over the disputed house and lot. Neither was it persuaded by her allegation that respondents predecessor-in-interest had given no consideration for the sale of the property in the latters favor. It explained as follows: To begin with, if the plaintiff-appellee remained as the rightful owner of the subject property, she would not have agreed to reacquire one-half thereof for a consideration of P10,000.00 (Exhibit U-1). This is especially true if we are to accept her assertion that Nieves Manzano did not purchase the property for value. More importantly, if the agreement was to merely use plaintiffs property as collateral in a mortgage loan, it was not explained why physical possession of the house and lot had to be with the supposed vendee and her family who even built a pigpen on the lot (p. 6, TSN, June 11, 1990). A mere execution of the document transferring title in the latters name would suffice for the purpose. The alleged failure of the defendants-appellants to present evidence of payment of real estate taxes cannot prejudice their cause. Realty tax payment of property is not conclusive evidence of ownership (Director of Lands vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 195 SCRA 38). Tax receipts only become strong evidence of ownership when accompanied by proof of actual possession of the property (Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals, 196 SCRA 650). In this case, plaintiff-appell[ee] was not in possession of the subject property. The defendantappellants were the ones in actual occupation of the house and lot which as aforestated was unnecessary if the real agreement was merely to lend the property to be used as collateral. Moreover, the plaintiff-appellee began paying her taxes only in 1986 after the instant complaint ha[d] been instituted (Exhibits V, V-1, V-3 and T), and are, therefore, self-serving. Significantly, while plaintiff-appellee was still the owner of the subject property in 1979 (Exhibit I), the Certificate of Tax Declaration issued by the Office of the Municipal Treasurer on 8 August 1990 upon the request of the plaintiff-appellee herself (Exhibit W) named Nieves Manzano as the owner and possessor of the property in question. Moreover, Tax Declaration No. 9589 in the name of Nieves Manzano (Exhibits D and D-1) indicates that the transfer of the subject property was based on the Absolute Sale executed before Notary Public Alfonso Sanvictores, duly recorded in his notarial book as Document No. 3157, Page 157, Book No. II. Tax Declaration No[s]. 9633 (Exhibit H), 1994 (Exhibit P), 1993 (Exhibit Q) are all in the name of Nieves Manzano. There is always the presumption that a written contract [is] for a valuable consideration (Section 5 (r), Rule 131 of the Rules of Court; Gamaitan vs. Court of Appeals, 200 SCRA 37). The execution of a deed purporting to convey ownership of a realty is in itself prima facie evidence of the existence of a valuable consideration and x x x the party alleging lack of consideration has the burden of proving such allegation (Caballero, et al. vs. Caballero, et al., C.A. 45 O.G. 2536). The consideration [for] the questioned [sale] is not the One (P1.00) Peso alone but also the other valuable considerations. Assuming that such consideration is suspiciously insufficient, this circumstance alone, is not sufficient to invalidate the sale. The inadequacy of the monetary

consideration does not render a conveyance null and void, for the vendors liberality may be a sufficient cause for a valid contract (Ong vs. Ong, 139 SCRA 133).vii[7] Hence, this Petition.viii[8] Issues Petitioner submits the following grounds in support of her cause:ix[9] 1. The Court of Appeals erred in failing to consider that: A) B) C) The introduction of petitioners evidence is proper under the parol evidence rule. The rules on admission by silence apply in the case at bar. Petitioner is entitled to the reliefs prayed for.

2. The Court of Appeals erred in reversing the decision of the trial court whose factual findings are entitled to great respect since it was able to observe and evaluate the demeanor of the witnesses.x[10] In sum, the main issue is whether the agreement between the parties was a commodatum or an absolute sale. The Courts Ruling The Petition has no merit. Main Issue: Sale or Commodatum Obviously, the issue in this case is enveloped by conflict in factual perception, which is ordinarily not reviewable in a petition under Rule 45. But the Court is constrained to resolve it, because the factual findings of the Court of Appeals are contrary to those of the trial court.xi[11] Preliminarily, petitioner contends that the CA erred in rejecting the introduction of her parol evidence. A reading of the assailed Decision shows, however, that an elaborate discussion of the parol evidence rule and its exceptions was merely given as a preface by the appellate court. Nowhere therein did it consider petitioners evidence as improper under the said rule. On the contrary, it considered and weighed each and every piece thereof. Nonetheless, it was not persuaded, as explained in the multitude of reasons explicitly stated in its Decision. This Court finds no cogent reason to disturb the findings and conclusions of the Court of Appeals. Upon close examination of the records, we find that petitioner has failed to discharge her burden of proving her case by preponderance of evidence. This concept refers to evidence that has greater weight or is more convincing than that which is offered in opposition; at bottom, it means probability of truth.xii[12]

In the case at bar, petitioner has presented no convincing proof of her continued ownership of the subject property. In addition to her own oral testimony, she submitted proof of payment of real property taxes. But that payment, which was made only after her Complaint had already been lodged before the trial court, cannot be considered in her favor for being self-serving, as aptly explained by the CA. Neither can we give weight to her allegation that respondents possession of the subject property was merely by virtue of her tolerance. Bare allegations, unsubstantiated by evidence, are not equivalent to proof under our Rules.xiii[13] On the other hand, respondents presented two Deeds of Sale, which petitioner executed in favor of the formers predecessor-in-interest. Both Deeds for the residential lot and for the house erected thereon were each in consideration of P1.00 plus other valuable. Having been notarized, they are presumed to have been duly executed. Also, issued in favor of respondents predecessor-in-interest the day after the sale was Tax Declaration No. 9589, which covered the property. The facts alleged by petitioner in her favor are the following: (1) she inherited the subject house and lot from her parents, with her siblings waiving in her favor their claim over the same; (2) the property was mortgaged to secure a loan of P30,000 taken in the names of Nieves Manzano Perez and Respondent Miguel Perez; (3) upon full payment of the loan, the documents pertaining to the house and lot were returned by Respondent Florencio Perez to petitioner; (4) three of the respondents were signatories to a document transferring one half of the property to Emilia Manzano in consideration of the sum of ten thousand pesos, although the transfer did not materialize because of the refusal of the other respondents to sign the document; and (5) petitioner hacked the stairs of the subject house, yet no case was filed against her. These matters are not, however, convincing indicators of petitioners ownership of the house and lot. On the contrary, they even support the claim of respondents. Indeed, how could one of them obtained a mortgage over the property, without having dominion over it? Why would they execute a reconveyance of one half of it in favor of petitioner? Why would the latter have to pay P10,000 for that portion if, as she claims, she owns the whole? Pitted against respondents evidence, that of petitioner awfully pales. Oral testimony cannot, as a rule, prevail over a written agreement of the parties.xiv[14] In order to contradict the facts contained in a notarial document, such as the two Kasulatan ng Bilihang Tuluyan in this case, as well as the presumption of regularity in the execution thereof, there must be clear and convincing evidence that is more than merely preponderant.xv[15] Here petitioner has failed to come up with even a preponderance of evidence to prove her claim. Courts are not blessed with the ability to read what goes on in the minds of people. That is why parties to a case are given all the opportunity to present evidence to help the courts decide on who are telling the truth and who are lying, who are entitled to their claim and who are not. The Supreme Court cannot depart from these guidelines and decide on the basis of compassion alone because, aside from being contrary to the rule of law and our judicial system, this course of action would ultimately lead to anarchy.

We reiterate, the evidence offered by petitioner to prove her claim is sadly lacking. Jurisprudence on the subject matter, when applied thereto, points to the existence of a sale, not a commodatum over the subject house and lot. WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED and the assailed Decision AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner. Melo, (Chairman), Vitug, and Gonzaga-Reyes, JJ., concur. Sandoval-Gutierrez, J., on leave. FIRST DIVISION [G.R. No. 90828. September 5, 2000] MELVIN COLINARES and LORDINO VELOSO, petitioners, vs. HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, and THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. DECISION DAVIDE, JR., C.J.: In 1979 Melvin Colinares and Lordino Veloso (hereafter Petitioners) were contracted for a consideration of P40,000 by the Carmelite Sisters of Cagayan de Oro City to renovate the latters convent at Camaman-an, Cagayan de Oro City. On 30 October 1979, Petitioners obtained 5,376 SF Solatone acoustical board 2x4x, 300 SF tanguile wood tiles 12x12, 260 SF Marcelo economy tiles and 2 gallons UMYLIN cement adhesive from CM Builders Centre for the construction project.xvi[1] The following day, 31 October 1979, Petitioners applied for a commercial letter of creditxvii[2] with the Philippine Banking Corporation, Cagayan de Oro City branch (hereafter PBC) in favor of CM Builders Centre. PBC approved the letter of creditxviii[3] for P22,389.80 to cover the full invoice value of the goods. Petitioners signed a pro-forma trust receiptxix[4] as security. The loan was due on 29 January 1980. On 31 October 1979, PBC debited P6,720 from Petitioners marginal deposit as partial payment of the loan.xx[5] On 7 May 1980, PBC wrotexxi[6] to Petitioners demanding that the amount be paid within seven days from notice. Instead of complying with PBCs demand, Veloso confessed that they lost P19,195.83 in the Carmelite Monastery Project and requested for a grace period of until 15 June 1980 to settle the account.xxii[7] PBC sent a new demand letterxxiii[8]to Petitioners on 16 October 1980 and informed them that their outstanding balance as of 17 November 1979 was P20,824.40 exclusive of attorneys fees of 25%.xxiv[9]

On 2 December 1980, Petitioners proposedxxv[10] that the terms of payment of the loan be modified as follows: P2,000 on or before 3 December 1980, and P1,000 per month starting 31 January 1980 until the account is fully paid. Pending approval of the proposal, Petitioners paid P1,000 to PBC on 4 December 1980,xxvi[11] and thereafter P500 on 11 February 1981,xxvii[12] 16 March 1981,xxviii[13] and 20 April 1981.xxix[14] Concurrently with the separate demand for attorneys fees by PBCs legal counsel, PBC continued to demand payment of the[15] On 14 January 1983, Petitioners were charged with the violation of P.D. No. 115 (Trust Receipts Law) in relation to Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code in an Information which was filed with Branch 18, Regional Trial Court of Cagayan de Oro City. The accusatory portion of the Information reads: That on or about October 31, 1979, in the City of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused entered into a trust receipt agreement with the Philippine Banking Corporation at Cagayan de Oro City wherein the accused, as entrustee, received from the entruster the following goods to wit: Solatone Acoustical board Tanguile Wood Tiles Marcelo Cement Tiles Umylin Cement Adhesive with a total value of P22,389.80, with the obligation on the part of the accused-entrustee to hold the aforesaid items in trust for the entruster and/or to sell on cash basis or otherwise dispose of the said items and to turn over to the entruster the proceeds of the sale of said goods or if there be no sale to return said items to the entruster on or before January 29, 1980 but that the said accused after receipt of the goods, with intent to defraud and cause damage to the entruster, conspiring, confederating together and mutually helping one another, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously fail and refuse to remit the proceeds of the sale of the goods to the entruster despite repeated demands but instead converted, misappropriated and misapplied the proceeds to their own personal use, benefit and gain, to the damage and prejudice of the Philippine Banking Corporation, in the aforesaid sum of P22,389.80, Philippine Currency. Contrary to PD 115 in relation to Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code.xxxi[16] The case was docketed as Criminal Case No. 1390. During trial, petitioner Veloso insisted that the transaction was a clean loan as per verbal guarantee of Cayo Garcia Tuiza, PBCs former manager. He and petitioner Colinares signed the documents without reading the fine print, only learning of the trust receipt implication much later. When he brought this to the attention of PBC, Mr. Tuiza assured him that the trust receipt was a mere formality.xxxii[17]

On 7 July 1986, the trial court promulgated its decisionxxxiii[18] convicting Petitioners of estafa for violating P.D. No. 115 in relation to Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code and sentencing each of them to suffer imprisonment of two years and one day of prision correccional as minimum to six years and one day of prision mayor as maximum, and to solidarily indemnify PBC the amount of P20,824.44, with legal interest from 29 January 1980, 12 % penalty charge per annum, 25% of the sums due as attorneys fees, and costs. The trial court considered the transaction between PBC and Petitioners as a trust receipt transaction under Section 4, P.D. No. 115. It considered Petitioners use of the goods in their Carmelite monastery project an act of disposing as contemplated under Section 13, P.D. No. 115, and treated the charge invoicexxxiv[19] for goods issued by CM Builders Centre as a document within the meaning of Section 3 thereof. It concluded that the failure of Petitioners to turn over the amount they owed to PBC constituted estafa. Petitioners appealed from the judgment to the Court of Appeals which was docketed as CA-G.R. CR No. 05408. Petitioners asserted therein that the trial court erred in ruling that they violated the Trust Receipt Law, and in holding them criminally liable therefor. In the alternative, they contend that at most they can only be made civilly liable for payment of the loan. In its decisionxxxv[20] 6 March 1989, the Court of Appeals modified the judgment of the trial court by increasing the penalty to six years and one day of prision mayor as minimum to fourteen years eight months and one day of reclusion temporal as maximum. It held that the documentary evidence of the prosecution prevails over Velosos testimony, discredited Petitioners claim that the documents they signed were in blank, and disbelieved that they were coerced into signing them. On 25 March 1989, Petitioners filed a Motion for New Trial/Reconsiderationxxxvi[21] alleging that the Disclosure Statement on Loan/Credit Transactionxxxvii[22] (hereafter Disclosure Statement) signed by them and Tuiza was suppressed by PBC during the trial. That document would have proved that the transaction was indeed a loan as it bears a 14% interest as opposed to the trust receipt which does not at all bear any interest. Petitioners further maintained that when PBC allowed them to pay in installment, the agreement was novated and a creditor-debtor relationship was created. In its resolutionxxxviii[23]of 16 October 1989 the Court of Appeals denied the Motion for New Trial/Reconsideration because the alleged newly discovered evidence was actually forgotten evidence already in existence during the trial, and would not alter the result of the case. Hence, Petitioners filed with us the petition in this case on 16 November 1989. They raised the following issues: I. WHETHER OR NOT THE DENIAL OF THE MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL ON THE GROUND OF NEWLY DISCOVERED EVIDENCE, NAMELY, DISCLOSURE ON LOAN/CREDIT TRANSACTION, WHICH IF INTRODUCED AND ADMITTED, WOULD CHANGE THE JUDGMENT, DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS.

2. ASSUMING THERE WAS A VALID TRUST RECEIPT, WHETHER OR NOT THE ACCUSED WERE PROPERLY CHARGED, TRIED AND CONVICTED FOR VIOLATION OF SEC. 13, PD NO. 115 IN RELATION TO ARTICLE 315 PARAGRAPH (I) (B) NOTWITHSTANDING THE NOVATION OF THE SO-CALLED TRUST RECEIPT CONVERTING THE TRUSTOR-TRUSTEE RELATIONSHIP TO CREDITOR-DEBTOR SITUATION. In its Comment of 22 January 1990, the Office of the Solicitor General urged us to deny the petition for lack of merit. On 28 February 1990 Petitioners filed a Motion to Dismiss the case on the ground that they had already fully paid PBC on 2 February 1990 the amount of P70,000 for the balance of the loan, including interest and other charges, as evidenced by the different receipts issued by PBC,xxxix[24] and that the PBC executed an Affidavit of desistance.xl[25] We required the Solicitor General to comment on the Motion to Dismiss. In its Comment of 30 July 1990, the Solicitor General opined that payment of the loan was akin to a voluntary surrender or plea of guilty which merely serves to mitigate Petitioners culpability, but does not in any way extinguish their criminal liability. In the Resolution of 13 August 1990, we gave due course to the Petition and required the parties to file their respective memoranda. The parties subsequently filed their respective memoranda. It was only on 18 May 1999 when this case was assigned to the ponente. Thereafter, we required the parties to move in the premises and for Petitioners to manifest if they are still interested in the further prosecution of this case and inform us of their present whereabouts and whether their bail bonds are still valid. Petitioners submitted their Compliance. The core issues raised in the petition are the denial by the Court of Appeals of Petitioners Motion for New Trial and the true nature of the contract between Petitioners and the PBC. As to the latter, Petitioners assert that it was an ordinary loan, not a trust receipt agreement under the Trust Receipts Law. The grant or denial of a motion for new trial rests upon the discretion of the judge. New trial may be granted if: (1) errors of law or irregularities have been committed during the trial prejudicial to the substantial rights of the accused; or (2) new and material evidence has been discovered which the accused could not with reasonable diligence have discovered and produced at the trial, and which, if introduced and admitted, would probably change the judgment.xli[26] For newly discovered evidence to be a ground for new trial, such evidence must be (1) discovered after trial; (2) could not have been discovered and produced at the trial even with the

exercise of reasonable diligence; and (3) material, not merely cumulative, corroborative, or impeaching, and of such weight that, if admitted, would probably change the judgment.xlii[27] It is essential that the offering party exercised reasonable diligence in seeking to locate the evidence before or during trial but nonetheless failed to secure it.xliii[28] We find no indication in the pleadings that the Disclosure Statement is a newly discovered evidence. Petitioners could not have been unaware that the two-page document exists. The Disclosure Statement itself states, NOTICE TO BORROWER: YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A COPY OF THIS PAPER WHICH YOU SHALL SIGN.xliv[29] Assuming Petitioners copy was then unavailable, they could have compelled its production in court,xlv[30] which they never did. Petitioners have miserably failed to establish the second requisite of the rule on newly discovered evidence. Petitioners themselves admitted that they searched again their voluminous records, meticulously and patiently, until they discovered this new and material evidence only upon learning of the Court of Appeals decision and after they were shocked by the penalty imposed.xlvi[31] Clearly, the alleged newly discovered evidence is mere forgotten evidence that jurisprudence excludes as a ground for new trial.xlvii[32] However, the second issue should be resolved in favor of Petitioners. Section 4, P.D. No. 115, the Trust Receipts Law, defines a trust receipt transaction as any transaction by and between a person referred to as the entruster, and another person referred to as the entrustee, whereby the entruster who owns or holds absolute title or security interest over certain specified goods, documents or instruments, releases the same to the possession of the entrustee upon the latters execution and delivery to the entruster of a signed document called a trust receipt wherein the entrustee binds himself to hold the designated goods, documents or instruments with the obligation to turn over to the entruster the proceeds thereof to the extent of the amount owing to the entruster or as appears in the trust receipt or the goods, documents or instruments themselves if they are unsold or not otherwise disposed of, in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the trust receipt. There are two possible situations in a trust receipt transaction. The first is covered by the provision which refers to money received under the obligation involving the duty to deliver it (entregarla) to the owner of the merchandise sold. The second is covered by the provision which refers to merchandise received under the obligation to return it (devolvera) to the owner.xlviii[33] Failure of the entrustee to turn over the proceeds of the sale of the goods, covered by the trust receipt to the entruster or to return said goods if they were not disposed of in accordance with the terms of the trust receipt shall be punishable as estafa under Article 315 (1) of the Revised Penal Code,xlix[34] without need of proving intent to defraud.

A thorough examination of the facts obtaining in the case at bar reveals that the transaction intended by the parties was a simple loan, not a trust receipt agreement. Petitioners received the merchandise from CM Builders Centre on 30 October 1979. On that day, ownership over the merchandise was already transferred to Petitioners who were to use the materials for their construction project. It was only a day later, 31 October 1979, that they went to the bank to apply for a loan to pay for the merchandise. This situation belies what normally obtains in a pure trust receipt transaction where goods are owned by the bank and only released to the importer in trust subsequent to the grant of the loan. The bank acquires a security interest in the goods as holder of a security title for the advances it had made to the entrustee.l[35] The ownership of the merchandise continues to be vested in the person who had advanced payment until he has been paid in full, or if the merchandise has already been sold, the proceeds of the sale should be turned over to him by the importer or by his representative or successor in[36] To secure that the bank shall be paid, it takes full title to the goods at the very beginning and continues to hold that title as his indispensable security until the goods are sold and the vendee is called upon to pay for them; hence, the importer has never owned the goods and is not able to deliver possession.lii[37] In a certain manner, trust receipts partake of the nature of a conditional sale where the importer becomes absolute owner of the imported merchandise as soon as he has paid its price.liii[38] Trust receipt transactions are intended to aid in financing importers and retail dealers who do not have sufficient funds or resources to finance the importation or purchase of merchandise, and who may not be able to acquire credit except through utilization, as collateral, of the merchandise imported or purchased.liv[39] The antecedent acts in a trust receipt transaction consist of the application and approval of the letter of credit, the making of the marginal deposit and the effective importation of goods through the efforts of the[40] PBC attempted to cover up the true delivery date of the merchandise, yet the trial court took notice even though it failed to attach any significance to such fact in the judgment. Despite the Court of Appeals contrary view that the goods were delivered to Petitioners previous to the execution of the letter of credit and trust receipt, we find that the records of the case speak volubly and this fact remains uncontroverted. It is not uncommon for us to peruse through the transcript of the stenographic notes of the proceedings to be satisfied that the records of the case do support the conclusions of the trial court.lvi[41] After such perusal Grego Mutia, PBCs credit investigator, admitted thus: ATTY. CABANLET: (continuing) Q Do you know if the goods subject matter of this letter of credit and trust receipt agreement were received by the accused? A Yes, sir

Q Do you have evidence to show that these goods subject matter of this letter of credit and trust receipt were delivered to the accused? A Q A xxx Q A What is the date of the charge invoice? October 31, 1979. Yes, sir. I am showing to you this charge invoice, are you referring to this document? Yes, sir.

COURT: Make it of record as appearing in Exhibit D, the zero in 30 has been superimposed with numeral 1.lvii[42] During the cross and re-direct examinations he also impliedly admitted that the transaction was indeed a loan. Thus: Q In short the amount stated in your Exhibit C, the trust receipt was a loan to the accused you admit that? A xxx RE-DIRECT BY ATTY. CABANLET: ATTY. CABANLET (to the witness) Q What do you understand by loan when you were asked? Because in the bank the loan is considered part of the loan.

A Loan is a promise of a borrower from the value received. The borrower will pay the bank on a certain specified date with interestlviii[43] Such statement is akin to an admission against interest binding upon PBC. Petitioner Velosos claim that they were made to believe that the transaction was a loan was also not denied by PBC. He declared: Q Testimony was given here that that was covered by trust receipt. In short it was a special kind of loan. What can you say as to that?

A I dont think that would be a trust receipt because we were made to understand by the manager who encouraged us to avail of their facilities that they will be granting us a loan lix[44] PBC could have presented its former bank manager, Cayo Garcia Tuiza, who contracted with Petitioners, to refute Velosos testimony, yet it only presented credit investigator Grego Mutia. Nowhere from Mutias testimony can it be gleaned that PBC represented to Petitioners that the transaction they were entering into was not a pure loan but had trust receipt implications. The Trust Receipts Law does not seek to enforce payment of the loan, rather it punishes the dishonesty and abuse of confidence in the handling of money or goods to the prejudice of another regardless of whether the latter is the owner.lx[45] Here, it is crystal clear that on the part of Petitioners there was neither dishonesty nor abuse of confidence in the handling of money to the prejudice of PBC. Petitioners continually endeavored to meet their obligations, as shown by several receipts issued by PBC acknowledging payment of the loan. The Information charges Petitioners with intent to defraud and misappropriating the money for their personal use. The mala prohibita nature of the alleged offense notwithstanding, intent as a state of mind was not proved to be present in Petitioners situation. Petitioners employed no artifice in dealing with PBC and never did they evade payment of their obligation nor attempt to abscond. Instead, Petitioners sought favorable terms precisely to meet their obligation. Also noteworthy is the fact that Petitioners are not importers acquiring the goods for re-sale, contrary to the express provision embodied in the trust receipt. They are contractors who obtained the fungible goods for their construction project. At no time did title over the construction materials pass to the bank, but directly to the Petitioners from CM Builders Centre. This impresses upon the trust receipt in question vagueness and ambiguity, which should not be the basis for criminal prosecution in the event of violation of its provisions.lxi[46] The practice of banks of making borrowers sign trust receipts to facilitate collection of loans and place them under the threats of criminal prosecution should they be unable to pay it may be unjust and inequitable, if not reprehensible. Such agreements are contracts of adhesion which borrowers have no option but to sign lest their loan be disapproved. The resort to this scheme leaves poor and hapless borrowers at the mercy of banks, and is prone to misinterpretation, as had happened in this case. Eventually, PBC showed its true colors and admitted that it was only after collection of the money, as manifested by its Affidavit of Desistance. WHEREFORE, the challenged Decision of 6 March 1989 and the Resolution of 16 October 1989 of the Court of Appeals in CA-GR. No. 05408 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Petitioners are hereby ACQUITTED of the crime charged, i.e., for violation of P.D. No. 115 in relation to Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code. No costs. SO ORDERED. Kapunan, and Pardo, JJ., concur.

Puno, J., no part. Ynares-Santiago, J., on leave. Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila THIRD DIVISION

G.R. No. 90676 June 19, 1991 STATE INVESTMENT HOUSE, INC., petitioner, vs. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, HON. JUDGE PERLITA J. TRIA TIRONA, Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch CII and SPS. RAFAEL and REFUGIO AQUINO, respondents. Padilla Law Office for petitioner. Rodolfo T. Galing and Chaves, Hechanova & Lim Law Offices for private respondents.

FELICIANO, J.:p On 5 April 1982, respondent spouses Rafael and Refugio Aquino pledged certain shares of stock to petitioner State Investment House, Inc. ("State") in order to secure a loan of P120,000.00 designated as Account No. IF-82-0631-AA. Prior to the execution of the pledge, respondent-spouses, as an accommodation to and together with the spouses Jose and Marcelina Aquino, signed an agreement (Account No. IF-82-1379AA) with petitioner State for the latter's purchase of receivables amounting to P375,000.00. When Account No. IF-82-0631-AA fell due, respondent spouses paid the same partly with their own funds and partly from the proceeds of another loan which they obtained also from petitioner State designated as Account No. IF-82-0904-AA. This new loan was secured by the same pledge agreement executed in relation to Account No. IF-820631-AA. When the new loan matured, State demanded payment. Respondents expressed willingness to pay, requesting that upon payment, the shares of stock pledged be released. Petitioner State denied the request on the ground that the loan which it had extended to the spouses Jose and Marcelina Aquino (Account No. IF82-1379- AA) had remained unpaid. On 29 June 1984, Atty. Rolando Salonga sent to respondent spouses a Notice of Notarial Sale stating that upon request of State and by virtue of the pledge agreement, he would sell at public auction the shares of stock pledged to State. This prompted

respondents to file a case before the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City alleging that the intended foreclosure sale was illegal because from the time the obligation under Account No. IF-82-0904-AA became due, they had been able and willing to pay the same, but petitioner had insisted that respondents pay even the loan account of Jose and Marcelina Aquino which had not been secured by the pledge. It was further alleged that their failure to pay their loan (Account No. IF-82-0904-AA) was excused because the petitioner State itself had prevented the satisfaction of the obligation. The trial court, in a decision dated 14 December 1984 rendered by Judge Willelmo Fortun, initially dismissed the complaint. Respondent spouses filed a motion for reconsideration praying for a new decision ordering petitioner State to release the shares upon payment of respondents' loan "without interest," as the latter had not been in delay in the performance of their obligation. State countered that the pledge executed by respondent spouses also covered the loan extended to Jose and Marcelina Aquino, which too should be paid before the shares may be released. Acting on the motion for reconsideration, Judge Fortun set aside his original decision and rendered a new judgment dated 29 January 1985, ordering State to immediately release the pledge and to deliver to respondents the share of stock "upon payment of the loan under Code No. 82-0904-AA." On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed in toto the new decision of the trial court, holding that the loan extended to Jose and Marcelina Aquino, having been executed prior to the pledge was not covered by the pledge which secured only loans executed subsequently. Thus, upon payment of the loan under Code No. IF-0904-AA, the shares of stock should be released. The decisions of the Court of Appeals and of Judge Fortun became final and executory. Upon remand of the records of the case to the trial court for execution, there developed disagreement over the amount which respondent spouses Rafael and Refugio Aquino should pay to secure the release of the shares of stock petitioner State contending that respondents should also pay interest and respondents arguing they should not. Respondent spouses then filed a motion with the trial court to clarify the Fortun decision praying that an order issue clarifying the phrase "upon payment of plaintiffs' loan" to mean upon payment of plaintiff' loan in the principal amount of P110,000.00 alone, "without interest, penalties and other charges." On 17 February 1989, the trial court, speaking this time through Judge Perlita Tria Tirona, rendered a decision purporting to clarify the decision of Judge Fortun and ruling that petitioner State shall release respondents' shares of stock upon payment by respondents of the principal of the loan as set forth in PN No. 82-0904-AA in the amount of P110,000.00, without interest, penalties and other charges. Petitioner State appealed Judge Tirona's decision to the Court of Appeals; the appeal was dismissed. The Court of Appeals agreed with Judge Tirona that no interest need be paid and added that the clarificatory (Tirona) decision of the trial court merely restated

what had been provided for in the earlier (Fortun) decision; that the Tirona decision did not go beyond what had been adjudged in the earlier decision. The motion for reconsideration filed by petitioner was accordingly denied. Hence, this Petition for Review contending that no manifest ambiguity existed in the decision penned by Judge Fortun; that the trial court through Judge Tirona, erred in clarifying the decision of Judge Fortun; and that the amendment sought to be introduced in the Fortun decision by respondents may not be made as the same was substantial in nature and the Fortun decision had become final. We begin by noting that the trial court has asserted authority to issue the clarificatory order in respect of the decision of Judge Fortun, even though that judgment had become final and executory. In Reinsurance Company of the Orient, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 1 this Court had occasion to deal with the applicable doctrine to some extent:
- - - [E]ven a judgment which has become final and executory may be clarified under certain circumstances. The dispositive portion of the judgment may, for instance, contain an error clearly clerical in nature (perhaps best illustrated by an error in arithmetical computation) or an ambiguity arising from inadvertent omission, which error may be rectified or ambiguity clarified and the omission supplied by reference primarily to the body of the decision itself Supplementary reference to the pleadings previously filed in the case may also be resorted to by way of corroboration of the existence of the error or of the ambiguity in the dispositive part of the judgment. In Locsin, et al. v. Parades, et al., this Court allowed a judgment which had become final and executory to be clarified by supplying a word which had been inadvertently omitted and which, when supplied, in effect changed the literal import of the original phraseology: . . . it clearly appears from the allegations of the complaint, the promissory note reproduced therein and made a part thereof, the prayer and the conclusions of fact and of law contained in the decision of the respondent judge, that the obligation contracted by the petitioners is joint and several and that the parties as well as the trial judge so understood it. Under the juridical rule that the judgment should be in accordance with the allegations, the evidence and the conclusions of fact and law, the dispositive part of the judgment under consideration should have ordered that the debt be paid 'severally' and in omitting the word or adverb 'severally' inadvertently, said judgment became ambiguous. This ambiguity may be clarified at any time after the decision is rendered and even after it had become final (34 Corpus Juris, 235, 326). This respondent judge did not, therefore, exceed his jurisdiction in clarifying the dispositive part of the judgment by supplying the omission. (Emphasis supplied) In Filipino Legion Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, et al., the applicable principle was set out in the following terms: [W]here there is ambiguity caused by an omission or mistake in the dispositive portion of a decision, the court may clarify such ambiguity by an amendment even after the judgment had become final, and for this purpose it may resort to the pleadings filed by the parties, the court's findings of facts and conclusions of law as expressed in the body of the decision. (Emphasis supplied)

In Republic Surety and Insurance Company, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, the Court, in applying the above doctrine, said: . . . We clarify, in other words, what we did affirm. That is involved here is not what is ordinarily regarded as a clerical error in the dispositive part of the decision of the Court of First Instance, . . . At the same time, what is involved here is not a correction of an erroneous judgment or dispositive portion of a judgment. What we believe is involved here is in the nature of an inadvertent omission on the part of the Court of First Instance (which should have been noticed by private respondents' counsel who had prepared the complaint), of what might be described as a logical follow-through of something set forth both in the body of the decision and in the dispositive portion thereof; the inevitable follow-through, or translation into, operational or behavioral terms, of the annulment of the Deed of Sale with Assumption of Mortgage, from which petitioners' title or claim of 2 title embodied in TCT 133153 flows. (Emphasis supplied) (Underscoring in the original; citations omitted)

The question we must resolve is thus whether or not there is an ambiguity or clerical error or inadvertent omission in the dispositive portion of the decision of Judge Fortun which may be legitimately clarified by referring to the body of the decision and perhaps even the pleadings filed before him. The decision of Judge Fortun disposing of the motion for reconsideration filed by respondent spouses Rafael and Refugio Aquino consisted basically of quoting practically the whole motion for reconsideration. In its dispositive portion, Judge Fortun's decision stated:
WHEREFORE, plaintiffs "Motion for Reconsideration" dated January 3, 1985, is granted and the decision of this Court dated December 14, 1984 is hereby revoked and set aside and another judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiffs as follows: (1) Ordering defendants to immediately release the pledge on, and to deliver to plaintiffs, the shares of stocks enumerated and described in paragraph 4 of plaintiffs' complaint dated July 17, 1984, upon payment of plaintiffs loan under Code No. 82-0904-AA to defendants; (2) Ordering defendant State Investment House, Inc. to pay to plaintiffs P10,000.00 as moral damages, P5,000.00 as exemplary damages, P6,000.00 as attorney's fees, plus costs; (3) Dismissing defendants' counterclaim, for lack of merit and making the preliminary injunction permanent. SO ORDERED.

Judge Fortun evidently meant to act favorably on the motion for reconsideration of the respondent Aquino spouses and in effect accepted respondent spouses' argument that they had not incurred mora considering that their failure to pay PN No. IF82-0904-AA on time had been due to petitioner State's unjustified refusal to release the shares pledged to it. It is not, however, clear to what precise extent Judge Fortun meant to grant the motion for reconsideration. The promissory note in Account No. IF-82-0904-AA had three (3) components: (a) principal of the loan in the amount of P110,000.00; (b) regular interest in the amount of seventeen percent (17%) per annum; and (c) additional or penalty interest in case of non-payment at maturity, at the rate of two percent (2%) per

month or twenty-four percent (24%) per annum. In the dispositive part of his resolution, Judge Fortun did not specify which of these components of the loan he was ordering respondent spouses to pay and which component or components he was in effect deleting. We cannot assume that Judge Fortun meant to grant the relief prayed for by respondent spouses in all its parts. For one thing, respondent spouses in their motion for reconsideration asked for "at least P50,000.00" for moral damages and "at least P50,000.00" for exemplary damages, as well as P20,000.00 by way of attorney's fees and litigation expenses. Judge Fortun granted respondent spouses only P10,000.00 as moral damages and P5,000.00 as exemplary damages, plus P6,000.00 as attorney's fees and costs. For another, respondent spouses asked Judge Fortun to order the release of the shares pledged "upon payment of [respondent spouses'] loan under Code No. 82-0904-AA without interest, as plaintiffs were not in delay in accordance with Article 69 of the New Civil Code " (Emphasis supplied). In other words, respondent spouses did not themselves become very clear what they were asking Judge Fortun to grant them; they did not apparently distinguish between regular interest or "monetary interest" in the amount of seventeen percent (17%) per annum and penalty charges or "compensatory interest" in the amount of two percent (2%) per month or twenty-four percent (24%) per annum. It thus appears that the Fortun decision was ambiguous in the sense that it was cryptic. We believe that in these circumstances, we must assume that Judge Fortun meant to decide in accordance with law, that we cannot fairly assume that Judge Fortun was grossly ignorant of the law, or that he intended to grant the respondent spouses relief to which they were not entitled under law. Thus, the ultimate question which arises is: if respondent Aquino spouses were not in delay, what should they have been held liable for in accordance with law? We believe and so hold that since respondent Aquino spouses were held not to have been in delay, they were properly liable only for: (a) the principal of the loan or P110,000.00; and (b) regular or monetary interest in the amount of seventeen percent (17%) per annum. They were not liable for penalty or compensatory interest, fixed by the promissory note in Account No. IF-82-0904-AA at two percent (2%) per month or twenty-four (24%) per annum. It must be stressed in this connection that under Article 2209 of the Civil Code which provides that
. . . [i]f the obligation consists in the payment of a sum of money, and the debtor incurs in delay. the indemnity for damages, there being no stimulation to the contrary. shall be the payment of the interest agreed upon, and in the absence of stipulation, the legal interest, which is six per cent per annum.

the appropriate measure for damages in case of delay in discharging an obligation consisting of the payment of a sum or money, is the payment of penalty interest at the rate agreed upon; and in the absence of a stipulation of a particular rate of penalty interest, then the payment of additional interest at a rate equal to the regular monetary interest; and if no regular interest had been agreed upon, then payment of legal interest or six percent (6%) per annum. 4

The fact that the respondent Aquino spouses were not in default did not mean that they, as a matter of law, were relieved from the payment not only of penalty or compensatory interest at the rate of twenty-four percent (24%) per annum but also of regular or monetary interest of seventeen percent (17%) per annum. The regular or monetary interest continued to accrue under the terms of the relevant promissory note until actual payment is effected. The payment of regular interest constitutes the price or cost of the use of money and thus, until the principal sum due is returned to the creditor, regular interest continues to accrue since the debtor continues to use such principal amount. The relevant rule is set out in Article 1256 of the Civil Code which provides as follows:
Art. 1256. If the creditor to whom tender of payment has been made refuses without just cause to accept it, the debtor shall be released from responsibility by the consignation of the thing or sum due. Consignation alone shall produce the same effect in the following cases: (1) When the creditor is absent or unknown, or does not appear at the place of payment; (2) When he is incapacitated to receive the payment at the time it is due; (3) When, without just cause, he refuses to give a receipt; (4) When two or more persons claim the same right to collect; (5) When the title of the obligation has been lost. (Emphasis supplied)

Where the creditor unjustly refuses to accept payment, the debtor desirous of being released from his obligation must comply with two (2) conditions: (a) tender of payment; and (b) consignation of the sum due. Tender of payment must be accompanied or followed by consignation in order that the effects of payment may be produced. Thus, in Llamas v. Abaya, 5 the Supreme Court stressed that a written tender of payment alone, without consignation in court of the sum due, does not suspend the accruing of regular or monetary interest. In the instant case, respondent spouses Aquino, while they are properly regarded as having made a written tender of payment to petitioner State, failed to consign in court the amount due at the time of the maturity of Account No. IF-820904-AA. It follows that their obligation to pay principal-cum-regular or monetary interest under the terms and conditions of Account No. IF-82-0904-AA was not extinguished by such tender of payment alone. For the respondent spouses to continue in possession of the principal of the loan amounting to P110,000.00 and to continue to use the same after maturity of the loan without payment of regular or monetary interest, would constitute unjust enrichment on the part of the respondent spouses at the expense of petitioner State even though the spouses had not been guilty of mora. It is precisely this unjust enrichment which Article 1256 of the Civil Code prevents by requiring, in addition to tender of payment, the

consignation of the amount due in court which amount would thereafter be deposited by the Clerk of Court in a bank and earn interest to which the creditor would be entitled. WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is hereby GRANTED DUE COURSE. The Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 30 August 1989 in C.A.-G.R. No. 17954 and the Decision of the Regional Trial Court dated 17 February 1989 in Civil Case No. Q-42188 are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The dispositive portion of the decision of Judge Fortun is hereby clarified so as to read as follows: (1) Ordering defendants to immediately release the pledge and to deliver to the plaintiff spouses Rafael and Refugio Aquino the shares of stock enumerated and described in paragraph 4 of said spouses' complaint dated 17 July 1984, upon full payment of the amount of P110,000.00 plus seventeen percent (17%) per annum regular interest computed from the time of maturity of the plaintiffs' loan (Account No. IF-82-0904-AA) and until full payment of such principal and interest to defendants; (2) Ordering defendant State Investment House, Inc. to pay to the plaintiff spouses Rafael and Refugio Aquino P10,000.00 as moral damages, P5,000.00 as exemplary damages, P6,000.00 as attorney's fees, plus costs; and (3) Dismissing defendants' counterclaim for lack of merit and making the preliminary injunction permanent." No pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED. Fernan, C.J., Gutierrez, Jr., Bidin and Davide, Jr., JJ., concur. Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC

G.R. No. 97412 July 12, 1994 EASTERN SHIPPING LINES, INC., petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, INC., respondents. Alojada & Garcia and Jimenea, Dala & Zaragoza for petitoner. Zapa Law Office for private respondent.

VITUG, J.: The issues, albeit not completely novel, are: (a) whether or not a claim for damage sustained on a shipment of goods can be a solidary, or joint and several, liability of the common carrier, the arrastre operator and the customs broker; (b) whether the payment of legal interest on an award for loss or damage is to be computed from the time the complaint is filed or from the date the decision appealed from is rendered; and (c) whether the applicable rate of interest, referred to above, is twelve percent (12%) or six percent (6%). The findings of the court a quo, adopted by the Court of Appeals, on the antecedent and undisputed facts that have led to the controversy are hereunder reproduced:
This is an action against defendants shipping company, arrastre operator and brokerforwarder for damages sustained by a shipment while in defendants' custody, filed by the insurer-subrogee who paid the consignee the value of such losses/damages. On December 4, 1981, two fiber drums of riboflavin were shipped from Yokohama, Japan for delivery vessel "SS EASTERN COMET" owned by defendant Eastern Shipping Lines under Bill of Lading No. YMA-8 (Exh. B). The shipment was insured under plaintiff's Marine Insurance Policy No. 81/01177 for P36,382,466.38. Upon arrival of the shipment in Manila on December 12, 1981, it was discharged unto the custody of defendant Metro Port Service, Inc. The latter excepted to one drum, said to be in bad order, which damage was unknown to plaintiff. On January 7, 1982 defendant Allied Brokerage Corporation received the shipment from defendant Metro Port Service, Inc., one drum opened and without seal (per "Request for Bad Order Survey." Exh. D). On January 8 and 14, 1982, defendant Allied Brokerage Corporation made deliveries of the shipment to the consignee's warehouse. The latter excepted to one drum which contained spillages, while the rest of the contents was adulterated/fake (per "Bad Order Waybill" No. 10649, Exh. E). Plaintiff contended that due to the losses/damage sustained by said drum, the consignee suffered losses totaling P19,032.95, due to the fault and negligence of defendants. Claims were presented against defendants who failed and refused to pay the same (Exhs. H, I, J, K, L). As a consequence of the losses sustained, plaintiff was compelled to pay the consignee P19,032.95 under the aforestated marine insurance policy, so that it became subrogated to all the rights of action of said consignee against defendants (per "Form of Subrogation", "Release" and Philbanking check, Exhs. M, N, and O). (pp. 85-86, Rollo.)

There were, to be sure, other factual issues that confronted both courts. Here, the appellate court said:

Defendants filed their respective answers, traversing the material allegations of the complaint contending that: As for defendant Eastern Shipping it alleged that the shipment was discharged in good order from the vessel unto the custody of Metro Port Service so that any damage/losses incurred after the shipment was incurred after the shipment was turned over to the latter, is no longer its liability (p. 17, Record); Metroport averred that although subject shipment was discharged unto its custody, portion of the same was already in bad order (p. 11, Record); Allied Brokerage alleged that plaintiff has no cause of action against it, not having negligent or at fault for the shipment was already in damage and bad order condition when received by it, but nonetheless, it still exercised extra ordinary care and diligence in the handling/delivery of the cargo to consignee in the same condition shipment was received by it. From the evidence the court found the following: The issues are: 1. Whether or not the shipment sustained losses/damages; 2. Whether or not these losses/damages were sustained while in the custody of defendants (in whose respective custody, if determinable); 3. Whether or not defendant(s) should be held liable for the losses/damages (see plaintiff's pre-Trial Brief, Records, p. 34; Allied's pre-Trial Brief, adopting plaintiff's Records, p. 38). As to the first issue, there can be no doubt that the shipment sustained losses/damages. The two drums were shipped in good order and condition, as clearly shown by the Bill of Lading and Commercial Invoice which do not indicate any damages drum that was shipped (Exhs. B and C). But when on December 12, 1981 the shipment was delivered to defendant Metro Port Service, Inc., it excepted to one drum in bad order. Correspondingly, as to the second issue, it follows that the losses/damages were sustained while in the respective and/or successive custody and possession of defendants carrier (Eastern), arrastre operator (Metro Port) and broker (Allied Brokerage). This becomes evident when the Marine Cargo Survey Report (Exh. G), with its "Additional Survey Notes", are considered. In the latter notes, it is stated that when the shipment was "landed on vessel" to dock of Pier # 15, South Harbor, Manila on December 12, 1981, it was observed that "one (1) fiber drum (was) in damaged condition, covered by the vessel's Agent's Bad Order Tally Sheet No. 86427." The report further states that when defendant Allied Brokerage withdrew the shipment from defendant arrastre operator's custody on January 7, 1982, one drum was found opened without seal, cello bag partly torn but contents intact. Net unrecovered spillages was 15 kgs. The report went on to state that when the drums reached the consignee, one drum was found with adulterated/faked contents. It is obvious, therefore, that these losses/damages occurred before the shipment reached the consignee while under the successive custodies of defendants. Under Art. 1737 of the New Civil Code, the common carrier's duty to observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance of goods remains in full force and effect even if the goods are temporarily unloaded and stored in transit in the warehouse of the carrier at the place of

destination, until the consignee has been advised and has had reasonable opportunity to remove or dispose of the goods (Art. 1738, NCC). Defendant Eastern Shipping's own exhibit, the "Turn-Over Survey of Bad Order Cargoes" (Exhs. 3-Eastern) states that on December 12, 1981 one drum was found "open". and thus held: WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, judgment is hereby rendered: A. Ordering defendants to pay plaintiff, jointly and severally: 1. The amount of P19,032.95, with the present legal interest of 12% per annum from October 1, 1982, the date of filing of this complaints, until fully paid (the liability of defendant Eastern Shipping, Inc. shall not exceed US$500 per case or the CIF value of the loss, whichever is lesser, while the liability of defendant Metro Port Service, Inc. shall be to the extent of the actual invoice value of each package, crate box or container in no case to exceed P5,000.00 each, pursuant to Section 6.01 of the Management Contract); 2. P3,000.00 as attorney's fees, and 3. Costs. B. Dismissing the counterclaims and crossclaim of defendant/cross-claimant Allied Brokerage Corporation. SO ORDERED. (p. 207, Record). Dissatisfied, defendant's recourse to US. The appeal is devoid of merit. After a careful scrutiny of the evidence on record. We find that the conclusion drawn therefrom is correct. As there is sufficient evidence that the shipment sustained damage while in the successive possession of appellants, and therefore they are liable to the appellee, as subrogee for the amount it paid to the consignee. (pp. 87-89, Rollo.)

The Court of Appeals thus affirmed in toto the judgment of the court a quo. In this petition, Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc., the common carrier, attributes error and grave abuse of discretion on the part of the appellate court when


The petition is, in part, granted. In this decision, we have begun by saying that the questions raised by petitioner carrier are not all that novel. Indeed, we do have a fairly good number of previous decisions this Court can merely tack to. The common carrier's duty to observe the requisite diligence in the shipment of goods lasts from the time the articles are surrendered to or unconditionally placed in the possession of, and received by, the carrier for transportation until delivered to, or until the lapse of a reasonable time for their acceptance by, the person entitled to receive them (Arts. 1736-1738, Civil Code; Ganzon vs. Court of Appeals, 161 SCRA 646; Kui Bai vs. Dollar Steamship Lines, 52 Phil. 863). When the goods shipped either are lost or arrive in damaged condition, a presumption arises against the carrier of its failure to observe that diligence, and there need not be an express finding of negligence to hold it liable (Art. 1735, Civil Code; Philippine National Railways vs. Court of Appeals, 139 SCRA 87; Metro Port Service vs. Court of Appeals, 131 SCRA 365). There are, of course, exceptional cases when such presumption of fault is not observed but these cases, enumerated in Article 1734 1 of the Civil Code, are exclusive, not one of which can be applied to this case. The question of charging both the carrier and the arrastre operator with the obligation of properly delivering the goods to the consignee has, too, been passed upon by the Court. In Fireman's Fund Insurance vs. Metro Port Services (182 SCRA 455), we have explained, in holding the carrier and the arrastre operator liable in solidum, thus:
The legal relationship between the consignee and the arrastre operator is akin to that of a depositor and warehouseman (Lua Kian v. Manila Railroad Co., 19 SCRA 5 [1967]. The relationship between the consignee and the common carrier is similar to that of the consignee and the arrastre operator (Northern Motors, Inc. v. Prince Line, et al., 107 Phil. 253 [1960]). Since it is the duty of the ARRASTRE to take good care of the goods that are in its custody and to deliver them in good condition to the consignee, such responsibility also devolves upon the CARRIER. Both the ARRASTRE and the CARRIER are therefore charged with the obligation to deliver the goods in good condition to the consignee.

We do not, of course, imply by the above pronouncement that the arrastre operator and the customs broker are themselves always and necessarily liable solidarily with the carrier, or vice-versa, nor that attendant facts in a given case may not vary the rule. The instant petition has been brought solely by Eastern Shipping Lines, which, being the carrier and not having been able to rebut the presumption of fault, is, in any event, to be held liable in this particular case. A factual finding of both the court a quo and the appellate court, we take note, is that "there is sufficient evidence that the shipment sustained damage while in the successive possession of appellants" (the herein petitioner among them). Accordingly, the liability imposed on Eastern Shipping Lines,

Inc., the sole petitioner in this case, is inevitable regardless of whether there are others solidarily liable with it. It is over the issue of legal interest adjudged by the appellate court that deserves more than just a passing remark. Let us first see a chronological recitation of the major rulings of this Court: The early case of Malayan Insurance Co., Inc., vs. Manila Port Service, 2 decided 3 on 15 May 1969, involved a suit for recovery of money arising out of short deliveries and pilferage of goods. In this case, appellee Malayan Insurance (the plaintiff in the lower court) averred in its complaint that the total amount of its claim for the value of the undelivered goods amounted to P3,947.20. This demand, however, was neither established in its totality nor definitely ascertained. In the stipulation of facts later entered into by the parties, in lieu of proof, the amount of P1,447.51 was agreed upon. The trial court rendered judgment ordering the appellants (defendants) Manila Port Service and Manila Railroad Company to pay appellee Malayan Insurance the sum of P1,447.51 with legal interest thereon from the date the complaint was filed on 28 December 1962 until full payment thereof. The appellants then assailed, inter alia, the award of legal interest. In sustaining the appellants, this Court ruled:
Interest upon an obligation which calls for the payment of money, absent a stipulation, is the legal rate. Such interest normally is allowable from the date of demand, judicial or extrajudicial. The trial court opted for judicial demand as the starting point. But then upon the provisions of Article 2213 of the Civil Code, interest "cannot be recovered upon unliquidated claims or damages, except when the demand can be established with reasonable certainty." And as was held by this Court in Rivera vs. Perez, 4 L-6998, February 29, 1956, if the suit were for damages, "unliquidated and not known until definitely ascertained, assessed and determined by the courts after proof (Montilla c. Corporacion de P.P. Agustinos, 25 Phil. 447; Lichauco v. Guzman, 38 Phil. 302)," then, interest "should be from the date of the decision." (Emphasis supplied)

The case of Reformina vs. Tomol, 5 rendered on 11 October 1985, was for "Recovery of Damages for Injury to Person and Loss of Property." After trial, the lower court decreed:
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiffs and third party defendants and against the defendants and third party plaintiffs as follows: Ordering defendants and third party plaintiffs Shell and Michael, Incorporated to pay jointly and severally the following persons: xxx xxx xxx (g) Plaintiffs Pacita F. Reformina and Francisco Reformina the sum of P131,084.00 which is the value of the boat F B Pacita III together with its accessories, fishing gear and equipment minus P80,000.00 which is the value of the insurance recovered and the amount of P10,000.00 a month as the estimated monthly loss suffered by them as a result of the fire of May 6, 1969 up to the time they are actually paid or already the total

sum of P370,000.00 as of June 4, 1972 with legal interest from the filing of the complaint until paid and to pay attorney's fees of P5,000.00 with costs against defendants and third party plaintiffs. (Emphasis supplied.)

On appeal to the Court of Appeals, the latter modified the amount of damages awarded but sustained the trial court in adjudging legal interest from the filing of the complaint until fully paid. When the appellate court's decision became final, the case was remanded to the lower court for execution, and this was when the trial court issued its assailed resolution which applied the 6% interest per annum prescribed in Article 2209 of the Civil Code. In their petition for review on certiorari, the petitioners contended that Central Bank Circular No. 416, providing thus
By virtue of the authority granted to it under Section 1 of Act 2655, as amended, Monetary Board in its Resolution No. 1622 dated July 29, 1974, has prescribed that the rate of interest for the loan, or forbearance of any money, goods, or credits and the rate allowed in judgments, in the absence of express contract as to such rate of interest, shall be twelve (12%) percent per annum. This Circular shall take effect immediately. (Emphasis found in the text)

should have, instead, been applied. This Court 6 ruled:

The judgments spoken of and referred to are judgments in litigations involving loans or forbearance of any money, goods or credits. Any other kind of monetary judgment which has nothing to do with, nor involving loans or forbearance of any money, goods or credits does not fall within the coverage of the said law for it is not within the ambit of the authority granted to the Central Bank. xxx xxx xxx Coming to the case at bar, the decision herein sought to be executed is one rendered in an Action for Damages for injury to persons and loss of property and does not involve any loan, much less forbearances of any money, goods or credits. As correctly argued by the private respondents, the law applicable to the said case is Article 2209 of the New Civil Code which reads Art. 2209. If the obligation consists in the payment of a sum of money, and the debtor incurs in delay, the indemnity for damages, there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall be the payment of interest agreed upon, and in the absence of stipulation, the legal interest which is six percent per annum.

The above rule was reiterated in Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc., v. Cruz, 7 promulgated on 28 July 1986. The case was for damages occasioned by an injury to person and loss of property. The trial court awarded private respondent Pedro Manabat actual and compensatory damages in the amount of P72,500.00 with legal interest thereon from the filing of the complaint until fully paid. Relying on the Reformina v. Tomol case, this Court 8 modified the interest award from 12% to 6% interest per annum but sustained the time computation thereof, i.e., from the filing of the complaint until fully paid.

In Nakpil and Sons vs. Court of Appeals, 9 the trial court, in an action for the recovery of damages arising from the collapse of a building, ordered, inter alia, the "defendant United Construction Co., Inc. (one of the petitioners) . . . to pay the plaintiff, . . . , the sum of P989,335.68 with interest at the legal rate from November 29, 1968, the date of the filing of the complaint until full payment . . . ." Save from the modification of the amount granted by the lower court, the Court of Appeals sustained the trial court's decision. When taken to this Court for review, the case, on 03 October 1986, was decided, thus:
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby MODIFIED and considering the special and environmental circumstances of this case, we deem it reasonable to render a decision imposing, as We do hereby impose, upon the defendant and the third-party defendants (with the exception of Roman Ozaeta) a solidary (Art. 1723, Civil Code, Supra. p. 10) indemnity in favor of the Philippine Bar Association of FIVE MILLION (P5,000,000.00) Pesos to cover all damages (with the exception to attorney's fees) occasioned by the loss of the building (including interest charges and lost rentals) and an additional ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (P100,000.00) Pesos as and for attorney's fees, the total sum being payable upon the finality of this decision. Upon failure to pay on such finality, twelve (12%) per cent interest per annum shall be imposed upon aforementioned amounts from finality until paid. Solidary costs against the defendant and third-party defendants (Except Roman Ozaeta). (Emphasis supplied)

A motion for reconsideration was filed by United Construction, contending that "the interest of twelve (12%) per cent per annum imposed on the total amount of the monetary award was in contravention of law." The Court 10 ruled out the applicability of the Reformina and Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines cases and, in its resolution of 15 April 1988, it explained:
There should be no dispute that the imposition of 12% interest pursuant to Central Bank Circular No. 416 . . . is applicable only in the following: (1) loans; (2) forbearance of any money, goods or credit; and (3) rate allowed in judgments (judgments spoken of refer to judgments involving loans or forbearance of any money, goods or credits. (Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines Inc. v. Cruz, 143 SCRA 160-161 [1986]; Reformina v. Tomol, Jr., 139 SCRA 260 [1985]). It is true that in the instant case, there is neither a loan or a forbearance, but then no interest is actually imposed provided the sums referred to in the judgment are paid upon the finality of the judgment. It is delay in the payment of such final judgment, that will cause the imposition of the interest. It will be noted that in the cases already adverted to, the rate of interest is imposed on the total sum, from the filing of the complaint until paid; in other words, as part of the judgment for damages. Clearly, they are not applicable to the instant case. (Emphasis supplied.)

The subsequent case of American Express International, Inc., vs. Intermediate Appellate Court 11 was a petition for review on certiorari from the decision, dated 27 February 1985, of the then Intermediate Appellate Court reducing the amount of moral and exemplary damages awarded by the trial court, to P240,000.00 and P100,000.00, respectively, and its resolution, dated 29 April 1985, restoring the amount of damages awarded by the trial court, i.e., P2,000,000.00 as moral damages and P400,000.00 as

exemplary damages with interest thereon at 12% per annum from notice of judgment, plus costs of suit. In a decision of 09 November 1988, this Court, while recognizing the right of the private respondent to recover damages, held the award, however, for moral damages by the trial court, later sustained by the IAC, to be inconceivably large. The Court 12 thus set aside the decision of the appellate court and rendered a new one, "ordering the petitioner to pay private respondent the sum of One Hundred Thousand (P100,000.00) Pesos as moral damages, with six (6%) percent interest thereon computed from the finality of this decision until paid. (Emphasis supplied) Reformina came into fore again in the 21 February 1989 case of Florendo v. Ruiz 13 which arose from a breach of employment contract. For having been illegally dismissed, the petitioner was awarded by the trial court moral and exemplary damages without, however, providing any legal interest thereon. When the decision was appealed to the Court of Appeals, the latter held:
WHEREFORE, except as modified hereinabove the decision of the CFI of Negros Oriental dated October 31, 1972 is affirmed in all respects, with the modification that defendants-appellants, except defendant-appellant Merton Munn, are ordered to pay, jointly and severally, the amounts stated in the dispositive portion of the decision, including the sum of P1,400.00 in concept of compensatory damages, with interest at the legal rate from the date of the filing of the complaint until fully paid (Emphasis supplied.)

The petition for review to this Court was denied. The records were thereupon transmitted to the trial court, and an entry of judgment was made. The writ of execution issued by the trial court directed that only compensatory damages should earn interest at 6% per annum from the date of the filing of the complaint. Ascribing grave abuse of discretion on the part of the trial judge, a petition for certiorari assailed the said order. This Court said:
. . . , it is to be noted that the Court of Appeals ordered the payment of interest "at the legal rate" from the time of the filing of the complaint. . . Said circular [Central Bank Circular No. 416] does not apply to actions based on a breach of employment contract like the case at bar. (Emphasis supplied)

The Court reiterated that the 6% interest per annum on the damages should be computed from the time the complaint was filed until the amount is fully paid. Quite recently, the Court had another occasion to rule on the matter. National Power Corporation vs. Angas, 14 decided on 08 May 1992, involved the expropriation of certain parcels of land. After conducting a hearing on the complaints for eminent domain, the trial court ordered the petitioner to pay the private respondents certain sums of money as just compensation for their lands so expropriated "with legal interest thereon . . . until fully paid." Again, in applying the 6% legal interest per annum under the Civil Code, the Court 15 declared:
. . . , (T)he transaction involved is clearly not a loan or forbearance of money, goods or credits but expropriation of certain parcels of land for a public purpose, the payment of which is without stipulation regarding interest, and the interest adjudged by the trial court

is in the nature of indemnity for damages. The legal interest required to be paid on the amount of just compensation for the properties expropriated is manifestly in the form of indemnity for damages for the delay in the payment thereof. Therefore, since the kind of interest involved in the joint judgment of the lower court sought to be enforced in this case is interest by way of damages, and not by way of earnings from loans, etc. Art. 2209 of the Civil Code shall apply.

Concededly, there have been seeming variances in the above holdings. The cases can perhaps be classified into two groups according to the similarity of the issues involved and the corresponding rulings rendered by the court. The "first group" would consist of the cases of Reformina v. Tomol (1985), Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines v. Cruz (1986), Florendo v. Ruiz (1989) and National Power Corporation v. Angas (1992). In the "second group" would be Malayan Insurance Company v. Manila Port Service (1969), Nakpil and Sons v. Court of Appeals (1988), and American Express International v. Intermediate Appellate Court (1988). In the "first group", the basic issue focuses on the application of either the 6% (under the Civil Code) or 12% (under the Central Bank Circular) interest per annum. It is easily discernible in these cases that there has been a consistent holding that the Central Bank Circular imposing the 12% interest per annum applies only to loans or forbearance 16 of money, goods or credits, as well as to judgments involving such loan or forbearance of money, goods or credits, and that the 6% interest under the Civil Code governs when the transaction involves the payment of indemnities in the concept of damage arising from the breach or a delay in the performance of obligations in general. Observe, too, that in these cases, a common time frame in the computation of the 6% interest per annum has been applied, i.e., from the time the complaint is filed until the adjudged amount is fully paid. The "second group", did not alter the pronounced rule on the application of the 6% or 12% interest per annum, 17 depending on whether or not the amount involved is a loan or forbearance, on the one hand, or one of indemnity for damage, on the other hand. Unlike, however, the "first group" which remained consistent in holding that the running of the legal interest should be from the time of the filing of the complaint until fully paid, the "second group" varied on the commencement of the running of the legal interest. Malayan held that the amount awarded should bear legal interest from the date of the decision of the court a quo, explaining that "if the suit were for damages, 'unliquidated and not known until definitely ascertained, assessed and determined by the courts after proof,' then, interest 'should be from the date of the decision.'" American Express International v. IAC, introduced a different time frame for reckoning the 6% interest by ordering it to be "computed from the finality of (the) decision until paid." The Nakpil and Sons case ruled that 12% interest per annum should be imposed from the finality of the decision until the judgment amount is paid. The ostensible discord is not difficult to explain. The factual circumstances may have called for different applications, guided by the rule that the courts are vested with

discretion, depending on the equities of each case, on the award of interest. Nonetheless, it may not be unwise, by way of clarification and reconciliation, to suggest the following rules of thumb for future guidance. I. When an obligation, regardless of its source, i.e., law, contracts, quasi-contracts, delicts or quasi-delicts 18 is breached, the contravenor can be held liable for damages. 19 The provisions under Title XVIII on "Damages" of the Civil Code govern in determining the measure of recoverable damages. 20 II. With regard particularly to an award of interest in the concept of actual and compensatory damages, the rate of interest, as well as the accrual thereof, is imposed, as follows: 1. When the obligation is breached, and it consists in the payment of a sum of money, i.e., a loan or forbearance of money, the interest due should be that which may have been stipulated in writing. 21 Furthermore, the interest due shall itself earn legal interest from the time it is judicially demanded. 22 In the absence of stipulation, the rate of interest shall be 12% per annum to be computed from default, i.e., from judicial or extrajudicial demand under and subject to the provisions of Article 1169 23 of the Civil Code. 2. When an obligation, not constituting a loan or forbearance of money, is breached, an interest on the amount of damages awarded may be imposed at the discretion of the court 24 at the rate of 6% per annum. 25 No interest, however, shall be adjudged on unliquidated claims or damages except when or until the demand can be established with reasonable certainty. 26 Accordingly, where the demand is established with reasonable certainty, the interest shall begin to run from the time the claim is made judicially or extrajudicially (Art. 1169, Civil Code) but when such certainty cannot be so reasonably established at the time the demand is made, the interest shall begin to run only from the date the judgment of the court is made (at which time the quantification of damages may be deemed to have been reasonably ascertained). The actual base for the computation of legal interest shall, in any case, be on the amount finally adjudged. 3. When the judgment of the court awarding a sum of money becomes final and executory, the rate of legal interest, whether the case falls under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, above, shall be 12% per annum from such finality until its satisfaction, this interim period being deemed to be by then an equivalent to a forbearance of credit. WHEREFORE, the petition is partly GRANTED. The appealed decision is AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that the legal interest to be paid is SIX PERCENT (6%) on the amount due computed from the decision, dated 03 February 1988, of the court a quo. A TWELVE PERCENT (12%) interest, in lieu of SIX PERCENT (6%), shall be imposed on such amount upon finality of this decision until the payment thereof. SO ORDERED.

Narvasa, C.J., Cruz, Feliciano, Padilla, Bidin, Regalado, Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Quiason, Puno and Kapunan, JJ., concur. Mendoza, J., took no part.


1 Art. 1734. Common carriers are responsible for the loss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods, unless the same is due to any of the following causes only: (1) Flood, storm, earthquake, lightning, or other natural disaster or calamity; (2) Act of the public enemy in war, whether international or civil; (3) Act or omission of the shipper or owner of the goods; (4) The character of the goods or defects in the packing or in the containers; (5) Order or act of competent public authority. 2 28 SCRA 65. 3 Penned by Justice Conrado Sanchez, concurred in by Justices Jose B.L. Reyes, Arsenio Dizon, Querube Makalintal, Calixto Zaldivar, Enrique Fernando, Francisco Capistrano, Claudio Teehankee and Antonio Barredo, Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion and Justice Fred Ruiz Castro were on official leave. 4 The correct caption of the case is "Claro Rivera vs. Amadeo Matute, L-6998, 29 February 1956," 98 Phil. 516. 5 139 SCRA 260, 265. 6 Penned by Justice Serafin Cuevas, concurred in by Justices Hermogenes Concepcion, Jr., Vicente Abad Santos, Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera, Venicio Escolin, Lorenzo Relova, Hugo Gutierrez, Jr., Buenaventura de la Fuente, Nestor Alampay and Lino Patajo. Justice Ramon Aquino concurred in the result. Justice Efren Plana filed a concurring and dissenting opinion, concurred in by Justice Claudio Teehankee while Chief Justice Felix Makasiar concurred with the separate opinion of Justice Plana. 7 143 SCRA 158. 8 Penned by then Justice, now Chief Justice, Andres Narvasa, concurred in by Justices Pedro Yap, Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera, Isagani A. Cruz and Edgardo Paras. 9 160 SCRA 334. 10 Penned by Justice Edgardo Paras, with the concurrence of Justices Marcelo Fernan, Teodoro Padilla, Abdulwahid Bidin, and Irene Cortes. Justice Hugo Gutierrez, Jr., took no part because he was the ponente in the Court of Appeals.

11 167 SCRA 209. 12 Rendered per curiam with the concurrence of then Chief Justice Marcelo Fernan, Justices Andres Narvasa, Isagani A. Cruz, Emilio Gancayco, Teodoro Padilla, Abdulwahid Bidin, Abraham Sarmiento, Irene Cortes, Carolina Grio-Aquino, Leo Medialdea and Florenz Regalado. Justices Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera and Hugo Gutierrez, Jr., took no part because they did not participate in the deliberations. Justices Edgardo Paras and Florentino Feliciano also took no part. 13 170 SCRA 461. 14 208 SCRA 542. 15 Penned by Justice Edgardo Paras with the concurrence of Justices Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera, Teodoro Padilla, Florenz Regalado and Rodolfo Nocon. 16 Black's Law Dictionary (1990 ed., 644) citing the case of Hafer v. Spaeth, 22 Wash. 2d 378, 156 P.2d 408, 411 defines the word forbearance, within the context of usury law, as a contractual obligation of lender or creditor to refrain, during given period of time, from requiring borrower or debtor to repay loan or debt then due and payable. 17 In the case of Malayan Insurance, the application of the 6% and 12% interest per annum has no bearing considering that this case was decided upon before the issuance of Circular No. 416 by the Central Bank. 18 Art. 1157. Obligations arise from. (1) Law; (2) Contracts; (3) Quasi-contracts; (4) Acts or omissions punished by law; and (5) Qausi-delicts." 19 Art. 1170. Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay, and those who in any manner contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages. 20 Art. 2195. The provisions of this Title (on Damages) shall be respectively applicable to all obligations mentioned in article 1157. 21 Art. 1956. No interest shall be due unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing. 22 Art. 2212. Interest due shall earn legal interest from the time it is judicially demanded, although the obligation may be silent upon this point. 23 Art. 1169. Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur in delay from the time the obligee judicially or extrajudicially demands from them the fulfillment of their obligation.

"However, the demand by the creditor shall not be necessary in order that delay may exist: (1) When the obligation or the law expressly so declare; or (2) When from the nature and the circumstances of the obligation it appears that the designation of the time when the thing is to be delivered or the service is to be rendered was a controlling motive for the establishment of the contract; or (3) When demand would be useless, as when the obligor has rendered it beyond his power to perform. "In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him. From the moment one of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the other begins." 24 Art. 2210. Interest may, in the discretion of the court, be allowed upon damages awarded for breach of contract. Art. 2211. In crimes and quasi-delicts, interest as a part of the damages may, in a proper case, be adjudicated in the discretion of the court. 25 Art. 2209. If the obligation consists in the payment of a sum of money, and the debtor incurs in delay, the indemnity for damages, there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall be the payment of the interest agreed upon, and in the absence of stipulation, the legal interest, which is six per cent per annum. 26 Art. 2213. Interest cannot be recovered upon unliquidated claims or damages, except when the demand can be established with reasonable certainty.

SECOND DIVISION [G.R. No. 84884 : December 3, 1990.] EULALIO M. RUIZ and ILUMINADA RUIZ, Petitioners, vs. HON. DOROTEO N. CANEBA, THE CITY SHERIFF OF MANILA AND/OR HIS DEPUTIES, ZENAIDA SANGALANG and ADOLFO CRUZ, Respondents. DECISION PARAS, J.: This is a petition for Certiorari and prohibition with preliminary injunction and/or restraining order of the Order of the respondent judge 1 dated July 27, 1988 in Civil Case No. 8424032 entitled "Eulalio M. Ruiz and Iluminada M. Ruiz vs. Zenaida S. Sangalang and Adolfo Cruz" amending the May 15, 1986 decision of Judge Antonio M. Martinez (now Justice of the Court of Appeals). The facts of the case are as follows: Private respondents Zenaida Sangalang and Adolfo Cruz are common-law spouses and owners in common of a 2-storey house and lots described in Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 56053 of the Registry of Deeds of Caloocan City but registered only in the name of Zenaida Sangalang. Petitioners, the spouses Eulalio M. Ruiz and Iluminada M. Ruiz are the lessees of Door No. 1 of the aforesaid two storey house divided into 2 doors, for a monthly rental of P650.00.
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Sometime on November 19, 1982, Eulalio Ruiz and Zenaida Sangalang executed an agreement where it was provided that Ruiz will buy the house and lot for the sum of P175,000.00 under the following terms and conditions: "That I, EULALIO M. RUIZ, of legal age, Filipino, married to Iluminada M. Ruiz, with residence and postal address at 399 Gen. Luna, Caloocan City, Metro Manila, Philippines, am a tenant of MISS ZENAIDA S. SANGALANG and I agree to purchase the above mentioned parcel of land from MISS ZENAIDA S. SANGALANG for the total amount of ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (175,000.00), Philippine Currency, to be paid as follows: SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P65,000.00) down payment and will assume the amount of balance of THIRTY ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P31,500.00) with the BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLAND, Marulas Branch, Metro Manila; that after payment of said balance mortgage, a balance of seventy eight thousand five hundred pesos (P78,500.00) will be payable on or before December 31, 1983; my failure to comply with the above conditions of payment, the said property above described will be open for sale and all partial payments will be refunded by Miss Zenaida S. Sangalang". (Rollo, p. 45)

It was also stipulated that the Ruiz spouses will continue paying the monthly rental of P650.00 until the amount of P175,000.00 shall have been fully satisfied. There is no dispute that the following payments were made by Ruiz: P65,000.00 to Sangalang as down payment and P21,119.62 to the Bank on the assumed mortgage. There is disagreement however as to the amount paid to Sangalang on the balance of P78,500.00. Sangalang maintains that she received only P33,793.00 while Ruiz insists that they paid P53,073.00. Thus, the Ruiz spouses filed a complaint on April 24, 1984 for specific performance with damages against Zenaida Sangalang and Adolfo Cruz. (Ibid, p. 14) In any event, the trial court found that the Ruiz spouses failed to pay in full the balance of P78,500.00 on or before December 31, 1983 as stipulated and even on the extended period of March 22, 1984. Hence, the Ruiz spouses are not entitled to their prayer for specific performance with damages. In the same breath, the trial court decided that it is only fair that Zenaida Sangalang return/refund to the Ruiz spouses the payment made by the latter. Further, it ruled that the Ruiz spouses shall continue to pay the agreed amount of rental in the amount of P650.00 until the property is surrendered to Sangalang (RTC decision, May 15, 1986, p. 7; Rollo, p. 48).
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More specifically, the dispositive portion of the decision reads: "Wherefore, in view of all the foregoing, we hereby rule as follows: "1. Ordering the plaintiffs to pay defendant Zenaida Sangalang the amount of P20,000.00 moral damages; "2. Ordering plaintiffs to pay defendant Sangalang, attorney's fees in the amount of P15,000.00; and to pay the costs of suit; and "3. Defendant Zenaida Sangalang is hereby ordered to return the payments made by the plaintiffs pursuant to the Agreement. SO ORDERED". (Rollo, p. 48) The Ruiz spouses appealed the decision to the Court of Appeals but the same was dismissed for failure to pay the docket fee. (Rollo, p. 162) On May 29, 1987, an entry of judgment was made by the Court of Appeals. On motion of the private respondents, respondent Judge issued an order for the issuance of a writ of execution. (Ibid., p. 59) The Clerk of Court, in his capacity as ex-oficio city sheriff, caused the execution of the 1st and 2nd paragraphs of the dispositive portion of the May 15, 1986 decision without including in the writ, the execution of the 3rd par. thereof in favor of the Ruizes. A notice of levy as well as a notice of garnishment were both issued to the petitioners. (Rollo, p. 51) On September 2, 1987, the Ruiz spouses filed an "Ex-parte Motion for Execution of Decision Now Partly Executed," praying that a writ of execution be issued for par. 3 of the said dispositive portion and that the sheriff be ordered to make full execution of the decision by "off-setting" and/or setting-off par. 3 as against pars. 1 and 2 thereof. (Ibid, p. 92) An order was issued by the respondent judge on September 8, 1987 the dispositive portion of which reads as follows:
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"WHEREFORE, in view of the fact that a writ of execution has already been issued and the same was enforced only with respect to paragraphs 1 and 2 of the

dispositive portion of the decision dated May 15, 1986, let a writ of execution be issued with respect to paragraph 3 of the said dispositive portion of the decision. "SO ORDERED" (Rollo, p. 59) The aforequoted order was reiterated by the respondent judge in his order dated December 11, 1987 (Ibid., p. 60) after an omnibus motion was filed by the petitioners on September 8, 1987. (Ibid., p. 53) As expected, the parties could not agree on the execution of the decision, as regards par. 3 thereof; that is the amount to be returned by Sangalang to the Ruiz spouses. Sangalang and Adolfo Cruz on May 7, 1988 moved to amend said decision of May 15, 1986 which they alleged to have clear disparities and evident ambiguities between the body of said decision and the dispositive portion. Thus, while the trial court is fully aware that a decision once final and executory can no longer be amended or corrected, it opted, for the purpose of finally settling the claims of the parties and thereby avoid multiplicity of suits, to amend the decision in question, on July 27, 1988, the dispositive portion of which reads: "WHEREFORE, Order is hereby issued directing: "1. the cancellation of lis pendens annotated at the back of the title of the subject property by the Register of Deeds of Caloocan City; "2. the plaintiffs to pay the defendant the sum of P1,500.00 monthly from May 15, 1986, the effective date of the decision up to the date they vacate door No. 2; "3. the return of payments made by the plaintiffs to defendant Zenaida Sangalang which shall be without prejudice to off-setting of rental payments from November 1982; and "4. the writ of possession be issued on the property, subject matter of the rescission of the contract. "SO ORDERED" (Rollo, p. 64) Sangalang and Cruz filed a Motion for Execution on the above-quoted order on September 1, 1988 (Ibid., p. 65) but before the day of the hearing of said motion, the Ruiz spouses filed an "Urgent Motion to Cancel Hearing of Motion." (Ibid., p. 127) On September 15, 1988, the Ruizes filed the present petition. In the resolution of the 2nd Division of this Court dated January 10, 1990, the petition was given due course (Rollo, p. 152-A). Petitioners' memorandum was filed on April 11, 1990 (Ibid., p. 192) while respondents' memorandum was filed on March 30, 1990 (Ibid., p. 171). The petition is impressed with merit. The principal issue to be resolved in the instant petition is: whether or not there is an ambiguity in the dispositive portion of the May 15, 1986 decision sufficient to warrant the questioned order of the respondent court amending subject final and executory judgment.

There is no question that the Ruizes failed to comply with the agreement and rescission of the contract is in order. The parties are also agreed that the Ruizes must return the physical possession of the property to Sangalang while the latter is obliged to return all partial payments made on the property to the Ruizes in accordance with the agreement. But the bone of contention in this case is the exact amount to be returned by Sangalang to the Ruiz

spouses which was not spelled out by the trial court. The Ruizes claim that they are entitled to a refund of P124,192.62 plus 24% interest compounded annually, the alleged legal rate under Central Bank Circular, or a total amount of P169,414.95. Sangalang, on the other hand, countered that she received only the amount of P120,092.62 or a difference of P4,100.00 from that claimed by the Ruizes, let alone the computation of interest. Furthermore, Sangalang insists that she is entitled to a P1,500.00 a month rental for Door No. 2 of said house which the Ruizes occupied after the execution of the agreement (Rollo, p. 166) instead of confining themselves to Door No. 1 which they used to occupy and for which they have originally been paying rentals.
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A careful study of the decision of the trial court of May 15, 1986 shows that aside from the fact that the refund ordered to be made by Sangalang was not specified in exact numbers, there appears to be no ambiguity in the decision to such an extent as to warrant an amendment of the dispositive portion. From the total amount of P139,192.62 claimed by the Ruiz spouses to have been actually paid to Sangalang, only the amount of P15,000.00 in the form of dishonored checks have been discounted by the trial court leaving a balance of P124,192.62; more specifically shown as follows: Downpayment on Nov. 19, 1982 P 65,000.00 Payment to the Bank of P.I. P 21,119.62 Payment made to Zenaida Sangalang P53,073.00 less P15,000.00 total sum of two (2) dishonored checks P 38,073.00 Total Payments Made P124,192.62 Decision, p. 2 & 3. Hence, it is evident that this is the amount that Sangalang was ordered to return to the Ruizes pursuant to par. 3 of the said dispositive portion. The only set-off specified by the trial court in the assailed May 15, 1986 decision were the lost profits suffered by Sangalang because of the annotation of the notice of lis pendens on her title by the Ruiz spouses which were considered compensated by the increase in value of the property due to the repair made by the latter. Moreover, it appearing that there was in fact a part execution of pars. 1 and 2 of the dispositive portion of the 1986 decision against the Ruizes, it is but proper that the amount to be paid by Sangalang is the total payments made by the petitioners in the amount of P124,192.62. Anent the Ruizes' claim of interest as aforementioned, it has been held in the case of Santulan v. Fule, 133 SCRA 762 (1984) that where the court judgment which did not provide for interest is already final, there is no reason to add interest in the judgment. Interest was not demanded by the Ruizes when the case was pending before the lower court, hence, there is no reason for this Court to grant such claim. As ruled by this Court, such claim is groundless since the decision and orders sought to be enforced do not direct the payment of interest and have long become final (Canonizado v. Ordoez-Benitez, 149 SCRA 555 [1987]).

Finally, as to Sangalang's claim for P1,500.00 as monthly rental for Door No. 2, the records show that such claim was never raised in the trial court. The issue of additional rentals was brought up by Sangalang only when the motion for execution of par. 3 of the dispositive portion of the decision was filed by the Ruiz spouses (Rollo, p. 189). It is a basic rule that an issue which was not raised in the court below cannot be raised for the first time on appeal as it would be offensive to the basic rules of fair play, justice and due process (Matienzo v. Servidad, 107 SCRA 276 [1981]; De la Santa v. CA, 140 SCRA 44, [1985]; Dihiansan v. CA, 157 SCRA 434 [1987]; Auchuelo v. CA, 147 SCRA 434 [1987]; Dulos Realty and Dev't. Corp. v. CA, 157 SCRA 425 [1988]; Ramos v. IAC, GR No. 78282, July 5, 1989; Filipino Merchants vs. CA GR No. 85141, Nov. 28, 1989). Consequently, Sangalang's claim cannot be granted.

Hence, since the May 15, 1986 decision has long become final and executory and in fact has been partly executed, the respondent judge had lost its jurisdiction thereon (Marcopper Mining Corp. vs. Briones, G.R. 77210, Sept. 19, 1988; Baclayon et al. v. CA, G.R. No. 89132, Feb. 26, 1990). He has exceeded his authority, considering that the trial court has no authority to modify or vary the terms and conditions of a final and executory judgment (Vda. de Nabong v. Sadang, 167 SCRA 232 [1988]; Commercial Credit Corporation vs. CA, 169 SCRA 1 [1989]; Christian Literature Crusade v. NLRC, 171 SCRA 712 [1989]). What remains in his authority in relation thereto is purely the ministerial enforcement or execution of the judgment. (Christian Lit. Crusade, supra; Baclayan vs. CA, supra.) Therefore, for having substantially affected the final and executory judgment such Order of the respondent judge dated July 27, 1988 is null and void for lack of jurisdiction, including the entire proceedings held for the purpose (Marcopper Mining vs. Briones, supra). PREMISES CONSIDERED, (a) the instant petition for Certiorari and prohibition is hereby GRANTED; (b) the Order of the respondent judge dated July 27, 1988 is hereby DECLARED null and void ab initio; (c) respondent Sangalang is hereby required to PAY petitionersspouses Ruizes the amount of P124,192.62; (d) petitioners Ruizes are hereby required to VACATE the property in question and PAY P650.00 monthly as rental as agreed upon and as required by the May 15, 1986 decision until they vacate the premises and (e) the Register of Deeds of Caloocan City is hereby required to CANCEL the lis pendens annotated on the title of subject property. SO ORDERED. Melencio-Herrera, Padilla, Sarmiento and Regalado, JJ., concur.

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila THIRD DIVISION G.R. No. 82082 March 25, 1988 INSULAR BANK OF ASIA AND AMERICA,plaintiff-appellant, vs. SPOUSES EPIFANIA SALAZAR and RICARDO SALAZAR, defendants-appellees.

GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: This is an appeal by the Insular Bank of Asia and America (IBAA) from the judgment of the Regional Trial Court of Leyte in Civil Case No. 6932 for collection of a sum of money with preliminary attachment. The appeal was originally brought to the Court of Appeals but was certified to us by that tribunal because it raises only a question of law. The facts are not disputed. On November 22, 1978, defendants-appellees Epifania Salazar and Ricardo Salazar obtained a loan from the plaintiff-appellant in the amount of Forty Two Thousand and Fifty Pesos ( P42,050.00 ) payable on or before December 12, 1980. This loan transaction was evidenced by a promissory note where the defendants-appellees bound themselves jointly and severally to pay the amount with interest at 19% per annum and with the express authority to increase without notice the rate of interest up to the maximum allowed by law and subject further to penalty charges or liquidated damages upon default equivalent to 2% per month on any amount due and unpaid. In the event the account was referred to an attorney for collection, the defendants-appellees were also bound to pay 25% of any amount due as attorney's fees plus expenses of litigation and costs. In accordance with the agreement, the plaintiff-appellant increased the rate of interest to 21% pursuant to Central Bank Circular No. 705 dated December 1, 1979. The promissory note matured but the defendants-appellees failed to pay their account. It was only after several demands that the defendants-appellees were able to make partial payment. As of November 25, 1983, they were able to pay a total of P68,676.75 which payments were applied to partially satisfy the penalty and interest charges. On September 12, 1984, the plaintiff-appellant filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court alleging that the defendants-appellees were indebted to IBAA in the amount of P87,647.19 as of September 15, 1984. including interest at 21% per annum penalty charges, and attorney's fees. At the pre-trial on October 31, 1984, the parties and their counsels appeared. The defendant-spouses admitted the execution of the promissory note in consideration of P48,050.00. The trial court then rendered a summary judgment the dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby ordered in favor of the plaintiff ordering the defendant spouses Ricardo Salazar and Epifania Salazar to pay Insular Bank of Asia and America (IBAA) the sum of Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Three Pesos and Twenty Five Centavos ( P11,253.25 ), with interest thereon at the rate of 19% per annum from the filing of the complaint on September 12, 1984 until fully paid. The defendants are further

ordered to pay the plaintiff-attorney's fees in the amount of one Thousand Pesos ( P1,000.00 ) and to pay the costs. (p. 4, Plaintiff- Appellant's Brief).

The interest herein charged shall be subject to in , without notice, depending on whatever policy IBAA may in the future adopt conformable to law, especially to compensate for any in Central Bank interests or rediscounting rates.

Finding strength in the argument that the promissory note is the contract between the parties and, under the law, obligations arising from contracts have the force of law between the parties, the plaintiff-appellant increased the interest rate to 21% per annum effective December 1, 1979 pursuant to Central Bank Circular No. 705. In line with the Court's ruling in the case of Banco Filipino v. Navarro (G.R. No. L-46591, July 28,1987), the interest rate may not be increased by the plaintiff-appellant in the instant case. It is the nile that escalation clauses are valid stipulations in commercial contracts to maintain fiscal stability and to retain the value of money in long term contracts. However, the enforceability of such stipulations are subject to certain conditions. In the Banco Filipino case, the borrower questioned the additional interest charges on the loan of P41,300.00 she obtained when the interest rates were increased from 12% to 17% per Central Bank Circular No. 494, issued on January 2, 1976. In a letter written

by the Central Bank to the borrower, some clarifications were made. Pertinent portions of the letter read:
In this connection, please be advised that the Monetary Board, in its Resolution No. 1155 dated June 11, 1976 adopted the following guidelines to govern interest rate adjustments by banks and non-banks performing quasi- banking functions on loans already existing as of January 3, 1976, in the light of Central Rank Circulars Nos. 492-498: 1 Only banks and non-bank financial intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions may interest rates on I already existing as of January 2,1976, provided that: a. The pertinent loan contracts/documents contain escalation clauses expressly authorizing lending bank or non-bank performing quasibanking functions to increase the rate of interest stipulated in the contract, in the event that any law or Central Bank regulation is promulgated increasing the maximum interest rate for loans; and b. Said loans were directly granted by them and the remaining maturities thereof were more than 730 days as of January 2, 1976, and 2. The increase in the rate of interest can be effective only as of January 2, 1976 or on a later date. (Emphasis supplied)

Moreover, in its comment and supplemental comment submit, ted upon orders of this Court, the Central Bank took the position that the issuance of its circulars is a valid exercise of its authority to prescribe maximum rates of interest and based on the general principles of contract, the Escalation Clause is a valid provision in the loan agreement provided that- 41) the increased rate imposed or charged by petitioner does not exceed the ceiling fixed by law or the Monetary Board; (2) the increase is made effective not earlier than the effectivity of the law or regulation authorizing such an increase and (3) the remaining maturities of the loans are more than 730 days as of the effectivity of the law or regulation authorizing such an increase. (Emphasis supplied) In the case at bar, the loan was obtained on November 21, 1978 and was payable on or before November 12, 1980. Central Bank Circular No. 705, authorizing the increase from 19% to 21% was issued on December 1, 1979. Obviously, as of this date, December 1, 1979, the remaining maturity of the loan was less than 730 days. Hence, the plaintiff-appellant's second assignment of error is without merit. With respect to the penalty clause, we have upheld the validity of such agreements in several cases. As the Court stated in the case of Government Service Insurance System v. Court of appeals (145 SCRA 311, 321):
In the Bachrach case (supra) the Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Code permits the agreement upon a penalty apart from the interest. Should there be such an agreement, the penalty does not include the interest, and as such the two are different and distinct things which may be demanded separately. Reiterating the same principle in the later case of Equitable Banking Corp. (supra), where this Court held that the stipulation about

payment of such additional rate partakes of the nature of a penalty clause, winch is sanctioned by law.

In the case of Equitable Banking Corporation v. Liwanag (32 SCRA 293, 297), the Court explained:
xxx xxx xxx ... We have not overlooked the 14% interest that appellant has been sentenced to pay. This may appear to be usurious, but it is not so. The rate stipulated was 9%, subject, however, to an additional rate of 5%, in the event of default. The stipulation about payment of such additional rate partakes of the nature of a penalty clause, which is sanctioned by law, (Art. 1226, Civil Code of the Philippines), although, the penalty may also be reduced by the courts if it is iniquitous or unconscionable. (Art 1229, Civil Code of the Philippines). ...

Admittedly, the defendants-appellees in the instant case failed to pay the loan on the due date. However, with earnest efforts, they tried to pay the loan little by little so that as of November 25, 1983, a total of P68,676.75 had been paid. The plaintiff-appellant, on the other hand, merely applied this amount to satisfy the penalty and interest charges which it additionally imposed. We do not find any evidence of bad faith on the part of the defendants-appellees in their failure to pay the loan on time. Efforts were indeed made to make good their promise. We note the trial court's observation that the plaintiffappellant did not even state in the complaint that the defendants-appellees had made partial payments, making it appear that the spouses Salazars refused to pay the loan. In their answer with counterclaim, the defendants-appellees alleged that the bank neglected to credit said payments in the defendant's account folio and subjected it as it did to the additional charges. Furthermore, we agree with the trial court that the bank has already profited considerably from the loan. In a span of about six (6) years, the bank was enriched by P 26,626.75 (p. 17, Records). The penalty charges of 2% a month are, therefore, out of proportion to the damage incurred by the bank. In accordance with Article 1229 of the Civil Code, the Court is constrained to reduce the penalty for being highly iniquitous With respect to the attorney's fees, the court is likewise empowered to reduce the same if they are unreasonable or unconscionable notwithstanding the express contract for attorney's fees. The award of one thousand ( P1,000.00 ) pesos by the trial court appears to be enough. The promissory note signed by the defendants-appellants states that the loan of P42,050.00 shall bear interest at the rate of 19% per annum. This would yield interest of P7,989.50 per annum or a total of P 46,339.10 from November 22, 1978 to September 12, 1984, the date of filing the complaint. Penalty interest of 1% a month or 12% per annum is reasonable so that from December 12, 1980 up to September 12, 1984, penalty charges should be P19,202.83. Considering that the defendants-appellees have paid the amount of P68,676.75, they, therefore, owed the bank the amount of P38,915.18 when the complaint was filed. There is no indication in the records as to the

fluctuation of actual interest rates from 1984 and, therefore, we order interest at the legal rate of 12% per annum on the unpaid amount. WHEREFORE, the decision of the lower court is MODIFIED. The defendants-appellants Ricardo Salazar and Epifania Salazar are ordered to pay Insular Bank of Asia and America (IBAA) the sum of THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED PESOS and EIGHTEEN CENTAVOS (P38,915.18 ) with interest thereon at the rate of Twelve Percent (12%) per annum from the filing of the complaint until fully paid. SO ORDERED. Fernan (Chairman), Feliciano and Cortes JJ., concur. Bidin, J., took no part. Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC DECISION

September 18, 1990 G.R. No. 66715 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, vs. THE HONORABLE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT (First Civil Cases Division) and ROMEO ALCEDO, respondents. Juan D. Diaz, Benjamin C. Del Rosario and Pedro R. Lazo for petitioner. Carlos S. Ayeng, Augustus C. Rallos and Orlando S. Ayeng for private respondent. , J.:

This is a petition for certiorari which seeks to set aside: (a) the decision dated November 29, 1983 of the Intermediate Appellate Court (now Court of Appeals) in

CA-G.R. CV No. 68021 which affirmed the decision of the Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental (now Regional Trial Court), Branch IV, Bacolod City, in Civil Case No. 11393; and (b) respondent court's resolution dated February 29, 1984 denying petitioner Philippine National Bank's (PNB for short) motion for reconsideration. The facts of the case are the following: On March 20, 1968, Leticia de la Vina-Sepe executed a real estate mortgage in favor of PNB, San Carlos Branch, over a lot registered in her name under TCT No. T-31913 to secure the payment of a sugar crop loan of P3,400. Later, Leticia Sepe, acting as attorney-in-fact for her brother-in-law, private respondent Romeo Alcedo, executed an amended real estate mortgage to include his (Alcedo's) Lot No. 1626 (being a portion of Lot No. 1402, covered by TCT 52705 of the Isabela Cadastre) as additional collateral for Sepe's increased loan of P16,500 (pp. 5-6, PNB's Brief, p. 74, Rollo). Leticia Sepe and private respondent Alcedo verbally agreed to split fifty-fifty (50-50) the proceeds of the loan (p. 94, Rollo) but failing to receive his one-half share from her, Alcedo wrote a letter on May 12, 1970 to the PNB, San Carlos Branch, revoking the Special Power of Attorney which he had given to Leticia Sepe to mortgage his Lot No. 1626 (p. 95, Rollo). Replying on May 22, 1970, the PNB Branch Manager, Jose T. Gellegani advised Alcedo that his land had already been included as collateral for Sepe's 1970-71 sugar crop loan, which the latter had already availed of, nevertheless, he assured Alcedo that the bank would exclude his lot as collateral for Sepe's forthcoming (1971-72) sugar crop loan (p. 95, Rollo). The letter reads: May 22, 1970 Mr. Romeo Alcedo Mamballo, M. Padilla Negros Occidental Dear Mr. Alcedo: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 12, 1970, requesting us to revoke the 'Special Power of Attorney' you have executed in favor of Mrs. Leticia de la Vina-Sepe, on February 18, 1969, on Lot No. 1402, Isabela Cadastre, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 52705, with an area of 20.9200 hectares.

In this connection, we wish to advise you that the aforementioned parcel of land had been included as collateral to secure the 1970-71 sugar crop loan of Mrs. Leticia de la Vina-Sepe, which she had already availed of. In view of your late request, please be advised and assured that we shall exclude the aforementioned lot as a collateral of Leticia de la Vina-Sepe in our recommendation for her 1971-72 sugar crop loan. For your information, we enclose a copy of our letter to Mrs. Sepe, which is self-explanatory, Thank you. Very truly yours, (Sgd.) JOSE T. GELLEGANI Manager (pp. 6-7, Record on Appeal, p. 75, Rollo.) On the same day, May 22, 1970, PNB advised Sepe in writing to replace Lot No. 1402 with another collateral of equal or higher value wjXUeYmO. May 22, 1970 Mrs. Leticia de la Vina-Sepe Canla-on City Dear Mrs. Sepe: We wish to advice you that Mr. Romeo Alcedo, in a letter written to us, has plans to revoke the 'Special Power of Attorney' he executed in 1969 in your favor, affecting Lot No. 1402, Isabela Cadastre, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 52705 with an area of 20.9200 Hectares. Our record shows that this parcel of land is mortgaged to us to secure the agricultural sugar crop loans we have granted you. Mr. Alcedo made us understand that this said property shall serve as security for your 1969/70 sugar crop loan only. As it already secures your 1970-71 crop loan, which you have already availed, the same may be excluded as security for future crop loans. In the meantime, it is requested that you replace Lot No. 1402, above-mentioned, with the same or more appraised value.

Kindly call on us regarding this matter at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Very truly yours, (Sgd.) JOSE T. GELLEGANI Manager (pp. 7-8, Record on Appeal, p. 75, Rollo.) Despite the above advice from PNB, Sepe was still able to obtain an additional loan from PNB increasing her debt of P 16,500 to P56,638.69 on the security of Alcedo's property as collateral. On January 15, 1974, Alcedo received two (2) letters from PNB: (1) informing him of Sepe's failure to pay her loan in the total amount of P 56,638.69; and (2) giving him six (6) days to settle Sepe's outstanding obligation, as otherwise, foreclosure proceedings would be commenced against his property (p. 33, Rollo). Alcedo requested Sepe to pay her accounts to forestall foreclosure proceedings against his property, but to no avail (p. 15, Rollo). On April 17, 1974, Alcedo sued Sepe and PNB in the Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental for collection and injunction with damages (p. 33, Rollo). During the pendency of the case, PNB filed in the Office of the Sheriff at Pasig, Metro Manila, a petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of its real estate mortgage on Alcedo's land. On November 19, 1974, the property was sold to PNB as the highest bidder in the sale. The corresponding Sheriffs Certificate of Sale was issued to the Bank (p. 33, Rollo). On October 18, 1975, Alcedo filed an amended complaint against Leticia and her husband Elias Sepe, and the Provincial Sheriff of Negros Occidental praying additionally for annulment of the extrajudicial foreclosure sale and reconveyance of the land to him free from liens and encumbrances, with damages. With leave of court, Alcedo filed a second amended complaint withdrawing his action to collect his one-half share (amounting to P28,319.34) out of the proceeds of the sugar crop loans obtained by Sepe (p. 34, Rollo). In its answer, PNB alleged that it had no knowledge of the agreement between Mrs. Sepe and Alcedo to split the crop loan proceeds between them. It required Sepe to put up other collaterals when it granted her an additional loan because Alcedo informed the Bank that he was revoking

the Special Power of Attorney he gave Sepe; that the revocation was not formalized in accordance with law; and that in any event, the revocation of the Special Power of Attorney on May 12, 1970 by Alcedo did not impair the real estate mortgage earlier executed on April 28, 1969 by Sepe in favor of the Bank (p. 36, Rollo). On March 14, 1980, the trial court rendered judgment in favor of Alcedo1. Declaring the public auction sale and the certificate of sale executed by the Provincial Sheriff of Negros Occidental relative to Lot No. 1626, Isabela Cadastre (TCT No. T-52705), as null and void; 2. Ordering the defendant Philippine National Bank to reconvey to plaintiff the title to aforesaid Lot No. 1626 free from all liens and encumbrances relative to the loans obtained by defendant Leticia de la Vina-Sepe; 3. Ordering defendant spouses Leticia de la Vina-Sepe and Elias Sepe and the Philippine National Bank, in solidum, to pay to the plaintiff moral damages in the sum of Pl 0,000.00, and another sum of P5,000.00 as attorney's fees and expenses of litigation; 4. On the cross-claim of defendant PNB against Leticia de la Vina-Sepe, considering that no evidence has been adduced regarding the updated actual accountability of the latter with the former, it is hereby directed that PNB proceed to collect against the cross-defendant whatever outstanding obligation the latter owes the former arising from transactions in connection with the instant case. No pronouncement as to costs. (pp. 10-11, Rollo.) The bank appealed but to no avail for on November 29,1983, the Intermediate Appellate Court affirmed in toto the judgment of the trial court (p. 54, Rollo.) The appellate court reasoned out that the Bank was estopped from foreclosing the mortgage on Alcedo's lot to pay Sepe's 1971-72 sugar crop loan, after having assured Alcedo on May 22, 1970 "that we shall exclude the aforementioned lot as a collateral of Leticia de la Vina-Sepe in our recommendation for her 1971-72 sugar crop loan" (p. 37, Rollo). The Court of Appeals held: ... Plaintiff-appellee's letter was unequivocal and clear to the effect that defendant Leticia de la Vina Sepe was no longer empowered to bind, encumber or mortgage his property. Although We may not hold this revocation to retroact to April 28, 1969 which was the date of the original mortgage, We can neither interpret it in any other way than that from the moment of notice to the PNB, it was the absolute intention of the owner to withdraw all authority from said defendant to further bind or encumber his property. This was clearly understood by the defendant-appellant

PNB. There was no question on its part that Leticia de la Vina Sepe was no longer authorized to offer plaintiff-appellee's property as collateral for her contract of mortgage with the PNB. Defendant-appellant, therefore, acknowledged this revocation of the agency and in no uncertain terms assured the plaintiff-appellee that indeed, the latter's property will no longer be accepted by it as collateral for the sugar crop loan of the aforementioned defendant for the year 1971 to 1972. This meeting of the minds between the plaintiff-appellee and defendant-appellant took place not through verbal communications only, but in writing, as shown by their letters dated May 12, 1970 and May 22, 1970, respectively. ... xxx xxx xxx ... To Our minds, the aforementioned act and declaration of defendant-appellant PNB as embodied in said letter binds said bank under the principle of estoppel by deed and defined as follows: A doctrine in American jurisprudence whereby a party creating an appearance of fact which is not true is held bound by that appearance as against another person who has acted on the faith of it. (Strong v. Gutierrez Repide, 6 Phil. 685). which is provided for in Articles 1431 and 1433 of the New Civil Code in conjunction with Section 3, paragraph (a), Rule 131 of the Rules of Court, all of which provide: Art. 1431. Through estoppel an admission or representation is rendered conclusive upon the person making it, and cannot be denied or disproved as against the person relying thereon.' ' Art. 1433. Estoppel may be in pais or by deed. Sec. 3. Conclusive presumptions. The following are instances of conclusive presumptions: (a) Whenever a party has,by his own declaration, act, or omission, intentionally and deliberately led another to believe a particular thing true, and to act upon such belief, he cannot, in any litigation arising out of such declaration, act, or omission, be permitted to falsify it. and which was enunciated in the following decisions of the Supreme Court: Whenever a party has, by his own declaration, act or omission intentionally and deliberately led another to believe a particular thing true and to act upon such belief, he cannot, in any litigation arising out of such declaration, act, or omission, be permitted to falsify it. Estoppel arises when one, by his acts, representations, or admissions, or by his silence when he

ought to speak out, intentionally or through culpable negligence induces another to believe certain facts to exist and such other rightfully relies and acts on such belief, so that he will be prejudiced if the former is permitted to deny the existence of such facts (Huyatid v. Huyatid 47265-R, Jan. 4, 1978). The doctrine of estoppel is based upon the grounds of public policy, fair dealing, good faith and justice, and its purpose is to forbid one to speak against his own act, representations, or commitments to the injury of one to whom they were directed and who reasonably relied thereon. Said doctrine springs from equitable principles and the equities of the case. It is designed to aid the law in the administration of justice where without its aid injustice might result.' (Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, L-30831, November 21, 1979, 94 SCRA 368) By its letter dated May 22, 1970, defendant-appellant PNB led plaintiff-appellee to believe that his property covered by TCT T-52705 would no longer be included as collateral in the sugar crop loan of defendant Leticia de la Vina Sepe for the year 1971-72. It led said plaintiff-appellee to believe that his property as of said year will no longer be encumbered and will be free from any lien or mortgage. Plaintiff-appellee had the light to rely on said belief, because of the aforementioned act and declaration of defendant-appellant bank. Under the laws and jurisprudence aforequoted, defendant-appellant bank can no longer be allowed to deny or falsify its act or declaration, or to renege from it. This is one of the conclusive presumptions provided for by the Rules of Court. (pp. 37, 38-39, Rollo.) PNB seeks a review of that decision on the grounds that: 1. the doctrine of promissory estoppel does not apply to this case; 2. PNB was a mortgagee in good faith and for value; and 3. PNB adduced substantial evidence in support of its cross-claim against defendant Leticia Sepe (p. 15, Rollo). These issues boil down to whether or not PNB validly foreclosed the real estate mortgage on Alcedo's property despite notice of Alcedo's revocation of the Special Power of Attorney authorizing Leticia Sepe to mortgage his property as security for her sugar crop loans and despite the Bank's written assurance to Alcedo that it would exclude his property as collateral for Sepe's future loan obligations. After careful deliberation, the Court is not persuaded to disturb the decisions of the trial court and the Court of Appeals in this case.

We agree with the opinion of the appellate court that under the doctrine of promissory estoppel enunciated in the case of Republic Flour Mills Inc. vs. Central Bank, L-23542, August 11, 1979, the act and assurance given by the PNB to Alcedo "that we shall exclude the aforementioned lot [Lot No. 1402] as a collateral of Leticia de la Vina-Sepe in our recommendation for her 1971-72 sugar crop loan" (p. 37, Rollo) is binding on the bank. Having given that assurance, the bank may not turn around and do the exact opposite of what it said it would not do. One may not take inconsistent positions (Republic vs. Court of Appeals, 133 SCRA 505). A party may not go back on his own acts and representations to the prejudice of the other party who relied upon them (Lazo vs. Republic Surety & Insurance Co., Inc., 31 SCRA 329.) In the case of Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals (94 SCRA 357), where the bank manager assured the heirs of the debtor-mortgagor that they would be allowed to pay the remaining obligation of their deceased parents, the Supreme Court held that the bank must abide by its representations. On equitable principles, particularly on the ground of estoppel, we must rule against petitioner Bank. The doctrine of estoppel is based upon the grounds of public policy, fair dealing, good faith and justice, and its purpose is to forbid one to speak against its own act, representations, or commitments to the injury of one to whom they were directed and who reasonably relied thereon. The doctrine of estoppel springs from equitable principles and the equities in the case. It is designed to aid the law in the administration of justice where without its aid injustice might result. It has been applied by this Court wherever and whenever the special circumstances of a case so demands. In the case at bar, since PNB had promised to exclude Alcedo's property as collateral for Sepe's 1971-72 sugar crop loan, it should have released the property to Alcedo. The mortgage which Sepe gave to the bank on Alcedo's lot as collateral for her 1971-72 sugar crop loan was null and void for having been already disauthorized by Alcedo. Since Alcedo's property secured only P13,100.00 of Sepe's 1970-71 sugar crop loan of P16,500.00 (because P3,400 was secured by Sepe's own property), Alcedo's property may be held to answer for only the unpaid balance, if any, of Sepe's 1970-71 loan, but not the 1971-72 crop loan. While Article 1358 of the New Civil Code requires that the revocation of Alcedo's Special Power of Attorney to mortgage his property should appear in a public instrument: Art. 1358. The following must appear in a public document: (1) Acts or contracts which have for their object the creation, transmission, modification or extinguishment of real rights over immovable property; sales of real property or of an interest

therein are governed by Articles 1403, No. 2 and 1405. nevertheless, a revocation embodied in a private writing is valid and binding between the parties (Doliendo v. Depino, 12 Phil. 758; Hawaiian-Philippines Co. vs. Hernaez, 45 Phil. 746) for The legalization by a public writing and the recording of the same in the registry are not essential requisites of a contract entered into, as between the parties, but mere conditions of form or solemnities which the law imposes in order that such contract may be valid as against third persons, and to insure that a publicly executed and recorded agreement shall be respected by the latter. (Alano, et al. vs. Babasa, 10 Phil. 511.) The PNB acted with bad faith in proceeding against Alcedo's property to satisfy Sepe's unpaid 1971-72 sugar crop loan. The extrajudicial foreclosure being null and void ab initio, the certificate of sale which the Sheriff delivered to PNB as the highest bidder at the sale is also null and void. WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error in the decision of the Court of Appeals, the petition for review is denied for lack of merit. SO ORDERED. Narvasa, Cruz, Gancayco and Medialdea, JJ., concur. . Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila SECOND DIVISION

G.R. No. 103592 February 4, 1993 IRENEO F. LLORIN, JR., petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and APEX MORTGAGE AND LOANS CORPORATION, respondents. Cruz, Palabyab, Llorin & Associates for petitioner. Balgos & Perez for private respondent.

REGALADO, J.: In this petition for review on certiorari, petitioner impugns the decision rendered by respondent Court of Appeals on January 17, 1992 1 which affirmed in toto the judgment of the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 50, dated April 12, 1991, in Civil Case No. 88-45055 2 which is an action for collection of a sum of money. The uncontested antecedent facts, as found by the trial court and adopted by respondent court, are as follows:
It is undisputed that on April 11, 1978, defendant Llorin obtained a loan from plaintiff corporation in the amount of Eighty Four Thousand Four Hundred Ten Pesos (P84,410.00). The loan, secured by a real estate mortgage, is payable in two hundred forty (240) installments at P1,142.08 monthly commencing May 11, 1978, with interest of 12% per annum, service charge of three percent (3%) p.a. and 1 1/2% monthly penalty for unpaid or delayed amortizations, as evidenced by a Promissory Note With Authority to Assign Credit. The promissory note provides for an escalation clause which reads: I/We hereby authorized (sic) APEX MORTGAGE AND LOAN CORPORATION to accordingly increase the rate of interest and/or service charges stipulated in this contract without notice to me/us in the event of a law or any applicable Presidential Decree and/or Central Bank regulation (which) should be enacted increasing the lawful rate of interest and/or service charges that may be charged on this particular kind of loan. Pursuant to the said clause and on the basis of Central Bank Circular No. 721 (February 25, 1980) and No. 905 (Series of 1982), plaintiff increased the interest rate on the loan from 12% annually as follows: Effective Date From To Monthly Amortization February 25, 1980 12% 21% P 1,511.91 (Exhs. "8" & "G") (4 years & 5 months or more) August 1, 1984 21% 25% P 1,772.68 (Exh. "5") (4 months) December 1, 1984 25% 36% P 2,482.94 (Exh. "4") (1 year & 2 months)

Despite the absence of a de-escalation clause, the interest rates were, however, later reduced corresponding to the reduction in the interest rates prescribed by the Central Bank as follows: Effective Date From To Monthly Amortization February 1, 1986 36% 28% P 1,957.00 (Exhs. "6") (10 months) December 1, 1986 28% 24% P 1,732.04 (Exh. "7") (2 months) February 1, 1987 24% 21% P 1,580.14 (Exh. "1") (3 years-Feb. 1990) On May 11, 1982 plaintiff demanded from defendant the payment of P123,720.32. On July 7, 1987 another written demand was sent to defendant for payment of P208,964.88 covering the period from September 1981 to June 1987. As of July 27, 1987, defendant was able to pay the plaintiff the total sum of P79,462.27 which was applied to satisfy the penalty, interest charges and part of (the) principal loan. On March 28, 1988, plaintiff wrote defendant for payment of P323,523.42 representing principal and interest as of March 21, 1988 computed (in) consonant (sic) with the foregoing CB Circulars. Defendant, in his reply, requested for recomputation of his account invoking the decisions of the Supreme Court in Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank vs. Hon. Miguel Navarro, and Florante Valle and Insular Bank of Asia and 3 America vs. Spouses Salazar. . . .

On June 17, 1988, respondent Apex Mortgage and Loans Corporation (APEX) filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court of Manila for the collection of the amount of P323,523.42, with interest at 21% per annum and 10% of the total claim as attorney's fees. Three pre-trial conferences were had before the court a quo. On February 12, 1990, the trial court issued a second pre-trial order stating, inter alia, that:
xxx xxx xxx Both parties agreed that the material facts of the case are not disputed and that the main issue pertains to whether or not the escalation clause contained in the promissory note validly applies to this case in light of the Supreme Court decision in the case of Banco Filipino. Final pre-trial for submission of additional stipulation of facts on last payment, principal balance, computations according to each other's theory, etc., is set on March 12, 1990 at 4 8:30 a.m.

In compliance with said order, the parties submitted their respective computations to the trial court which issued an order on March 12, 1990 directing the parties to submit their

respective memoranda, after which the case would be considered submitted for decision on the basis of the pleadings, stipulations, affidavits and the three pre-trial orders, the issue being principally a question of law. On April 12, 1991, the lower court rendered a decision ordering herein petitioner "to pay plaintiff Apex Mortgage and Loan Corporation the sum of P80,561.13 with interest of 21% and service charge of 3% per annum from September 12, 1981 until fully paid, plus P10,000.00 (as) attorney's fees and the costs of suit." 5 Petitioner initially went to this Court on a petition for review on certiorari, which was referred to the Court of Appeals for determination and disposition pursuant to our resolution dated September 18, 1991. As earlier stated, respondent court rendered judgment upholding the decision of the court below. The same issue raised by petitioner before respondent Court of Appeals is now being presented before us for resolution, that is, whether the decision of this Court in the case of Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank vs. Hon Miguel Navarro, et al., 6 is applicable to the case at bar and, if so, whether the computation should be patterned after the formula used in Insular Bank of Asia and America vs. Sps. Salazar. 7 Petitioner asseverates that in the Banco Filipino case, we disallowed the imposition of the increased rates of interest and declared that the escalation clause should not be given effect because of (1) its one-sidedness in favor of the lender, and (2) the absence of a de-escalation clause. In the case at bar, petitioner claims that the escalation clause contained in the promissory note executed in favor of private respondent APEX is identical with the escalation clause subject of the Banco Filipino case. Hence, he argues, the same should likewise be declared null and void. We find the petition to be barren of meritorious submissions or arguments. The legality of the escalation clause, as in the case at bar, has been recognized in this jurisdiction. In the aforecited case of Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank vs. Hon. Miguel Navarro, et al., supra, we declared such clause to be valid and held that:
Some contracts, contain what is known as an "escalator clause," which is defined as one in which the contract fixes a base price but contains a provision that in the event of specified cost increases, the seller or contractor may increase the price up to a fixed percentage of the base. Attacks on such a clause have usually been based on the claim that, because of the open price provision, the contract was too indefinite to be enforceable and did not evidence an actual meeting of the minds of the parties, or that the arrangement left the price to be determined arbitrarily by one party so that the contract lacked mutuality. In most instances, however, these attacks have been unsuccessful. The Court further finds as a matter of law that the cost of living index adjustment, or escalator clause, is not substantively unconscionable.

Cost of living index adjustment clauses are widely used in commercial contracts in an effort to maintain fiscal stability and to retain "real dollar" value to the price terms of long term contracts. The provision is a common one, and has been universally upheld and enforced. . . .

However, it is pointed out that Section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 1684, which further amended the Usury Law, provides:
Sec. 2. The same Act is hereby amended by adding a new section after Section 7, to read as follows: Sec. 7-a. Parties to an agreement pertaining to a loan or forbearance of money, goods or credits may stipulate that the rate of interest agreed upon may be increased in the event that the applicable maximum rate of interest is increased by law or by the Monetary Board: Provided, That such stipulation shall be valid only if there is also a stipulation in the agreement that the rate of interest agreed upon shall be reduced in the event that the applicable maximum rate of interest is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board: Provided further, That the adjustment in the rate of interest agreed upon shall take effect on or after the effectivity of the increase or decrease in the maximum rate of interest.

Accordingly, for a stipulation on an escalation clause to be valid, it should specifically provide (1) that there can be an increase in interest if increased by law or by the Monetary Board, and (2) it must include a provision for reduction of the stipulated interest in the event that the applicable maximum rate of interest is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board. The purpose of the law in mandating the inclusion of a de-escalation clause is to prevent one-sidedness in favor of the lender which is considered repugnant to the principle of mutuality of contracts. As we held in Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Appeals, et al.: 8
. . . the unilateral action of the PNB in increasing the interest rate on the private respondent's loan, violated the mutuality of contracts ordained in Article 1308 of the Civil Code: Art. 1308. The contract must bind both contracting parties; its validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them. In order that obligations arising from contracts may have the force of law between the parties, there must be mutuality between the parties based on their essential equality. A contract containing a condition which makes its fulfillment dependent exclusively upon the uncontrolled will of one of the contracting parties, is void . . . . Hence, even assuming that the P1.8 million loan agreement between the PNB and the private respondent gave the PNB a license (although in fact there was none) to increase the interest rate at will during the term of the loan, that license would have been null and void for being violative of the principle of mutuality essential in contracts. It would have invested the loan agreement with the character of a contract of adhesion, where the parties do not bargain on equal footing, the weaker party's (the debtor) participation being reduced to the alternative "to take it or leave it" . . . . Such a contract is a veritable trap for the weaker party whom the courts of justice must protect against abuse and imposition.

The inescapable conclusion is that a de-escalation clause is an indispensable requisite to the validity and enforceability of an escalation clause in the contract. In other words, in the absence of a corresponding de-escalation clause, the escalation clause shall be considered null and void. We are fully persuaded, however, to take particular exception from said ruling insofar as the case at bar is concerned, considering the peculiar circumstances obtaining herein. There is no dispute that the escalation clause in the promissory note involved in this case does not contain a correlative de-escalation clause or a provision providing for the reduction of the stipulated interest in the event that the applicable maximum rate of interest is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board. Notwithstanding the absence of such stipulation, however, it is similarly not controverted but, as a matter of fact, specifically admitted by petitioner that respondent APEX unilaterally and actually decreased the interest charges it imposed on herein petitioner on three occasions. Consequently, we hold that with this actuality, the escalation clause involved in this case remains valid and enforceable. The evil sought to be thwarted with the enactment and by the application of Presidential Decree No. 1684 is inexistent in the present case by reason of the actual grant of a concomitant decrease in the interest rates on petitioner's loan. We do not find here a situation where it can be said that the parties do not stand on equal footing, which is the evil proscribed by said decree. Ergo, cessante ratione legis cessat ipsa lex. The insistence of petitioner that the ruling enunciated in the Banco Filipino case should be made to apply in this case has no leg to stand on. As correctly found by respondent court, the escalation clause subject of the aforementioned case is different from that stipulated between herein petitioner and private respondent. Thus:
The escalation clause found in the promissory note executed by petitioner Llorin in favor of private respondent Apex on April 11, 1978 reads: I/We hereby authorized (sic) APEX MORTGAGE AND LOAN CORPORATION to correspondingly increase the rate of interest and/or service charges stipulated in this contract without notice to me/us in the event of a law or any applicable Presidential Decree and/or Central Bank regulation (which) should be enacted increasing the lawful rate of interest and/or service charges that may be charged on this particular kind of loan. while the escalation clause subject of the Banco Filipino vs. Navarro case (152 SCRA 346) reads: I/We hereby authorize Banco Filipino to correspondingly increase the interest rate stipulated in this contract without advance notice to me/us in the event a law should be enacted increasing the lawful rates of interest that may be charged on this particular kind of loan.

There is a significant difference between the two escalation clauses; specifically that the escalation clause found in the Banco Filipino case refers only to a "law" increasing the lawful rates of interest that may be charged, whereas the escalation clause found in this case refers not only to a law but also "to any Presidential Decree or, Central Bank Regulation" which increases such rate of interest and/or service charges. Thus, the Supreme Court stated in the Banco Filipino case that while Central Bank Circular 494 had the force and effect of a law, it was not the law contemplated in the said escalation clause contained in the promissory note executed by the respondent del Valle in favor of petitioner Banco Filipino; the Escalation Clause was dependent on an increase of rate made by "law" alone. Upon the other hand, the escalation clause in question by speaking of "a law or any applicable Presidential Decree and/or Central Bank Regulation" which would increase the lawful rate of interest and fees chargeable on loans of this nature necessarily included Central Bank Circular(s) Nos. 721 (February 25, 1980) and 905 (s. 1982) the legality of which, as correctly pointed out by the court a quo is not assailed by the defendant, and which are applicable to both secured and unsecured loans. There existed legal basis for the increases in the interest rate chargeable against petitioner's account made by the respondent Apex on February 25, 1980 (from 12% to 21% per annum), August 1, 1984 (from 21% to 25% per annum) and December 1, 1984 (from 25% to 36% per annum). Notably the Usury Law ceased to be in existence as of December 22, 1982 (see Central 9 Bank Circular No. 905; Liam Law vs. Olympic Sawmill Co., 129 SCRA 439).

Another justification for the inapplicability of the Banco Filipino case, as correctly advanced by private respondent in its memorandum, 10 is that in said case this Court ruled that Central Bank Circular No. 494 does not make a distinction as to the type of loan to which it is applicable, hence, Banco Filipino erroneously relied thereon in imposing the increased rates in interest. On the other hand and with regard to the present case, both Circulars Nos. 721 and 905 expressly provide that the interest rates prescribed therein shall be applicable to both "secured and unsecured loans" such that both circulars can very well be made to apply to petitioner's loan. On the foregoing premises and in light of the foregoing disquisitions, the matter of the controverted computation of petitioners total liability has been rendered moot and academic. WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED in toto and the petition at bar is DENIED for lack of merit. SO ORDERED. Narvasa, C.J., Feliciano, Nocon and Campos, Jr., JJ., concur. FIRST DIVISION

[G.R. No. 113412. April 17, 1996]

Spouses PONCIANO ALMEDA and EUFEMIA P. ALMEDA, petitioners, vs. THE COURT OF APPEALS and PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, respondents. SYLLABUS 1. CIVIL LAW; CONTRACTS; BINDING EFFECT OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTIES; PREMISED ON THE PRINCIPLE OF MUTUALITY AND OBLIGATORY. - The binding effect of any agreement between parties to a contract is premised on two settled principles: (1) that any obligation arising from contract has the force of law between the parties; and (2) that there must be mutuality between the parties based on their essential equality. Any contract which appears to be heavily weighed in favor of one of the parties so as to lead to an unconscionable result is void. Any stipulation regarding the validity or compliance of the contract which is left solely to the will of one of the parties, is likewise, invalid. 2. ID.; SPECIAL CONTRACTS; LOAN; INTEREST ARE REQUIRED TO BE EXPRESSLY STIPULATED IN WRITING. - The manner of agreement is itself explicitly stipulated by the Civil Code when it provides, in Article 1956 that No interest shall be due unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing. What has been stipulated in writing from a perusal of interest rate provision of the credit agreement signed between the parties is that petitioners were bound merely to pay 21% interest, subject to a possible escalation or de-escalation, when 1) the circumstances warrant such escalation or de-escalation; 2) within the limits allowed by law; and (3) upon agreement. 3. ID.; ID.; ID.; LIFTING OF USURY CEILING; DOES NOT GRANT BANKS CARTE BLANCHE AUTHORITY TO RAISE INTEREST; RULE UNDER CB CIRCULAR 905. - While the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates was lifted by C.B. Circular 905, nothing in the said circular could possibly be read as granting respondent bank carte blanche authority to raise interest rates to levels which would either enslave its borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging of their assets. Borrowing represents a transfusion of capital from lending institutions to industries and businesses in order to stimulate growth. This would not, obviously, be the effect of PNBs unilateral and lopsided policy regarding the interest rates of petitioners borrowings in the instant case. 4. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; CANNOT BE INVOKED TO JUSTIFY ESCALATION CLAUSES, NOT BEING A GRANT OF SPECIFIC AUTHORITY. - Apart from violating the principle of mutuality of contracts, there is authority for

disallowing the interest rates imposed by respondent bank, for the credit agreement specifically requires that the increase be within the limits allowed by law. In the case of PNB vs. Court of Appeals, cited above, this Court clearly emphasized that C.B. Circular No. 905 could not be properly invoked to justify the escalation clauses of such contracts, not being a grant of specific authority. 5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ESCALATION CLAUSES; VALID AS LONG AS NOT SOLELY POTESTATIVE BUT BASED ON REASONABLE AND VALID GROUNDS. - Escalation clauses are not basically wrong or legally objectionable so long as they are not solely potestative but based on reasonable and valid grounds. Here, as clearly demonstrated above, not only the increases of the interest rates on the basis of the escalation clause patently unreasonable and unconscionable, but also there are no valid and reasonable standards upon which the increases are anchored. 6. ID.; ID.; MORTGAGE; AUTOMATIC FORECLOSURE PROVISIONS OF PD 385; CAN BE INVOKED AFTER SETTLEMENT OF QUESTION INVOLVING INTEREST AND ONLY AFTER DEBTOR REFUSE TO MEET OBLIGATION FOLLOWING SUCH DETERMINATION. - In the first place, because of the dispute regarding the interest rate increases, an issue which was never settled on merit in the courts below, the exact amount of petitioners obligations could not be determined. Thus, the foreclosure provisions of P.D. 385 could be validly invoked by respondent only after settlement of the question involving the interest rate on the loan, and only after the spouses refused to meet their obligations following such determination. 7. STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION; THE PHRASE WITHIN THE LIMITS ALLOWED BY LAW REFERS TO LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENTS NOT ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULARS. - The escalation clause of the credit agreement requires that the same be made within the limits allowed by law, obviously referring specifically to legislative enactments not administrative circulars. Note that the phrase limits imposed by law, refers only to the escalation clause. However, the same agreement allows reduction on the basis of law or the Monetary Board. Had the parties intended the word law to refer to both legislative enactments and administrative circulars and issuances, the agreement would not have gone as far as making a distinction between law or the Monetary Board Circulars in referring to mutually agreed upon reductions in interest rates. APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL

Cuevas De la Cuesta & De las Alas for petitioners. Cruz Cruz & Navarro III collaborating counsel for petitioners. PNB Legal Department for private respondent. DECISION KAPUNAN, J.: On various dates in 1981, the Philippine National Bank granted to herein petitioners, the spouses Ponciano L. Almeda and Eufemia P. Almeda several loan/credit accommodations totaling P18.0 Million pesos payable in a period of six years at an interest rate of 21 % per annum. To secure the loan, the spouses Almeda executed a Real Estate Mortgage Contract covering a 3,500 square meter parcel of land, together with the building erected thereon (the Marvin Plaza) located at Pasong Tamo, Makati, Metro Manila. A credit agreement embodying the terms and conditions of the loan was executed between the parties. Pertinent portions of the said agreement are quoted below: SPECIAL CONDITIONS xxx xxx xxx

The loan shall be subject to interest at the rate of twenty one per cent (21 %) per annum, payable semi-annually in arrears, the first interest payment to become due and payable six (6) months from date of initial release of the loan. The loan shall likewise be subject to the appropriate service charge and a penalty charge of three per cent (3%) per annum to be imposed on any amount remaining unpaid or not rendered when due. xxx III. OTHER CONDITIONS (c) Interest and Charges xxx xxx

(1) The Bank reserves the right to increase the interest rate within the limits allowed by law at any time depending on whatever policy it may adopt in the future; provided, that the interest rate on this/these accommodations shall be correspondingly decreased in the event that the applicable maximum interest rate is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board. In either case, the

adjustment in the interest rate agreed upon shall take effect on the effectivity date of the increase or decrease of the maximum interest rate.1 Between 1981 and 1984, petitioners made several partial payments on the loan totaling P7,735,004.66,23 On March 31, 1984, respondent bank, over petitioners protestations, raised the interest rate to 28%, allegedly pursuant to Section III-c (1) of its credit agreement. Said interest rate thereupon increased from an initial 21% to a high of 68% between March of 1984 to September, 1986.4 a substantial portion of which was applied to accrued interest. Petitioners protested the increase in interest rates, to no avail. Before the loan was to mature in March, 1988, the spouses filed on February 6, 1988 a petition for declaratory relief with prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order with the Regional Trial Court of Makati, docketed as Civil Case No. 18872. In said petition, which was raffled to Branch 134 presided by Judge Ignacio Capulong, the spouses sought clarification as to whether or not the PNB could unilaterally raise interest rates on the loan, pursuant to the credit agreements escalation clause, and in relation to Central Bank Circular No. 905. As a preliminary measure, the lower court, on March 3, 1988, issued a writ of preliminary injunction enjoining the Philippine National Bank from enforcing an interest rate above the 21% stipulated in the credit agreement. By this time the spouses were already in default of their loan obligations. Invoking the Law on Mandatory Foreclosure (Act 3135, as amended and P.D. 385), the PNB countered by ordering the extrajudicial foreclosure of petitioners mortgaged properties and scheduled an auction sale for March 14, 1989. Upon motion by petitioners, however, the lower court, on April 5, 1989, granted a supplemental writ of preliminary injunction, staying the public auction of the mortgaged property. On January 15, 1990, upon the posting of a counterbond by the PNB, the trial court dissolved the supplemental writ of preliminary injunction. Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration. In the interim, respondent bank once more set a new date for the foreclosure sale of Marvin Plaza which was March 12, 1990. Prior to the scheduled date, however, petitioners tendered to respondent bank the amount of P40,142,518.00, consisting of the principal (P18,000,000.00) and accrued interest calculated at the originally stipulated rate of 21%. The PNB refused to accept the payment.5 As a result of PNBs refusal of the tender of payment, petitioners, on March 8, 1990, formally consigned the amount of P40,142,518.00 with the

Regional Trial Court in Civil Case No. 90-663. They prayed therein for a writ of preliminary injunction with a temporary restraining order. The case was raffled to Branch 147, presided by Judge Teofilo Guadiz. On March 15, 1990, respondent bank sought the dismissal of the case. On March 30, 1990 Judge Guadiz in Civil Case No. 90-663 issued an order granting the writ of preliminary injunction enjoining the foreclosure sale of Marvin Plaza scheduled on March 12, 1990. On April 17, 1990 respondent bank filed a motion for reconsideration of the said order. On August 16, 1991, Civil Case No. 90-663 was transferred to Branch 66 presided by Judge Eriberto Rosario who issued an order consolidating said case with Civil Case 18871 presided by Judge Ignacio Capulong. For Judge Ignacio Capulongs refusal to lift the writ of preliminary injunction issued March 30, 1990, respondent bank filed a petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus with respondent Court of Appeals, assailing the following orders of the Regional Trial Court: 1. Order dated March 30, 1990 of Judge Guadiz granting the writ of preliminary injunction restraining the foreclosure sale of Marvin Plaza set on March 12, 1990; 2. Order of Judge Ignacio Capulong dated January 10, 1992 denying respondent banks motion to lift the writ of injunction issued by Judge Guadiz as well as its motion to dismiss Civil Case No. 90-663; 3. Order of Judge Capulong dated July 3, 1992 denying respondent banks subsequent motion to lift the writ of preliminary injunction; and 4. Order of Judge Capulong dated October 20, 1992 denying respondent banks motion for reconsideration. On August 27, 1993, respondent court rendered its decision setting aside the assailed orders and upholding respondent banks right to foreclose the mortgaged property pursuant to Act 3135, as amended and P.D. 385. Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration and Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration, dated September 15, 1993 and October 28, 1993, respectively, were denied by respondent court in its resolution dated January 10, 1994. Hence the instant petition.

This appeal by certiorari from the respondent courts decision dated August 27, 1993 raises two principal issues namely: 1) Whether or not respondent bank was authorized to raise its interest rates from 21% to as high as 68% under the credit agreement; and 2) Whether or not respondent bank is granted the authority to foreclose the Marvin Plaza under the mandatory foreclosure provisions of P.D. 385. In its comment dated April 19, 1994, respondent bank vigorously denied that the increases in the interest rates were illegal, unilateral, excessive and arbitrary, it argues that the escalated rates of interest it imposed was based on the agreement of the parties. Respondent bank further contends that it had a right to foreclose the mortgaged property pursuant to P.D. 385, after petitioners were unable to pay their loan obligations to the bank based on the increased rates upon maturity in 1984. The instant petition is impressed with merit. The binding effect of any agreement between parties to a contract is premised on two settled principles:(1) that any obligation arising from contract has the force of law between the parties; and (2) that there must be mutuality between the parties based on their essential equality.6 Any contract which appears to be heavily weighed in favor of one of the parties so as to lead to an unconscionable result is void. Any stipulation regarding the validity or compliance of the contract which is left solely to the will of one of the parties, is likewise, invalid. It is plainly obvious, therefore, from the undisputed facts of the case that respondent bank unilaterally altered the terms of its contract with petitioners by increasing the interest rates on the loan without the prior assent of the latter. In fact, the manner of agreement is itself explicitly stipulated by the Civil Code when it provides, in Article 1956 that No interest shall be due unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing. What has been stipulated in writing from a perusal of interest rate provision of the credit agreement signed between the parties is that petitioners were bound merely to pay 21% interest, subject to a possible escalation or de-escalation, when 1) the circumstances warrant such escalation or de-escalation; 2) within the limits allowed by law; and 3) upon agreement. Indeed, the interest rate which appears to have been agreed upon by the parties to the contract in this case was the 21% rate stipulated in the interest provision. Any doubt about this is in fact readily resolved by a careful reading of the credit agreement because the same plainly uses the

phrase interest rate agreed upon, in reference to the original 21% interest rate. The interest provision states: (c) Interest and Charges (1) The Bank reserves the right to increase the interest rate within the limits allowed by law at any time depending on whatever policy it may adopt in the future; provided, that the interest rate on this/these accommodations shall be correspondingly decreased in the event that the applicable maximum interest rate is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board. In either case, the adjustment in the interest rate agreed upon shall take effect on the effectivity date of the increase or decrease of the maximum interest rate. In Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals,7 this Court disauthorized respondent bank from unilaterally raising the interest rate in the borrowers loan from 18% to 32%, 41% and 48% partly because the aforestated increases violated the principle of mutuality of contracts expressed in Article 1308 of the Civil Code. The Court held: CB Circular No. 905, Series of 1982 (Exh. 11) removed the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates x x x increases in interest rates are not subject to any ceiling prescribed by the Usury Law. but it did not authorize the PNB, or any bank for that matter, to unilaterally and successively increase the agreed interest rates from 18% to 48% within a span of four (4) months, in violation of P.D. 116 which limits such changes to once every twelve months. Besides violating P.D. 116, the unilateral action of the PNB in increasing the interest rate on the private respondents loan, violated the mutuality of contracts ordained in Article 1308 of the Civil Code: ART. 1308. The contract must bind both contracting parties; its validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them. In order that obligations arising from contracts may have the force of law between the parties, there must be mutuality between the parties based on their essential equality. A contract containing a condition which makes its fulfillment dependent exclusively upon the uncontrolled will of one of the contracting parties, is void (Garcia vs. Rita Legarda, Inc., 21 SCRA 555). Hence, even assuming that the P1.8 million loan agreement between the

PNB and the private respondent gave the PNB a license (although in fact there was none) to increase the interest rate at will during the term of the loan, that license would have been null and void for being violative of the principle of mutuality essential in contracts. It would have invested the loan agreement with the character of a contract of adhesion, where the parties do not bargain on equal footing, the weaker partys (the debtor) participation being reduced to the alternative to take it or lease it (Qua vs. Law Union & Rock Insurance Co., 95 Phil. 85). Such a contract is a veritable trap for the weaker party whom the courts of justice must protect against abuse and imposition. PNBs successive increases of the interest rate on the private respondents loan, over the latters protest, were arbitrary as they violated an express provision of the Credit Agreement (Exh. 1) Section 9.01 that its terms may be amended only by an instrument in writing signed by the party to be bound as burdened by such amendment. The increases imposed by PNB also contravene Art. 1956 of the Civil Code which provides that no interest shall be due unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing. The debtor herein never agreed in writing to pay the interest increases fixed by the PNB beyond 24% per annum, hence, he is not bound to pay a higher rate than that. That an increase in the interest rate from 18% to 48% within a period of four (4) months is excessive, as found by the Court of Appeals, is indisputable. Clearly, the galloping increases in interest rate imposed by respondent bank on petitioners loan, over the latters vehement protests, were arbitrary. Moreover, respondent banks reliance on C.B. Circular No. 905, Series of 1982 did not authorize the bank, or any lending institution for that matter, to progressively increase interest rates on borrowings to an extent which would have made it virtually impossible for debtors to comply with their own obligations. True, escalation clauses in credit agreements are perfectly valid and do not contravene public policy. Such clauses, however, (as are stipulations in other contracts) are nonetheless still subject to laws and provisions governing agreements between parties, which agreements - while they may be the law between the contracting parties - implicitly incorporate provisions of existing law. Consequently, while the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates was lifted by C.B. Circular 905, nothing in the said circular could possibly be read as granting respondent bank carte blanche authority to raise interest rates to levels which would either enslave its borrowers or

lead to a hemorrhaging of their assets. Borrowing represents a transfusion of capital from lending institutions to industries and businesses in order to stimulate growth. This would not, obviously, be the effect of PNBs unilateral and lopsided policy regarding the interest rates of petitioners borrowings in the instant case. Apart from violating the principle of mutuality of contracts, there is authority for disallowing the interest rates imposed by respondent bank, for the credit agreement specifically requires that the increase be within the limits allowed by law. In the case of PNB v. Court of Appeals, cited above, this Court clearly emphasized that C.B. Circular No. 905 could not be properly invoked to justify the escalation clauses of such contracts, not being a grant of specific authority. Furthermore, the escalation clause of the credit agreement requires that the same be made within the limits allowed by law, obviously referring specifically to legislative enactments not administrative circulars. Note that the phrase limits imposed by law, refers only to the escalation clause. However, the same agreement allows reduction on the basis of law or the Monetary Board. Had the parties intended the word law to refer to both legislative enactments and administrative circulars and issuances, the agreement would not have gone as far as making a distinction between law or the Monetary Board Circulars in referring to mutually agreed upon reductions in interest rates. This distinction was the subject of the Courts disquisition in the case of Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank v. Navarro8 where the Court held that: What should be resolved is whether BANCO FILIPINO can increase the interest rate on the LOAN from 12% to 17% per annum under the Escalation Clause. It is our considered opinion that it may not. The Escalation Clause reads as follows: I/We hereby authorize Banco Filipino to correspondingly increase the interest rate stipulated in this contract without advance notice to me/us in the event. a law increasing the lawful rates of interest

that may be charged on this particular kind of loan. (Paragraphing and italics supplied) It is clear from the stipulation between the parties that the interest rate may be increased in the event a law should be enacted increasing the lawful rate of interest that may be charged on this particular kind of loan. The Escalation Clause was dependent on an increase of rate made by law alone. CIRCULAR No. 494, although it has the effect of law, is not a law. Although a circular duly issued is not strictly a statute or a law, it has, however, the force and effect of law. (Italics supplied). An administrative regulation adopted pursuant to law has the force and effect of law. That administrative rules and regulations have the force of law can no longer be questioned. The distinction between a law and an administrative regulation is recognized in the Monetary Board guidelines quoted in the latter to the BORROWER of Ms. Paderes of September 24, 1976 (supra). According to the guidelines, for a loans interest to be subject to the increases provided in CIRCULAR No. 494, there must be an Escalation Clause allowing the increase in the event that any law or Central Bank regulation is promulgated increasing the maximum rate for loans. The guidelines thus presuppose that a Central Bank regulation is not within the term any law. The distinction is again recognized by P.D. No. 1684, promulgated on March 17, 1980, adding Section 7-a to the Usury Law, providing that parties to an agreement pertaining to a loan could stipulate that the rate of interest agreed upon may be increased in the event that the applicable maximum rate of interest is increased by law or by the Monetary Board. To quote: Sec. 7-a. Parties to an agreement pertaining to a loan or forbearance of money, goods or credits may stipulate that the rate of interest agreed upon may be increased in the event that the applicable maximum rate of interest is increased by law or by the Monetary Board: Provided, That such stipulation shall be valid only if there is also a stipulation in the agreement that the rate of interest agreed upon shall be reduced in the event that the applicable maximum rate of interest is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board;

Provided, further, That the adjustment in the rate of interest agreed upon shall take effect on or after the effectivity of the increase or decrease in the maximum rate of interest. (Paragraphing and italics supplied). It is now clear that from March 17, 1980, escalation clauses to be valid should specifically provide: (1) that there can be an increase in interest if increased by law or by the Monetary Board; and (2) in order for such stipulation to be valid, it must include a provision for reduction of the stipulated interest in the event that the applicable maximum rate of interest is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board. Petitioners never agreed in writing to pay the increased interest rates demanded by respondent bank in contravention to the tenor of their credit agreement. That an increase in interest rates from 18% to as much as 68% is excessive and unconscionable is indisputable. Between 1981 and 1984, petitioners had paid an amount equivalent to virtually half of the entire principal (P7,735,004.66) which was applied to interest alone. By the time the spouses tendered the amount of P40,142,518.00 in settlement of their obligations, respondent bank was demanding P58,377,487.00 over and above those amounts already previously paid by the spouses. Escalation clauses are not basically wrong or legally objectionable so long as they are not solely potestative but based on reasonable and valid grounds.9 Here, as clearly demonstrated above, not only the increases of the interest rates on the basis of the escalation clause patently unreasonable and unconscionable, but also there are no valid and reasonable standards upon which the increases are anchored. We go now to respondent banks claim that the principal issue in the case at bench involves its right to foreclose petitioners properties under P.D. 385. We find respondents pretense untenable. Presidential Decree No. 385 was issued principally to guarantee that government financial institutions would not be denied substantial cash inflows necessary to finance the governments development projects all over the country by large borrowers who resort to litigation to prevent or delay the governments collection of their debts or loans.10 In facilitating collection of debts through its automatic foreclosure provisions, the government is however, not exempted from observing basic principles of law, and ordinary fairness and decency under the due process clause of the Constitution.11

In the first place, because of the dispute regarding the interest rate increases, an issue which was never settled on merit in the courts below, the exact amount of petitioners obligations could not be determined. Thus, the foreclosure provisions of P.D. 385 could be validly invoked by respondent bank only after settlement of the question involving the interest rate on the loan, and only after the spouses refused to meet their obligations following such determination. In Filipinas Marble Corporation v. Intermediate Appellate Court,12 involving P.D. 385s provisions on mandatory foreclosure, we held that: We cannot, at this point, conclude that respondent DBP together with the Bancom people actually misappropriated and misspent the $5 million loan in whole or in part although the trial court found that there is persuasive evidence that such acts were committed by the respondent. This matter should rightfully be litigated below in the main action. Pending the outcome of such litigation, P.D. 385 cannot automatically be applied for if it is really proven that respondent DBP is responsible for the misappropriation of the loan, even if only in part, then the foreclosure of the petitioners properties under the provisions of P.D. 385 to satisfy the whole amount of the loan would be a gross mistake. It would unduly prejudice the petitioner, its employees and their families. Only after trial on the merits of the main case can the true amount of the loan which was applied wisely or not, for the benefit of the petitioner be determined. Consequently, the extent of the loan where there was no failure of consideration and which may be properly satisfied by foreclosure proceedings under P.D. 385 will have to await the presentation of evidence in a trial on the merits. In Republic Planters Bank v. Court of Appeals13 the Court reiterating the dictum in Filipinas Marble Corporation, held: The enforcement of P.D. 385 will sweep under the rug this iceberg of a scandal in the sugar industry during the Marcos Martial Law years. This we can not allow to happen. For the benefit of future generations, all the dirty linen in the PHILSUCOM/NASUTRA/RPB closets have to be exposed in public so that the same may NEVER be repeated. It is of paramount national interest, that we allow the trial court to proceed with dispatch to allow the parties below to present their evidence. Furthermore, petitioners made a valid consignation of what they, in good faith and in compliance with the letter of the Credit Agreement, honestly

believed to be the real amount of their remaining obligations with the respondent bank. The latter could not therefore claim that there was no honest-to-goodness attempt on the part of the spouses to settle their obligations. Respondent banks rush to inequitably invoke the foreclosure provisions of P.D. 385 through its legal machinations in the courts below, in spite of the unsettled differences in interpretation of the credit agreement was obviously made in bad faith, to gain the upper hand over petitioners. In the face of the unequivocal interest rate provisions in the credit agreement and in the law requiring the parties to agree to changes in the interest rate in writing, we hold that the unilateral and progressive increases imposed by respondent PNB were null and void. Their effect was to increase the total obligation on an eighteen million peso loan to an amount way over three times that which was originally granted to the borrowers. That these increases, occasioned by crafty manipulations in the interest rates is unconscionable and neutralizes the salutary policies of extending loans to spur business cannot be disputed. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision of the Court of Appeals dated August 27, 1993, as well as the resolution dated February 10, 1994 is hereby REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. The case is remanded to the Regional Trial Court of Makati for further proceedings. SO ORDERED. Bellosillo and Hermosisima, Jr., JJ., concur. Padilla, J., No part, having handled (while in law practice) several cases adverse to petitioners. Vitug, J., No part. One of the parties used to be a client. SECOND DIVISION [G.R. No. 109563. July 9, 1996] PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, MARIA AMOR BASCOS and MARCIANO BASCOS, respondents. DECISION MENDOZA, J.:

This is a petition seeking review of the decision dated August 10, 1992,xlv[1] of the Eight Division of the Court of Appeals and its resolution dated March 25, 1993,xlv[2] both rendered in CA-G.R. CV No. 27653, which affirmed the decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San Jose City (Branch 38). The facts are as follows: On June 4, 1979, private respondent spouses Maria Amor and Marciano Bascos obtained a loan from the Philippine National Bank in the amount of P15,000.00 evidenced by a promissory note and secured by a real estate mortgage. The promissory note contained the following stipulation:xlv[3] For value received, I/we, [private respondents] jointly and severally promise to pay to the ORDER of the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, at its office in San Jose City, Philippines, the sum of FIFTEEN THOUSAND ONLY (P15,000.00), Philippine Currency, together with interest thereon at the rate of 12 % per annum until paid, which interest rate the Bank may at any time without notice, raise within the limits allowed by law, and I/we also agree to pay jointly and severally ____% per annum penalty charge, by way of liquidated damages should this note be unpaid or is not renewed on due dated. Payment of this note shall be as follows: *THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE DAYS* AFTER DATE On the reverse side of the note the following condition was stamped:xlv[4] All short-term loans to be granted starting January 1, 1978 shall be made subject to the condition that any and/or all extensions hereof that will leave any portion of the amount still unpaid after 730 days shall automatically convert the outstanding balance into a medium or long-term obligation as the case may be and give the Bank the right to charge the interest rates prescribed under its policies from the date the account was originally granted. To secure payment of the loan the parties executed a real estate mortgage contract which provided:xlv[5] (k) INCREASE OF INTEREST RATE: The rate of interest charged on the obligation secured by this mortgage as well as the interest on the amount which may have been advanced by the MORTGAGEE, in accordance with the provision hereof, shall be subject during the life of this contract to such an increase within the rate allowed by law, as the Board of Directors of the MORTGAGEE may prescribe for its debtors.

On December 12, 1980, PNB extended the period of payment of the loan to June 5, 1981, thus converting the loan from a short-term to a medium-term loan, i.e., a loan which matured over two to five years.xlv[6] PNB also increased the rate of interest per annum, first to 14%, effective December 1, 1979;xlv[7] then to 22% effective February 21, 1983;xlv[8] to 22.5% effective June 20, 1983;xlv[9] to 23% from November 2, 1983;xlv[10] to 25% effective March 2, 1984;xlv[11] and finally to 28% from April 10, 1984.xlv[12] Because private respondents defaulted in paying their obligation, the Provincial Sheriff of Nueva Ecija scheduled the extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage on June 15, 1984 to pay private respondents' indebtedness which, according to PNB, had increased from P15,000.00 to P35,125.84, plus 28% annual interest.xlv[13] Private respondents brought suit against PNB, its Branch Manager Jetro Godoy, and the Provincial Sheriff of Nueva Ecija Numeriano Y. Galang (1) for a declaration of nullity of C.B. Monetary Board Resolution No. 2126 dated November 29, 1979 (embodied in C.B. Circular No. 705 dated December 1, 1979), which increased the ceiling on the interest rate of secured and unsecured loans to 16% per annum and 14% per annum, respectively, on the ground that it was contrary to the Usury Law, good morals, public policy, customs and traditions, social justice, due process and the equal protection clause of the Constitution; and (2) for a declaration that the interest rate increases on their loan were contrary to Art. 1959 of the Civil Code which provides that interest due and unpaid shall not earn interest. Pending final determination of the case, private respondents asked that the auction sale be enjoined. PNB filed an answer with compulsory counterclaim. It alleged that private respondents had no cause of action because 1-a of the Usury Law, as amended by P.D. No. 1684, did not limit the number of times the interest could be increased and that private respondents were estopped from questioning the increases because they failed to object to the same. PNB asked that the complaint be dismissed and that private respondents be ordered to pay P35,125.84, plus interest from April 10, 1984, until the obligation was fully paid, attorney's fees and moral damages in such amount as may be determined by the court. On June 13, 1984 private respondents deposited with the clerk of court P8,000.00xlv[14] and on January 15, 1985 P2,000.00,xlv[15] in partial payment of their loan. On June 15, 1990, the RTC rendered a decision, the dispositive portion of which reads: WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows: 1. There having [sic] no evidence against the defendants Jetro Godoy, and the Provincial Sheriff of Nueva Ecija, Numeriano Galang, the case against them is dismissed; 2. The increase in interest rates based on the escalation clauses in the Promissory Note and the Real Estate Mortgage, par. K, being contrary to Sec. 3, P.D. No. 116 are declared null and void, that henceforth, the defendant PNB is hereby directed to desist from enforcing the increased rate of interest more than TWELVE (12%) per cent on plaintiffs' loan;


The compulsory counterclaim of the defendants is also dismissed;

4. On the other hand, the plaintiffs can settle their unpaid obligation with the defendant PNB at the interest rate of TWELVE (12%) per cent per annum computed from the inception of the loan until the same is fully paid; advances made by the PNB for insurance premiums and penalties added; and the 10,000.00 paid to and defendant bank to be credited as payment by the plaintiffs; 5. 6. Plaintiffs' claim for damages is, likewise, dismissed; and The parties shall each bear out [sic] the expenses incurred by them.

SO ORDERED. The RTC invalidated the stipulations in the promissory note and the real estate mortgage, which authorized PNB to increase the interest rate, on the ground that there was no corresponding stipulation that the interest rate would be reduced in the event the law reduced the applicable maximum rate as provided under P.D. No. 1684; that P.D. No. 116, which sets a ceiling of 12% interest on secured loans, is a "law," which should prevail over Circular No. 705, used by PNB to increase the interest; that collection of the increased interest sanctions unjust enrichment contrary to Art. 22 of the Civil Code; and that the promissory note and real estate mortgage were contracts of adhesion which should be interpreted in favor of private respondents. PNB appealed. However, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's decision. The appellate court held that the escalation clause in the promissory note could not be given effect because of the absence of a provision for a de-escalation in the event a reduction of interest was ordered by law. In addition it held that pursuant to the escalation clause any increase in interest must be within "the limits allowed by law" but C.B. circulars, on the basis of which PNB increased the interest, could not be considered "laws." PNB moved for a reconsideration. As its motion was denied, it filed this petition. PNB's argument is that the Court of Appeals erred in applying 2 of P.D. No. 1684, which makes the validity of an escalation clause turn on the presence of a de-escalation clause, to the promissory note and the real estate mortgage in this case. PNB contends that the two had been executed on June 4, 1979, before the effectivity of P.D. No. 1684 on March 17, 1980. To begin with, PNB's argument rests on a misapprehension of the import of the appellate court's ruling. The Court of Appeals nullified the interest rate increases not because the promissory note did not comply with P.D. No. 1684 by providing for a de-escalation, but because the absence of such provision made the clause so one-sided as to make it unreasonable. That ruling is correct. It is in line with our decision in Banco Filipino Savings & Mortgage Bank v. Navarroxlv[16] that although P.D. 1684 is not to be retroactively applied to loans granted before its effectivity, there must nevertheless be a de-escalation clause to mitigate the onesideness of the escalation clause. Indeed because of concern for the unequal status of borrowers

vis-a-vis the banks, our cases after Banco Filipino have fashioned the rule that any increase in the rate of interest made pursuant to an escalation clause must be the result of agreement between the parties. Thus in Philippine national Bank v. Court of Appeals,xlv[17] two promissory notes authorized PNB to increase the stipulated interest per annum within the limits allowed by law at any time depending on whatever policy [PNB] may adopt in the future; Provided, that the interest rate on this note shall be correspondingly decreased in the event that the applicable maximum interest rate is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board." The real estate mortgage likewise provided: The rate of interest charged on the obligation secured by this mortgage as well as the interest on the amount which may have been advanced by the MORTGAGEE, in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall be subject during the life of this contract to such an increase within the rate allowed by law, as the Board of Directors of the MORTGAGEE may prescribe for its debtors. Pursuant to these clauses, PNB successively increased the interest from 18% to 32%, then to 41% and then to 48%. This Court declared the increases unilaterally imposed by PNB to be in violation of the principle of mutuality as embodied in Art. 1308 of the Civil Code, which provides that "[t]he contract must bind both contracting parties; its validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them." As the Court explained:xlv[18] In order that obligations arising from contracts may have the force of law between the parties, there must be mutuality between the parties based on their essential equality. A contract containing a condition which makes its fulfillment dependent exclusively upon the uncontrolled will of one of the contracting parties, is void (Garcia vs. Rita Legarda, Inc., 21 SCRA 555). Hence, even assuming that the P1.8 million loan agreement between the PNB and the private respondent gave the PNB a license (although in fact there was none) to increase the interest rate at will during the term of the loan, that license would have been null and void for being violative of the principle of mutuality essential in contracts. It would have invested the loan agreement with the character of a contract of adhesion, where the parties do not bargain on equal footing, the weaker party's (the debtor) participation being reduced to the alternative "to take it or leave it" (Qua vs. Law Union & Rock Insurance Co., 95 Phil. 85). Such a contract is a veritable trap for the weaker party whom the courts of justice must protect against abuse and imposition. A similar ruling was made in Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals.xlv[19] The credit agreement in that case provided: The BANK reserves the right to increase the interest rate within the limits allowed by law at any time depending on whatever policy it may adopt in the future: Provided, that the interest rate on this accommodation shall be correspondingly decreased in the event that the applicable maximum interest is reduced by law or by the Monetary Board . . . .

As in the first case, PNB successively increased the stipulated interest so that what was originally 12% per annum became, after only two years, 42%. In declaring the increases invalid, we held:xlv[20] We cannot countenance petitioner bank's posturing that the escalation clause at bench gives it unbridled right to unilaterally upwardly adjust the interest on private respondents' loan. That would completely take away from private respondents the right to assent to an important modification in their agreement, and would negate the element of mutuality in contracts. Only recently we invalidated another round of interest increases decreed by PNB pursuant to a similar agreement it had with other borrowers:xlv[21] [W]hile the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates was lifted by C.B. Circular 905, nothing in the said circular could possibly be read as granting respondent bank carte blanche authority to raise interest rates to levels which would either enslave its borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging of their assets. In this case no attempt was made by PNB to secure the conformity of private respondents to the successive increases in the interest rate. Private respondents' assent to the increases can not be implied from their lack of response to the letters sent by PNB, informing them of the increases. For as stated in one case,xlv[22] no one receiving a proposal to change a contract is obliged to answer the proposal. WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED. SO ORDERED. Regalado (Chairman), Romero, Puno, and Torres, Jr., JJ., concur.

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